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COKE-Cane! #159



Cane’s Apt.

Cane is standing behind Philip with his hands tied behind his back as if Cane were a cop and was about to arrest Philip.

thCALANL71.jpgCane: You like it rough gay guy? You like it when a man is behind you like this?

Philip tries to wrestle free of Cane’s grip at the same time Cane tightens it.

philip_zpse4fb4fbf.pngPhilip: Cane don’t do this. It’s the drugs. The crack has you whacked out. Think of your children.

Cane: I’m real sick of you nagging. Is that what all gay men do? I’m so sick of your mightier than thou attitude. We all can’t be drug free and good like the good Philip Chancellor can we?

Philip: Why are you doing this Cane?

Cane: Because I need to get high and you’re standing in my way. What’s the American expression “stay out of my business”? You should have done that. I told you to leave and leave me alone. I didn’t want to do this but you are leaving me no other choice. Threatening to call children services on me and the police. What kind of friend does that?

Philip: One who cares about your well-being. Where are the twins Cane? Where are your kids? You still haven’t told me where they are.

Cane: And I’m not going to either. My children will be fine where they are. They are on vacation.

Philip: Cane No. No No….!!

Cane: Yes..Yes..YES!!

Cane escorts Philip to a wooden chair, the only piece of furniture still remaining in Cane’s Apt. Philip is unable to put up a real fight due to the pain and blood pouring out his hand from Cane grazing him with a bullet. Cane then takes his shirt off, tears it in half and uses both pieces to tie Philip to the chair.

Cane: Look at my body, you like it? I got the chest, the abs. I know you looked at me like that at least once Philip.

Philip: You’re a sick man Cane.

Cane: What’s the matter? I’m not your type? You don’t find me attractive? Most women do. You won’t me to pull out my package so you can see it?

Philip: Go to hell Cane!!

Cane: Give me that wallet!

Cane reaches into Philip’s pocket and pulls out his wallet. He opens it up and looks inside. Cane has a broad smile come across his face.

Cane: Jack Pot!

Cane pulls out the wad of money from the wallet.

Philip: That’s over one thousand dollars right there. What you going to do smoke it up?

Cane looks at Philip.

Cane: No we are going to smoke it up together. You, I and the pipe. Thanks Philip. A great and giving friend.

Philip begins to holler out for help.


Created by William J Bell and Lee Philip Bell

Episode 159: COKE-CANE!

Written and Produced by: ML Cooks

Malcolm’s Apt.

Malcolm and Neil square each other up.

The only thing on Malcolm’s head is the possibility that Moses could be his son.

thCAL1ASUN.jpgMalcolm: Good timing bro.

Neil holds up a gold envelope.

Malcolm: What is that? We going on Maury? I am the father?

imagesCAHTD0UC_zps8703d9b7.jpgNeil: Are you drunk again?

Neil walks into Malcolm’s Apt.

Neil: What is going on in here?

Malcolm: I don’t have the perfect life like my bigger brother.

Neil: I’m not here for that.

Neil hands Malcolm the envelope. Malcolm opens it and reads it.

Malcolm: It’s an invitation to a celebration. I don’t get it.

Neil: Neither did I. I thought maybe you were behind it but as I can see you are too busy being a bum over here. I found it outside your door.

Malcolm: You are really asking for it Neil.

Neil: You going to put me in a choke hold again tough guy? Is that how you solve your issues?

Malcolm: You are the reason I have these issues. You keep interfering in my life. Lily, Sophia, Moses and now Leslie. You just don’t stop. Moses should have been my son. Sophia and I were to be married and be a family. Instead she is dead.

Neil: Malcolm I am very sorry for all of that.

Malcolm: I never did you dirty bro. But it’s a habit with you doing me wrong. Moses belongs with me. He is my son!

Neil: Have you gone mad? We already had a paternity test when he was born. You were there Malcolm. Moses is my son!

Malcolm: No bro. Moses is my son and I got proof.

Neil gives Malcolm a strange look as he wonders where all this is coming from.

Cane’s Apt.

Philip’s hollering comes to a stop when he is stunned to hear a knock at the door. Cane’s eyes gets big. He begins to pace a little.

Cane: You and your sissy like hollering. We are going to have to fix that mouth. Would you like something in it?

Philip: Cane it’s not too late… please don’t do this.

Cane: I can’t take all this crying.

Cane takes off his sock and shoves it in Philips mouth.

Cane: It’s not want you really want but it will do for now.

Cane opens the door after the third knock. He sees Sergio. Cane smiles.

Cane: I am so glad it’s you. I need a hit.

Sergio walks into Cane’s place and is taken aback by how it looks.

Sergio: Tough times?

Cane: Drug times.

imagesCA16XNBU_zps2192a007.jpgSergio looks to his left and sees Philip tied up to a chair, bloodied hand and sock in his mouth. Sergio looks down at Cane’s feet.

Sergio: I heard of freaky but damn Cane. I must got some good stuff.

Cane: No questions man. I got the money do you got what I asked for?

Sergio: I do.

Sergio pulls out a gold envelope.

Cane face frowns up in confusion. He grabs the envelope.

Cane: What the hell is this mate?

Cane opens the gold envelop and see a letter, he pulls out the letter and reads it.

Sergio: I was hoping you would tell me. I found it out outside your door.

Cane: It’s an invitation to a celebration of some kind. The colonnade room.

Sergio: Wow man. The colonnade room. That’s some real fancy stuff right there.

Cane throws the letter aside.

Cane: Who cares I just need my fix.

Sergio pulls out a zip lock bag with white powdery stuff in it.

Sergio: You be careful with this. This is good stuff.

Cane: Yea yea whatever. Where was the compassion when I owed you money? You threatened to take my kids.

Sergio: Well I got them anyway. They are doing ok.

Cane: They better or so help me GOD!

Sergio: Came down kangaroo boy.

Cane hands Sergio the money.

Sergio looks at Philip once more is on the verge of passing out.

Sergio: You’re in really deep. First your twins and now this guy.

Cane: Just go. I got all of this.

Sergio: Yea sure.

Sergio then leaves Cane’s apt.

Cane readies some lines of coke to snort.

Back at Malcolm’s Apt.

Neil: You have proof that Moses is your son?

Malcolm turns away from Neil really unsure what to make of his blurry thoughts in his head. He doesn’t know if he really heard what he heard or was it a drunken dream.

Neil: Not so sure now huh? Where is this coming from?

Malcolm turns back to Neil.

Malcolm: Why are you here? Don’t you have Leslie at home?

Neil: I was here to ask you about this celebration but I see you were invited too. Clean this place up and yourself. Sober up. The booze is messing with your thought process. Moses is my son and nothing will change that.

Neil then turns around, kicks a pizza box out of his way.

Neil: Oh and another thing, you attack me again, I’ll have to file a restraining order against you.

Malcolm: That’s bitch sh!t. Neil!!! Get yo Bitch ass outta here!

Malcolm picks up a beer bottle and throws it in Neil’s direction but it hits the door and shatters as Neil is already out the door with the door closed behind him. He wonders why Malcolm would bring up Moses. He exits the apartment building.

Meanwhile inside, Malcolm is mad. He too kicks around pizza boxes and trash.

Malcolm keeps on thinking about his memory. He remembers a pretty lady, and a phone.

Malcolm: She sent it to me or something... It’s in my phone!

Malcolm looks for his phone He sees it on the coffee table. He looks in it.

Malcolm: Bam! Here it is.

He hits play..........

Nate: She’s an old flame from college. We were in love but she had to leave to take care of her mother who was sick.

Roxanne: Oh and Hillary is here and lives across the hall from me.

Nate: I had nothing to do with that.

Roxanne: Nate I am so damned hurt.

Nate: I never meant to hurt you. But I’m not willing to be your man only when you’re lonely. You claim you love me then why don’t you leave Devon and be with me? You can’t have it both ways Rox. You not being fair.

Roxanne knows deep down he is right but is not willing to let him know that he is. She turns from him again.

Nate: And besides things are too deep now they have changed.

Roxanne: Because Miss Hillary is here?

Nate: Yes. She knows about my secret.

Roxanne: That you switched Moses paternity test results from Malcolm to Neil?

Nate: Yes.

Roxanne: Nosey Bitch!

Nate: To protect everybody we need to end this. Roxanne I’m truly sorry for hurting you.” From Episode 137.

The recording stops playing. Malcolm doesn’t know how to feel. Rage builds up within him.

Malcolm: Moses is my son and I’m going to kill Nate and Neil for stealing him away from me!

Verdon Lou Wisconsin, Sheila’s shanty cabin6820041d6e0247fda0ad316afbe7c836_zps1ac9752a.jpg

Sheila comes up from the basement and checks on her hostages Dru and Sharon. Both are sleeping, Sharon still tied to the chair and Dru tied down to a bed. Sheila then goes to check on her mystery patient who has a bandaged face. Sheila takes in the breathing machine and heart monitors making their usual noise. She takes a deep breath and gets a chill through her body.

Dru slowly begins to open her eyes and cough.

thumbnailCAJVCBE3-1.jpgDru: Bitch!.... Hey Bitch! ….Bitch I hear you being evil and I know you hear me. You better come to me when I call your name. Come here bitch!

inl.jpgSheila with a smile on her face walks over to Dru.

Sheila: Did your mother raise you to speak like that? My name is not Bitch. It’s Sheila Carter. Miss Carter would be much better coming from you.

Dru: Yea ok whatever Bitch. It’s cold in here. Where is the heat? I’m bout to catch damonia.

Sheila: You dumb bitch. It’s not damonia. Its pneumonia. I remember when you first came to Genoa City, you were illiterate. You remember that?

Dru: I do. But aint no need for that trip down memory lane. We need some damn heat! Why is it so dang on cold in here?

Sheila: There is a gas leak. The furnace requires gas to heat up this place.

Dru: Well Bitch make a fire.

Sheila: I’ll set you on fire.

Dru: I didn’t know you liked dark meat.

Sheila: More like cremation. Keep being disrespectful to me.

Dru: You’re a joke Sheila. You kidnapped Sharon and I and you want some damn respect? Girl bye. You better gone head with that.

Sheila walks into the other room as Dru tries to wake up Sharon by repeatedly saying her name. Sheila opens a laptop and decides to put an ad on Genoa’s City’s Help List so she can find a low key maintenance man to maybe restore heat to the cabin.

Sheila’s phone vibrates once again, signaling she has a text she has not answered yet. The text is from her daughter Daisy telling her that Mary has sold them out and James Warrick is on his way to the cabin.

On the snowy country roads just outside of Genoa City are Mary and James in her Honda civic. Mary comes to a stop at a stop sign. James looks at her.

james2_zpsff268914.pngJames: You think I’m stupid?

James pulls his gun out and aims it his daughter Mary.

thCAE12Z40-1.jpgMary: Dad please, I wish you would stop playing with that thing. I’m your daughter for goodness sakes.

James: I am and having said that you should know I’m no fool. We’ve passed this stop sign three times now. We are doing nothing but going in circles.

Mary: The snow is so heavy I can’t make out where I am going.

James: You think I’m going to buy that?

Mary: I know you are not going to shoot your own child. Especially if you want to find Sheila. You need me to do that dad so I think I have control here. Your terrorist bomb vest thingy or gun doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

James aims the gun at Mary and then fires it!........


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Lots of movement here. Sibling rivalries are great...

CANE/PHILLIP- Cane has really gone off the deep end. The drugs have really taken over his behavior. And we finally see Sergio..

MALCOLM/NEIL - I'm becoming afraid of what Malcolm is going to do. He has years of anger building up and I think Moses paternity is going to the straw that broke the camel's back.

DRU/SHEILA - You give these two such good, campy dialogue. I could see them going back and forth on TV just the way you write it.

JAMES/MARY - James is growing tired of his daughter's antics...I wonder where that's going.

You have really taken hold of YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS. Your style shows more and more and I want you to continue it. It is true to your progressive style...GOOD EPISODE!!

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Well we KNOW that James isn't playing, but I doubt he actually hit Mary. Gonna be good to see this play out. Dru may finally come HOME!

Dru KILLS me. You write the interplay between Sheila and Dru SO WELL, I'm loving every second.

I just told you this, but Malcolm and Neil is spot-on. So real, you have such a great handle on their relationship and how both of them speak to each other. Really excited to see what Malcolm does with the proof that the paternity tests were switched.

Cane's drug addiction is some scary [!@#$%^&*]. Very interested to see how this story ends, because it's really built up something crazy.

WELCOME BACK, ML! You did an awesome job!

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I love jow you manage to deconstruct these episodes in term of character. Everyone should be happy with your storiea. I think this cliffhanger was just blowing me away more than Mary LOL. Cane has just gone INSANE!!!!!!!!! I do not know what the hell he was thinking. Malcolm and Neil r written really well. You have them down pat.

Wonderful job!!! KEEP IT UP FOR 159 more episodes LOL

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I have been straight up addicted to your show the past couple of days. I didnt read every single early episode but Ive read most of em.

The Sheila and daughters story is just so damn awesome. Its perfect. I love the Dru and Sheila interaction as well. Theyre so funny and I can read it and picture them perfectly. I can picture most characters like themselves though.

All the stories are so well thought out and character driven. I wish this was the real Y&R

Keep up the amazing work! I am addicted. Possibly as bad as Cane

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