In the secret room, Hope decides to call the police contacts that she knows to see if they found out anything. Steve can't believe Stefano even has secret rooms in a penthouse. Tony says Stefano has secret rooms and passageways in all of his properties in the event he has to escape or hide something. Tony continues to look through the files and finds a notation from Liz Curtis in one of the documents. He tells Steve and Hope that this is the break they needed. Liz is in Indiana in they have to leave ASAP. They can't risk Stefano catching on before they learn the truth. Hope and Steve take off for their homes, saying that they will leave notes for Bo and Kayla, hoping they understand. Tony hopes they do as well because this running off is really making them look bad in their spouses’ eyes.

Stefano is riding on a stationary bike as Lincoln walks in. Stefano greets him, asking how the clean-up is going. Lincoln tells him that Victor is spending a fortune trying to clean up that spill and cover-up the attacks on his tankers. It won’t break him by no means but it will put a very serious dent in his wallet. Stefano smiles, saying that since Victor will now be busy, it’s time to turn their attention to Orpheus.
Stefano then asks if things are where he wants them. Lincoln says that everything is almost in place. They move very, very soon. Stefano smiles once again, saying........
Stefano: Good. Excellent work, my friend. That Orpheus won’t know what hit him when we strike. And Victor........he doesn’t suspect a thing?
Lincoln: Not one thing. As far as he knows, I am one of his loyal men.
Stefano: Good. Good. You know.........I’ve been letting way too much slide by, because of honor. He blows up my warehouse with my daughter in it.........and I let it go. He blows up my HOME..........and I let it go. Well........no more. The oil tankers were just a preview. Next time...............
Victor will receive the main presentation. And Orpheus..........dear Orpheus. His hell.........is just beginning.
The scene then fades into the...

Victor is on the phone with the Governor of Texas, assuring him that every effort is being made to contain and clean up the spill. He thanks the Governor and tells him to give his best to his wife and children. As Victor hangs up, Roman walks in with a brandy and asks him.....
Roman: How’s the clean-up going?
Victor: We just started. The money I’m going to sink into this...........Stefano better be glad his sorry [!@#$%^&*] ass isn’t standing here right now.......or he would have a bullet in his head.
Roman: Well, if any of us would have done that years ago........
Victor: We wouldn’t be in this [!@#$%^&*] now, right?
Roman: Yeah. You can say that.
Victor: Well, then.........are you going to work with me once again..........and find out what that bastard is up to?
Roman:Yeah. Why not?
Victor: Good. And...........just to give you some help..........I asked this man to be your eyes and ears.
A familiar man walks into the study(CLICK HERE FOR PIC OF THE MAN!!) and stands in front of Roman, saying.......
Man: You’re looking well. You ready to ride on this?
Roman looks at the gentleman, then at Victor, and then back at the gentleman before saying..........
Roman: With guns blazing.
All three men then walk out of the room, leaving to discuss plans.

Hope is about to run out of her house, Steve comes walking in with his bag. Hope asks if everything is alright, to which Steve replies yes. Steve then says that they don’t have the time to talk about it there. They’ll talk when they get on the plane. Hope agrees and picks up her bags as she and Steve run out the door to Salem Airport.
A short time after, Bo comes home and calls out to Hope. When she doesn’t answer, he looks around for her, walking into the kitchen and then coming back into the bedroom. Kayla calls him on his cell phone, asking him if he got a note from Hope or Steve. Bo says no at first and then looks down on the end table to see the note Hope left him. Kayla wants to know what is going on with those two.
As Bo reads the note, he wants to know the very same thing.

The cat fight continues as Billie smacks Elizabeth hard across the face. It stops the fight for a few moments as Elizabeth rubs her face. Billie tells her to stay away from Jack, pointing a finger in her face. Elizabeth slaps the finger out of her face and smacks Billie hard. Billie holds her jaw, looks at Elizabeth with shock and anger, and then tackles her into some tables.
Jack and Alex run into the place and pull both women apart, with Elizabeth yelling that Billie is jealous of her son and Jack. Billie yells at her, saying that’s a lie. Elizabeth says she doesn’t want Jack and Alex to bond. She then says that Billie started the fight in the first place. Alex does agree with his mother, saying that she is not violent like that. After a few moments of confusion, Jack sides with Elizabeth, telling Billie that she could have found a better way to handle the situation.
Billie then says that since he’s already believing the trout mouth, lying bitch, he can have her, and storms off furiously. As Jack goes after her, Elizabeth looks at Alex.....
And just smiles.
When Alex walks over to her, he asks what is her game. Elizabeth just says that she is doing what is necessary for him and her. Outside, Jack catches up with Billie and asks why he has a problem with his son. Billie says she has no problem with him.......her problem is with Elizabeth. Jack says all that he is worried about is Alex and Billie jumps in, saying that she knows he still has feelings for Elizabeth and if he doesn’t watch out........
She will sink her teeth into him. Billie turns and walks away, leaving a stunned Jack standing alone as the scene freeze frames on his face and slowly fades to black.
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