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December 5, 2006



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-Caroline, Greta, and Nicole look in on a resting Eric. Nicole goes and sits by his bedside and then turns around to thank Greta for everything she’s done for him, especially given their dislike for each other in the past. Greta just hopes that he will learn from this and not do something this stupid again. He agrees and thanks his family for staying by him. Sami also steps in and thanks Greta as well. Shocked, they shake hands.

Later on, while alone, Eric promises Nicole that everything will be just fine from now on. As she once again takes his hand, his eyes slowly slip into the back of his head. Blood runs from his nose and he starts shaking violently. The nurses rush in and then calls for Dr. Rowen. With Greta and Caroline looking on with a devestated Nicole, a Code Blue is now called and they all hope that this is not the end for hm.

-Sami receives a phone call from Will, saying that he is coming home early. She decides to go home and cook him dinner and spend some time with him with Eric doing better. Austin & Lucas want to come along with her. She tells them that she can take care of herself. Alan won’t try anything so out in the open. The men look at each other, hoping that she is right about that and realize arguing won't do any good. She begins to leave, telling both men that she’ll return later, with Will in tow.

Meanwhile, at Sami’s apartment building, Will walks past Alan coming from the direction of Sami’s apartment. Calling him “Ace”, he asks what he’s doing there. Alan doesn’t answer and now sees to be searching for an excuse to explain it all.

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Salem University Hospital

Back at the hospital, Jack and Billie grab a bite to eat from the cafeteria and when they turn to leave, bump into Bill & Laura. Jack immediately becomes angry, lashing out at her for what happened to his child. Laura doesn’t even fight back. She stands there and excepts the full brunt of Jack’s wrath. Bill asks him to calm down but Jack will have none of it.

Billie also gets in on the act, calling her a hypocrite for always criticizing her mother for everything and then acting just like her when she doesn’t get her way. Kate, who has overheard all of this, backs up her daughter enthusiastically. Jack turns and stares at Kate, saying that she really is the last one to pass judgement on anyone. Kate shuts up. Billie brings up her telling Chelsea a while ago to do whatever possible to get what she wants, no matter who it hurts. Now, who could that have came from?

Kate is very quiet now and accepts some blame for what happened but still tries to push it off on Laura. Billie tells her that there is more than enough blame to go around but she is sick and tired of both of them playing selfish games with the people they say they love and then not accepting responsibility for their actions when things go haywire. Jack says Amen to that. But, he promises that it will change. From now on, neither woman will be allowed in his home, or near his child, and if he does see them close to her......he will take matters into his own hands. He turns back to Laura, announcing that Abby no longer has a grandmother and that Jennifer would be doing handstands in her grave right now. Bill comforts a devestated Laura. Kate asks Billie if she would ever cut her out of Chelsea's life. Billie says she would if Kate continues to encourage Chelsea's behavior and manipulation. Billie leaves to follow Jack as Kate gleefully watches a devestated Laura in Bill's arms.

-Austin decides to go and see if Sami is ok, after viewing Alan earlier in the day. Lucas joins him, saying that they both need to keep an eye on him and protect Sami and Will while he’s in town.

-At police headquarters, Abe has placed a call to an old friend of his. When Shane walks in and asks who he is talking to, Abe says he’s on hold. The phone is then answered by a secretary, who tells him that his friend is out but will return his call ASAP. Abe thanks her, and hangs up. Shane looks at him and asks will he fill him in now? Abe tells him he called Mac Scorpio of the PCPD. When he calls back, he’ll fill him in on any info he has on Stefano and his dealings and will give them a hand.

Shane tells Abe they need to find him and quick. He’s dangerous when he’s in hiding. Abe snaps back, telling him he knows that and doesn’t have to keep repeating it over and over again. It gets quiet for a minute and Abe apologizes. Shane tells him it’s ok. He knows he is worried about Alexandra. Abe walks to the window and stares out, hoping she is ok. The screen then fades, once again, to............

A secret location, somewhere in the States. Alexandra slowly awakens, to find her father seated next to her. She drifts in and out of consciousness and Stefano softly speaks to her, telling her that all is not lost. Just then, he receives a phone call on his private cell form a mysterious man, who informs him that everything is under control. He thanks him and warns him to stay out of sight. They bid each other farewell and hang up. Stefano is giddy at this point, saying that he’s sick of playing games. Time to begin to bring this play to a close. He smiles wickedly at that last statement.

-Sami gets off of the elevator to her floor. As she is walking around the corner, she also runs into Alan, who grabs her by the arm and tells her that they have to go right now. Sami tries to shake loose, demanding that he get his hands off her this instant. Alan yells that they don’t have much time and when Sami asks what is he talking about, she yanks free at that very moment. She turns around in slow motion, facing her front door, and then, quick shots go all through her apartment, settling in on the stove, which has a bomb wired to it! Right before she opens the door.............

A massive explosion pierces every inch of the dwelling, and when things settle for just a moment, Sami & Alan are lying unconscious on the floor near her apartment, as everything around them is on fire. The screen slowly fades to black, with them trapped in the middle of this destruction.

Next Time, On Salem Lives............

Nicole to Caroline: I can't lose him. I can't lose Eric.

Greta: I am not just going to stand by and watch Eric die. I have to do something.

Bill to Laura: It's all going to be ok.

Laura to Bill: I wish I never left that institution.

Billie to Jack: Maybe they all were on to something...maybe you and I can be more then friends?

Austin to Lucas: Oh my God...Sami!!!


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Do fans wait for the storylines on the real shows to play out before they say sh!t? No, didn't think so. I treat the blogs like they're the real show. When they're good, I give praise. When they're not so good, I ask for improvement. That's all ;)

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This is going to have to be added into my favorites. I love that you brought past characters in this blog...Some of my past favorites....

I'm waiting to see who will reach Sami first; also will this explosion affect any of her relationships with Austin/Lucas.

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Thanks sweetnygal33

for commenting.

Hope you keep


Drew-I appreciate

the honesty but

do remember

how I said the

next few weeks

would be dark.

Every blog is

different and

what do you

expect when

our main story

is a mob war :lol:

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LOL, I know. I'm just giving my opinion. I like when SL is more brighter than it's been. All that I'm saying is that you do those stories better than this dark, death stuff.

I'll be anticipating these next few weeks to end to get out of this dark lock you've put the town of Salem in ;)

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Thanks Drew.

I see your point.

Sometimes I get

depressed writing

it but normally this

much wouldn't happen

at once.

Trust me in about two

weeks you will get your

wish ;)

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Sometimes I get

depressed writing

it but normally this

much wouldn't happen

at once.

:blink: Dude, people have been dying in Salem, left and right :lol:

Trust me in about two

weeks you will get your


We shall see :mellow:

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