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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Fath OUT!

Yes that is right, Farah Fath who plays Mimi Lockhart Brady has been let go from Days and the new headwriter says that he feels that the way her character exit is a bit "cruel". "Mimi will probably stay on screen for the next month or two but rest assured she is out, I almost feel bad about the way Mimi will exit Days but it must be done, I have been making a lot of cast cuts ever since my arrival and I had hers planned out from the beginning." the head writer tells us It has also been rep




Episode#16 -Marlena faints when she sees Samantha Evans, her twin sister and then Samantha tries to wake her up. -Bonnie tells Jan that no matter if she doesn’t go jail that Shawn and Mimi will be together forever and there isn’t a thing she can do to break them up and then Jan says that she will regret that she said that and then she grabs Bonnie by the hair and a cat fight ensues. -Lexie screams when she sees that she shot Tek and then she quickly shuts the door to her office and then



Brody OUT!

The headwriter of Days of Our Lives has just annonced that Brody Hutzler will be let go from Days very soon. "All I have to say about this is that there was no place for him on Days anymore and I had to fire him." the headwriter says and that is all he would say about this



Two More Returns

It has been recently reported by the new Head Writer of Days thatKyle Lowder and Nadia Bjorlin will be returning to reprise their roles as Brady Black and Chloe Lane. "They will be back but it is unknown for how long because I am still pondering if I want them to stay with Days but rest assured... they are back." the writer tells us It is unknown if Nadia and Kyle are back on contract or if they are on recurring.




Here are some previews for the couples of this version of Days Of Our Lives.... Shawn/Belle/Philip/Jan/Mimi/Rex/Cassie: This storyline is going to heat up soon as Mimi struggles with her feelings for Rex along with schemese from Cassie and Mimi will be in deep trouble when Jan pulls off her biggest stunt yet! Bo/Hope/Billie/Patrick:Billie will soon start her search for the person that stabbed Chelsea and comes vry close to finding out who she is while Patrick realizes he loves Billie and H



Kirtsen Storms returns to Days!

Yes that is right, Kirsten Storms is returning to Days but not to play Belle Black, she is returning as a totally different role that is a newcomer to Salem and wo;; be staying for quite some time and there is even a rumor circulating that this could be a start for a new family on Days. This is a contract role and is long term.




(This episode was supposed to *air* on Friday but something came up so I couldn't but here it is now.) Episode#15 -Sami says that she will never help the mysterious woman get her revenge and then the mysterious woman says that if she doesn’t then she will tell Austin about what Sami did and then Sami asks how she knows about that and then the mysterious woman plays the tape that has Sami telling Lexie what she did! -Bonnie says that she is going to call the police right now so they can




THE PHOENIX RISES!!! The Phoenix has risen yet again on Days Of Our Lives and it will cause chaos in Salem. Joseph Mascolo will be returning to reprise his role as Stefano Dimera who of course will wreak much havoc in Salem when he reveals shocking secrets to everyone and will even cause a death for someone in Salem. ALSO: Thaao Penghulis will return to play Tony Dimera yet again and he will have a secret that will change two people's lives FOREVER. These are both contract roles a



Two more OUT

The new head Writer of Days Of Our Lives has reporte that Christie Clark and Austin Peck will be exiting this Fall due to budget cuts and they will be exiting in a way the fans might prefer and the head writer says they will not be comng back for quite a while. "With the loads of returns we are having we can't keep Carrie and Austin on the show for long and they are becoming two who need to go, at least temporarily. I already have their exit planned out so they should be exiting sometime in N




Episode#14 -Bo and Patrick are shocked that Hope is having twins and then Lexie says that while she was looking over Hope’s pregnancy she discovered that Hope was having twins and that this could mean that Bo is the father of one and Patrick is the father of one. -Shawn and Bonnie are shocked to see Rex and Cassie and Bonnie asks what in the world are they doing there and Rex says that they came back for Carrie’s wedding. -As Sami is leaving her apartment the woman that stabbed Chelsea



Updated Cast List

Contract: Kristian Alfonso-Hope Brady John Aniston- Victor Kiriakis Matthew Ashford- Jack Deveraux Ashley Benson- Abby Deveraux Kyle Brandt- Philip Kiriakis Darin Brooks- Max Brady Christie Clark- Carrie Brady Jason Cook- Shawn D. Brady Bryan Dattilo- Lucas Roberts Judi Evans-Bonnie Lockhart Mary Beth Evans- Kayla Brady Farah Fath- Mimi Brady Deidre Hall- Marlena Evans Bill Hayes- Doug Williams Drake Hogestyn- John Black Brody Hutzler- Patrick Lo



Three more exits from Days

Recently discovered, Mellissa Reeves, Matthew Asford, and Billy Warlock will be exiting Days next fall. "The cast is becoming too big, we have to make some cuts, and fans might like how they exit, all three of them will probably be back in the future though, do not worry!" It has also been discovered that Shayna Rose will be assuming the role of Stephanie Johnson this fall on a recurring role and will be staying for quite some time.




Episode#13 -Hope, Patrick and Bo gather at the hospital for the paternity test and Lexie tells Hope that before the test she needs to speak with her privately in her office and the woman that stabbed Chelsea watches from a distance. -Steve says that even though he remembers their wedding he still doesn’t know her and Kayla says that he knows that they loved each other once though. -Bonnie tells Shawn that Mimi was afraid that Jan would come out of her coma because she heard that Jan is




Episode#12 -Rex says that he can’t come back to Salem because it would be too painful to see Mimi again and then Jan tells him that his family needs him there. -Mimi remembers that Jan will go to jail for commiting those crimes so a wave of relief washes over her. -Kayla is overjoyed that Steve remembers their wedding and then she tells Steve that soon he will remember everything about his life. -As Marlena and John plan their vow renewel ceremony the woman that stabbed Chelsea watch




Episode#11 -The next morning Lexie calls Hope and tells her that she could do the paternity test TODAY if Hope would like and then Hope says absolutely and Lexie tells her to come to the hospital around three o clock. -Jan prepares to leave the hospital and thinks about how she can break up Shawn and Mimi. -Kayla tries to jog Steve’s memory by showing him a video of their second wedding. -Mimi is in her apartment and she calls Bonnie and tells her that she needs to meet with her ASAP



Returns and Leaves

There are two returns for Days and it might please the fans to see who is coming back.... Andrea Hall Gengler returns to Days as her old character that was believed to be killed off... Samantha Evans! Samantha Evans was Marlena's evil twin that caused havoc for Marlena and her marraige to Don Craig until she and Marlena reconciled and started to rebuild their relationship but then she was killed off when the Salem Strangler belived her to be Marlena. However she is alive and will be returning




Episode#10 -Jan is horrified to learn that Mimi is married to Shawn and then she tells Mimi to get out and if she tells anyone that she is out of her coma that she will pay. -As Lucas and Carrie leave the hospital they run into Austin and he asks what they are doing there. -Lexie says that why she didn’t reveal Sami’s secret is none of her business and Sami says that it was her secret so she has a right to know and then Lexie ignores Sami and heads straight for the door and the woman t




Episode#9 -After Mimi is done on the phone she tells Shawn that she has to go somewhere and will be back soon and then leaves. -Lexie runs some tests after the nurses tell her Jan is awake and she informs Jan that she may be able to leave the hospital by the next morning. -While Jennifer helps Kayla take care of Jack she remembers all of the good times they had together and wishes that he wasn’t dying and then Kayla asks if they found a cure for Jack and they healed him would she go bac



Contract and Recurring list

This is the current list at the moment.... Contract: Kristian Alfonso-Hope Brady John Aniston- Victor Kiriakis Matthew Ashford- Jack Deveraux Ashley Benson- Abby Deveraux Kyle Brandt- Philip Kiriakis Darin Brooks- Max Brady Christie Clark- Carrie Brady Jason Cook- Shawn D. Brady Bryan Dattilo- Lucas Roberts Mary Beth Evans-Kayla Brady Judi Evans-Bonnie Lockhart Farah Fath- Mimi Brady Deidre Hall- Marlena Evans Bill Hayes- Doug Williams Drake Hog



Old Days Star Returns!

Heather Olsen returns to Days but not as Jan Spears! She returns as Jan's twin sister that had been away at boarding school for years Lilly Spears! "In Days Lilly Spears never appeared and as you can see Lindell loks alot like Olson so we decided to bring Olsen back as Jan's twin sister." And it looks as if Olsen will be staying for a veyr long time because we have some juicy storlyines. More will be explained about Lilly as time goes on." "We are very happy to have Olsen back and as I said e




Episode#8 -The nurses start to about how they heard rumors abut how Jan was in a catfight with Mimi Lockhart and Jan fell and hit her head on a rock and then went into her first coma but she came out of it soon and blamed Mimi for everything but in an argument with Belle Kiriakis Black she had a heart attack and went back into a coma. -Patrick starts to think about what the woman is saying and then asks her who she is. -The gloved hand watches as Hope runs through a hall in the hospital



Casting Update

CASTING UPDATE Comings: Heather Lindell (Jan Spears) She is back and out of her coma (for good) and you might be surprised at what turns her storyline will take. This is a contract role and is long term. Eric Winter (Rex Brady) He is baaaaack! One of DOOLs favorite actor/characters has returned to Salem and will have a big twist involving him in the Mimi/Shawn/Philip/Belle story line. This s a contract role and is long term. Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Brady) Rex’s twin sister returns to




Episode#7 -Bo arrives at the hospital when he hears about Chelsea and asks what is going on just as Lexie is about to tell Billie and Patrick the news and Billie tells Bo thanks goodness that he is here and that Chelsea was attacked in an alley and that Lexie is about to tell them if she lived or not and then she tells Lexie to tell them the news and Lexie tells them that Chelsea is alive but before she can tell them the bad news Billie starts to rejoice that Chelsea is alive and jumps into




Episode#6 -Chelsea starts to scream but before anyone can hear her the woman stabs her in the shoulder. -Lexie comes back to check on Carrie and Carrie asks her if the baby is gonna be alright and Lexie says that it probably will be but she has to be careful because the stomach pain and the accident put the baby in grave danger so now Carrie has a very delicate pregnancy. -Billie and Patrick go out to look for Chelsea once they figure out she is gone and as they are looking for her in t




Episode#5 -Chelsea try’s to call for help but the person pushes her on the ground and when she looks up she sees.. . The woman who was taking to Mimi on the roof of the loft! -Shawn comes to see if it was Mimi that came in and once he sees her she says that she is sorry about her outburst and that she will try to make their marriage work but then she wonders if this is the right think to do. -Carrie starts to wake up and sees Lucas as he walks in to see her and she hallucinates that i



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