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Episode 72



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Alison barges into Emily's office and slams the paper on her desk. Alison asks Emily what the hell she was doing printing such personal material as this. Emily claims that her motivations were in the right place. Alison barks "Like hell they were! You took advantage of a personal situation. Aaron's already having enough trouble." Emily defends herself, saying that sales are down and she needed a story that would sell. Unfortunately, that story is the turbulent relationship between Caleb and Julie, which many in Oakdale have already known. Alison screams that Emily has no heart. Disgusted, Alison leaves and finds Aaron about to bust into Emily's office and let her hear it. She's eventually able to convince Aaron to let it go and not confront Emily, saying that's exactly what Emily wants him to do. Later, Susan shares her disgust with Emily when she arrives home, wondering aloud what Dusty will think when he hears Emily's back to her old habits.

Carly finds Carrie holed up in the bathroom at WOAK. Carly helps Carrie out with her troubles and Carrie thanks her. Carly tells Carrie that the morning sickness will eventually leave. Carly confesses that she knows what it's like to be in her shoes and asks if Carrie has any family in the area to take care of her. Carrie says that she's been estranged from her father for years now and hasn't seen him since she was seventeen; her mother died when she was young; and the baby's father has decided not to take part in anything. Carly shocks Carrie by inviting her to move in with her, as Carrie recalls that Carly hated her just a few weeks ago. Carly admits that she was a bit too hard on Carrie, and eventually, she convinces Carrie to move in with her. Later, Carly and Carrie have a near miss with Luke and Noah.

Noah and Luke return to the apartment. Noah, having just gotten off work, lays down in the tub for a soak and is surprised when Luke comes up behind him. Luke tries to take things past 2nd base, but Noah stalls. Noah reminds Luke that their frolicking almost cost Noah his job before he even started. Luke tells Noah to relax and the two end up making love in the tub. Later, the two decide to go out for dinner at Mona Lisa. Lisa greets them and tells them that she's glad they were able to come. Katie comes up and asks about Holden and Lily. After Katie walks off, Luke mentions that after pining over Holden and marrying Jack, Katie's now sleeping with Brad. Luke laughs that she likes to keep it all in the family. Little do they know that a hurt Katie heard every word.

Katie meets Lyla and Margo for dinner at Mona Lisa. Once all three arrive, Katie tells her mother and sister about overhearing Luke's hurtful words and whines that perhaps giving Brad another chance was a bad mistake. Margo tells Katie that their mother's just been released from the hospital and goes back for more tests tomorrow...the last thing she wants is to hear about Katie's love life. Katie cries that no one seems to even care about her anymore. Margo, with sympathy, tells Katie that not everything is always about her. Lyla warns Katie that this could be the last dinner they all have together. She comforts Katie, telling her that she does care. She wants to see Katie marry (for good, this time) and have kids and grow to be an extraordinary woman. But right now, she continues, all she wants is to eat dinner with her girls and leave the troubles of their lives behind...even if it's only for a few minutes. Later, Margo confesses to Lyla that she thinks she and Michael have patched things up. Lyla's horrified that her daughters have been spending time with Michael. Margo, frank as can be, asks Lyla why she doesn't want her daughters to have anything to do with Michael. Lyla insists that she and Michael have a history far too complicated to be understood. Patiently, she asks Margo to respect her wishes and asks that Margo and Katie only see Michael on a professional basis. Margo reluctantly agrees.

Holden and Lily continue running from Andrew. Taking a break, Lily notices her ankle swelling again, but ventures on. As they run, they see men in black uniforms and conclude that the men are after them, as well. Little do they know that the men in black uniforms are the search party Lucinda has sent looking for them both. Holden suggests they run one way, but Lily takes the opposite route and heads for the hotel room where she was staying. As she gathers her things in a hurry, Holden keeps watch. Lily spots the note telling her to quit looking and tucks it into her bag. The two head out again for the air strip and start to board the jet. The search and rescue team sent by Lucinda tries to identify themselves, but fearing they have a gun, Holden and Lily start fighting them off. Lily notices Andrew's nowhere in sight. Holden grabs Lily and starts to run again until the commander of the search team identifies himself and says that Ms. Walsh sent them. Holden and Lily sigh with relief and board the plane with the team, headed back home. Little do they know...

One of the search and rescue team members lies unconcious on the ground back in Barbados while a black uniformed team member on the plane raises his head and reveals the face of Andrew.


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I'm liking this Alias-like adventure for Holden and Lily. :D

LMAO...go Luke!!! HILARIOUS commentage on Katie's sleeping through the Snyder stable. (Dusty, I love you!)

I love Carly's generous nature. :)

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Oooo, good stuff.

ITA with the Lily/Holden comments. I love this friggin' story.

Shocked that Carly asked Carrie to move in so quickly. One one hand I like how this is developing but on the other, I haven't gotten that 'close' to Carrie yet, so I don't feel for her as much as I think I should, LoL.

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Shocked that Carly asked Carrie to move in so quickly. One one hand I like how this is developing but on the other, I haven't gotten that 'close' to Carrie yet, so I don't feel for her as much as I think I should, LoL.

I think your line of thinking is exactly how Jack is seeing this. Carly works with this girl and the second that Carly finds out Carrie's alone and pregnant, she sympathizes with her and invites her to move into ChezCarly. It's a bit too much for Jack's mind to wrap around.

But in Carly's mind, she sees Carrie as an altered version of a young Carly. Carly didn't have many friends when she became pregnant with Nora (a child she miscarried thanks to Rosanna) and she was a bit "out there"...didn't know what to do, where to go. Everyone that had cared for her in the past had somehow been burnt by Carly and had turned their back. Carly, I think, doesn't want to see Carrie ostracized the way she was. Yes, she might not know that much about her, but she still feels like she somehow owes Carrie. After all, she made her life a living hell before she discovered Carrie was preggers. The least she can do is offer this girl her shoulder.

And actually, when you look at it in a historical perspective, Oakdale has had its share of fair citizens inviting in strays. LOL

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I think your line of thinking is exactly how Jack is seeing this. Carly works with this girl and the second that Carly finds out Carrie's alone and pregnant, she sympathizes with her and invites her to move into ChezCarly. It's a bit too much for Jack's mind to wrap around.

But in Carly's mind, she sees Carrie as an altered version of a young Carly. Carly didn't have many friends when she became pregnant with Nora (a child she miscarried thanks to Rosanna) and she was a bit "out there"...didn't know what to do, where to go. Everyone that had cared for her in the past had somehow been burnt by Carly and had turned their back. Carly, I think, doesn't want to see Carrie ostracized the way she was. Yes, she might not know that much about her, but she still feels like she somehow owes Carrie. After all, she made her life a living hell before she discovered Carrie was preggers. The least she can do is offer this girl her shoulder.

And actually, when you look at it in a historical perspective, Oakdale has had its share of fair citizens inviting in strays. LOL

LoL, I didn't know that about Oakdale and its 'stray' policy, but I've gotcha now.

As for everything else, you pretty much nailed it in terms of where I'm coming from. I'm still vested in the story, I just don't necessarily care for Carrie as much as Carly does. Perhaps that will change over time though.

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