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Episode 62





(EXT: The Capwell Mansion)

----CC lays in his bed, tossing & turning, apparently having a nightmare. He dreams about Sophia confronting Elizabeth about their affair. He looks into Elizabeth's eyes, seeing the pain on her face. He then glances toward their father, angrily looking down at his youngest daughter. Elizabeth tries to defend herself but Sophia slaps her across the face. Suddenly, the dream shifts to years later, after he & Sophia had reunited and remarried. He remembers laying in bed with her, talking about the children. She begins talking about how if she were ever to die, she'd hope that he find someone more suitable than Gina as a role model for her children. She begins to fade away and CC wakes up, startled. He looks next to him on the bed and sees the empty space where his wife slept every night with him.

"Sophia, why did you have to leave me when you did? I need you.......now more than ever....."

(EXT: London, England)


----Edmund walks down the stairs of his castle and heads down the hallway to the dining room. He's shocked by what he sees- Sophia is sitting there, fully dressed, with two beautifully decorated breakfast plates, complete with fruit, English muffins, and eggs topped with parsley.

"Good morning darling. Did you sleep well?"

"Fine- Loretta, dear, where did you find the time to accomplish all of this? How long have you been up?"

"I thought it time I get back to my routine, don't you?"

"Sure- I'm just surprised to see you fall into it so quickly, after the time that's passed."

"Time indeed- I feel like I've slept my life away! But- I don't know how to say it- it's as though I woke up and knew exactly what to do. Christine, of course, had a lot to do with the breakfast and the setting of the table- I just instructed her as to what to prepare and what time to have it ready for you..."

Edmund stares at her in sheer delight and walks up very close to her, staring her right in her eyes. He thanks her and leans down. She anticipates him kissing her but instead, he pulls her chair out for her to be seated. She awkwardly takes her seat and waits for him to be seated before beginning to eat. They begin chewing their food and sipping their tea. Edmund senses that Sophia is irritated with him. He asks her what's wrong.

"It's nothing...."

He gives her a knowing look. "Alright, there is something- it's just- I missed you last night. I thought you'd want to be close to me, as I've obviously been unconcious for some time. But instead, you leave me in our bedroom and retreat to one of the guest rooms...."

"I just didn't want to rush things is all dear. You've been through a lot of trauma. You shouldn't be overwhelming yourself so soon...."

"Don't you think I know what would be overwhelming to me? Shouldn't I at least be consulted on this ?"

"Of course, I understand you're frustrated, but patience. There's plenty of time for all of that."

She lets out an exasperated breath, which makes Edmund laugh and she along with him. They take in the moment and continue eating their breakfast.

(EXT: Mexico- Santana's home)

---Santana, dressed in her hospital scrubs, is shown cleaning up the last of her dirty dishes before going to work. She grabs her purse and keys off of the table and opens her front door.

"Going somewhere, Santana?" Kirk asks.

"Yes. To work, if you don't mind."

"To see our friend, 'the patient'?"

"Among many other patients, yes. Just what are you driving at Kirk?"

"May I come in? I think it would be best if we discuss this inside...."

Annoyed, Santana waves him in with her arm, but tells him he's got 5 minutes. He asks if she has any coffee left and she says she doesn't. His eyes wander to the pot, which she promptly grabs and dumps down the drain.

"All gone. Now what do you want Kirk?"

Kirk reminds her that they're doing the DNA test on the man found in the ocean. Kirk also points out that if it turns out that the body found isn't Cruz's after all, she'd be sure to look up every hospital in the area and not give up until she hunts him down. He asks Santana how it would look if Eden discovered that Cruz was in the very hospital she's working at, and she didn't bother to tell her.

"Is there a point to all this Kirk? Because you're time is about up and your patience is wearing thin....."

"Ah, Santana, more stubborn than you were before. Years ago, we'd have wrapped this conversation up in 2 minutes flat but you've developed some sort of feistiness, which is quite unattractive by the way. Look, I think you and I want the same thing here - and I think we could scratch each other's backs here..."

"I'd never do anything to help you Kirk. Or to hurt Cruz."

"Cruz is already hurt......it's Eden that you need to worry about. I know people in this area Santana. I could easily, say, access the lab and even, I don't know, drop a tissue sample taken from a certain well done patient in that scraggly little clinic you work at....."

"You really are deranged. You've worked this fantasy into some kind of plan now? Forget it- you're prying for something I'm not going to give you. So if we're done here, I need to be going...."

She walks out the door and he behind her. As she locks it, he grabs her arm and turns her around.

"The test is being done at 1 PM. I'll be by the clinic no later than 10 AM....just in case you change your mind..."

Kirk gets into his car and takes off, as Santana stares at him driving away, shedding her tough exterior to reveal a frightened, nervous woman.

(EXT: The Capwell Mansion)

----CC walks down the staircase and heads toward the dining room. He hears laughter in there and walks in on Ashton feeding Kelly her breakfast and the two of them giggling. Kelly notices her father standing there and turns Ashton around to see him.

"Daddy, hi, good morning."

"Morning kitten. Ashton."

"Good morning Mr. Capwell."

CC takes his seat and begins eating his breakfast. Kelly tells him that she and Ashton are planning on moving into the Capwell Hotel penthouse that day. CC says that he'll miss having her around, but she promises that she's not far away and will be close. He replies that he doesn't expect her, reminding her that he was once a newlywed. CC asks them if they've been on a honeymoon and Kelly admits they haven't, since they did everything so quickly. CC offers to pay for them to take one but Ashton mentions that he was planning on taking Kelly to London in the spring, as he has some business to tie up. He says that he'd thought they'd go to Paris for a few days as well, before going to England. CC asks why he'd already want to go back there.

"My father lives there and I'd like very much for Kelly to meet him."

"And I'm pretty anxious to meet him myself......"

"What?!@? Edmund lives there?"

"Yes, he hasn't been back to Santa Barbara in years, since my mother passed anyway. I was raised in the home he lives in now and I'd love for Kelly to see it."

"Like hell- LIKE Hell she will. There is no way my baby girl is going to be staying with that man under any circumstances...."

"Daddy! How could you say something like that? You don't even know him! I'm so sorry Ashton."

"It's quite alright- but I do have to wonder- DO you know my father CC? From gauging your reaction...."

"He lived in Santa Barbara while I lived here. I didn't know him personally, no, but friends of mind did......and, well, no slight to you son, but he's not the kind of man I'd want my daughter to be involved with in any way."

"Funny you didn't mention anything about knowing him before...." Ashton muses.

His cell phone rings and he excuses himself from the room. Now alone, Kelly admonishes CC for his behavior toward Edmund.

"I'm only trying to protect you, pumpkin. That man........he's vile Kelly, someone you shouldn't mix yourself up with...."

"He hasn't lived here in years daddy, so how do you even know? He may have changed since you knew him..."

"People like Edmund Lavery don't change Kelly. Their minds only grow more twisted and diabolical through the years. Tell me....no, PROMISE me that you won't have anything to do with him....that you won't go to London with Ashton...."

"I'll do no such thing and I can't believe you'd ask me to. Like it or not, Ashton is my husband and Edmund is his father. He's going to be a part of my life- He's my father-in-law now for crying out loud! This is just like you---classic CC Capwell, judging people based on their past and not even giving them a chance, despite what they may be in the present...."

"There's a reason I live my life the way I do- and I'll tell you something, I keep low-lifes like Edmund Lavery out of it! I don't work so hard to keep them out of my life so my children can go and mix themselves up with them!"

"Typical- stupid Kelly, doesn't know any better, can't see the forest for the trees. It's insulting- this is my life and he's MY husband. He makes me happy and if you can't be happy for me......"

She gets up and storms out of the room, walking past her husband in the foyer and heading upstairs.

"Look, I gotta go" Ashton says into the phone. "Keep me posted on it though- but if the opportunity arises and you cannot get a hold of me.....act on it- do what I'd want you to do......Good bye...."

Ashton hangs up the phone and sees CC approaching him in the foyer.

"You upset her....."

"I did no such thing......I have every reason to not want my daughter near that man..."

"Oh? Care to enlighten me as to what they are?" Ashton stares him down and CC begins to walk out the door. As he opens it, Ashton says "That's what I thought..."

A pained look comes over CC's face looking ahead and the camera pans to a half smile coming over Ashton's.

(EXT: London, England)

----Edmund & Sophia finish up their breakfast. Christine comes in to clear the plates and Sophia compliments her on how wonderful everything turned out. Christine thanks her and tells her it's good to have her back again. She smiles and says that Christine can thank her husband for that. Edmund smiles and approaches his wife. She stares into his eyes and he leans down and kisses her. As the kiss, the doorbell rings. Edmund comments that he wasn't expecting anyone and Sophia asks if he'd like her to answer it. He tells her not to and instructs her go over the menu for the rest of the day with Christine while he greets their guest. She tells him not to be long.

Edmund answers the door and is stunned to see Pamela standing there. He is unable to even speak as she smiles.

Her smile fades when she sees he isn't happy to see her. "Hello to you too, may I come in?"

"Now isn't the best time Pamela. You really should have rang me before just showing up here like this...."

"What difference? Besides, I wanted to come and check on the patient. How is Sophia anyway?"

"Oh she's stable, still under, but I've eliminated most of the aneurism....."

"Forget it. I think I've had a change of heart?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well what use do we really have for her now anyway? Everyone already thinks she's dead......why not take it a step further and....."

"Kill her?"

"Let her die...."

Edmund is defensive, saying he didn't sign on to kill anyone. Pamela is shocked and says she surely thought he of all people would be up for this, especially after what CC did to his own wife. Edmund insists he will not stoop to CC's level. Edmund tells Pamela it's time she get going and that perhaps he'll meet her later on..

"I'm not going anywhere, not until I've seen Sophia. Why are you trying to get rid of...."

Pamela stops dead in her tracks when Sophia walks into the room. "Oh. My. God."

Edmund turns around and sees her standing there. "I'm sorry, Christine was confused about what time you wanted dinner prepared for so I thought I'd ask. I didn't mean to interrupt...." She turns her attention toward Pamela. "You must think my husband and I so rude......you could have introduced me, Edmund. I'm Loretta. Loretta Lavery."

Pamela stands completely bewildered as she takes Sophia's hand. She shoots Edmund a look before again looking at Sophia, amazed.

THE END...................for TODAY


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"Pamela stands completely bewildered as she takes Sophia's hand. She shoots Edmund a look before again looking at Sophia, amazed."

I love this episode...well most of it. :lol: Anytime you can stop Pamela in her tracks and have her looking bewildered is a good day for me.

So it has only been a few months and already CC is dreaming of another woman. :rolleyes:

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CC lays in his bed, tossing & turning, apparently having a nightmare. He dreams about Sophia confronting Elizabeth about their affair. He looks into Elizabeth's eyes, seeing the pain on her face. He then glances toward their father, angrily looking down at his youngest daughter. Elizabeth tries to defend herself but Sophia slaps her across the face.

Lizzie B should be slapped HARD and OFTEN and learn to LIKE IT!

With any luck this scene WON'T be a DREAM come Springtime in LONDON!

If their is ANY doubt as to who will be doing the SLAPPING, please refer to my AVATAR located directly to the LEFT of this post!

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Well, well, well. I hope that Kel will travel to London with Ashton inspite of CC's direction. However the castle is huge and they may not meet Sophia I'd like a scene with it. I don't trust in Ashton but it would be funny to meet Sophia. ("Hello, my name is Loretta Lovery. Who are you?") :lol:

I always thought that Pam wants to kill Sophia. But Lovery? What is his aim? Does he know it at all? :blink: McCreepy! :lol: I like that nickname!!!

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