S01 - Episode Five: "Are You There, Hayley? It's me, Skye"

Heaven's Meadow
Season 1 - Episode Five
"Are You There, Hayley? It's me, Skye"
This episode features:
Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan
Colleen Zenk as Anjelica King
Catherine Hickland as Lindsay Rappaport
Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler
Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan
Erika Slezak as Victoria Lord Buchanan

(At The Meadow Club)
Hayley: Oh, wow. Skye. Hello.
Skye: Hello Hayley. I was hoping we'd be running into each other soon.
(Skye sits down next to Hayley at the bar.)
Hayley: I didn't know you were living in New Hampshire, now. Last I heard you were in New York.
Skye: I left New York a few years back, but I haven't been in New Hampshire for long.I read a while back that your show was moving to the East Coast, but I just recently found out you were here in Heaven's Meadow.
Hayley: Yeah, budget cuts are a bitch. What brought you here?
Skye: A fresh start, I suppose.
(Skye pauses for a long second, and the sisters sit in silence, pondering their lives. After a moment, Skye speaks.)
Skye: It's sad, really.
Hayley: What is?
Skye: We're sisters, Hayley. And yet we hardly know one another. My relationship with Daddy has always been complicated, but I wish I hadn't allowed it to cloud my view of you. I wish I had tried harder to be your sister. Maybe we could both make that effort now.
Hayley: I didn't know you considered yourself a Chandler anymore, Skye.
Skye: I'll always be a Chandler, no matter what a DNA test says. And that makes us sisters.
Hayley: You know, it breaks Daddy's heart.
Skye: What does?
Hayley: That you don't call, or visit him anymore. He loves you very much, Skye.
(Skye is taken aback by Hayley's comment. She is silent for a moment. Tears fill her eyes as she privately reflects on her complicated relationship with Adam Chandler, the man she still considers her father.)
Skye: Maybe I was wrong, to stay away. You know, I;ve always loved Daddy very much, but it wasn't easy for me. I know he loves me, I always knew that. But it was different for me. It was different for me, Hayley. You and Daddy, you have such a special relationship, and I'm jealous. I always have been. And when I found out that he wasn't my biological father, I told myself that that was why he treated me differently. I convinced myself that he loved me less because I wasn't his.
(By this point, tears are streaming down Skye's face. Hayley ponders this for a moment, and truly feels a connection to her sister for the first time. She reaches out her hand and places it on top of Skye's.)
Hayley: I'm sorry you've felt this way, Skye. And I'm sorry that I haven't been very nice to you over the years. But if it's not too late, I could really use a sister now.
(Skye smiles and wipes the tears from her eyes.)
Skye: I'd like that very much.
(Skye stands from her seat and removes her purse from the bar-top. She begins to say goodbye, but pauses. She removes a piece of paper and pen from her purse and writes down her phone number. She hands the paper to Hayley.)
Skye: Maybe we could do lunch or something later this week.
Hayley: That would be great.
(Skye turns to leave, but once more turns around to speak to Hayley.)
Skye: I'm sorry that you've been having a hard time, Hayley. I recognize the look in your eyes. I've been in that place, many times. You call me if you need anything.
(With a smile, Skye turns and exits the restaurant. Hayley instantly realizes that Skye recognized her lust for alcohol. She reflects silently on her history with Skye. She is genuinely happy that they may be on the brink of a good relationship , but for a brief moment she resents her sister for being stronger than she is. She collects her purse from the counter, and exits the restaurant, knowing she will stop for a drink on the way home.)

(At Patty's - A popular bar in Heaven's Meadow. Lindsay sits at a booth on the far side of the restaurant, sipping a drink and pondering her new life and budding relationship with Tad Martin. Anjelica King enters the bar and spots Lindsay. She walks towards Lindsay's booth and begins speaking.)
Anjelica: Well I'll be damned. If it isn't Lindsay Rappaport.
(Lindsay is shocked to see Anjelica.)
Lindsay: Well I'm certainly surprised to see you here, Anjelica. I thought for sure you'd have disappeared to the other side of the continent by now.
Anjelica: I did, briefly. But I realized that you can't run from your problems, or your reputation. Eventually it would catch up with me, so in the meantime I might as well be in the place that I love, the place where I grew up.
Lindsay: I didn't know you were from New Hampshire. If I had known you were here, I might have reconsidered moving here.
(Anjelica seems taken aback by Lindsay's comment.)
Lindsay: I didn't mean it like that, Anjie. I'm just trying to make a new start for myself, and I don't want my past to prevent me from doing so.
(Anjelica sits down at Lindsay's booth.)
Anjelica: Well, I certainly understand that. It's the same reason that I returned here.
(Lindsay chuckles.)
Lindsay: I'd hardly call moving back to your hometown a fresh start, Anjie.
Anjelica: It's different for me, Linds. I know the people here, and despite my past, they accept me. But, they aren't always as receptive to newcomers with...past indiscretions.
Lindsay: You mean like someone fresh out of prison?
Anjelica: Yes.
Lindsay: Well, I'm not too concerned. If they accept you, they'll come to accept me, in time. After all, it wasn't all that long ago that we shared a cell.

(Inside Viki and Clint's penthouse.)
Viki: Well, it's certainly a change. But it already feels like home.
Clint: I'm home any time that I'm with you.
(The two share a kiss, before having a seat on the couch.)
Viki: So tell me, darling, how are your new business ventures going?
Clint: Very well. I met Hayley Vaughan for the first time earlier. She's a lovely young woman. Erica Kane arrives tomorrow, as well. It will be a lot of work to get the show back on track, but I look forward to it.
Viki: That's wonderful, Clint.
Clint: Enough about me. How are things at The Banner?
Viki: Terrific. Challenging.But terrific. It's a totally different arena, running a magazine. But I'm very much enjoying it. There's one thing that's been worrying me, though.
Clint: What's that?
Viki: One of my employees, Anjelica. I have this nagging suspicion that she's hiding something.
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for an ALL NEW episode of
Heaven's Meadow!
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