ANOTHER WORLD 160 Shocks and surprises
ANOTHER WORLD 160 - Shocks and surprises
Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultants: aMLCproduction, DRW50, and Beebs
HARBOR CLUB - Donna gets out of the car amongst wailing sirens. She runs to go in, but a tall, heavy set uniformed man stops her.
Man: You can’t go in there ma’am.
Donna: What the hell are you talking about? This is MY club!
Man: We managed to put the fire out, but you might wanna call your insurance company. This looks like a total loss.
Donna: How could this have happened? Everything is up to code.
Man: I don’t know exactly what could’ve occurred, but from my experience, this looks like it was deliberate.
Donna swings her hand to clear the smoke from in front of her face.
Donna: So someone set my club on fire?
Man: Very possible.
Allen looks around, and walks up to Donna.
Allen: What the?
Donna: It is what it looks like. My club has been burned to ashes, and someone did this.
Allen: I came to get something for Amanda and I see this. Do they have any idea who?
Donna: No, but I bet it’s the same person who sent me the gun, and texted me.
Donna gives Allen a look.
Allen: Wait a minute, you don’t think that…?
Donna: How do I know that? How do I know YOU aren’t the one who did this?
MEETING ROOM - Michael, Matt, Paulina, and Amanda are sitting at a rectangular table.
Amanda: The gang’s almost here.
Paulina: Still waiting on our dear old hag of a sister. I went to see her earlier.
Amanda: Are you serious? Why did you do that?
Paulina: I thought I could convince her to do the right thing and go back on her demands.
Amanda: Let me guess...she caved.
Paulina: Like the Rocky Mountains. She didn’t budge.
Matt: Hey Michael are you ready?
Michael: As soon as Iris and Judge Anderson arrive, we’ll get this underway.
Judge Anderson walks in fully robed and sits at the head of the table.
Michael: Hello your honor.
Judge Anderson: Are we ready?
Amanda: We’re just waiting for…
All turn their attention to the door to Iris, who is wearing a big, white hat, and a white power suit. She sashays to her chair, and sits adjacent to Michael, who is sitting at the other head of the table.
Iris: I see everyone’s here, so what are we waiting for?
STACEY’S APARTMENT - Vicky confronts Stacey
Stacey: What is wrong with you?
Vicky: I know what you told my husband, and you better stay the hell away from him!
Stacey: So Jake told you?
Vicky: He doesn’t keep anything from me.
Stacey: Too bad you don’t return the favor.
Vicky: You don’t worry about my marriage!
Stacey: Someone’s gotta show some concern, because when Jake finds out what you know, it’s gonna be over.
Vicky: I don’t think so!
Allen: Have you lost your mind?
Donna: You are the only one besides Vicky who knows that I shot Reginald, and Vicky wouldn’t do this.
Allen: Of course I didn’t do this. I didn’t send you the gun, and I didn’t burn down the Harbor Club.
Donna: Look I’m sorry. I’m just at a loss as to who could be behind all of this.
Allen: You need to call the police.
Donna: We can’t involve them. They’ll start asking questions.
Allen: Maybe we can use them to find out who’s doing this to you.
MEANWHILE, in a motel room, Joy removes her black gloves, and flashes back to splashing gas at the Harbor Club and lighting a match to it. Then she makes a phone call…
Joy: Boss, it’s done.
Judge Anderson: According to Mackenzie Cory’s will, the eldest child, is given control of Cory Publishing, which is now Cory Productions. Michael Hudson, I have documents proving that you are Mackenzie Cory’s eldest child.
Michael: That’s correct your honor.
Judge Anderson: I will make a ruling once you announce your decision and all parties agree.
Michael stands up to address everyone.
Michael: In the spirit of what our father wanted, which is that he wanted all of us to share in the company he built, so among all of his children, I have decided to divide the company equally five ways. Among Amanda, Paulina, Matthew, Sandy, twenty five percent each.
Paulina: Great decision. Nothing for Iris.
Amanda: What about Brava?
Michael: I’m getting to that. I have also decided that Iris, and I, will each own fifty percent of Brava Magazine, print and web, but that Iris will run the entire operation.
Matt: Michael, you don’t want any of Cory Productions?
Michael: No.
Iris suddenly stands up.
Iris: I don’t want it.
Amanda: What do you mean? You’ll be running Brava. I don’t agree with it at all, but I think it’s more than fair.
Iris: I want nothing to do with Brava, and I don’t want any part of Cory Productions.
Paulina: This is a bunch of crap.
Judge Anderson: ORDER! Iris are you sure that this is what you want?
Iris: Yes your honor. It is my decision to pull out of the company completely. Brava belongs to Cory.
Judge Anderson: So I will make it official in accordance with the decision of Mac Cory’s eldest child, so twenty five percent for Matthew, Paulina, Amanda, and Sandy Cory.
The judge bangs his gavel and leaves. Everyone prepares to leave, but Iris stops them.
Iris: Aren’t you all wondering why I just gave up my part of Cory?
Paulina: I knew there was something else to this.
Matt: What is it Iris?
Iris: I don’t need it. I’m tired of fighting for daddy’s company. I want my OWN company. I want to build my OWN empire, and now I have the means to do it.
Michael: Now I’m curious.
Paulina: She’s bluffing.
Iris: This is far from a posture Paulina. I think I’ll call my sister Amanda to confirm it for you all.
Matt: Now I think you’ve lost your mind.
Michael: Amanda's right here.
Iris: I’m not talking about Amanda Cory. I’m talking about Amanda Spaulding.
Amanda: The Spauldings in Springfield?
Paulina: I knew you were full of hot air!
Iris: Looks like you’re the one who’s getting warm sis. Well in fact, now I have two sisters named Amanda.
Michael: What are you saying?
Iris: Brandon Spaulding’s biological daughter.
Stacey: You’re not in control here Vicky!
Vicky: It wasn’t enough for you to move heaven and earth to take Mikey away from my parents twenty five years ago, now you wanna take my husband. You were going around telling people that you came to Bay City to be close to your daughter, when in fact, you came to go after JAKE!
Stacey: I didn’t at first, but I told you about Lindsay. I told you he was her father, and you kept it from him. He deserves so much better than that. He deserves better than YOU!
Vicky: And you’re gonna be there to pick up the pieces if our marriage falls apart. You’re just gonna run to Jake, tell him that Lindsay’s his daughter, and voila, you’re one big happy family. You’re a delusional bitch. You don’t even have any proof.
Stacey: As a matter of fact, Vicky, I do.
Stacey holds up to pieced-together DNA test that she found in Lindsay’s wastebasket, horrifying Vicky.
Vicky: What is that?
Stacey: A DNA test, a 99.9% match between Lindsay and Jake’s DNA.
Vicky: Give me that!
Stacey: No!
Vicky and Stacey begin to tussle for the paper.
They roll on the floor, both fighting for control of the DNA test. They both lose control of the proof, and it floats over toward the door, just as Lindsay, Jake, and Bridget walk in, and Jake picks up the paper. Lindsay is shocked as she immediately knows what it is.
Vicky: Jake gimme the paper!
Jake’s mouth is open in shock…
Bridget: Dad what’s going on?
Jake looks back and forth at Vicky, Lindsay, and Stacey, and he shakes his head in disbelief, and then slowly approaches Vicky.
Jake: This can’t be.
Stacey: Yes Jake, it’s true. Isn’t it Vicky?
Jake: Vicky? You knew about this? you didn’t know already that I was Lindsay’s father did you? ANSWER ME!
Vicky (eyes welling up): YES! I knew.
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