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Endgame- Episode 61
ICU: Sonny, Mike & Morgan
Monday, July 16, 2007

Sonny had the afternoon free and decided to arrange a father/sons day with the boys. Michael didn't feel like going, choosing to go to soccer camp and then to his mother's to fill out paperwork for the ELQ internship program. So it looked like it was going to just be him and Morgan. A father and son adventure to the park if that's what you want to call it. Realizing the fun they would all have, Sonny placed a call to Mike and invited him to join in.

Max pulled the limo around to the front door of the mansion, and Sonny, along with Morgan climbed in the back seat. Max made a stop at Kelly’s and picked up Mike, to make the father and son group complete.

Max parked the limo in his usual spot and the group of them entered the park. Morgan latched onto Sonny’s hand as they walked the narrow path towards the playground. He could see the jungle gym in the distance and he started to tug Sonny in that direction. As they turned the corner in the narrow path they were met with a group of shady characters. Though he couldn't be sure, the distinctive tattoos' on their bodies gave Sonny the indication they could be from one of the Miami crime families. Sonny and his group were stopped by the burly men, as Morgan hid behind Sonny and Max closed in, his hand on his 9mm.

"Mr. Corinthos," the leader of the pack began with a thick latino accent, "We have a message for you. A very important one."

Sonny had a feeling that something was about to go down. “Max, take Morgan & Mike back to the car and wait for me.” Sonny said as he gently pushed Morgan back into Max.

“But, Mr. C ….”

“Do what I tell you Max! Take Morgan & Mike back to the car, now!”

Max hesitated, then picked up Morgan and began heading to the car. Mike reluctantly begins to follow suit, however one of the men grabs him. "The kid and the muscle can go. The old man stays," the leader hissed. Max rushes Morgan back to the limo, leaving Sonny and Mike to deal with the group of goons they had encountered.

The five surly men encircled Mike and Sonny, leaving them no way out. In the little time Sonny had to access the situation, he realized his suspicions were correct, the 5 men were part of an organization from Miami. The 5 spoke in Spanish to each other, giving instructions on the beat down Sonny and Mike were about to receive. Mike and Sonny stood back to back keeping a watchful eye on the 5 goons that surrounded them. Sonny could see no weapons on the group of men, and he realized this would be a hand-to-hand combat if he and Mike were going to be the ones who were left standing.

Sonny and Mike quickly came up with a game plan to take down the 5 men, their odds weren’t looking good, but they just couldn’t take the beating without a fight. Back in the car, Max attempts to reach Jason, but as usual with Jason lately, he doesn't answer his phone. Max doesn't want to leave Morgan alone and knows that if he does, the boss will have a fit. He does the only logical thing….call the police.

The group leader spoke to Sonny and he replied to him in Spanish and with an attitude, which resulted in a punch to the jaw. The first punch was thrown and an attack by the 5 men ensued. Sonny was handled himself fairly well one on one, and even two on one for a short time. But Mike was outnumbered and was quickly taken down to the ground. Once Mike was subdued to the ground, three of the men restrained Sonny by holding his arms behind his back forcing him to watch what was about to be happen to Mike.

While two of the men held Sonny in their clutches, the other three men brutally attacked Mike. Moans and groans could be heard as Mike took numerous kicks to the ribs, and countless hits to his body and head. As soon as they were finished with Mike, they came at Sonny. With nowhere to go, Sonny was able to get his arms free and started to throw punches. He fought back but two of them restrained him yet again as the other three took turns at beating Sonny senseless. The two burly men who held on to him soon left go and Sonny’s lifeless body fell to the ground.

The job was done and the five men stepped over the lifeless bodies as one of them pulled out his cell phone from his suit jacket. A barely conscious Sonny groggy but conscious listened as the leader made a phone call.

“It’s done boss. I’m sure Mr. Corinthos will be very cooperative from now on.”

The camera cuts to Lorenzo sitting in his office, hanging up the phone and smiling. The shady characters who encountered Sonny and Mike gave them a beating they soon won’t forget and left them lying on the ground battered and bruised. Sonny couldn’t stay conscious as he passed out from the pain that had been inflicted on him and moans could be heard from Mike as he lie on the ground next to his son. The last thing he heard before passing out was the loud roar of sirens descending into the park…..
Next….on Port Charles
-Sonny & Mike are rushed to General Hospital
-Carly argues with Jason for not protecting Sonny
-Monica sneaks in a call to Kevin
-Anna is forced to cancel her date with Jax
-Anna's tirade on Sonny causes him to think about his future


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Poor Mike! I can't believe they would beat up Mike like that. Heartless bastards! So, who will be Sonny's nurse???

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I must say, this episode had me sitting on the edge of my seat....Ever feel that you were actually watching this play out on the television screen? This is how you made this episode; great details of everythign going on; the tattoos of the mob members; the whole scene of them circling both Mike and Sonny; even the focus on Max trying to get Jason on the phone.

It's heartbreaking to see Mike being the one that suffers the price for Sonny's dealings in terms of Lorenzo

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Oh poor Mike. It sucks he has to pay for his idiot son's choices. Sonny on the other hand deserved everything he got and then some. But Mike better be alright after this!

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Damn....just damn!

Mike, of all people...why did they involve him??? Poor Mike....Sonny on the other hand...no comment LOL...but that was just intense. You ever see those scenes when beatdowns and showdowns happen, like an opera arrangement and everything in slow motion? That is how I saw this scene...INTENSE!

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