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Episode 27






---The ladies are reunited after their massages and are prepared for their facials. Sophia asks for a truce and Gina and Augusta are agreeable. They actually begin to talk about the men in their lives. Sophia tells Gina that whether she likes either of them or not, it's obvious that Keith adores her. Gina thanks her. Gina chokes on the words but admits that CC truly does worship Sophia and probably always will.

"Why, I'll never know" Augusta throws in.

"I thought we were calling a truce Augusta?"

"But please, do tell me Sophia, just what is it about you that make men worship the ground you walk on? I've known you for years and for the life of me, all I can come up with is you're easy"

"Please. It just kills you, doesn't it, that Lionel would leave you in a heartbeat- all I'd have to do is say the word. Gina and I have men who adore us. You, on the other hand..."

"Lionel does adore me and I resent everything you're implying. Maybe years ago he would have been interested in you. But not now. Lionel is my soul mate and I, his. You were a casual fling. Always were."

Sophia starts to get out of her chair but the attendants arrive and place each of them in their seats for the facials.

(EXT: Gina's condominium)

---Lily helps Channing Jr. wrap gifts for CC, Gina, Keith, and Sophia. Lily tells him how thoughtful he was to get Sophia and Keith gifts too. Channing Jr informs her he has a gift for her as well, but he's going to have to wrap that one himself. Lily laughs and tells him they'd better get some practice in then. They hear someone knocking at the door and Lily wonders who it is. She opens the door and sees Rafe standing there in a Santa Claus hat with gifts in hand.


(EXT: BAR, outside of town)

---Cruz sits at the bar, drinking a budweiser and waiting for Angel to arrive. He chuckles at Warren's article on Mason's arrest and even laughs a little at Keith's comments. Angel shows up and goes over everything he discussed with Carlos and Terrance.

Cruz asks if he's sure that Carlos will be there for the drop and Angel admits he's not. He explains that when he tried to insist, Carlos became suspicious of his intentions.

"Which has me worried, Castillo. I didn't spend 20 years in prison to get out and wind up dead."

"You knew what you were signing up for man. I never said it was gonna be easy."

"No, but you said I'd be protected. My family'd be protected too. If this goes down tonight, they're gonna know it was me- that I'm in on it."

Cruz disagrees saying that his name will never be brought up. Angel tells him he knows how these guys think- when someone gets busted, they automatically look to the person they know least or is the newest on the beat. Cruz understands, but isn't sure there's a way around it. Angel says that he thinks he's thought of one way.

(EXT: Gina's Condominium)

---Lily asks Rafe what he's doing there and he tells her he brought gifts for her & Channing Jr. Channing becomes excited and starts asking for his present. Rafe gives it to him to open and he's thrilled that it's a new video game. He thanks him and asks Lily if he can go start playing. She tells him that's just fine. Alone, Rafe tries to give Lily her gift but she says she cannot accept it. She tells him that she's embarrassed that she doesn't have anything for him. Rafe replies that he didn't expect her to but wants her to have the gift anyway. She agrees and opens the small box. She pulls out a long, thin gold chain with a frog charm at the end.

"I love frogs! You remembered...."

"Of course I did. I haven't forgotten anything Lily."

"It's beautiful."

"So that means you like it?"

"I Love it! Thank you!"

Lily excitedly kisses him on the cheek. The closeness causes an awkward tension between them. She looks into his deep brown eyes staring back at her. He takes her face in his hands and passionately kisses her.

"Would you like anything to eat? We have all kinds of cookies and things here...."

"I can't, actually, I have to get back...to Samantha. Merry Christmas Lily" He kisses her again before leaving.

"Merry Christmas Rafe" she smiles.

(EXT: The Capwell Mansion)

---Sophia arrives home, dressed in a gorgeous red gown with matching ruby earrings. Her face is beautifully made up by the cosmotologist and her skin looks radiant as ever from her facial. She calls for CC, wondering where they're going. She enters the dining room and sees a gorgeous candlelight dinner set out for them, with CC standing there in his tux.

"What's all this?" she asks him

"Actually, Eden gave me the idea.... What do you think?"

"I think we have a very bright daughter."

CC walks up to Sophia and kisses her, then asks her if she's hungry. She says she's starving and they sit down to eat. He asks her how she enjoyed the spa and she tells him of the company she had. CC gets a good laugh out of her story about the three of them going at it in the mudbath. She admits that the behavior was childish, but something about those women bring out the worst in her. With the two of them together, there was no avoiding a total meltdown. CC agrees that he'd probably have done the same thing in Sophia's shoes. Sophia picks at her food and CC remarks for someone who's starving, she's barely eating. She says she's not as hungry as she thought.....at least not for food.

"So does this mean you forgive me?"

"This means you're my husband and I love you."

CC tells her he'll take what he can get......for now. Sophia replies that the night is young.....who knows what he may accomplish if he tries.


(the song is meant to be played over the rest of the episode, for effect)

With that, he puts on some music and extends his arm, offering her a dance. She smiles and says she'd love to and the two of them dance, gazing into each other's eyes. He lips the words I love you and she replies that she loves him to. CC kisses her, as they continue dancing...........


Gina is seen arriving at the Capwell Hotel. She's shown informing the front desk clerk that she got a message that there would be a key waiting for her there. The clerk checks her identification and gives her the key to her room. She takes the key and asks herself what Keith could be up to. She takes the elevator upstairs, growing impatient. She finally gets to her floor and makes her way to the room. She walks in, but there doesn't seem to be any sign of Keith. She enters the bedroom and sees THIS SIGHT!!!! (CLICK ON LINK)

Keith lips the words "I've been a bad, bad boy."

Gina smiles , lipping "Indeed."


Lily, at the house wrapping gifts with Channing Jr. She takes the frog charm in her hand & smiles. She looks out the window....fading to......Rafe, riding his motorcycle, pulling up to Cruz & Eden's place. He removes his helmet, takes out a picture of Lily and smiles. The screen splits between the two.


Lionel & Augusta, at home, also dancing in their own living room to the same song. Lionel gazes as Augusta rests her head on his shoulders. She pulls her face up and looks at him, smiling back at her. She leans in and they kiss passionately.


Angel on the docks meeting up with the drug dealers he's doing the job for. The man comes forward, opening the briefcase full of cocaine. Angel looks at it and looks back up at him. Rafe is seen (but not heard) asking where the money is. The man directs Angel to the shadowy figure in the background, who emerges with the money. The figure is Carlos Esteban. Carlos hands Angel the money and is instructing him to be careful. He hands him a sheet of paper, directing him where to go. He pats him on the back and shakes his hand. As they are getting ready to exit, Cruz, Vic, and a swat team are shown arriving on the scene, holding the men at gunpoint. The henchman draws his gun and points at Cruz but Vic shoots before he has the chance to fire. Carlos continues standing with his hands in the air, Angel as well. Cruz cuffs Carlos and asks for medical attention for the henchman. Vic begins cuffing Angel, but he tries to resist and slip away. Angel seems shocked by what Vic is doing and looks at Cruz for some kind of explanation. Cruz just shakes his head at him. Cruz and Vic are seen loading Angel & Carlos into their police cars, while the other man is taken on a stretcher into an ambulance.


CC & Sophia, still dancing in their living room. The screen splits, showing Lionel & Augusta dancing in their mansion. The scene ends with both couples once again enjoying a kiss.

THE END..............for TODAY

Christmas Eve episode coming TOMORROW!!!!!


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  • Members

That must be a hell of a sight as it is forbidden! The link isn't working juniorz. Awesome episode. Loved the spa scenes and the scenes where Sophia and CC danced. The frog necklace was precious. Can't wait for this weekend!

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  • Members

The link worked here, though given the sight it led to, almost wish it hadn't! :lol: You continue to crack me up with Gina & Keith. Just catching up with this week's episodes - the mud fight, CC & Sophia, and Eden & Cruz scenes really stood out. Looking forward to the holiday episodes!

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  • Members

I'm really behind on the blogs Juniorz and trying to catch up. Loved this episdoe. Loved the last scenes set to Unforgettable. Great song and great pic.

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