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ANOTHER WORLD 171 Amanda makes an important decision



ANOTHER WORLD 171 Amanda makes an important decision

Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction, DRW50, beebs

Amandablogentry-14971-0-14459400-1404318675_th sits in the living room and flashes back to her and Paulina’sblogentry-14971-0-43358700-1404318717_th confrontation with Irisblogentry-14971-0-31375000-1404318699_th about Operation Loco...

Iris: Tucker was a dear friend of mine, but I don’t know what that has to do with this Operation Local or whatever it is you’re talking about.

Amanda: You’re gonna go with that Iris?

Paulina: Of course she is Amanda. She’s a world class liar.

Iris: Aww you two are such a force together. Daddy would be so proud.

Iris turns around and puts two more folders in her box, and turns back around to face the sisters.

Amanda: No daddy wouldn’t. Tucker tried to kill his own mother with poisoned paint, and you helped him.

Iris: First of all, I resent the fact that you are talking one of my dearest friends like that, and second, I would never have helped Tucker kill his mother. That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

Amanda: I wonder how stupid you think it would be if I turned the evidence I had over to the police.

Iris: They’ll laugh you right out of the precinct. You don’t have anything.

Paulina: I wouldn’t be so smug if I were you. You’re finally gonna get what you’ve long deserved.

Iris walks up to Paulina’s face.

Iris: Yeah because that’s worked so well for you hasn’t it? I mean, didn’t you hit Kirkland with your car while you were all doped up on pills?


AT THE CARLINOS...Paulinablogentry-14971-0-43358700-1404318717_th opens the door about to leave, and Kirklandblogentry-14971-0-21092500-1404318755_th, who was about to ring the doorbell, is there. His appearance causes a bit of awkwardness on Paulina’s part.

Paulina: Umm...Kirkland what can I do for you? I was about to go out.

Kirkland: Do you have a minute? I don’t wanna keep you.

Paulina: Uh...yeah sure. Come in.

There’s a silence between the two and Paulina breaks it.

Paulina: Congratulations are in order huh? Gonna be a husband.

Kirkland: Yep in a couple days.

Paulina: That’s really wonderful Kirkland I’m happy for you. Do you need some help or anything?

Kirkland: No. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t even be here to be able to get married. You see that’s what I came here for. I wanted to thank you.

Paulina: Thank me?

Kirkland: If you hadn’t hit me with your car when I was a kid, I wouldn’t be alive today.



Paulina: Is that how you’re playing? Because you don’t wanna get dirty with me.

Iris: Yes Paulina, pigs do wallow in mud.

Paulina: You bitch!

Amanda then gets between them and continues to come after Iris.

Iris: Is that all you got Paulina? How many times are you gonna call me a bitch?

Amanda: You’re avoiding the subject. Insults aren’t gonna save you.

Iris: You know Amanda, what’s insulting, and just downright offensive, is your choices in men. Well, with a mother like Rachel, it stands to reason that you have mostly screwed up in this area. Evan Frame, Grant Harrison, Cameron Sinclair, and now Allen Love. I’ll give you credit for Sam Fowler because you two had Alli, but the others prove that you seem to gravitate toward men who have once hurt you or tried to hurt people in your family at one point or another. Your latest one is a mystery inside an enigma. Allen Love, he turned out to be another one of Reginald’s puppets like Peter was. My my, you sure know how to pick em don’t you?


IN FRONT OF THE LOVE MANSION - Toniblogentry-14971-0-96667800-1404318807_th has just received a text from Reginald Love, and showed Etta Mae,blogentry-14971-0-20089600-1404318828_th who is horrified. Both are beside each other, facing the door.

Etta Mae: Oh my God.

Toni: Don’t panic mom. I don’t think he’s gonna hurt her.

Etta Mae: How can you be so sure?

Toni: Come on. Think about it. KC is his great granddaughter. He’s not going to do anything to her.

Etta Mae: That doesn’t mean he won’t take her someplace we might never find her.

Toni: We just gotta give him what he wants.

They turn around, and to their surprise, Allenblogentry-14971-0-07292100-1404318868_th is standing there, looking at both of them as if he’s caught them doing something.





Amanda: This isn’t about anyone’s past here. This is about you and what you’ve done. I’m giving you a chance to explain yourself before I decide that to do with the evidence.

Iris: You’re bluffing.

Paulina: I say send it Amanda. Call the Genoa City Police Department as soon as possible and tell them you have evidence.

Amanda flashes back to the present, looks at her cell phone as if she’s a bit conflicted, then makes the call.

Amanda: Hi may I speak with Detective Paul Williams please?


Paulina: That was a...very difficult time in my life.

Kirkland: My mom told me all about it. She told me what dad had done, too.

Paulina: I don’t blame Grant for my addiction to diet pills, and I certainly don’t blame him for what I did to you.

Kirkland: But if you hadn’t hit me with your car, they would never have found the aneurysm that was in my brain. Don’t you see? You saved my life. I couldn’t be happy if you never did what you did.

Paulina chuckles nervously.

Paulina: Kirkland you really don’t have to…

Kirkland: I know that my dad was supplying you with diet pills, and set your house on fire.

Paulina: I’ve forgiven him for all of that.

Kirkland: As have I, but you see everything fell into place. I’m marrying Charlie in a couple days. I’ve never been happier than i am now. None of this is possible without you.

Paulina: You give me way too much credit…

Kirkland: You don’t get enough credit. If I hadn’t told you before, I have no ill will toward you for that accident.

Paulina’s eyes well up…

Paulina: You don’t know how much it means to me to hear you say that.

Kirkland: I hope it means that you will come to my wedding.

Paulina (smiling): Of course honey.

The two share a warm embrace.


Toni: Allen what are you doing here?

Allen: I suppose I could ask you the same thing.

Etta Mae: That ain’t none of your business.

Toni: Mom it’s okay. We’re here on police business.

Allen: Etta Mae when did you start working for the BCPD?

Etta Mae: Toni let’s go.

Allen: No why don’t you go, because I want to speak to Toni alone.

Etta Mae: Toni..

Toni: Mom go to the car. I’ll be right there.

Etta Mae leaves.

Allen: You care to tell me what’s going here?

Toni: I told you. Police business.

Allen: Are you really gonna stand there and lie to me? I heard what you and Etta Mae were talking about?

Toni folds her arms with exasperation and curiosity.

Toni: Detective Snyder is inside and I came with him to tell Michael and Donna…

Toni stops herself, realizing what this conversation might lead to. Allen flashes back to throwing the gun that Donna used to shoot Reginald into the river.

Allen: Tell them what?

Toni: Well you know I can’t tell you that. It’s police business.

Allen: If it’s a family matter, then it involves me. Whatever it is, maybe I can help.

Toni: The police is handling it. If you’ll excuse me, I have to get to the station.

Toni walks away and Allen looks at her wondering what Toni knows, then Donnablogentry-14971-0-38825100-1404318908_th comes out of the mansion.

Donna: Hi nephew. I’m glad you came by.

Allen: I just saw Toni leave. What’s going on?

Donna: She didn’t tell you?

Allen: Tell me what?

Allen lowers his voice a bit.

Allen: Was it about the gun?

Donna: No. It’s much worse. He’s the one taunting me.

Allen: So they found out who’s stalking you?

Donna: Yes...it’s my father.

Allen: Reginald? He’s dead.

Donna: No. He’s very much alive.

Allen: I heard Toni and Etta Mae talking about K.C.

Donna: K.C.? Isn’t she Toni’s sister?

Allen: She said that KC is his great-granddaughter.

Donna: K.C. Burrell is Reginald’s great-granddaughter? Peter and Etta Mae had an affair? They don’t even know each other.

Allen: Not that we know of. Toni and Etta Mae were saying something about giving him what he wants, and he would never hurt her. Oh no. I’m...I’m going to the police station to see if I can help.

Donna: Do you think Reginald has K.C.?

Allen: Sounds like it, and I’m gonna find out why.



Recommended Comments

  • Members

Good work! Glad you're back! Didn't realize all the history between Kirkland and Paulina. Some good back story there. Glad to see they're on good terms I loved Paulina and Amanda confronting Iris. Keeps getting better and better. This kidnappings story is really good too, can't wait to see how it unfolds and I hope they get KC back safe and sound Great EP, Cary.

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I loved the history lesson!!!! It really taught me more between the tv show and your version! Cary you are really setting up stories that I can see going beyond 200 episodes! Amazing work bro!

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Another action packed episode. Things seem to be moving kinda faster these days. In every show something big happens or something is revealed.

Lets get into it shall we?

Loved that you brought up history with Pualina's diet pill Story. That was great and good to see Kirk and Paulina come full circle on that. Paulina at least gets to have that off her shoulders. SO good for her.

I don't remeber some of those flash back scenes but they were good. And a good lead up to Amanada's next move. Iris, the walls may be closing in on you in more places than one.

Why are Etta Mae and Allen so hostile to each other and Toni is so oblivious to it it seems. I kinda felt Allen disresected Etta Mae.

Another good show and great read as always.

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Nice to see that closure with Kirkland and Paulina. I'd forgotten some of that.

Great material for the Burrells. I love the "When did Etta Mae start working for the BCPD" line.

And Iris' "pigs wallow in mud" line. Classic Iris.

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Iris is going in on them ladies!

I like all the background info you give. Really helps for those of us who didnt watch the show too much. Kirkland and Paulina was sweet.

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