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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Episode#4 -Lexie arrives in Carrie’s hospital room and asks what is going and Lucas says that she had bad stomach pains so when he was taking her to the hospital their car crashed and then a paramedic says that they have to save her and her baby fast so they tell Lucas he needs t go wait in the waiting room and he dos but as he is walking out he hears Carrie’s monitor beep and hopes that Lexie and the other doctors can revive her in time. -Mimi says that what she did is horrible and unsp




Episode#3 -Lucas convinces the paramedics to let him ride on the ambulance with them because he has to be with his soon to be wife. -The mysterious woman tells Mimi that she has just arrived in Salem and that she was looking for a place to stay and then she asks Mimi what is wrong and comments that she looks very sad. -Patrick tells Billie that Chelsea went to the bar and Billie is furious with Chelsea and tells Chelsea that she is grounded and that she may not leave Patrick’s house n



A Mysterious Woman causes trouble in Salem!

A MYSTERIOUS WOMAN REAKS HAVOC IN SALEM! As fans might have noticed in Episode two there was a mysterious woman that was shown when Mimi ran onto the roof. She will cause problems for some and some she might even help. However some in Salem are in danger with this woman in town. I cannot tell you who plays her or who she is but know this.... she HAS been in Salem before. You will see her on screen very otfen but wil never see her face until everyone finally finds out who she is. Characters




Episode#2 -Lexie asks Hope if she is sure that Hope wants an paternity test done and Hope says she must because she wants to know as soon as possible who the father is. -Lucas asks Carrie what is wrong while he thinks about why she said Austin and Carrie tells him she needs to get to the Hospital fast because something is wrong with the baby. -Chelsea tells Patrick he is not her boss and she can go to a bar if she wants and that if he thinks she is telling him why she went he is an idio




Episode#1 -Shawn tries to convince Mimi to reconcile with him. -Sami is confused to why Lexie did not reveal how she blackmailed her to tell Carrie she and Austin could not have a healthy child. -Lexie arrives at the hospital to see what is wrong with Hope and when she finds Hope, Hope explains how she is pregnant and she does not know who the father is. -Carrie returns to Lucas’s apartment room and gets a pain from her stomach and faints. -Chelsea goes to a bar and runs into Patr



Episode#450: Love in the Afternoon

The Dimera House Kristen opens the front door after hearing a knock. She is surprised and delighted to see Bo. Kristen “Bo, Come in.” Bo “Don’t mean to barge in like this. Are we alone?” Kristen “No one is here but the maids. I’ve missed you.” She gives him a hug. He holds her back. Bo, pulling away from her “Listen, we have to talk” Kristen “You’ve come to a decis



Episode#450: Love in the Afternoon

The Dimera House Kristen opens the front door after hearing a knock. She is surprised and delighted to see Bo. Kristen “Bo, Come in.” Bo “Don’t mean to barge in like this. Are we alone?” Kristen “No one is here but the maids. I’ve missed you.” She gives him a hug. He holds her back. Bo, pulling away from her “Listen, we have to talk” Kristen “You’ve come to a decis



2010 Story Previews (LIS)

With all the massive changes happening here on LIS, I thought it was time to release some story previews for 2010. With the recent flurry of casting cuts and newer characters coming on board, I wanted to give fans something to look forward too. I am trying to get LIS back to family, love and romance. Those three things were seriously lacking when I came on board. Also we will be seeing every cast member have a storyline. Before I came back on board, we would only see so and so one ti



(LIS) Back on Deck #449

Downtown Salem, City Jail Kate is escorted to her son's jail cell. She sees Justin with Philip already waiting for her. Philip "How did I become so lucky? I haven't seen any of my family in years and yet here we are today. A family reunion." Kate "It's nice to see you again my son. I wouldn't be so coy. You have no idea what I had to do to spring this into play." Justin "Well I am sure it was appreciated." He says flashing he



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