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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 182

Lucy asks for Dusty and is surprised when Meg comes in with him. She breaks down and starts crying, explaining that she never meant to come between Dusty and Meg. It all seems to be a bit too much for Meg, who leaves the room. Lucy explains to Dusty that she’s going back to college now to get her life back on track and promises never to bug Dusty again. Meg returns to the room just as Dusty begs Lucy not to go. Emma and Grant settle down for lunch and Grant can tell Emma is smitten by him. On



Episode 181

Will, Gwen, Maddie, and Luke all go for a cup of coffee at Java and run into Lisa. Coincidentally, she says that she has to go due to one customer who’s been giving her heck all day, whether the beds are too stiff or she wants that hideous picture of a sunset taken down off the wall. Everyone looks at one another, knowing that something’s not adding up. Jason wakes up from his morning slumber at The Wagon Wheel and finds he has a new voice message from his father, urging him to return home. A



Episode 180

Gwen returns to find Luke and Will about to go for some coffee at Java and tags along. Will explains everything that he can remember, including the flashbacks he's had. Luke also tells Gwen of how he and Maddie talked with a friend who found Will passed out at a bus station. Will doesn't remember anything to that affect but flashes to seeing a picture of a sunset as soon a she woke up the next morning. Meg learns about Lucy and rushes to Memorial. When she arrives, Bob tells her that being th



Episode 179

Dr. Cooper informs Lucinda, Sierra, and Dusty that Lucy is stabilized but has miscarried. Dusty is beyond words with guilt and anger. He blasts Lucinda and Sierra and then turns the blame on himself. Lucinda and Sierra rally around Dusty just as Dr. Cooper emerges, saying that Lucy has asked for them all. Gwen goes to find Carly putting Sage down for a nap. At first, she tells Carly how hurt she is that Will kept the night of Elaine's accident a secret, but then realizes how selfish she is being



Episode 178

Gwen and Will are taken for surprise when Luke and Maddie arrive. Gwen is confused when they start talking about the accident. Will explains everything to her and says that he feared she might not believe him when he said he couldn't remember. Gwen, hurt and frustrated, leaves to clear her head. Jack asks Emma why she kicked out Grant and she explains that she doesn't need any help and reveals that she knows that Carly and Jack were the ones that called Mr. Hamilton. Emily arrives at Andy's apar



Episode 177

Dusty continues talking with Emma and she suggests getting his priorities in line. She also counsels him to stop at nothing to get Meg back. As soon as Dusty leaves, Emma hears a konck at the door and Grant introduces himself as the man who's about to help her get her life back. Carly tells Jack of Mr. Hamilton arriving in town and later arrives at Emma's to find that Emma has kicked Grant out. Lucinda consoles a hhurt Lucy and promises her that she and Dusty will be together...if Lucinda has an



Episode 176

Dusty goes by Emma's and is shocked to hear about her losing the farm. Emma tells Dusty that as of today, her farm is property of Oakdale National. Meanwhile, a man watches Emma and Dusty. It is revealed to be Grant Hamilton. Katie goes to see Henry at WOAK and learns about Luke and Maddie getting into trouble. Katie fills Henry in on what's been happening in her life and Henry consoles her. Gwen snaps Will out of his trance and really wants to take him to the doctor or something. Will refuses a



Episode 175

Andy tells John and Kim that he is leaving Oakdale...and this time, it's a sure thing. Meanwhile, Emily confides in Carly that she's really messed up her chances with Andy this time and considers selling the paper, despite all the trouble she went through to buy it back from Craig all those years ago. Meg makes plans for Emma to move in with her until Iva can find a good home for Emma in Iva's neighborhood. After much gnashing of teeth, Meg finally gets her mother to stay with her in a room that



Episode 174

Mike demands to know what Jason is doing and coldly orders him to leave. Once Jason is gone, Katie tears into Mike, saying that he owes Jason an apology. Back at Emma's, Luke angrily yells at one of the movers, saying that his grandmother worked her whole life for that farm and all that they can do is yank it away from her. Jack manages to yank him away and tells Luke that he's taking care of it. Meanwhile, Will comes to the Insteenct offices to talk to Gwen about the night of Elaine's death and



Ex-'Y&R' Star Joins Cast!!!

JERRY DOUGLAS: NOT TOO 'YOUNG' FOR 'WORLD' Former Y&R star Jerry Douglas has been keeping a secret for quite some time now. Before his time at 'Y&R' ever expired, he had been contacted by the powers that be at The World Of Oakdale to portray a brand new role created especially with him in mind. And he accepted. "I'm really looking forward to this. I've heard alot of great things about the direction the show is headed and I'm just glad to be a part of it," says Douglas. Executive Pro



Episode 173

Jason arrives at Mike and Katie's and apologizes to Katie for bringing her into the chaos known as his life. Katie tells him not to apologize and is taken back when Jason comes down with his bags. He tells Katie that he's leaving the country in hopes of getting away from the media eye. Just as Katie hugs him farewell, Mike walks in the door. Meanwhile, Roxie becomes frustrated when she can't think of anything to present to Barbara at the board meeting and spies Gwen's designs on her desk. Knowin



Episode 172

Will and Luke backtrack to the scene of the crime. Will doesn't remember anything but on the drive back, he notices a strange looking tree and has a flash of seeing that same tree the night of the party. Luke consoles Will and tells him that they'll find out if Will was the one who hit Elaine. John lectures Emily on trying to drink everything away. Emily grieve the loss of her relationship with Andy and begs John to leave her alone. John refuses and offers to drive Emily home. All the way ho



Episode 171

Andy goes by WOAK and finds Kim, who is less than surprised to hear about her son's split with Emily. Kim tells Andy that he's better off without her, but Andy confides to his mother that with Emily, he thought he had finally figured out love. Across town, Emma continues packing up boxes at the farm. Jack comes by and tell Emma of how he called Holden and Lily and they agreed to help pay the farm's debts. But when Emma won't let them, Jack tells Emma that he knows just the man to help her. Meanw



Episode 170

Andy meets up with Emily at Java and holds up the lastest Enquirer, wanting to nkow what the hell Emily's doing. Emily explains that she needed this story to heighten the declining readers and subscribers, but Andy refuses to believe her. He angrily tells her that they're over since she can't find time for them in between running sleazy stories for a filth magazine. Meg goes to Emma's in hopes that Emma can do some floral arrangements for the wedding. Emma lets it slip that she heard from Luc



Episode 169

Susan arrives home to find Emily gloating over the new edition of The Enquirer. Emily can tell Susan is upset and offers to talk to her, but Susan dismisses her and goes upstairs. Gwen tells Will of how she has no design ideas for Insteenct and Roxie seems to be full of them. Will consoles her and tells her everything is going to be alright. Later, Will accidentally walks in front of a car and when the horn goes off, he has a flashback of seeing Elaine's horror-stricken face before the crash. An



Episode 168

Will came back to the house and started having flashbacks of being at the party and then hearing a car horn blare. Shaken, he called Gwen over to the house and suggested they make love but Gwen had something else on her mind. Roxie went to Lisa's to find Lisa cleaning out some closets. Once Roxie began helping, a portfolio full of some of Lisa's first designs fell down and Roxie took it to work with her. Jason, Mike, and Katie were all startled to see The Enquirer's edition with Jason and Katie



Introducing "Oakdale Digest"...

Aaron & Alison Return! 'The World Of Oakdale' is thrilled to announce the return of fan favorites Agim Kaba and Jessica Dunphy. Though they don't first air until early October, the two actors couldn't be happier. Apparently, Aaron and Alison return home for a big event in the family. "We're so stoked. [laughs] Did I just say 'stoked'?," joked Kaba. Dunphy was all giggles during her interview. "I just can't wait to begin working again. It's been almost a year or two since we left and it has f



Episode 167

FRIDAY: Oakdale is aflutter with activity. Andy asks Emily where she's been and Emily admits that she decided to work on a few stories to finish up the impending issue of The Enquirer. Andy fumes at Emily that she must have forgotten his weekend getaway he had planned for them. Emily says she's sorry, but Andy walks out in a huff. Susan continues talking to Hal unaware that someone is watching her. The person turns out to be John, who offers Susan a shoulder to cry on, but she tells him to bu



Episode 166

THURSDAY: Dusty continues to deny anything happened until Meg mentions Lucy's name. Dusty finally admits that Lucy arrived back in town, but he has no clue why she's back in town. Meg is at first furious that Dusty lied to her but Dusty says that he just didn't want Meg to get upset..for the baby's sake. Elsewhere, Susan arrives at Hal's grave and lays down a single white rose. In a heartbreaking scene, Susan admits that she never realized how much she loved Hal until it was too late. Little



Episode 165

WEDNESDAY: Dusty chases after Lucy, but with no luck. Little does he know that when he returns home, Meg has just arrived also, barely beating Dusty. Dusty lies and says that he just went for a drive, but Meg angrily confronts Dusty, saying that she knows where he's been. Back at Mike and Katie's, Emily snaps a few photos of Jason and Katie and drives off. Jason is revealed to be rubbing anti-itch lotion on Katie, whom got itno an ant bed while taking bridal photos. Mike arrives home and gree



Episode 164

TUESDAY: Luke and Maddie are escorted to the station for questioning much to the chagrin of Henry. Margo informs Henry of Luke and Maddie's classmate's death. Henry is irate and demans to know what happened while he was gone. Across town, Jack and Carly meet up at Emma's and find her packing still. Jack jokes that Emma's always been such a good packer and Emma breaks down. Carly pulls Jack off to the side for some one on one time and the two return. They write Emma a check with just enough mo



Episode 163

MONDAY: Kim and Lisa arrive at B.R.O. and Kim tells Barbara of how Roxie needs a job. Barbara agrees. Lisa returns and tells Roxie, who isn't pleased. Meanwhile, Dusty opens the door to find Lucy and hurrily escorts her off the doorstep and makes plans to meet her at Java. Dusty returns and tells Meg that it was someone asking for dircetions to the country club. Meg doesn't buy it and follows Dusty out...unbeknowsnt to him. Across town, Emily beats around the bush and is finally able to evade



Episode 162

Emily sets out to find Jason and is determined to snap a few shots in order to do her cover for the upcoming issue of The Enquirer. Meanwhile, Katie brings Jason by WOAK and introduces him to Henry. Something Katie says makes Jason think Katie is cheating on Mike with Henry, which leads to some serious comedy. Across town, Mike talks with Carly about the new kid in town, Jason, and how he feels like he's taking a back seat now that Katie and Jason have bonded. Later, Emily shows up with camera i



Episode 161

Luke and Maddie continue to cover up the fact that they had a party while Henry was out of town. The cat seems to be out of the bag, though, when Henry reveals an empty liquor bottle that he found back in his bedroom. Across town, Ben and Jessica run into Margo and Tom at Java and the four friends talk about what a summer they've had. They're all thrown fro a loop when they see Lucy. She asks where Dusty is and Margo tells Lucy to stay away from Dusty...he's engaged and has a baby on the way. Al



Episode 160

Barbara shocks Gwen when she doesn't throw a fit about Threadz going down the drain. Instead, she announces that B.R.O. is re-launching in September and she has a new idea for a teen line, simply called TEEN. Barbara asks for Gwen's help with the new line and Gwen agrees. Across town, Emily scolds the photographer for not getting any good shots of Jason, but covers when Andy approaches...saying that the photographer is doing a spread for a client. When Andy leaves, Emily lays into the photograph



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