ANOTHER WORLD 221 Party at the Corys Christy leaves Cass no choice; Jack vs Grant; A slippery slope begins for Vicky
Party at the Cory’s Part 6
Christy leaves Cass no choice; Jack vs Grant; A slippery slope begins for Vicky
Vicky walks in wearing an off white glitter dress with a matching purse, heels. ..and an envelope. Guests are mingling as Amanda, who is wearing a sky blue dress, and Allen greet her in the foyer.
Allen: What’s up cuz?
Vicky: Hey. Hi Amanda.
Amanda: Hi you look great.
Vicky: Thank you. Likewise.
Allen: Did you hear the news?
Vicky: No what?
Allen: Uncle Peter called me earlier. He said that my mother is cancer free.
Vicky: Wow that’s wonderful! That is such great news.
Amanda: That is. I’m gonna go outside and call Alli.
Allen: Okay.
They kiss on the lips and Amanda goes upstairs.
Vicky: That is the greatest news Allen. I’m so happy for you. Aunt Nicole beat cancer.
Allen: I’m so happy. I get to spend more time with my mom. So...what’s in the envelope? Gift for Carl and Rachel.
Vicky: No it’s…it’s for Jake.
Allen looks past Vicky and sees Jake.
Jake: Is that right?
Vicky turns around and looks at Jake.
Allen: I’ll leave you two alone.
Vicky: Let’s go outside and talk.
Jake: Is that what I think it is?
Vicky gives him the envelope and Jake opens it and reads the contents. Jake takes a deep breath.
Jake: Yep.
Vicky: I’ve already signed it. All you have to do is sign and turn it to the courts.
Jake: This is final.
Vicky: This is what you wanted right? A divorce? Well you got it.
Michele walks up to them.
Michele: A what? You guys are getting a divorce? It’s because of Bridget isn’t it?
Frankie is on her cell phone out near the gazebo.
Frankie: Cass where are you? I’m waiting for you to arrive and I’m getting worried.
Frankie hangs up and Felicia walks up to her.
Felicia: Frankie? Is everything okay?
Frankie: I don’t know. Cass said he was on his way.
Felicia: You know how Cass is. I’m sure he’ll be here any minute.
Frankie: That was about a half hour ago. I can’t shake this feeling that something is off. I wish he’d get here.
Christy reaches into her pocket and takes a small cup out.
Christy: When I got taken away to that facility, I wondered how it would ever happen, but here we are.
Cass: Get to the point Christy!
Christy: It’s time Cass. It’s time for have a baby.
Cass: A baby? You stayed in Bay City to get pregnant? That doesn’t make any sense!
Christy: I went to Oakdale to see Dr. Weston.
Cass: Dr. Weston? He’s the guy from that Swiss Clinic…
Christy: Yes he tried to speed up the aging process for Carly Snyder, Rose D’Angelo, and Emily Stewart.
Cass: I don’t think you wanted to see him because you wanted to get old.
Christy: No Cass, I want to get pregnant. He gave me fertility treatments, and I circled this date ever since. He told me it would happen around this time. I would experience cramping.
Cass: Christy for God’s sake will you tell me what’s going on?
Christy: Are you really this stupid? I’m ovulating!
Christy shows Cass the cup.
Christy: And all I need to get sperm....your sperm.
Cass: What’re out of your mind if you think that I’m gonna give you my sperm so you can get pregnant!
Christy extends the cup to Cass.
Christy: Sorry but you really don’t have much of a choice. Maggie’s freedom depends on it.
Cass: So that’s your huge plan. Your whole reason for staying in Bay City?
Christy: You got it. Now go give me a sample. I don’t have any books. Think of Mary Frances. Or better yet, think of me.
Cass: No way…
Christy: If you want to see Maggie again, you’ll do this….now!
Jake: Honey it’s nobody’s fault okay.
Vicky: Honey let’s go inside. Your dad and I are done here.
Michele: Mom can’t let this happen.
Vicky:’s better to let some things go.
Vicky and Michele enter the mansion. As they open the door, Paulina is there.
Paulina: Vicky, Michele.
Vicky: Excuse us Paulina.
Paulina turns to look at Jake holding the papers in his hands.
Paulina: Is that? Oh. Jake I’m so sorry.
Jake: Don’t be. It’s time.
Paulina: Did Vicky just give you those?
Jake: Yes, but I don’t wanna focus on this right now. Where’s Jack?
Paulina: Jack should be on his way. He had to stop at the station real quick.
Jack: I laugh because you’re one huge joke. Why should I look at anything you have to give me?
Grant: Because your future depends on it, especially if it went viral.
Jack: Is this your latest ploy to keep me away from Paulina?
Grant: You will thank me. Go ahead. Take a look.
Grant gives Jack the jump drive. Jack smiles.
Jack: If this gets you out of here.
He sticks it in the USB of his desktop and is shocked.
Jack: What? Where the hell did you get this?
Grant smiles deviously.
Grant: I don’t see you chuckling now. I knew you would enjoy the slideshow.
Jack: This isn’t real.
Grant: Oh it is real.
Jack: This was…
Grant: A part of your past? Those things have a way of coming back don’t they?
Jack: I wanted to help her.
Grant: Paulina? You didn’t help her at all.
Jack: You think this is gonna make Paulina love you?
Grant: I have to remove the obstacle keeping me from her, and that’s you.
Jack: So you’re gonna put this all over the internet?
Grant: Well the statute of limitations has long run on out on that...crime you and Paulina committed, but if I put it on the web, you would be out of a job. In fact you would never work in law enforcement again. You wouldn’t even be able to get a job as a security guard!
Jack: You claim to love Paulina? You want to hurt her like this?
Grant: Of course not, that’s why I’m not going to let it go viral. That decision really is up to you.
Jack: How is that?
Grant: Carly, your daughters in Oakdale. That’s where you should be.
Jack: So you had my family in mind when you got a hold of this? Spare me the concern.
Grant: Go and work things out with your wife.
Jack: Or you’ll post this on FacePage? You’re pathetic.
Grant: No. What’s pathetic is that you’re a baby seller. Did you see the last page?
Jack slides to it and is further shocked.
Jack: DNA test.
Grant: What would everyone think? Your family, your friends in Oakdale...that you sold an infant girl on the black market? What would they think if they found out...that the little baby you sold to Scooter Carruthers on the black market that night...turned out to be Remy Woods?
Jack: Remy Woods.
Grant: Yes. Remy Woods. The girl that grew up in Foster homes, and came to Bay City as a con artist.
Jack: Shut up!
Grant: Remy and Paulina don’t even know who her father is, and that Remy’s right here. Right in front of!
Frankie: It’s not like Cass not to call if something has happened. I gotta go and find…
Felicia touches Frankie’s wrist.
Felicia: No...don’t do that. I’m sure Cass just got held up. He will be here.
Frankie: Felicia you’re shaking. You’re sweating, too. Are you okay?
Felicia has a flashback
As they walk to the decorated living room, they notice Felicia at the liquor table. Felicia is staring down at the liquor. Now both of her hands are shaking, she’s sweating, and taking deep breaths.
Then she flashes back to the present.
Felicia: Hot flashes more than likely.
Felicia stares inside and looks directly at the liquor on the table.
Cass gives Christy the cup, and Christy examines it.
Christy: Hmm. Okay.
Cass: Now where’s my daughter?
Christy: You’ll have to go back to the Corys to see her.
Cass: She’s been at the Corys the whole time?
Christy: You should go now. I’m sure Mary Frances is worried about you.
Cass: If you’ve done anything to hurt my daughter, I will come after you.
Christy: Oh Cass, and don’t think about calling the cops. You have no proof that I did anything. Besides, Maggie has staged her own kidnapping before.
Cass rushes off and Christy makes a call to Brianna, whose back is turned to a bound, gagged, and unconscious Maggie.
Christy: I got it.
Brianna: Wow really?
Christy: You can drop Maggie off at the Corys. Your secret remains safe.
Christy hangs up and makes another call.
Christy: Dr. Weston it’s me. I have what we make a baby.
Brianna hangs up and notices Maggie is starting to come to. Brianna grabs another needle full of a sedative and runs over to inject Maggie.
Brianna: No.
Maggie is unconscious again after another injection by Brianna.
Grant: What’s the matter Jack? Nothing to say?
Jack: You think Paulina’s going to love you after this?
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