PCE: Episode 59

Endgame- Episode 59
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Port Charles begins in at Kelly's diner. Epiphany walks by and sees Patrick looking at pictures of him and Robin with a smile on his face. Ordinarily she wouldn't involve herself in this, but decides to take a chance and ask Patrick what's up.
"It looks like you have a lot of good memories over there," says Epiphany while pulling up a chair. "It must be great to have a good thing going on. I mean what's better than coming to work and working with the person that you love?"
Sarah walks into the diner and smiles at Epiphany and Patrick before hanging her jacket up. Epiphany doesn't even fake a smile, she sneers at the blonde before turning her attention back to Patrick. "That girl is nothing but trouble I tell you. You would think she'd have better things to do than sniff around someone else's man."
Patrick smiles at Epiphany as he begins to take a few more pictures out. "Things are going great between Robin and I. For the first time in my life I can actually take a breath. I don't think I've ever met someone who can infuriate the hell out of me, yet also make me want to wrap her up in my arms and protect her from the world." Patrick hands Epiph a picture taken at the hospital gala last year. "I just hope I don't screw things up."
Epiphany continues to listen on as Patrick asks her for advice on how to not screw things up. Meanwhile at the other table, Sarah eavesdrops and doesn't like what she hears.
At the PCPD, Mac finishes up his paperwork on the Alcazar raid he and Lucky oversaw last week at the docks. Mac is upset that someone like him, who has spent years working on the PCPD to do doing the work he has been. Not that he doesn't appreciate those that do this kind of work, it's just that he feels he's worked long and hard enough to not have to do this yet again in this stage in his career. Mac leans back in his chair after closing the file. Detective Cruz comes by and brings by another accident report from the April hit and run that killed Brandon Wexler. Cruz suggests that Mac check out the photos on page 10, referencing that the car was constantly in motion, so it may not have been intentional. Mac thanks Cruz for bringing over the report, Cruz hopes that Mac regains his title soon.
Alan & Monica walk into the MetroCourt arguing. "I thought you said you had the reservations done Alan. We show up and there's not there? I mean really Alan, really. Couldn't you have been a little more prepared?"
"Will you hush Monica. I <b>did</b> have reservations but for some reason they believe I cancelled them. And before you say anything, I did NOT cancel our reservations. However our getaway will not be ruined. Thanks to Jax, all of the Quartermaines have a suite on hold at all times as part of the deal for us selling the land for the MC to be built. So why don't just sit back, relax and let me handle everything. Once we get checked in, I'll take you to the terrace for a romantic evening."
Monica's taken aback by Alan's desire to have this be 'perfect'. So sad she only agreed to go on this trip to give Alan one more night together.
Elsewhere in the MetroCourt, Lucy has taken David up on his offer to ask her to dinner, feeling rejected by Kevin. Though she tries not to have fun at first, she eventually cracks and allows David to show her a good time. He's kind of charming and cute in a devious, don't let him pour me a drink way. Tonight is the first time since she's returned to Port Charles (back in December) that she's been happy. She tells him that and is happy when he admits he's glad to have brightened up her mood. They were just beginning to get to the second part of their 3 course meal when Lucy is surprised by the appearance of Serena!
Back at Kelly's, Epiphany is about to give Patrick some advice.
"You're a brilliant doctor Dr. Drake, and I think you're a very good man. It's quite easy to be tempted by outside forces in your relationship, but you've resisted. When I see you and Robin together, it reminds me what young love should be about. You both annoy the hell out of each other…and me, but I can see the love between you two. All you have to do is remember that and you'll be fine."
Epiphany gets up to grab her order from the counter. Patrick thanks Epiphany for the talk, sneaks a bite of some more fries before heading out. Sarah rushes out behind him and asks to talk to him…alone.

On the next Port Charles
-Sarah realizes that she has no chance with Patrick
-Lucky gives Elizabeth her divorce papers
-Lucy has plans for Serena
-Robin doesn't feel too well
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