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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

Entries in this blog


Episode#29 -As Marlena lies unconscious on the floor, Sam grabs her up and pulls her towards the window, as she pulls Marlena out to the balcony and prepares to throw her off into the night, someone grabs her from behind and throws Sam back into the apartment! Sam is shocked by who it is. -Jan turns in shock to see Belle, Jan doesn’t say anything and gets up and attacks Belle! She pins Belle to the wall and begins to strangle her! -Caroline asks Lexie if Kayla is alright, Lexie tells Ca



Important Blog Update!!!!!

ANNOUNCEMENT! Hi everyone. I know that there has been alot of sutff going on on this blog, such as looking for a Co HW, which I have not found. I also know that episodes have not been posted regularly, and the blog only has TWENTY EIGHT episodes posted, which is not good since the blog has been active since July. Nobody did the Co HW contest, therefore I am still in a hole and need help! I at least need help writing episodes, because I do not have enough time to post episodes regularly.




Episode#28 -Sam (Samantha Evans) wonders how she will kill Marlena, she contemplates killing her right now, while they are alone, but then she decides against it because she wants it to be a painful death as possible, she wants Marlena to experience the pain she did when Jake Kostichek strangled her. -In an armed prison boat at sea, near the Atlantic Ocean, Tony Dimera (Thaao Penghlis) begins to plot on how to escape from the prison and get back to Salem so he can get revenge on all of hi




November is going to be a big month for Life in Salem!!!! Here are some previews on what you can expect to see!!! Austin/Carrie/Lucas/Sami/EJ/Nicole : This storyline will be coming to a close in November, Carrie and Austin will reunite have a big wedding and leave town off into the sunset probably towards the beginning of the Sweeps, they will probably return in the future but for now they will have to live elsewhere. As for Sami and Lucas.... expect them to be on the backburner for most of




Episode#27 -Caroline and Shawn Sr. quickly rush down to Kayla’s side, Steve tells Caroline in a worried tone to call 911 now, Caroline grabs a phone and does as Steve said, then Steve looks down to Kayla an quietly says “Don’t worry Sweetness, you will not die, I won’t let it happen”, meanwhile in the back of the Pub the Mysterious Woman is walking out the door and says “Well I might not have gotten you this time Caroline, but your time will come, in the meantime though you can watch your pre



Contest for Co HW Position on this blog!!!

Hey everybody, this is your lovely freind daysfan! I have a very important announcement to make regarding the blog: With my job and such, I have a hard time writing episodes and having time to think abpit storylines and such, do not worry, I will certainly not end the blog, but I do need a Co Headwriter to help me with storylines and etc. So to decide who will be Co HW, I am putting up a contest, this ocntest will prove who should be Co HW. Here it is: Basically, you will need to come u




Episode#26 -Sami is shocked by the Mysterious Woman’s order, the Mysterious Woman tells Sami that she will leave a bottle of poison by her door so she can do the dastardly deed, Sami then shouts out “No!” and then the Mysterious Woman says that if Sami does not do as she says, she will reveal her secret to Austin, Sami ponders about what she should do and then after a few minutes, Sami yells to the Mysterious Woman that she is done with her and hangs up the phone, after that Sami thinks to he



Title Change!

Just to tell everybody, I changed the title of the blog, from "daysfan's blog" to "Life in Salem". Therefore, that means from now on, all of the previews, cast changes and other stuff will be refered to as Life in Salem instead of Days of Our Lives. Hope everyone likes the new title!




Episode#25 -Sami wakes up the next morning in the Salem Inn and goes down to get a cup of cofee in the kitchen, once she is down there she sees Nicole and Nicole tells her that they need to help each other to make sure Carrie and Austin stay apart. -At the Kirakis Mansion, Victor is walking into the living area and hears a knock on the door, he goes over there and opens it to see…. VICTORIA LORD DAVIDSON!!!!!! -The Mysterious Woman sits inside a house somewhere right outside of Salem,



Banner for the Mysterious Woman Storyline!

Well I got a banner (made by the lovely psychofan) for the Mysterious Woman Storyline! It has all of the prime suspects pics on it. So look at this lovely banner and see if this could give you any hints on who she is! Again thanks to psychofan for making it!!!!!




Several old favorites of Days fans will be returning this fall, some will only be recurring, however others will be contract. Returns: Patsy Pease will be returning to Days very very soon to reprise her role of "Kimberly Brady", the headwriter says that he has a story planned out for Kim but just not right now, he tells us it will probabaly be after the Mysterious Woman Storyline is over, until then Pease will be on recurring and Kim will be backburned. And all of this info brings a ques




Episode#24 -Lilly arrives at the Police Station with bail money for Jan, she walks into Abe’s room where Victor and Abe are and she says she is Lilly Spears and that she has Jan Spears’s bail money but Victor immediately tells Lilly there will be NO bail. -Lucas is stunned that Carrie lost her baby and Austin tells Lucas that he is so sorry and he should have gotten Carrie out of the fire quicker, Lucas says that it is not Austin’s fault and then all of a sudden Carrie begins to wake up, o




Episode#23 -Sami tells EJ frantically that they have to get down to the ground and make sure Lucas is alright as EJ begins to wonder why Sami cares so much about saving Lucas when she loves Austin but then he tells her that they can go down the firescape to get to him so Sami begins to scramble down the firescape and once she gst down to the ground she runs over to Lucas and feels that he has a faint pulse so she yells “Lucas no I love you!!!!” -Austin barely manages to climb onto the roof




Episode#22 -Steve says to Jack that he does not even know Kayla, he has only had a few flashes of memory and then Jack tells him that he knows about Steve remembering him and Kayla’s wedding so Steve remembers how Kayla showed him that video of their wedding that one night and that he remembered the wedding. -Sami screams for someone to help her and then all of a sudden EJ busts in and she jumps into his arms. -Kayla tells Jennifer that it is going to hurt her and Frankie if she keeps t




This ocming week is going to be a big week for Austin and Carrie fans, it will be the start ot their reunitation from what the writer has told us and it will not only be a week for A/C fans but big things with Abby and Lilly will happen this week. The Weekly Promo will provied yu with details.... *Clips of Austin rushing up to the roof on the fire escape with Lucas but sees it break* Austin: LUCAS!!!!!!!!!!! One man falls and his old love will be the one to save him. *Clips of Sami tryi




Episode#21 -Sami screams as a fire begins on the rooftop of her apartment and Alan grabs her and tells her she will pay for messing up his plan so Sami tries to get away from him but as she is she looks up to see that the electric box caused electricity to hit the wires up on one of the Electric towers so it goes crashing into the apartment, causing fires to start all over the place and explosions!!!!!! -Bo is overjoyed to learn the babies are his and tells Hope that now they can be togeth




Episode#20 -Lexie begins to tear up and begs Abe to let her keep Theo and Abe says that he will not let his child live with a woman who cheated on him and then Abe signals his officers and they walk off to where Larry and Bo are as Lexie cries. -As Carrie is in her robe and brushing her hair, the gloved hand walks over to her window, as Sami watches she says “I know that guy…. It’s Alan Harris!!!!” Sami then looks around for a place she can use to get to Carrie without Alan seeing her but




Episode#19 -As Hope breaks down Bonnie screams “NO!!!!” and Mimi quietly sobs. Billie is stunned and says that she can’t believe this happened. -Lexie returns to the hospital after getting rid of Tek’s body and as she is walking back to her office she runs into Abe and nervously asks what he is doing there. -As Celeste is walking through the Carver’s house she all of a sudden has a preminition and says to herself that danger has come to Salem. -Lilly tells Max okay and then begins t



Kirsten OUT!

It has been reported that Kirsten Storms, who was supposed to come back to Salem for the role of a brand new character was fired and the role was recasted. "I really do like Kirsten but the role I wanted needed to be more adult like person so I was sorry to fire her but it had to be done." the headwrite tells us And the role will be recasted with.... AWARD WINNER BRANDI BURKHARDT, some know Burkhardt from the Soap Opera Passions where she played a mermaid named Siren but some others




Episode#18 -The Mysterious Woman manages to push Larry over causing him to fall right through the pot where everyone can see him and she quickly rolls out of the way and hides behind a wall. Hope screams when Patrick is shot and yells for a doctor and is in tears by Patrick’s side while Bo looks around for where the gun shot came from he and Hope turn around to see Larry Welch falling through a pot and Larry manages to get up when he realizes Bo and Hope see him so he takes off and urns thro



Episode #17

Episode#17 -Shawn tells Jan that of course the cage was her fault and then she says no just as Belle and Philip are walking over Belle gasps when she sees Jan. -Lilly arrives at Chez Rouge and she tells Maggie that she is here to see Max Brady and then Maggie says that she must be his date that he was telling her about and then she leads Lilly to the table Max is sitting at. -Sami arrives at the hospital and then she runs into Lexie’s office and says “What do you- oh my gosh you killed




THE GLOVED HANDS ARE REVEALED! ITS LARRY WELCH AND ALAN HARRIS!!!!!!!! The new headwriter of Days just gave the readers the scoop on the gloved hands and it has been reported that they will not play a big part in the upcoming story and says that Harris and Welch will both have one big stunt and then it will be all over for them. "I wanted to get this sotryline DONE from when I started back in July, I hae diffrent plans for Days and the gloved hand was nto involved n this so I decided that



The Mysterious Woman Storyline

"The Mysterious Woman storyline is really heating up! With Sami now getting into all of this you know things are just getting good and I don't know who fans think it is but she has caused trouble for alot of Salem lately." the headwriter tells us The new headwriter also provided us with a recap on what the mysterious woman has done that coud help fans figure out who it is if they think hard. 1. Telling Mimi on the roof of the loft that she once lost the man that she loved. 2.The gloved



Shawn Recast

The new headwriter has recently told us that he will be recasting Shawn Douglas Brady but for the first time since he became the headwriter he will let the fans choose who will play Shawn. "Jason Cook played a great teenage Shawn but we need a more adult actor to play Shawn but I do not know who should portray the role so I am lettign the fans decide who should play him." the writer tells us Comments would be appreciated and in your comments tell me who you think should play Shawn.



OLTL meets Days!!!

There was just a HUGE Announcement from the new headwriter of Days and he has told us that the very popular soap opera "One Life to Live" will be meeting Days of Our Lives. Te new headwriter has told us that some of the Days characters will be traveling to Lianview but he never said who but he did tell us that Erika Slezak will be bringing her character Victoria Lord Davison to Salem! He also told us that Slezak is not only bring Viki to Salem but also her alternate personality Nikki Smith.



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