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-Stefano manages to escape his compound, and he says to forget Helena. He sees in a distance Roman standing on the cliff, and he smirks as he walks off…

-Sami yells “UNCLE STEVE NO!” but he says this might have to be done, but EJ grabs Steve’s collar and takes out his own gun, but Kayla jumps forward and tries to push EJ back, and a gun shot goes off!!!!!

-Anna’s eyes widen in shock, and she slowly says “No…no…Tony and Marlena were never even in love…that’s impossible…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” and “Tony” tells her it all happened while Marlena was being held captive from 1987 to 1991. Anna looks and screams “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Roman continues to stand on the cliff, knowing that Stefano will come in time. He sees ISA jets approaching, and as it approaches the beach, men begin to jump out. Roman sees Shane and simply nods at him, and Shane seems to know what he is saying…

-Sami screams, as EJ slowly stands after being shot in the stomach. He angrily approaches Steve and Sami rushes to his side and tells him to just stand down, but he says no this must be done. He tries to charge at Steve again, and begins to shoot but Steve punches him, and a struggle begins between them, and another gunshot goes off…and EJ goes tumbling to the ground with a bullet through his chest.

- “Tony” tells her its all true… Tony has a child with Marlena but neither of them no it. He says Jan is who Rex and Cassie Brady were thought to be. Anna shakes her head in denial, and says she can’t believe it not until she has proof. She then whispers “Tony, please come back to me…please…I love you…”

-EJ lies on the ground in pain, and the guards are about to attack Steve and Kayla but suddenly many ISA men run up and tell them all to freeze. Shane follows, and before he can say anything he sees Sami lowering to the ground and as tears stream down her cheeks she cradles EJ. EJ has one shot in his stomach and another in his chest, and Sami begins to speak to him:

Sami: EJ…please…just hold on…the ISA is here, they can get you medical attention…

EJ: *coughing*No, Samantha…there isn’t enough time…Johnson’s bullets have pierced me too deep…


EJ: You must…carry on for me, Samantha…make sure my mother and father are defeated…and avenge my death…

Sami briefly glances at everyone else, and looks down at EJ one last time as he says:

EJ: And Samantha…remember…I love you…

Sami: I…I love you too…more than I have ever loved a man before…

EJ lightly smiles at her as he dies in her arms…

-Stefano slowly walks up the cliff where Roman stands, and as he walks up behind him, Roman turns with a gun in hand.

Roman: DiMera.

Stefano: Brady.

Roman: Just like twenty three years ago…no more war with Helena, or chasing after Marlena, its just you and me now, and this is where things end.

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