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-It is hours later in Salem and night has fallen. The Ball at Chez Rouge is just beginning….

-Stefano, Megan, and Lexie all put on disguises for the ball. Stefano gets together some of his men and tell them to have everything ready when he gives the signal…..

-At Chez Rouge, all of the staff quickly makes the final preparations for the Ball. Crystal walks in with a really nice dress on. Nicole asks her what she is doing here and where she got that dress. Crystal tells Nicole she couldn’t miss out on the thing Salem has been talking about! Nicole tells her she can stay but be subtle.

-Rex arrives at Chez Rouge and tells Willow she looks nice. She says thanks and he says he hopes this will be a great time.

-All of the rest of Salem prepares for the Ball. Celeste is getting ready to leave the Carver House but has a bad feeling about tonight…..

-Maggie asks Alice if she is sure she does not want to go. Alice says she is sure but to come back and tell her how it went. Maggie promises. She leaves and Alice picks up a picture of Tom. She sighs and says “My dear Tom, it is time….”

*Days of Our Lives Opening*

-Citizens of Salem slowly begin arriving at Chez Rouge. Lilly arrives and bumps into Max. She however just says sorry and moves away from him. Meanwhile, the stalker watches Erin.

-Vivian and Ivan enter Chez Rouge. Vivian watches for Forrest or Kate to show up.

-Victor arrives with Margaret. He sees Steve and Kayla. He tells Margaret they must distance themselves away from them. Steve sees them and is tempted to attack Victor, but Kayla holds him back and tells him to stay calm.

-Alice tells the picture of Tom she knew this was coming and now it has. She says she didn’t want to keep it from her family but she had to because she was hopeless. She tells Tom it is time for her to join him in heaven!

-Kate walks through the entrance of Chez Rouge and looks around for Forrest but sees he has not arrived yet. Billie runs in and tells Kate she got the strangest email from Chelsea and shows it to Kate since she printed it. Kate reads it and says that is great! Billie tells her it makes her really suspicious because Chelsea barely ever even mentioned that she wanted to go to college! Billie tells her the email does not make sense at all. Kate tells Billie sure it does and to calm down. Kate walks away and Billie continues to worry. She leaves Chez Rouge but while outside the entrance she gets a phone call and answers it and on the other line is……CHELSEA!

-Alice clutches the picture of Tom tightly. She says to Tom she has had trouble accepting this but she knows it is time. She says to Tom she has always wondered when she would join him in heaven and she then tells him she has always vowed that when it is time she would go because she knows her family is a strong one and can survive anything. She however says before she goes she wants to say one last “goodbye” to her family.

-Abby and Nick get to Chez Rouge and Nick asks how the whole internet dating thing is going. Abby says she has tried but nothing is working. Nick tells Abby he will try to come up with a way to help her…..

-Alice says she will start with her first two children: Tommy and Addie. She says Tommy was a brave man. Going to fight in the war like he did. She says he survived all those years when everyone thought he was dead but he was really being tortured and beaten. She says however he was alright and came out of it fine. She says he then had to deal with his wife, now ex-wife, Kitty. She says Tommy survived that though as well and even though he missed so many years of her life had a relationship with his daughter Sandy. She says she talked to Tommy in December when he returned to Salem and things were going well for him. She wishes the best for him in the future. She then moves on to Addie…..she says Addie while married to Ben Olson did encounter the problem of being spoiled with all that money, but Alice says she was happy when Addie finally realized money was not everything. She then says Addie had more hardships such as falling in love with Doug when Julie her own daughter did too. She says however she will never forget how Addie sacrificed herself for little Hope…..she says Addie was one of the best daughters a mother could ask for. She says she cannot wait to see Addie again in heaven.

-EJ and Alexis enter Chez Rouge. They see that Sami and Lucas are not there yet and Alexis tells EJ she is unsure about this. EJ tells her she has already agreed to help him and she will or else. Alexis says fine and goes off to get a drink. Helena is on a corner of Chez Rouge dressed for the Ball and watches them. She wonders what EJ could possibly be trying to do…..

-Alice then thinks of Mickey. She says Mickey had many problems in his life, because of Mike not being his son and actually his brother Bill’s, and him not even being able to have biological children. She says however Mickey got through many of these…..he accepted Melissa, Sarah, and Janice as his children. She says he and Maggie always, no matter what were meant to be. She believes they have true love just like her and Tom. She says when he died it was heartbreaking but Mickey lived a life that though there were problems he enjoyed it and it was a good life. Alice begins to feel weaker….

-Lucas and Sami arrive at Chez Rouge. Lucas kisses Sami and tells her tonight is going to be fantastic. She smiles and says she knows it will be. They go in and EJ prepares to set his plan in motion once seeing them.

-Alice then begins to talk about Bill. She says Bill was also troubled but she thinks even though they didn’t make it him and Laura were meant to be. She says with Bill finding out Mike was his son, Laura going crazy and falling into a catatonic state and trying to raise Jennifer Rose was hard but he did get through it. She says he must have felt much pain when Laura rejected him after she came out of her catatonic state but again he did come through it. She wishes for Bill to have a happy and peaceful life.

-Bo and Hope get to Chez Rouge along with Doug and Julie. They all happily go in and Bo and Hope’s love is stronger than ever now. Megan is there and she sadly watches. She vows to get Bo back and make sure that they stay together and then she goes in and stands where Stefano ordered her too. Lexie also arrives and does the same.

-Alice gets to her last child, Marie. She says like all her children Marie had hard times but was different. She says Marie was always protected, yet at the same time she was exposed to so much pain with her first fiancee in the sixties. She then says with Jessica her daughter Marie did have a hard time. Alice like her other alive children, wishes Marie the best in the future and hopes she has a happy life filled with joy.

-Billie asks Chelsea what has been going on! Chelsea is at a train station somewhere on a pay phone and she is crying. Billie asks her where she is and why did she tell her she was going to college. Chelsea at first wonders what Billie is talking about but thinks to herself “Jeremy….” and then tells her “Oh Mom! I am so sorry! I am not going to college! I had to leave Salem!” Billie asks “WHAT?! Don’t worry honey I am going to get yo-” but Chelsea interrupts her “No! Mom! I got myself in some serious trouble…..I at first didn’t want to worry you but I cannot go for good without saying goodbye! I love you so much Mom…” Chelsea says and begins to cry harder, Billie replies “No! We can handle it! Your dad can help and we will get this all fixed up! It will be fine!” Chelsea then says “NO! It is too dangerous….these people I got involved with are very dangerous and the police haven’t even been able to catch them….I can’t tell you anymore then that.” Billie then, now crying very hard as well yells to Chelsea “No! I can’t just sit by and let this happen!” Chelsea then says “At first I could not do this either but I have realized I can’t…..I am so sorry. We have to say goodbye. “ Billie sobs “No…” and Chelsea says “I am sorry Mom! So sorry….not just for this but for everything! Being so irresponsible, killing Zack, trying to break up Bo and Hope….I regret it and it’s FOR REAL! As much as I hate this I DESERVE THIS MOM! I have done horrible things and it’s time I pay. I-I-I just want to tell you I love you, Dad, and the rest of my family. But please don’t tell anyone about this! It would be worse in the long run. G-gooooo……dddddd…..bye Mom!” Chelsea says then hangs up the phone, she breaks down and so does Billie.

-Alice then gets to her grandchildren and she decides to start with Sandy. She says none of the Hortons ever knew her that much because of Kitty…but they all still loved her. Alice says she is proud of Sandy because of how she got so close to her father and the rest of her family even though when it got rocky when Kitty’s schemes were revealed and Sandy refused to believe it. She says Sandy is a doctor now and her life is better than ever. She says she has confidience Sandy will have a very good rest of her life.

-Caroline, Kim, Stephanie, Cassie, John, and Marlena all arrive at Chez Rouge. Marlena tells John this looks like it will be a good dose of enjoyment after what happened with Sam and Kristen. John tells her to just forget about that and enjoy the night. Meanwhile, Stefano comes in through the back of Chez Rouge in disguise with some of his men. They rush to their places and make it before anyone notices….

-Alice starts to talk about Julie. She says Julie has been spoiled, and it caused her to get into trouble. She says however like many others in that family she found her love with Doug. She says she even had a son and a grandson. She says how Julie has grown over the years. She loves her so much and says Julie has been such a help to her sister Hope. She hopes that Julie gets all she deserves in years to come.

-Abe, Faux Roman, Hattie, and Celeste all get to Chez Rouge. Lexie watches Abe from the place Stefano told her to go and a tear runs down her face. Celeste senses danger and at the same time feels that a great pain is coming for Salem.

-Alice then thinks of Addie’s son Steve. She says Steve did not turn out as good as the others but she still loved him. She said originally she always saw Steve as an intelligent young man but something happened…..perhaps the death of his father or while he was at school. She says she never really got to know his son Spencer, but she hopes he turned out better than Steve. She says all she wishes for him is to realize his mistakes and help his son not make the same ones.

-Nikki manages to escape from the secret room at the Kiriakis Mansion! Henderson sees her so she knocks him out and locks him in the secret room. She puts on a dress and heads to Chez Rouge. She gets there but once there she makes sure to avoid Victor.

-Alice remembers Jessica, Marie’s daughter and says Jessica has had such a hard life all around….but when she met Joshua that all changed and she was happy. She had a son, the love of her life, everything and now she is living happily. She says with the Angel and Jake Kostichek fiasco it was hard but she pulled through. She hopes Jessica continues in her happiness.

-Philip also gets to Chez Rouge. Belle as well. Philip avoids Victor too and watches Belle closely.

-Alice then sighs and talks about Janice. She says they all loved Janice so much and even though Joanne was her real mother Mickey and Maggie would always be her parents. She said Janice was such a darling, and then everything just changed when Joanne came into the picture. She says it was horrid when she was murdered but soon she will get to see her again in heaven.

-Tony and Anna arrive at Chez Rouge but on Tony’s mind is still wanting to find his child. Anna tells him to not be so down about it and enjoy the night. Tony tells Anna he will try.

-Alice then says it is time for Melissa. She says Melissa’s life has been hectic. She says she has been adopted by the Andersons and the Hortons. She says also her love life has truly been a hard and strange one but it was good for her because she learned so much along the way. Alice says she only hopes Melissa uses this information in her life.

-Christopher walks through the doors of Chez Rouge. He gets a drink and looks around. He says to himself this place is packed tonight. Nikki spots him and begins to make a move on him…..

-Alice moves to Sarah. She says Sarah had not a perfect life but a modest one at best. She says Sarah hasn’t ever found her true love yet but she is confident she will someday. Alice says she hopes Sarah makes the best of her life, and has a wonderful one like herself has.

-Nicholas gets to Chez Rouge and sees Willow. He comes over while Rex is off doing something else and tries to come onto her but she tells him to get away from her and walks off. She bumps into Cassie. Cassie tells Willow she thinks it’s time they discuss something. Willow asks what and Cassie says her relationship with Rex. Cassie tells Willow she needs to know something and Willow asks what that would be. Cassie asks her if she remembers how Rex asked her to prove Mimi Lockhart’s innocence a while back and before Willow says anything Cassie says “Yes, I knew about that. I know my brother and I knew that was what he was going to do.” Willow replies “Yeah….” Cassie asks her if she’s so smart she thinks she is then why did she not put it together that he wants her out of jail because he still loves her. Cassie says if Mimi ever does get out of jail then Rex will dump Willow and jump with into her arms. Willow denies it and says that’s not true but Cassie says Willow knows it is! Willow thinks for a moment and turns around, then she walks over to Rex and slaps him HARD!

-Alice then gets to Jennifer Rose. She says Jennifer grew up a lot of her life without her mother…..she was rebellious at times, and then when she met Frankie they had something but when Jack came into the picture it was love. She says her and Jack had something so true…..they were so adventurous together, and they encountered many hard times but recovered and now live happily in London. She says she hope their happiness continues forever.

-Jeremy arrives at Chez Rouge and Maggie asks him where he has been. He says he had to go on a little trip for something and he’s sorry he didn’t tell her. Maggie is unsure but tells him to please tell her next time. He promises. Billie meanwhile is in her car outside Chez Rouge but she is crying so hard and so much she can’t even start it. She blames herself for all this and says to herself she could never see her daughter again.

-Alice then speaks of Mike. She says Mike was an excellent and fine man. She says he was a doctor and had a son…..even if the bond between them grew fragile over time. She says he has not found the love of his life either and he possibly never will but she says she knows Mike will be the fine person he is either way. She wishes him only the best in the future.

-Some of the thugs, including the leader are outside of Chez Rouge in the back. They hide in the bushes and watch Steve and Kayla. They wonder how they could get them here….. Meanwhile Tracy Quartermaine walks into Chez Rouge and goes over to Helena. She asks Helena what she is trying to pull and why she asked her to dress up and go to this pointless hall and come to a town she has barely ever been in. She says she must get back to the Quartermaines soon before any of them get too suspicious on why she is gone. Helena tells her to calm down and she can return to Port Charles soon and she will tell her the plan, or her part in it at least later but for now enjoy the Ball and play along with everything.

-Alice then thinks of Lucas. She says she never knew him as a child but he is still a Horton. She says he had his wrong doings but has made up for them. She says she sees that his relationship with Sami is magic and believes they will make it as a couple. She says their son Will is so sweet as well. She wishes the best for Lucas, Sami, and Will.

-Lexie thinks about what is soon to happen. She reconsiders doing this but she decides against it. She says to herself she must do this. She has to do this….for revenge.

-Alice gets to her final grandchild: Hope. She says Hope has always been so sweet….and sometimes she was afraid but it made her so strong. She says Hope and Bo may possibly have the most romantic and meant-to-be relationship out of all the Horton’s. She smiles and says Hope has been such a joy and gift….she says Hope has endured plenty of pain but she got through it. She says Hope and Bo have come through all of their rocky times. She wishes Hope nothing but happiness in years to come.

-Belle at Chez Rouge notices most of the suspects in Shawn’s murder are here….she says she could use this to her advantage. She walks into the ladies room and looks in the mirror to take her new ear rings off because they are starting to irritate her. Someone else walks in and Belle looks to see it is just a woman with one of those Ball type masks on. She then goes back to taking off her ear rings and once hse gets them off she puts them in her purse then she sees in the mirror the person approaching her with a knife in her hands! Belle turns and sees the person take off her mask to reveal JAN!

-Alice then gets to her great-grandchildren. She starts with David. She says David always had resentment to his mother, and it even resulted in him being presumed dead but she feels hopefully his anger for all that has blown over by now. She says he had such a hard life with all his loves….but he got through it and even had a son. She wishes him to have a long happy life.

-Abby is walking around in Chez Rouge and sees Lilly. She sees the necklace Lilly has on….and has more flashes of the Secret Room in the Spears Mansion. She remembers how Lilly was wearing that exact necklace….and everything starts coming back to her. Abby then has to sit down as she remembers the whole confrontation with her and Lilly. She remembers how Lilly hired a doctor to hypnotize Abby into not remembering, and Abby screams out loud. Max is near by and asks her what is wrong. She tells Max she remembers everything and then she reveals to Max everything that happened with Lilly! She says everything came back so sudden but it is true. Lilly overhears and says it is NOT true! Abby tells her to just be quiet and begs Max to believe her. He says he has a hard time believing Lilly would really hypnotize someone…..but he sees in Abby’s eyes she is telling the truth. He is silent and thinks for a moment. He remembers how there have been times Lilly has not wanted him in certain places of the Spears Mansion. He looks at Lilly and sees lie in her eyes. Anger swells up in Max and he goes off on Lilly. He yells at her why she would do a thing like that and drags her outside. He tells her she seemed so nice and gentle but to hypnotize a person! He tells her they were right to break up. Abby walks out and reveals to Max what she found in that room…..LILLY KILLED HER OWN FATHER! Max is horrified! Lilly confesses to Max it is true but tearfully tells him that pig never loved her and sent her to boarding school. Max tells her that doesn’t give her a right to MURDER HIM! Lilly breaks down and Max tells her he despises her and she is a ruthless killer. He tells her he will report her to the police right after this Ball is over. He and Abby leave Lilly to cry outside.

-Alice begins to talk about Shawn Douglas. She says Shawn was at first such a good boy but when everything with Gina happened he turned rebellious. She says she wishes things would have gone differently gone and he had not turned into the rebellious teen he was. But she still loved him. She says he was manipulated by Jan and Mimi, and his relationship with Belle ended but they share a child….she says it is very complicated and she feels bad that Shawn died before resolving any of these things in his life. She says she hopes his killer is brought to justice someday.

-Rex asks Willow what that was for and she says he knows good and well what that was for! She tells Rex she knows how he is only using her to get over that Mimi girl! He denies it and says he really does love her! She says maybe a little but not as much as he loves MIMI! She shouts to him all he cares about is getting his woman out of jail. Cassie and Nicholas watch and both are overjoyed at this. Willow tries to walk away but Rex grabs her and tells her it’s not true! She tells him to just drop the charade. She tells him NO ONE messes with Willow Stark and she is going to make him learn that! She picks up her drink and throws it in Rex’s face and then slaps him with the glass. He however is not really hurt from it and yells for Willow to come back.

-Alice gets to Zack next. She says Zack was so sweet and innocent. He always loved everyone. She says it was so sad he died….but his life saved Claire’s. She says he is in heaven now at peace. She also thinks of her other two great-granddaughters, Pamela and Addie. She says it is possibly if Zack lived they might not be there. She wishes the best for those babies.

-Celeste continues to sense danger in Chez Rouge. Stefano signals to Lexie, Megan, and the rest of his men that he brought that it is almost time….

-Alice then decides to move on to Abby. She says Abby has been a blessed joy ever since she was born….always so happy and was not ever ruined despite her parents relationship problems. She says now Abby is a late teenager and everything is working for her life. She hopes Abby’s good life continues.

-Belle is shocked to see Jan and she shrieks! Jan yells “I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!” Belle sees the knife and tells her to stay away from her. Belle backs up and asks Jan where has she been for the past month. Jan says she has been just roaming around…..she has been in a ton of different cities and two different states. She says she’s been handling some unfinished things regarding her family’s business….trying to get over Shawn’s death. She said she has been trying to forget about his death and stay as far away from Salem as possible. A tear runs down Jan’s eye as she said she just couldn’t get her mind off of it….so she finally decided to come back. She says to Belle she is back to avenge Shawn’s death. She then whispers to Belle she knows she killed Shawn but Belle denies it and tells Jan she thinks SHE did it! Belle then sees Jan’s stomach has gotten bigger and Jan notices Belle is looking at it. She says “Oh….yes…..the baby is doing fine!” and she laughs. Belle runs out of the room and Jan follows her into the main area of Chez Rouge.

-Alice thinks of Jeremy. She says he has had a rocky relationship with his father but she thinks he is strong and will turn out as a fine young man. She says she never knew him much and even though she has her doubts about him she is sure he will turn out a great Horton in the future and she hopes he does.

-Lilly walks into Chez Rouge and sees Max with Erin. She walks over and tries to talk to him but he tells her to get away. He tells her sternly he has nothing to do with her and tells her to just get away and never speak to him. Erin asks why Max is speaking to her like that and Max says he will explain later. Lilly begs him to listen but he says no and forces her to leave. Tears pour out of her eyes and she sits down by herself at a table. She then puts her head down and cries, and soon runs out of Chez Rouge in tears and makes a phonecall, telling the person on the other line to book her a plane and she's leaving Salem, and she quickly runs to her car to head to the airport...

-Alice gets to Jack Jr. She says he is a small child and still has a chance at a happy life. She only wishes that he have an excellent life.

-Victor sees the thugs outside Chez Rouge. He orders them to go away and now is not the time! They reluctantly agree and leave. Stefano gives the signal to his men…..they look around and everyone is inside….so they all slowly and discreetly shut the doors and lock them.

-Alice moves on to Nick. She says he is simply a genuis, he knows things many would not dare try to learn. She says he knows medical information…..the family business….and many other things. She says she knows he will have a great future.

-Marlena looks around. She tells John something is wrong. John asks what she means. Marlena tells him something is not right….

-Alice thinks of the boy that died as an infant, Robert Anderson Jr. She says he never had much of a life but he did serve a purpose and was part of the Horton family and she cannot wait to meet him in heaven.

-Celeste runs up to Marlena and John. They ask what is wrong and she says everyone at Chez Rouge is in grave danger!

-Alice gets to her great-great-grandchildren and starts with Scotty. She says he has had a moderate life like others. She says he is a doctor now and is closer to his mother but the Hortons at the same time. She says he will have a great life.

-Helena looks around. She sees through Stefano’s disguise across the room and realizes he is about to do something! She says to herself she must be prepared to fight back if he targets her and she moves toward EJ. She tells EJ they have problems and points to Stefano then she tells him what she has realized. They both wonder how to defend themselves.

-Rex stops Willow from leaving and says they just need to talk. She says no talking needs to be done and turns around and walks over to the bar. She tells Rex they are through. He can deal with it.

-Alice gets to her final family member: Claire. She says she has not understood why Claire has not had incest problems…..she says it is a miracle she has been such a great girl and had great health. There is a slight breeze suddenly. Alice realizes something and says “Ah…..so perhaps Claire is not a Horton after all…” but however she says she still considers her as one. She hopes despite all of the drama Claire is surrounded by she has a happy life growing up. Alice closes her eyes for a moment and then opens them, she sighs and says “The time has come….”

-Celeste tells John and Marlena something is very wrong and they are all in danger! Suddenly they here a voice yell “Everyone freeze!” and Marlena gasps, Stefano removes his disguise and emerges, he says to them all “Yes, it is I. I have returned. And do not think about moving because my men have guns pointed at you all everywhere. I do not come for a possession and am not going to hold any of you hostage or some crime like that, but I have come for one thing….vengence.” Everyone in the room stands still in shock.

-Alice says to the picture of Tom and the Lord himself “Before I go…..I only have one last thing to say. I pray and hope this family will be safe, happy, and have good rest of their lives whether it be short or long. I pray everything that happens for them will end up for the better with everyone. And I pray this family is always united and happy, for all the days of our lives.” then she clutches the picture of Tom and hugs it. She puts it against her chest and closes her eye and takes her last breaths. But as she does and Alice Horton’s spirit leaves the earth to join Tom in heaven, a tear runs down her cheek….one lone tear runs out of her eye…..and after that tear dropped, Alice died and finally joined her true love in heaven. But Alice Horton was not “dead”. She was alive and happy. She was with her love and other family members in heaven. And she would be with her family forever and did not want them to mourn her. And after Alice is seen with Tom in heaven, smiling. The final scene shows the chair she was sitting in when she died, and to the left of her is a picture of her and Tom together. Also beside it is an hourglass, and the last grain of sand runs out and to the bottom. And those two things, the picture of Tom and Alice Horton happy and the hourglass, are the last things scene before the screen fades to black…


Recommended Comments

  • Members

I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love it. The character has to die sometime! It was classy and touching.

Stefano's return was maaaajor drama. Loves it.

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Eh whatevs! It's not real, and like daysfan said, no blog has had the balls to do this. I say BRAVAAAAAA!!!

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Wow, thank you King! :)

I can't believe I did it either but it was for good reasoning I will explain in a coming entry.

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  • Members

Wonderfully and beautifully done. Excellent and very, very touching. You really should be proud, my dear.

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