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Amend! #108



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Night Falls on Pasadena

Lavender Hill

Ashley pulls into Sabryn's driveway. She looks in the baby seat and sees Bryan Jr. asleep.

"You wait right here little one. Mommy is going to grab your brother."

Ashley gets out her car and creeps over toward the mansion. Just like last time when she broke in, she lucks up as the patio door has been left open. Ashley walks insides the darkened house. She creeps toward the stairs as she pulls out a butcher knife. She slowly walks up stairs to get closer to Sabryn's son's room. Once she finally reaches her destination, she looks around to make sure the coast is clear. She opens the door slightly and slowly and steps inside. She sees the baby crib and walks over to it and sees Sabryn and Bryan's son sleeping peacefully.

Ashley speaks to the baby,

"We are going on a field trip sweet face. You are going with me, your new mother and your brother. We are going to be one happy family." As Ashley is about to lean down and pick him up, the door swings open with the light coming on. Ashley, startled, jumps as she turns around and sees Sabryn.


"What the hell are you doing here Ashley?"


"I was going to kidnap your son. But I think killing you first will be much better." She says with a smile, pulling out her butcher knife from her purse, frightening Sabryn.


Episode: 108 Amend!

Written By: ML Cooks and Tara Smith with JL Becker

Can I Get A Witness West Coast Baptist Church

As Lauren lays in her coffin pretending to be dead, Jenn walks up to her with a saddened look in her eyes.


"I don't know how this happened to you Lauren. It was so sudden. I hope Ty didn't do this to you. I hope he didn't kill you. However, I want you to know I'm sorry for hurting you; I hurt you by being with Ty. You warned me over and over again about Ty. You kept telling me he was a criminal and he's no good. Well you were right. I am just so sorry it took me so long to realize it . I wish you were still here so I could really tell you. I bet you would have been happy. Well, I at least hope so. .. "She pauses, getting a little teary eyed. She wipes a tear.


"I guess I've done some horrible things lately. Do I feel bad for what I did to Jodie? I don't know. I really don't. I am sure there is a spot in hell for me. I love you Lauren and may you rest in peace." She turns around and sees Ty standing there, having overheard everything she said to Lauren. Jenn gets shivers in her body as Ty has this blank look on his face.


"You scared me."


"I should. Let's step outside. I want to talk with you in private." Jenn takes a deep breath as she wonders if Ty will beat her once she gets out side. Against her gut feeling, she follows him outside anyhow.

Sitting down, Santino has his eye on Jenn and Tyler and wonders what Ty is going to do to Jenn. Caring about her, he decides to keep a low profile and follows them.

Ria walks up to Sharan.


"The last time I saw you, we almost got into a physical confrontation at

Ashley's funeral."


" Yeah because you opened you big mouth about Dre and I. All because you wanted Dre for yourself. You're a fake and a phony. I hope you told Kevin about the kissing incident with you and Dre."


"Don't worry about Kevin and I."


"Trick please. You was all up in mine with Karim. I loved him and you took that away from me."


"You did that all by yourself, you cheated on Karim with Dre, not me."


"Well what do you call kissing Dre? Oh, wait, there's a double standard going on here."


"Kissing Dre was wrong. I know that. I never meant for it to happen. It was a mistake. But there is a difference between you and I. A few in fact. first of all, you wanted to cheat Karim. You intended to. My escapade with Dre was spontaneous. Second of all, I didn't get caught. I'm not sloppy with mine."


"I oughta slap the sh!t out you Bitch. I was trying to mend the fences with you but I am good on all that. Miss Saditty. Don't think you're better than me."


"Never said I did. But for you to think that says a lot, Thanks Ria."


"Girl, you better pump your brakes. Don't test me in here. I will put my pimp hand to that face."


"Ria, grow up."


"I did. Right after I told Kevin I saw you and Dre kissing." Ria winks her eye at Sharan and coolly walks off.

Sharan, face cringing,

"I can't believe her."

Outside the Church

Jenn and Ty walk around the garden with Santino discretely following them.


"So why do I have to over hear your conversation with a dead woman to really know how you feel about me?"


"Ty I am sorry. We never have time to talk anymore and when we do, you don't want to talk or something always comes up."


"I am busy making you happy. Buying you expensive things. Giving you the things you want. I have an empire to run. I have to fight to keep the cops off my back."


"But Ty I told you, all those material things don't mean anything to me. I just want you. You make me happy. Not clothes and vacations. We are engaged to be married; We have been engaged for months now and we haven't said nothing about a wedding. I feel as if sometimes you don't love me."


"I do love you Jenn. Do you know how much I had to go through to be with you. Getting rid of Mike. That was no easy task."


I am not a prize Ty. I am a woman who wants to be loved. It was so great in the beginning. So passionate. So romantic. All that has disappeared. You've become this person I don't know anymore. "


"What are you saying? You're going to leave me like all them other suckers did?"


"No Baby."

In a distance, Santino is a little hurt and confused. He wonders how Jenn could tell Tyler she cares about him yet, days ago she told Santino she cares about him as well. Having enough with the reunion of Jenn and Ty, Tino walks back into the church.


"I love you and I want this to work out. But I am scared of you at times."


"I already know what you are about to say. The time I shot you and I beat you when you came back from Cleveland."


"Yes. I have never really dealt with those things. I feel uneasy when I am around you at times. If you truly love me, I shouldn't have to feel like that. I want this to work. But we have to make some changes."


"What kind of changes?"


"I want you to show me you love me. I want to feel it. Actions speaks louder than words Ty. I just want to be loved." Ty grabs her and holds her.

Ty, looking into Jenn's eyes, with passion and remorse,

"I am so sorry Jennifer. I'll be a better man to you. I promise I will love you better. And I won't put my hands on you ever again."

Jenn, pulling back and looking into his eyes

"You really promise?"


"I do." They lean in and kiss, Jenn, fearing what will come next, hesitantly kisses him.

Back inside the church

Alexis walks up to Karim.


"How are you holding up?"


"Not good at all. My pops is in heaven or maybe even hell at this point. I miss my pops."

Alexis holds him.

Karim, continuing

"And I can't get what my mother said to us at the door."

Alexis, rolling her eyes knowing where Karim is about to take this conversation.


"Alexis, I am going to ask you again. Are you hiding something from me? Just about every one in my life has lied to me. Including my mother, my dead pops and my ex fiancée. I hope I don't have to add you to the list."


"I am not hiding nothing, I can assure you that."


"I can't believe I am about to say this. And I know it's going to sound strange even coming from me. But in some sick way, my mom's third eye never lies. Since I was a child, that eye of hers, always saw things that no one else did. She said you were hiding something."

Alexis, thinking of how she knew Ashley was alive this whole time and that Ashley has been working with Karim's half sister, public enemy number one, Mona, still lies to Karim's face.

"I don't want to be disrespectful. But there is a first time for everything. I am not hiding anything from you. I know how many people have hurt you in your life with lies. I am not going to do that to you . I love you. With all my heart."


"I just don't know. You act like you're having an affair. Late night phone calls, and your strange actions. Those are the same things Ria did. You're acting the way she did when she was cheating on me."


"What do I have to do for you to believe me? Would you like me to take a lie detector test. I am more than willingly too."


"There's no need for that. We shouldn't even have to take it there. You should be able to convince me that you're not cheating. My heart is telling me something else and no test is going to change that. Only you can. Your actions. In any case, if you are hiding something, it will come out, just like my mother said."

Before Alexis can respond, she is brushed aside by LaDonna, who hugs Karim.


"I am so sorry for you loss Karim."


"Thank you LaDonna. I really appreciate you being here."


"Excuse me! We were in the middle of a conversation. And you're just gonna be rude and barge right in."


"Alexis please. Why are you always attacking LaDonna?"


"It's ok Karim. It just goes to show you how shallow Alexis is." She says turning around and smirking at Alexis,

"Get a hold of yourself woman. This is a funeral and the only thing you're worried about who is trying to rub up on your man. It' all about you huh? Why are so jealous of me? I barely even know you. You're paranoid. I almost feel sorry for Karim that he has to be with you. May God be with you Karim." And with that so boldly spoken, LaDonna walks away.


"Karim, I don't like her! Why do you let her talk to me like that?"


"You attacked her for no reason. She was defending herself. Grow up and worry about your secrets."

Karim walks away from Alexis, with a look of disgust.

Ty walks back in the church with Jennifer and sees Daniel and then looks at Jenn.


"I am going to have a chat with Daniel. Can you grab us a seat, I think this funeral is finally going to get started?"


"Ok." She walks away, with a puzzling look on her face. Ty walks over to Daniel.

Daniel visibly unhappy to see Ty,

"I know you are not here to mourn Lauren. You hated her."


"I am really sorry for what's happened."


"Give me a break, I really don't need your fake pity right now."


"What has gotten into you man? You're on the defense. We used to be like brothers. And now you act like you don't even know me anymore. What gives? Have I done something?"


"Getting involved in your lifestyle was the biggest mistake of my life. I got hooked on drugs, treated Lauren horrible and we all know what Mona did to me. I almost died several times thanks to Mona. And it stems from you. We were all working together And you're the one who told me to help her out. Well I couldn't. She took it as double crossing her and that's the reason she did everything she did to me."


"Wow, I had no idea. Why are you just now telling me? We could have put a stop to Mona months ago. She wasn't supposed to do all those thing to you, we were only to take out the Williams family."

Daniel, looks at Ty with disgust in his eyes.

"She's an unstable mess, I've lost to much working with you Ty. I lost the woman I loved. I bet it's because of Mona. Mona probably killed Lauren before stopping Sabryn and Bryan's wedding. And to be honest, I think it's time you experience some losses to ."

Ty looks confused at what Daniel said.

"Come again?"


"You're not invincible Ty. One day, you will be caught and exposed. Your dirty deed will come to light, you can bet on that."


"You say that as if you wish it would happen sooner rather than later."


"You're right."


"Wow, Thanks…Brother."


"Don't call me that ever again. You were just brainwashing me. A brother wouldn't have done what you did to me."


"I can't believe I am hearing this. You really want nothing to do with me?"


"I thought you understood that the last time we met. I almost knocked the living sh!t of you Ty until the wannabe Santino stepped in the way."


"And to think, I came over to lend a hand. I was going to offer you some work since you lost Lauren, it would have taken your mind of things. I was going to help you find out who shot her. But clearly you don't want that. I'll just be on my way then. But you remember one thing Danny boy, you're either with me, or against me. You have chosen your path so may God have Mercy on your soul when my people come for you."

Ty walks off as Daniel thinks of Tyler's words.

Sister Patterson walks up to the podium to get the funerals finally started.

She looks out at all the mourners who have come to pay their respect for either Jodie, Lauren, or Abe. She wipes a tear falling from her face as she begins her sermon.

Sister Patterson

"Oh Happy Day!" She looks out into the crowd waiting for a response but she doesn't get one so she says it again, only louder.


Everyone hesitantly responds with it, not knowing how this could be a happy day.

Sister Patterson

"We are here dear Lord to pay our respect for Sister Lauren. Sister Lauren was a dear soul. Many people have these misconceptions about her but I want to set the record straight. I'm gonna do it right HERE! And I want to do it right now! Can I get an Amend!"

A few people say it back.

Sister Patterson, wanting more fire and passion from the crowd says it again,




Sister Patterson

"Sister Lauren, when she thought she lost Daniel to my baby girl Kelis, Lord Have Mercy, I still don't understand how or why. But Believe me. My God will give me the answers I seek. I will not render evil for evil. Dear Sister Lauren, yes, she moved on with Chris, another departed soul, thanks to my daughter-"

She pauses, as she realizes just how truly demented her daughter really is. She bows her head for a moment so she can pull herself back together again. She looks up and continues

"Lauren, was lost, confused and lonely. She got with Chris thinking Daniel was really dead. Some people call her a slut."

Everyone gasps at Sister Patterson using that tone in her God's house.

Sister Patterson

"She is no slut I tell you! She is to be liked and loved. And I don't want to hear it no other way. We lost Lauren and her new child and it's so sad that an angel was taken away from us so soon. But at least we can take to heart that she is in a much better place, safe with our God away from the hurt and pain here on Earth, and I ask our heavenly father to keep her safe up there with him. God needed an Angel, so he took her from us.

So if any one see a man named Matt P on the streets, you tell him that I said, Sister Lauren is no slut. "

Daniel, standing up in an outrage

"That's enough DAMN IT There is no need for you to be talking like that about Laruen!"

Sister Patterson, looking at Daniel and grabbing the microphone out it's holder and walks around the podium to confront Daniel, grabbing a bible she tosses it at Daniel but it misses.

"Brother Daniel, I don't want to hear that kind of talk in this house. There were some myths and misconceptions about sister Lauren and I wanted to set the record straight. I'm trying to help you're slut- oops I mean Lauren out! But I'll move to sister Jodie."

Sister Patterson walks into the crowd, over to Jenn. She looks at her sternly.

"Everyone see this face here?" She looks around and waits for an answer. Once again she has to act a fool to get attention from the crowd.




Jenn's face begins to turn red,

"Sister Patterson, please don't do this."

Sister Pat

"I don't want to hear that you evil devil. What you did to Sister Jodie was horrific. How could you black mail Jodie with her HIV status. Then you tried to expose it and call her hoe card in front of everyone at the fashion show!"

Jenn tries standing up and walking out the church but Sister Patterson pushes her back down.

Sister Pat

"No. I don't think so. You need to hear this. You will not render evil with evil, Lord Have Mercy. You will pay for your sins one way or another. Everyone here in this house knows what you did. Jodie was already fighting the battle of her life and you made things no better."


"Please, you hypocrite! Didn't you cheat on your husband with his own brother?"

The church becomes silent. Sister Patterson is caught off guard for a moment and the church goers wonder how will the sister respond.

Sister Patterson looks into Jenn's eyes

"Should I tell this church, right here and right now, what my third eye knows? You know that I know that me and you know and that we all could soon know what latest sin you've committed."

Sister Patterson then looks at Ty

"When you get home son, ask your fiancée here about her and Santino." With that said Sister Patterson walks back up to the podium. Jenn is absolutely flabbergasted as Ty looks at her with bewildered eyes. Santino who is sitting behind them, begins to sweat as Ty looks at him wondering what the Sister is talking about.

Sister Patterson, looking out onto the crowd,

"A lot of yens been trying to throw rocks at my glass house. Well yens know what? I got something to say! And Guess What?


"You're going to say it and you're going to say it now!"

Sister Patterson

"Amend! Now listen carefully. I only know how to speak the truth! Yes I've committed a sin. Yes I hurt my family and YES I am SORRY. We are all human and temptation does get the better of us. I had the devil in me. Yens hear me? Can I get an Amend!"



Sister Patterson

"I will not have it no more. I am still on the battlefield of sin, fighting the devil at every turn and corner. I rebuke you devil! Devil I SAID GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!! DO YOU HERE ME?!" She says jumping up and down.

Sister Patterson

"I break all curses that have been placed against me. The devil was inserted into my late husband and the devil had fun. I don't understand why or how this is happening to my family. But Lord I want you to know I bind, rebuke and bring to no effect, all division, discord and disunity within my family. The Williams have a lot of healing to do but I know Lord, through you and my third eye, we will beat that devil. May God rest all these precious souls in peace. One last thing Lord I need to address."

Everyone in the crowd rolls their eyes.

Sister Patterson

"I want everyone in this house to know that I break the power of negative words and attitudes coming out the mouths of the people in my house. Ria, you're a dirty slut and I now declare this funeral over. Can I get a witness?"

Then Patti Labelle comes out from the back and begins to sing "Oh Happy Day" as Sister Patterson gets the Holy ghost and periodically joins in with Patti Labelle, singing the song with her infamous wolf howls.

Lavender Hill

Ashley and Sabryn stand face to face, beside Bryan Jr's crib, and Sabryn looks like she is about to explode. Her anger has boiled over with Ashley and everything that has happened.


"I am so sick of you! For how many years now, you have tried to screw up the relationship between Bryan and I? You crashed my wedding. You tried to steal Bryan from me. You stole Natalia's child. You stole my son's name, and now you want to steal my son! I don't know who's worse: You or Natalia."


"You should be thanking me, I got rid of Natalia for you. "


"Excuse me? "


"I shot her at the fashion show. "


"What the hell? That was you?! You shot her?! I'm on the suspect list for that, you probably wanted me to go to jail for shooting her! "


"Ha! I wanted to deal with you myself, and I have my own problems with Natalia. My only regret is that she didn't die. But I made up for it with Dahlia. Poor girl. "


"Dahlia Salem? What the hell did you possibly do to her? "


"She tried to foil my plans, so I killed her…it was so fun. Watching that train crush her bones…"

Sabryn, widens her eyes with a disturbed look on her face.

"Are you kidding me? That's it, I've had enough of you flaunting around this town. You are truly sick, Ashley. You have become so severed from reality."


"I think you have confused me with yourself."


"You somehow think that having Natalia's baby and claiming it as yours will help you get Bryan back. You think he's just going to fall in love with you? Bryan is a pig but you… you have gone totally nuts! You just think that you can kill me and get Bryan, get my son, and Natalia's or whoever the hell's baby that is?"


"Bryan Jr. is MY baby, Sabryn, MINE! He is not Natalia's, he is mine, and your son will be too! I am their mother now! And you are the crazy one, you think Bryan is yours, when he's mine!! ALL OF THEM ARE MINE DAMNIT! "


"I don't give a damn about Bryan but you will not steal my son. Never. Ashley, you are so pathetic its almost sad. You have no one, you have to take other people's children to give yourself a family, and scheme your way into getting Bryan. I almost, almost feel bad for you. "

Ashley, getting very angry as she holds the butcher knife ,


Ashley takes a huge leap at Sabryn with her butcher knife in hand, and tackles Sabryn to the ground! Ashley laughs crazily as she pins Sabryn down and holds the knife over her head, about to stab her, but Sabryn lifts her knees and kicks Ashley off of her, and Ashley grunts as she hits the ground as Sabryn gets up and grabs Ashley by the hair, pulling her up.


"You want a fight?! I'll give it to you, psycho!"

Ashley elbows Sabryn in the stomach and then turns around and takes a stab at her, but Sabryn grabs a hold of the knife at the last minute. A struggle ensues for the knife, and they both begin pulling it towards each other, and it only gets more intense, and then one of them suddenly groans in pain!

Next on S.T.E.A.M.:

Sister Patterson has a gravely breakdown!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Haven't had much time to read the blog, so I'm finally all caught up now and the past few episodes have been great. This one was no exception, I loved Sister Patterson going off and calling Jenn and Santino out in church, that was by far my favorite scene. And great cliffhanger, can't wait to see what is going to happen next.

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Sister Patterson is still my favoirte part of your show lol.

Awesome show! Love Sabryn and Ashley's confrontation.

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Wow! I love the opening scene with Ashley. And when Sabryn walks in! The butcher knife! All great! I got chills.

Man it had to be difficult for Lauren lying in the coffin. I'd be afraid I'd sneeze or something. LOL

I keep finding myself getting caught up in everyone's speeches that I forget she's actually alive.

I like the Ria and Sharan scenes as well. I lke the catiness.

Sister Patterson is always entertaining.

I LOVED Ashley's confessions. I had a flashback when she talked about Dhalia! Ooh! That was such a great scene!


I can't wait for the next one!

Great work!

PS: I'm so excited to see Remy!

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Moving out: Who da H... Sharan thinks she is; she should know not to go head to head with Crazy RIA... Trying to keep cold, thinking she is Michelle Obama, and making Ria out to be the bad guy. You see I like Ria, she give it straight, and tell it how it is; she doesn't put on the sweet, classic acts upfront... Can't wait for Ria to expose her little secret.

AMEND! AMEND! AMEND! Sitta Pat, I wish Miss Jenkins was there to put you in your place, her and her third eyes have no place in that church.

OMG - ASHLEY is BEYOND PSYCHO... THERE"S NO WORD FOR IT! - It would have been nice to have had took the baby, and torturing sabryn a little... Could have bring Sabryn and Brian together, but man, I really hope Sabryn comes out in top.

It was great episode man... I had a lot of fun reading it! Very well done!

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Here's my message to Sister Patterson: "Shut the hell up!" Too funny. Thanks for the mention. Do I think Lauren's still a slut? Yes and no. I'm really enjoying the new casting decisions and I think they've swayed the way I feel about the characters.

It was great to see Daniel stand up to Ty the way he did. Daniel is finally getting a backbone after everything that happened to him. Part of which was for sure Ty's fault. Jenn is for sure stupid to trust Ty. That relationship is just a train wreck.

Alexis should've went even crazier on LaDonna. Karim really had no right to yell at Alexis, she was only standing up for someone she felt passionate about.

I loved the Ria vs. Sharan confrontation. My favorite line was when Sharan told Ria to grow up. (The truth hurts.) Though Ria got in some great comebacks, that made for a great read.

The opening and ending scene were superb. Ash is really hitting a breaking point and it always gets interesting when the two go violent on each other.

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Sabryn. Boy do she got a long road ahead. SHe has lost so much and been through so much. I feel bad for her myself.

Surprised everyone loves Sharan vs Ria. I dont know why.

Karim is going through a lot right now. He is losing his family. Lost Abe. Just found Mona. He doesnt need aleixs not beliveing in their love. Ladonna is his secretary and has been for years. Karim is just tired of Alexis insecurites.

I am glad my casting over haul is paying off.. I keep trying to make Lauren not a slut but there is no way around it. I write her as a herione but slowly she is going in the opposite direction and she does something that will make you all hate her.

If I wrote Miss Jenkins into the funeral, the funeral would have been 4 epiodes and I felth the readers could not take another week of it.

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