S01 - Episode Twelve: "We Aren't So Different, You and I"

Heaven's Meadow
Season 1 - Episode Twelve"
"We Aren't So Different, You and I"
This episode features:
Erika Slezak as Victoria Lord
Colleen Zenk as Anjelica King
Catherine Hickland as Lindsay Rappaport
David Canary as Adam Chandler
Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan
Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler

(In Skye's hotel room. She stands, looking incredulously at her father, stunned by what he just said.)
Skye: What did you just say?
Adam: I said that I have two biological daughters in this town, Skye.
(Skye is visibly angered, and hurt. She walks towards him and emotionally begins flailing her arms against him. She is crying as she begins screaming.)
Skye: Don't! Don't you dare do this to me. How dare you come in here and say something like that to me. You know the pain that my being adopted caused me. And now you come in here and throw it in my face because you decided that, for once, you wanted to be my father!
(Adam grabs Skye's arms, attempting to calm her down. After a moment, he looks into her eyes and begins speaking.)
Adam: I would never do that to you, Skye. What I said is true.
Skye: I'm not stupid, Daddy. I saw the paternity test. I am not your daughter, and you saying otherwise doesn't change that.
Adam: Just hear me out, Skye. Please.
(Skye wipes away her tears with her hands, and moves to the other side of the room. She sits down on the couch and tries to blink back more tears.)
Skye: I'm listening.
(Adam sits down in a chair located next to the couch, and begins speaking.)
Adam: I did have an affair with your mother, many years ago, while I was married to Althea.
Skye: She's never said anything about that, Daddy. And neither did you, when I first found out that she was my mother.
Adam: Just listen. When Rae found out she was pregnant, she wasn't totally sure who the father was. As you know, she had been involved with Alan Quartermaine around the time you were conceived, and our affair started very shortly after.
(Skye guffaws and rolls her eyes.)
Skye: And the conception period fell right in the middle of the two, am I right?
Adam: Yes. Alan's father, Edward, found out about the pregnancy and paid her to disappear. So, she came to me and told me that she may be pregnant with my child, and that she planned to give you up for adoption.
(Skye stands from the couch and moves towards the window. She stands in front off the window, looking into the rain. A single tear falls down her cheek.)
Skye: Go on.
Adam: Now, Althea and I had been trying for some time to have a baby, but she was unable to get pregnant. So I suggested to Rae that we would adopt the baby. She agreed, and Althea never knew any better. As far as she was concerned, we were raising a child from a mother I found through an adoption agency. Everyone else believed that you were our biological daughter. Althea wanted it that way. She felt shame in not being able to carry a child, and she didn't want anyone to know.
Skye: And all that time, you knew that I might be your daughter...But you never had a test done? I don't understand.
(Adam moves towards Skye and touches her cheek, wiping away the tear.)
Adam: It didn't matter to me, Skye. You were my daughter, no matter what a piece of paper said.
(Skye moves past him and sits on the couch once again.)
Skye: When I found out that Rae was my mother, she told me you weren't my father. Didn't you want to know for sure?
Adam: I thought that I did. She showed me a paternity test that said I wasn't the father.
Skye: Then why are you so convinced that you are?
Adam: Several months ago I got a call from Rae. She was in New York, and asked me to meet with her. I was skeptical, but she told me that it was regarding you, so I went. When I got there, she told me that the paternity test that she had done all those years ago had been tampered with.
Skye: But who would do that?
Adam: Althea's mother, Rosemary. She was a nurse, in the hospital where Rae had your paternity test done. When she read Rae's patient file, she saw that I was a potential father to her unborn child. She didn't want Althea to be hurt, and she knew that my having a child by another woman, while Althea was unable to conceive...
(Adam's voice cracks. He coughs back the lump in his throat and continues.)
Adam: It would have broken her.
Skye: So she switched the results.
Adam: Yes, but Rae never knew that. Not until last year, when Rosemary contacted her and asked to see her. She was very ill at that point, and admitted everything.
(Skye stands and moves towards the bar . She pours herself of ice cold water and sips, slowly.)
Skye: How long have you known?
Adam: Several months now. Rae wanted to tell you, but I asked her to let me do it. I thought that it would be the perfect way to bring us back together, Skye. But then so much happened. First I find out that Stuart is alive,, and then JR had a complete breakdown. I kept putting it off, because I didn't know how to do it.I was scared, Skye. But with everything that Hayley and JR have gone through this year, I knew that I owed it to you to tell you.
(Skye sets down her glass, and turns to look at her father. There is a cold look in her eyes.)
Skye: You cowardly bastard.
Adam: Skye...
Skye: No! NO! Don't stand there and make excuses for yourself. I won't listen to it, not anymore. I spent my entire life trying to excuse your horrible parenting.
(Adam begins moving towards the door.)
Skye: No, Daddy! You don't just get to walk out like that! I'm not a five year old girl anymore. I listened to you, and now you'll listen to me.
(Adam turns around.)
Skye: When I came to Pine Valley, all those years ago...All I wanted was for you to love me. I wanted to be your daughter, that's all. But you always treated me differently, Daddy. You always did. And I know that I've done some horrible things, but I am not the monster everybody makes me out to be.
Adam: I've never thought of you that way, Skye.
Skye: Yes you did! Yes you did, Daddy. But the truth is, I am just like you. I am more like you than any of your other children, and you never wanted to see that. I know, I'm a bitch. I know that, Daddy...But everything you have always condemned me for, came from you.
Adam: I have always stood by you through all of the things you've done.
Skye: Maybe. But you're also the first to throw them back in my face.
Adam: I know that I was never the best father to you, Skye. That's why I came here, to change that.
Skye: It's a little bit late, Daddy.
(Adam opens his mouth to speak, but Skye cuts him off.)
Skye: You know, there's a part of me that's glad I'm your daughter. I had a very good relationship with Alan Quartermaine. I loved him very much, but I alwayswanted it to be you, Daddy. And now that it is...It just doesn't make things better. How do you think it made me feel, when I was just a little girl, and you walked away? I made so many excuses for you, Daddy...And when I found out that I was adopted, I allowed it to be just another excuse. You left because I wasn't yours. And it hurt. It broke me, Daddy. But now, I know that you left me....You left me, when you knew I might have been your daughter.That makes it hurt all over again, just like it did when I was a little girl And now, you find out that I'm your daughter...And you wait, what, ten months, to tell me? What does that say? What does that say about how much you really care about me, Daddy? I just don't know how to believe that you care, at all.
(Adam is crying heavily at this point.)
Adam: I'm so sorry, Skye.
Skye: I need you to go. I need you to go, Daddy. I can't do this...Not right now.
(Heartbroken, Adam turns and walks towards the door. He opens it, but before her leaves, he turns and speaks.)
Adam: I love you.
(He leaves the room before Skye can respond, shutting the door behind him. Skye moves to the table and grabs her glass of water. Screaming, she throws it at the door and watches it shatter. She falls to the ground, sobbing.)


(At The Meadow Club. Viki and Anjelica are sitting at a table inside the club's restaurant.)
Viki: I just don't think the debut cover story is strong enough, Anjelica. Our first official issue as "The Banner" launches next week, and I just don't think what we have makes enough of a splash.
Anjelica: I've worked at this magazine for several years now, Viki. I know what sells.
Viki: It's no longer the same magazine, Anjelica. The Banner will have a different feel, and I want our first issue to represent that. And I just don't think that centering our first issue on celebrity weight-loss is the best way to debut with a splash.
Anjelica: I disagree.
Viki: It's not your call, Anjelica. Ultimately, it's up to me. I want you to pull the story.
Anjelica: And replace it with what?
Viki: You tell me! That's what I pay you to do, dear.
(Anjelica is visibly flustered.)
Anjelica: I just think you should trust me on this--
(She does not finish her sentence, as they are interrupted by Lindsay Rappaport, who has approached the table.)
Lindsay: Well hello, ladies.
(Viki looks stunned to see Lindsay.)
Viki: Lindsay, I had no idea that you were--
Lindsay: Out of prison?
(Anjelica chuckles.)
Viki: Well, yes.
Lindsay: I haven't been out long. I just relocated to New Hampshire, and I'm opening an art studio. Next week, in fact.
(Before Viki can respond, Anjelica begins speaking.)
Anjelica: I'll leave you two to catch up. I have work to do. Nice seeing you, Lindsay.
(Anjelica stands from the table and walks away. Lindsay sits down in her seat.)
Viki: How do you know Anjelica, Lindsay?
Lindsay: That's not important, Viki. What is important, is that you cannot trust her.

(Hayley is inside her house. She walks into the living room from the kitchen, holding a freshly poured drink in one hand , and a bottle of tequila in the other. She is seated on the couch, and allows herself to become consumed in thought. Her mind races as she ponders the idea that Mateo may have walked out on her. She begins crying, and wonders why she isn't good enough - Not only for Mateo, but for all of America. In reality, she understands that Wave's slagging ratings are not her fault, but her unstable emotional state prevents her from fully realizing this. Fearing that her drinking may cause her to be fired from the show, she vows the she will stop. She stands, and moves towards the kitchen, intending to dump the bottle of tequila. However, on her way to the kitchen, she passes the fireplace and spots her and Mateo's wedding photo on the mantle. The depression consumes her once more. She moves towards the couch, and pours herself another drink. She is startled by a pounding on the door. Though Hayley cannot see her, Skye Chandler stands on the other side of the door.)
Skye: Hayley! Hayley, are you in there? It's me, Skye. I'm really sorry, I know it's late.
(Skye pounds on the door once more.)
Skye: Hayley! Hayley, please answer the door. I really need to talk to someone. I don't know where else to go.
(Hayley stands from the couch, and attempts to walk into the kitchen to stash the alcohol before answering the door. However, in her drunken state, she stumbles and falls. The bottle of tequila shatters. Skye hears the shatter from outside, and moves towards the window next to the front door. She peers through the window and see's Hayley crumpled in the pile of booze and broken glass.The sisters make eye contact as Hayley begins sobbing.)
Thanks for reading!
Don't forget to check back tomorrow
For an ALL NEW episode of
Heaven's Meadow!
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