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Meet Sister Patterson! Episode 57



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The Williams HouseRaw00052.jpg

Abe, looking distraught, from all the drama he's dealing with, walks in his front door. He hangs his coat and hat on the coat hanger and enters the kitchen where the smells of fried chicken and greens entices him. He sees his wife and the mother of his 2 and a half kids, the Williams Matriarch, Sister Patterson.

Sister Patterson, looking at Abe with a mean face10-1.jpg

"It's nice to know you care about me. You didn't call or nothing during the black out. Lord have mercy. What if Miss Jenkins found out?"


" A lot of stuff happened during the black out. It's been non stop crazy."

Sister Patterson

"Yea, Yea, tell me anything huh? You make sick." She turns away from him and takes the hot water corn bread that is done baking in the oven as Abe takes a seat at the dining room table.

Sister Patterson

"Why haven't I heard from my sons yet? They even haven't checked up on me. I was here all by myself in this big ass house in the dark. I didn't know if it was the end of the world or not. I can see where Kevin and Karim get's there selfishiness from."


"Sharan was kidnapped last night."

Sister Patterson

"Say what? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Instead of telling me what's going on you want to argue with me. I don't know why we get married. Tyler Perry should have asked me that damn question instead of making that movie. Lord, wait till Miss Jenkins finds out. Where is my son?!"


"I would have told you if you would have given me a chance"

Sister Patterson

"Those should have been the first words out your mouth you dummy. Go get my son! Lord help me." She says looking up toward the ceiling. Just then Kevin walks into the house. Sister Patterson drops her towel she was drying her hands off with and walks into her foyer to see if it's Kevin. It is. Pat embraces her son in a hug as Abe watches. He wonders if Mona, his supposed dead daughter is behind the kidnapping of Sharan.


Episode: 57, Meet Sister Patterson

Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches

Huntington Memorial Hospitalhospital.jpg

Alexis walks into Natalia's room


"Well well well, welcome. I've been waiting to meet you"


"Do I know you? You kept looking at me at The Jump Off the other night."


"You don't know me yet. But you're about to. I'm Natalia Ciglutie"


"Alexis Jones"


"Yes, Ashley's sister. You two do look alike."


"That's what people say. Now tell me why I should know you"


"We have a common enemy. Sabryn Genet."


"You hate the Bitch too?"


"With a Passion. She fired me from one of her stores, won't give me any credit for helping her fashion become no.1 in the nation. She's disrespectful, rude and devious. She's second class, bottom of the line Bitch"


"Correction, S.G. has slipped to no.4"


"That's great news. The high and mighty does fall. Serves her just right. And I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't belive Sabryn an Bryan ran her down"

Alexis, upon hearing Natalia say that, Alexis has a flashback, of being the u-hual driver that rammed into Sabryn's and Bryan's car, causing the cars to run over Ashley, She comes out her remeberance

"And she's going to fall even further. So tell me how you helped Sabryn become number 1?"


"Well I design stuff here and there. I have submitted some of my designs to Sabryn. She said I could sell them in the store I ran for her but that was it. I might add that the store I managed for her was her highest grossing store in the country. Hence that store was the only one to sell my designs"


"Very interesting. I am opening a new west coast office based on my New York based Divine Design."


"What a convenience. I have money to invest."


"I like the sound of that. Money talks. What are you working with?"


"Half a million dollars."


"Very good. I am scouting some sites for my office later on today. I believe I have my first model as well. Her name is Jodie and I'm meeting up with her later."


"I'm leaving the hospital today. Maybe we can get together and look at some of my designs?"


"I would like that. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership."


"A partnership dedicated to the destruction of Sabryn Genet, and her fashion house."

Alexis, smiling

"This will be great." Alexis pulls out her card and hands it to Natalia

"Call me when you are free."


"Will do." Alexis leaves

"Look out Sabryn. I'm coming to get you." Natalia gathers up her things and prepares to leave the hospital

The Blue NotePolinesia4.jpg

Lauren is sitting at the bar, drinking white wine. As she finishes her glass she orders another as thoughts of Daniel's open eyed dead body keep flashing through her head. Upon getting her drink, she drinks the entire glassful in one swallow.

"Is this seat taken?"

Lauren hears, and she turns around to see Jennifer.portrait.jpg

"I assume this is a public place." She replies coldly, ordering another glass of wine.


"Look Lauren, I know I am probably the last person you want to see right now."


"True. SO why are you here? "


"I am here because I care. I want to be here for you. I heard what happened to Daniel. I am so sorry for your loss." Lauren wipes a tear free falling down her cheek.


"If you were really sorry Jenn, then you would have told Ty to leave Daniel alone."


"How does Ty have anything to do with this. Didn't Chris stab Daniel?"

Lauren, trying to tune out her once close friend, again empties her glass.


"I'm sorry. Lauren, I miss talking to you. I miss hanging out with you. Even though we are not on cool terms, I still care about you. Through all these misunderstandings You are my friend at the end of the day. A good friend. Your dealing with a lot and I want to help." Lauren, after ordering another drink, looks at Jenn. She stares into Jenn's eyes and remembers what it felt like having a good friend in Jenn. Getting more teary eyed, Lauren wraps her arms around Jenn and she let's it out. Jenn holds her friend back.

"It's ok, Let it out." She stands Lauren up and escorts her to her private office.

Inside the office Lauren seats down her leather couch


"I just can't believe this is happening. It all happened so fast. I don't remember anything. The lights went out and when they came back on, there Daniel was, with a knife buried in his chest. Chris had blood all over his hands."


"I can't believe Chris would do something like that. I didn't know he had it in me. He always seem so quiet."


"He said he was going to kill him Jenn. I didn't think He actually would."

Jenn has a flashback of Ty shooting her in the shoulder in the secret hallyways of his Hotel.

"Believe it or not, I know how you feel Lauren. I am so sorry for letting Ty disrespect you a few weeks ago. I don't know what I was thinking. I know what I am saying to you means nothing right now, considering everything that your going through. But I just want you to know, I love you like a sister, and I want to patch things up between us. I don't want you going through this rough time by yourself. After all the wine you drank tonight, You need some one to help you. Drinking is not the answer to this."

Lauren, woozy from the wine, and feeling more aggressive

"Oh please. Don't feed me this holier than thou non sense. Don't let Daniel's death now bring you to your senses. If you couldn't see that Ty was being a rude Bastard to me when it happened, I don't want a death to bring it out now. After all the years of friendship, you let that Bastard ruin a good friendship. I don't want your pity or sympathy. Give it to yourself. You'll need it if you continue this relationship with that snake. You'll regret it one day. Now get the hell out, before I spit my drink out all over you again."


"May be I already have" She says softly, getting up and leaving Lauren's office.

Westwood Park, Natalia's HouseuntitSabynsfrontdoor.jpg

Ria walks through the front door reading the headlines of the newspaper. Natalia comes out the bathroom, trying to hook her hoop earring in her ear.


"Can you get this for me."


"Girl you didn't tell me nothing about you and Dahlia." She says fastening Natalia's earring


"It was something let me tell you."


"Yea girl do tell."


"Dahlia awoke from her coma. She attacked me."


"Girl no she didn't"


"Yes she did. After I told her I was with child, she went crazy. So in defending myself, we flew out the hospital window."


"Hell to the naw. You flew out the window?"


"Yes we did."


"And ended up at Stink so Good. That is so crazy. You stay in drama girl. So tell me,.... did you beat Dahlia's ass?" Pausing and thinking, as she looks toward the ceiling "Lord Rest her soul"

Natalia, smiling

"You are so crazy."


"Yea, I've heard that a few times."


"Well I guess you could say it was a tie. I am pregnant so I really didn't want to do to much and hurt this baby."


"I know that's right. You and Mark are going to be a family. I know you could not be happier." She hugs her best friend


"Your right. I hate to say it, but Dahlia is no longer an obstacle."


"It is what it is. Accidents happen.....Next"


"You silly. Listen, I got an appointment with Alexis and a realtor to look at a building for her company. You want to come with me?"


"Ashley's sister, Alexis Jones? As in Karim and Alexis?"


"Yea, I guess so."


"You made that one up. I know you really tripping now. You know I don't like that skank"


"Girl come on. This is business. I want you by my side. We can be rich."


"I am beautiful huh? I could be a model" She says patting her head and posing.


"You already know you are."


"I don't know Natti. The idea of working with that Bitch makes me ill. I can't stand to see Karim and her together. She'll probably be flaunting him all in my face and that would force me to beat her ass and then his too. I don't play that. "


"Ria, relax. I thought you have moved on from Karim.?


"Maybe, but I still don't want to see him with that white bi-" Stopping herself.. "That ugly Bitch."

Natalia, smiling

"You are better than that. Don't let Alexis stop you from becoming rich and famous. Besides, you will be a good counter weight against Alexis if anything ever goes wrong."


"That would give me an excuse to beat that hoe's ass huh?"


"You is so crazy."


"Well girl let's go." They both grab there purses and leaves Westwood Park.

Back at The Williams House

Pat escorts Kevin into the dining room as Karim arrives at the house.


"Son I am so sorry. Lord have mercy."


"Ma I don't understand how this happened." He looks at his father

"Pops, please tell me you know something."


"No Kev, I'm sorry. "


"I'm not surprised. I still can't believe you are chief of police. Dumb ass Bastard"

Karim, entering the roommp07.jpg

"Ma don't start."


"Lord forgive me. Abe just brings the devil out in me."


"How did this happen? Where is Dondre?"

Kevin, having a flashback of Sharan calling out Dondre's name last night while they were making love

"I don't know. Sharan and I were arguing next thing I know the lights went out, I heard Dondre coming into the house and after that I don't know what happened."


What do you mean you don't know?"


"I must have fallen a sleep some how. I woke up and didn't see Sharan and I found a letter from Dondre that was to Sharan."


"What is on Dondre's mind? What kind of mad man kidnaps some one. Lord I can't let Miss Jenkins find out what's goings on. Dondre is sick and he needs to be stopped. Abe go get my Holy Water. We about to go to war"


"Ma, who is Miss Jenkins?"

Pat looks at her youngest son. She stands up and walks over to him

"Boy, don't talk about Miss Jenkins like that." She slaps him across the face. "Don't know one talk about Miss Jenkins honey."

Abe shakes his head at his crazy wife. Just then his phone rings.

"Hello?....Ok, I got you, I'll be down in a few." Abe hangs up his phone

"They have found Dondre. He was in Seattle."




"What about Sharan?"


"Sorry son, Sharan still has not turned up."


"Damn.... Damn!. I'm going to kill Dondre." Kevin gets up, snatches his father's gun from his gun holster and leaves the house, and heads toward the police station ready to put a bullet into his enemy Dondre.


"Lord, the devil has taken over my son. Wait till Miss Jenkins finds out." Abe flees from the house trying to stop his son. Karim looks at his mother and wonders who in the hell is this Miss Jenkins? Pat grabs her Holy Water and goes after son, hoping she can make it on time from letting Kevin shoot Dondre.....


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Love Sister Patterson.

I don't know why we get married. Tyler Perry should have asked me that damn question instead of making that movie.

Love that! That really had me laughing out loud.

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Having Sister Patterson makes me interested in this family. Especially Abe who I felt was such a boring character. The casting of SP was genius because you wrote her to the 'T.' Can't wait to see what kinds of things this diva will do.

This episode also featured my girl Natti. She needs another enemy now that Dahlia's gone. Natti better becareful or she might just lose Ria as a friend because of her befriending Alexis. Hell hath fury like a villain scorned or at least one who's money was taken away from her.

And Lauren...get a life or a clue. This episode made me like Jenn for once and not like Lauren. Jenn's usually blah to me but she was only trying to help the hot mess out.

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