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Episodes 73-75



Episode 76-80 will be lightly updated throughout this week as I take my finals.

Dusty returns from his business trip and learns about Emily's controversial exposé about Caleb and Julie Snyder's marital problems. He blasts her for being so shallow and tells her that they're through. Later, Emily sees Aaron at Old Town and he tells her that she'd better print a retraction or he's suing her for slander.

Holden and Lily arrive home amidst hugs, tears, kisses, and smiles. Lily lies to Lucinda that she found nothing in Barbados and gives in, apologizing to Holden and Lucinda for going off on a wild goose chase to retrieve answers about Craig's death. Lucinda thanks the search team leader who soon notices that one of the guards is missing. Meanwhile, Andrew peeks through the window as Holden and Lily spend time with their kids.

Lyla and Barbara start treatment at Oakdale's new cancer ward's temporary unit. Michael voices his excitement over the approaching completion and grand opening of the new multi-million dollar facility. Lyla asks Michael point blank if he came to Oakdale for the job or just to torture her and use her family to get to her. Michael assures Lyla that he's not doing anything of the sort. He only wants to spend time with Katie, a niece he barely knows. He promises Lyla that any feelings that he had for Lyla in the past are long gone. Later, we learn that Michael came to Oakdale not only for the job, but to escape the pressure of his nasty divorce back home.

Luke and Noah continue to bask in the glow of their newly rekidndled love. Noah quickly learns his job at Worldwide will be a tough one when Lucinda introduces him to a fiery new intern named Sherry. He reminds himself that he's gay and fights off her many attempts to flirt. During a party at work, Luke notices the two's closeness but assures himself that Noah's not interested in Sherry. Later, Lucinda learns that there's a mole at Worldwide.

Jack begins to worry about Emma when she announces yet again that she's going out of town. Jack confides in Carly that he's worried about Emma and cites that Emma's been making frequent trips out of town for almost a year now. Later, Jack learns that Carrie's moved in. Carly assures Jack that she has things under control and he's quickly smitten with how well Carrie handles the children. Carrie admits she used to be a nanny. Jack wonders what else there is to know about Carly's new mysterious roommate and seeks answers from Margo.

Will comes home to tell Gwen about his new job offer and notices she's taken Hallie out again. Will grows curious and phones Alison, who absentmindedly tells Will that Gwen's not there. Alison notices her mistake a little late and phones Gwen to warn her just as Gwen steps in the house and discovers Will waiting up on her. Alison and Gwen quickly recover and tell Will it was all a misunderstanding. As Barbara urges a reluctant Will to spy on his wife, Alison tells Gwen she can't lie for her anymore.

Bob tells Kim that there's nothing that Tom can do to lessen Chris's new sentence. Kim later returns from a visit with Chris, visibly shaken. Bob tries to calm her down, but Kim goes out to a bar and contemplates drinking her cares away. As Kim raises the bottle, Susan approaches her and warns her that drinking won't solve a thing.

Vienna and Katie meet up for lunch and Vienna voices her disappointment in her inability to find someone to sponsor her new cosmetics line. Katie gets an idea and tells Vienna that she could sponsor Vienna and wear the product on Oakdale Now, cross-promoting the two. Both ladies seem pleased with their idea, but Henry senses disaster. Later, Michael asks Katie over to the house to try a new recipe and agrees, unaware of Margo's promise to Lyla that they would only see Michael on a professional basis. Katie drags Brad along and Michael makes mention of the two making a good couple. Both laughingly dismiss Michael's observation, but a few bottles of wine later, the two end up having sex back at Katie's.

Rosanna visits Carly and tells her sister that she's leaving town. Rosanna notices Carrie, but doesn't say anything. Paul tries to persuade Rosanna to give him a chance, but Rosanna recalls warning him she wouldn't be around for him after he discovered Meg's lies. At a loss for words, Paul watches Rosanna leave. Rosanna has a change of heart and cancels her flight, opting to stay in Oakdale and figure out where she knows Carrie from. Paul thinks that Rosanna didn't leave town because of him, but little does he know, he couldn't be more wrong.


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OMG....does Emma have a hawttie stashed out of town somewhere??? Inquiring (dirty) minds want to know!!! :D

Hmmn...Rosanna knows Carrie from somewhere.

Kim....a drinker.......you....wouldn't....would....you??? *faints from shock*

Good luck on finals!!!

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HOT DAMN am I peeved with Noah. I know he's young and coming to terms with who is, but this line of thought didn't sit well with me.

He reminds himself that he's gay and fights off her many attempts to flirt.

WTF? You have to remind yourself, Noah??!!?? I think it's about time Luke to have another love interest, at least in terms of making things a bit more interesting for him and Noah. I know they have the whole Carrie thing, but I'm just about done with them as a couple.[kudos to you writers for making me care so much, :lol:]

How creepy to have Andrew staring in and peeping on Holden and Lily. Can't wait to see where this goes.

Definitely intrigued to find out how Rosanna knows Carrie!!

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