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S01 - Episode Fifteen: "Everybody's Got a Dark Side"

Mr. Vixen



Heaven's Meadow

Season 1 - Episode Fifteen

"Everybody's Got a Dark Side"

This episode features:

Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer

Angell Conwell as Jacqueline Erickson

Vail Bloom as Brianna Emerson

Ric Herbst as Lucas Erickson

Andrew Trischitta as Jack Manning

Christian Alexander as Billy


Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler Quartermaine



skye.jpg Blair: oltl_depaivaK_9.jpg


Andrew-Trischitta-Jack_Manning_OLTL.jpg Billy: Christian_Alexander.jpg

(Inside Skye's club. She has just let Blair into the building, and the two begin speaking.)

Skye: I was so thrilled to get your call, Blair. Frankly, I didn't expect you to accept my offer.

Blair: Who said I was accepting your offer?

(Skye rolls her eyes.)

Skye: Why else would you be here? If you were declining, you wouldn't have felt the need to do so in person.

Blair: Oh, don't be so smug Skye. It isn't flattering.

Skye: If we're going to work together, you're going to need to be...less of a bitch.

Blair: As long as you agree to do the same.

Skye: So you are accepting my offer?

Blair: Yes. You didn't leave me much choice. You're nothing if not an excellent business woman, Skye. Already promoting a club that hasn't even come close to opening. I didn't stand a chance.

(Skye looks at Blair suspiciously, squinting.)

Skye: Don't play me for a fool, Blair. I know you're here to spy on me.

Blair: And yet you still offered me the job?

(Skye smirks)

Skye: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Blair: You're a lunatic. Do you know that?

Skye: I've been told. But don't get me wrong, Blair. I understand where you're coming from. Your personal life has been a mess these past few years. You don't want to set yourself up for another failure.I get that. And what better way to know if you have any chance of success here, than by spying on me?

Blair: You don't know anything about my personal life, Skye.

Skye: I heard all about the two Todd's situation. That must have been so challenging for you. You and Todd always had such a tumultuous relationship. Then he comes back to town with a new face, you reunite...And of course that was too good to be true. Then after what, ten years? You find out he isn't even really Todd, but Victor --a twin brother no one knew existed. Now you've been dumped by two Manning brothers. But you never know, maybe one of them will come crawling back.

Blair: One of them is dead, Skye. Shows how much you know.

Skye: So I heard. But is anyone ever really dead in Llanview? Maybe he's holed up somewhere waiting to make a triumphant return. No?

Blair: No, Todd murdered Victor Jr.

Skye: And from what I've heard, he was doing everyone a favor.

Blair: Do you remember what you just said about not being a bitch, Skye? You best believe I would have punched you five minutes ago if it weren't for the fact that we're working together.

Skye: No need to be rude, Blair. I was just trying to make small talk. Anyway--

(She is interrupted by a knock on the door. She moves past Blair and opens the door. Jack Manning stands outside, with another boy his age. Skye motions for them to enter.)

Blair: Jack?! Jack, what are you doing here?

Skye: I'll let you all catch up. Keep your phone on Blair, I'll be calling soon.

(With a quick smirk, Skye exits the building.)

Blair: Jack, what are you doing here? You can't just leave school with no notice.

Jack: I took the train. They don't know that I left, Mom. I needed to see you.

Blair: What's wrong? What is it?

(Before Jack can answer, Blair notices the young man next to him for the first time.)

Blair: And who is this?

Jack: Mom, this is Billy. He's...my boyfriend.


(Outside of the club, Skye stands in the alley. She takes out her cell phone and dials. She holds the phone up to her ear and waits for an answer.)

Skye: Well, hello Allison. Tell me....How is Victor Jr. doing?





Jaccqui-1.jpg Brianna: most+missed.jpg

Mystery Woman:


(Inside the mystery woman's apartment. Jacqueline, Brianna and the mystery woman are seated in the living room.)

Mystery Woman: How is everything going on your end, Brianna?

Brianna: Perfectly well. Erica has been in almost every day this week. She'll be on set every day starting next week.

Mystery Woman: Wonderful. And you'll be her assistant, as well?

Brianna: Only temporarily. She's "auditioning" new assistants over the next few weeks. She's a bit of a diva, that one.

Mystery Woman: That doesn't surprise me. We'll just have to move quickly, then.

Jacqueline: What do you mean, move quickly? The plan--

(The mystery woman puts her hand up to silence Jacqueline.)

Mystery Woman: The plan has changed, dear.

(Jacqueline stands, angry.)

Jacqueline: I will not risk getting caught, just because you're impatient.

(The mystery woman speaks in a cold tone.)

Mystery Woman: You'll do what you're told. Now have a seat.

(Jacqueline sits down, visibly angry.)

Mystery Woman: Brianna, you now have two jobs.

Brianna: Which are?

Mystery Woman: You will continue giving me regular reports on Ms. Kane. I want to know where she is, when she's there, and why. Do you understand?

Brianna: Yes. And the other?

Mystery Woman: A woman named Lindsay Rappaport is opening an art studio here in Heaven's Meadow. Her grand opening is exactly two weeks from tonight. It will be a very large event. Anybody that matters in this town will be there. You are to convince Ms. Kane to attend. Once she's arrived, we will take action.




(Lucas Erickson walks down a dimly lit hallway in an undisclosed location. At the end of the hallway, he reaches a door. On the wall outside of the door, there is a keypad. He punches in a code, and the door slides open. He steps into the room. A man with dark hair, seen only from behind, sits in the room - tied to a chair.)

Lucas: Well, if it isn't my favorite prisoner.




(At Hotel Heaven - A hotel on the outskirts of Heaven's Meadow. Hayley wake up in one of the rooms. The moment she opens her eyes, a searing headache emerges. She winces in pain. She attempts to stand from the bed, but finds that her legs are wobbly. She stumbles to the other side of the room, scrambling through her purse looking for the bottle of ibuprofen. She finds the pills, and places three in her hand. She moves towards the far wall, grabbing a water bottle from the minibar. She opens the bottle, pops the pills into her mouth, and takes a sip. After a moment, she notices for the first time that her clothes are scattered on the ground of the room. Looking down, she realizes that she is wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. Turning around slowly, she is horrified to see a man lying in the bed. After staring at the stranger for a long moment, she realizes what she's done. She instantly begins sobbing, and rushes towards the bathroom. She slams the door shut. Sobbing, she collapses to the ground against the door. She wipes the tear soaked hair out of her face, and turns to look at herself in the full length mirror hanging on the wall. She looks at her body, crumpled on the bathroom floor in nothing but her underwear. Sobbing, she speaks to her reflection.)

Hayley: Who are you?

(Hayley lies there for several moments. She closes her eyes and weeps, the feelings of self-loathing and hate taking over once more. After several moments, she stands from the floor. She pulls a silk hotel robe off of the handle on the wall, and puts it on. She looks at herself in the mirror above the sink for a moment, before opening the door and exiting the bathroom. The stranger in her bed is still asleep. She makes her way across the room. She spots an open bottle of vodka sitting on a table near the couch. She grabs it, and takes a large chug. Tears still streaming down her face, she moves across the room and slides open the door to the room's balcony. She steps outside into the heat. Walking forward, she climbs over the balcony railing, and steps onto the ledge.)


Thanks for tuning in!

Don't forget to check back MONDAY, JULY 16th

for an ALL NEW episode of

Heaven's Meadow!


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Hmm, I wonder if Hayley's little extravagance is a nightmare and not actually reality? We shall see next week.

Happy to see the Victor/Todd situation is going to be addressed. Though, and I'm sure we'll get more answers next week, is Todd in prison or are he and Starr in Port Charles? And if Skye is involved with Victor's kidnapping, then I can only wonder what Viki will have to say about this which can then cause problems between her and Clint. And heartthrob Jack is gay! ... though I still think he has to pay for his attempted murder and bullying past so I hope his world comes crashing down soon enough. And looking Christian Alexander up he did play Kristina's abuser boyfriend, so maybe I'm not far off.

Oh Onyx Kane just does not play around! ;)

And best of all, there's going to be a grand event that will get everyone in the same room. It'll be nice to see Tad finally get to interact with everyone else. Though, I apologize, but why is he in Heaven's Meadow again? I've forgotten. LoL

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You'll just have to tune in Monday and see! tongue.png

It will be addressed next week, but in my story Todd is with Starr in New York. It's not going to follow the GH timeline exactly, though, because in real life, Blair is returning to GH next week, and that will not be addressed on Heaven's Meadow. Jack is going to have a very interesting ride ahead of him, and just because he didn't pay for his crimes in terms of the law, doesn't mean he's done paying for them in other ways! wink.png


I know what you're saying about Tad - And I understand! He will get his time to shine a little bit as the season goes on, and his role will be expanded in season 2.

Thanks Bright Eyes! :)

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The weird thing is, I've never liked Tad or Michael E. Knight, but curiosity just gets the best of me and then there's the fact that I'm a product of wanting everything at once generation. So you have to blame my nagging on society!

And seeing Jack paying legally doesn't bother me. This is actually what I hate to see soap fans complain about. It's paying in their personal lives that I'm more interested in. However, it is sad to see that you are keep Todd and Starr in New York. Those poor, poor Port Charles residents. LoL

Though I see you didn't mention Port Charles specifically, so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but are Cole and Hope dead? It would be nice if you kind of retconned that Starr went to live in L.A. with Langston and Markko, while Cole faked his death to chill with his parents. (Now I'm fan-fictioning! I apologize!)

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I completely understand! :lol:

Cole and Hope are not necessarily dead. Up to this point, I've left that up to the viewer to decide. I like to write "in universe" - meaning that I write it like it's a show that could actually take place on TV. So, if HM were a real soap, that would mean Cole and Hope were dead. It will all be addressed down the line, but for now it's up to you to decide.

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I was hoping Jack no longer existed. The gay community has enough to deal with...

The mystery woman seems to have red hair. Is Opal out for blood? Did Erica shut down a local Wendy's?

The Skye/Blair dialogue in this was great. I was sorry to see their conversation end.

So Lucas is holding Mateo's corpse and pretending he's still alive. Lucas is really far gone. (Don't take away my dream!)

That last part with Hayley was just chilling. She's become such a mess, but it's all so believable. My heart goes out to the character. I can "see" her in this, more than almost any time with characters in a fanfic.

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:lol: I was waiting for your response to Jack showing up, Carl. You never disappoint! :lol:

The mystery woman is not Opal or Wendy, LOL! I just googled "mysterious woman" to find a picture. It's not a blacked out picture of the actual woman, haha!

So glad you enjoyed Skye/Blair today! I was dying laughing reading your comments about Lucas and Mateo! You are too funny.

Thank you so much for your comments regarding Hayley. I'm so glad you are enjoying this story! Your comments mean so much to me.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I had so many ideas for the photo. I was about to wonder if Roberta Flack hated Erica for never letting her sing in Pine Valley.

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OMG - Jack Manning is gay and his BF is the guy who beat up Kristina Corinthos. LOL, JK. I like the twist. I didn't mind Jack, I'm looking forward to seeing how you deal with this!

The Hayley scenes always get me. As Carl said, they were chilling! I hope it's a dream or someone saves her from jumping off the ledge!

I wasn't a big fan of OLTL but I watched the last year & a half. I like how your integrating that shows characters as well. Glad Victor Jr's story is being addressed :)

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:lol: at "they guy who beat up Kristina Corinthos"! I'm glad you're looking forward to it!

The Hayley scenes were very chilling to write, as well. You'll just have to wait until Monday to see what happens to Hayley ;)

Since Skye has history with AMC and OLTL, I thought it was important to address her time with both shows. It's just one more way I'm trying to bring the show together, and I hope it's working! I'm glad you all are enjoying it so far.

Thanks, as always, Spencer!! :)

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I'm FINALLY caught up! This is great, SoapBoy! You're doing so well! :)

And I LOVE that Jack is gay. I always knew he should've been to begin with.

And I'm so impressed with the stuff with Skye and Hayley, that's the strongest part of the story by far.

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OMG! I gasped when Skye called Allison! I'm seeing a side of Skye that I haven't seen in years!

Love that you made Jack gay.

Hmm... wonder if they are going to blow up this event!

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