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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Episode#98 -The goons assemble all of their forces, and say Steve and Kayla Johnson must die! -In the DiMera Mansion, Stefano is in the study, and Colleen McHenry (Amanda Tepe) walks in. She begs Stefano for forgiveness! Stefano asks Colleen what she means, and Colleen says Helena has escaped from the castle Stefano ordered her to lock Helena in!!!!!!!!!! Stefano is enraged! -Willow is ready, so her and Rex head off to the loft. -Cassie’s doctor walks in and says he has news on her c




Episode#97 -Kayla is shocked when she learns Victor Kiriakis faked Steve’s death! -Rex is confused by Willow’s sudden change in heart, and wants to come live with him! He asks why, and she says she just doesn’t think it’s safe living in this area anymore. She thinks to herself that she can use Rex, and she has to get out of here before Nicholas comes around again! -Helena tells EJ they have a powerful ally…..that being TRACY QUARTERMAINE! -Faux Roman and Abe begin to investigate Shaw




In an event that shocks viewers, Thad Luckinbill has been cast as Jeremy Horton. It shocks veiwers because Luckinbill is just about ten years older than the previous Jeremy, Brandon Tyler. "We know he is a bit older....but he's just who we need. He could play mid-late twenties very well, and Jeremy is being taken in a new direction. He will not have a story with Chelsea, so Thad was the perfect choice!" the headwriter commented Luckinbill has a contract will start airing next week! In o




WEEKLY PROMO OF 1/5/07 It's a week of adventure on Life in Salem... A man knows who faked his death....but will it cost him his life? *clips of Steve and Kayla togehter in the Secret Room in Llanfair* Kayla: Steve, guards are coming and the police are just above us! We have to get out of here! Steve: Yeah I know. I just don't know how. A woman's life is threatened... *clips of Helena standing in front of Sami at the Salem Inn* Helena(holding a knife): Stay away from EJ Wells or




Episode#96 -Nicholas finally leaves, he curses as he does. He says he Willow hasn’t seen the last of him! -Rex asks Willow who that was, and she just says it was an old pain. She tells Rex what they need to talk about is what happened earlier! -Steve and Kayla run down the hall of the secret area in Llanfair! They get to a door at the end of the hall and find that it’s locked! Steve tries to break it open but to no avail! Suddenly several guards come down the hall! -Abby decides to t




Episode#95 -Nicholas ALAMAIN and Willow continue to fight! -Belle finally manages to say goodbye to Shawn, and she tearfully leaves the Morgue, heartbroken. -Max tells Lilly he doesn’t love Erin and they’re just friends, Lilly tells him EVERYONE in Salem says that! She storms out. Erin apologizes to Max for what happened but he tells her it’s okay. -Dorian calls the Llavniew PD to Llanfair. They arrive and Dorian claims someone broke in! Kayla hears about it on the news and rushes to




Episode#94 -Kate is shocked when Forrest says his business rival is Vivian! She thinks to herself the same as him: She can use Forrest to take out Vivian. -The man’s face in Willow’s apartment is not seen. He refuses to leave. He begs for her to take him back and she refuses. -Marlena comforts Belle as she painfully says goodbye to Shawn. -The man that knocked Steve out grabs him and drags him further into the secret area!!!!!!! Dorian meanwhile cannot find out where Steve went, so s



Star Temporarily OUT!

Apparently, Heather Lindell (Jan Spears) was written out on Episode#93 when Jan left Salem in pain over the an she has loved for years, Shawn Douglas Brady, died. However, Lindell's exit is only temporary. "We're going to try to turn the focus of this story to Belle and Philip," the headwriter said "We've put quite a bit of focus on it on Jan, so we want to take a break and focus on the others. She will be back, but will be gone for a bit. Some fans of LIS might know that Philip and Jan will be




Episode#93 -Steve heads to Llanfair! -A man is seen at Willow’s door, Willow tries to shut it but he keeps it open with his fist! He barges in and Willow orders him to get out! -Billie asks Bonnie how she even knows Victoria Lord Davidson. Bonnie answers that she came to Alice’s one night and they became very close……Billie wonders what’s going on! -Kate asks Forrest who he is. Forrest tells her that’s not important, but what is is the business proposition. Kate asks what it is, and F




Episode#92 -Bonnie arrives at Patrick’s house! Billie asks when she’s been, and she hasn’t seen her since Mimi was sent off to jail! Bonnie tells Billie she’s been thinking, and she’s going to leave Salem! -Chelsea and Jeremy run into a couple of thugs while heading two another club! Jeremy says he can’t risk getting beat up all over again, so he manages to slide his way out, leaving Chelsea by herself! -Kim continues to have problems walking! She contemplates going back to Salem! Kayla




Episode#91 -Vivian tells Ivan she thinks they will have to do battle with Forrest sooner rather than later! -Kate asks if Abe means her, and Abe says she’s a suspect in this crime as well. Kate says that’s absurd and denies everything! Abe tells none of them to leave town. Kate angrily storms out of the hospital and bumps into Forrest! -Sam learns Kristen Blake is dead, but she remembers how Marlena told her Kristen had a “double”, which was Susan Banks! Sam bumps into Susan! -Hope t




Episode#90 -Celeste tells everyone in the hospital Shawn Douglas was murdered! Jan hears it just as she walks in! -Lilly is seen with SAM driving a car back into Salem. Sam tells Lilly her plan worked fine, and then Lilly tells her she’s going to hide her out in the Spears Mansion! -Lexie breaks down after Abe leaves. -Ivan finally finds Vivian in the place she hid out when she was the Mysterious Woman!!!!! Vivian is tied up, and once Ivan frees her she tells them they have a very im




Episode#89 -Abe visits Lexie in jail. -Ivan still cannot find Vivian! Forrest tells Ivan to give it up, and that he will not find Vivian anytime soon. -Steve and Kayla continue to share a romantic New Years. Steve pulls away saying he shouldn’t be doing this, Kayla tells him their husband and wife and even though he has amnesia it’s not wrong, Steve says yes it is and he doesn’t love her, he leaves the hotel. -Hope breaks down in Bo’s arm after learning Shawn is dead, she screams Sh



ANOTHER CUT!!!!!!!!!

MELVIN IS OUT.......AGAIN! Shocking, since the actress just returned to Life in Salem two months ago, but it is true. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) has been fired again, marking her second time cut from LIS and her the second cut in the casting bloodbath that continues to strike. "I really love Rachel's acting....but this had to be done. I blame myself for bringing her back in the first place, because even though she had a new love interest, which was Jeremy, she didn't fit in. We did reveal



ex-ATWT Star Joins Life in Salem!!!!!

HUNT BLOCK JOINS LIS! Rumours recently popped up that Hunt Block, ex-ATWT star, would be joining Life in Salem as Daphne DiMera's long lost son. Now, LIS has confirmed it! Block will join LIS on contract and will have a love interest, yet at the same time issues with Tony and others. "I'm very happy to have someone of Hunt's calibar on the cast and I know he will do well in this story." the headwriter said when asked about his opinion on Block being hired Block is on contract. LIS would li




Episode#88 -Chelsea is surprised to see Jeremy. She says she didn’t know he was a party boy. -Celeste screams when Shawn’s body slips out of the car! She says she was too late. The paramedics quickly grab his body and put it on a stretcher, then they check for a pulse, but minutes pass and one shakes their head at the other, then they sadly role the stretcher into the ambulance and drive off. -As Bo and Hope are at the Pub, suddenly Faux Roman walks in, he has a sad expression On his fa




Episode#87 -Victor thinks to himself that Claire is not Shawn’s child! -Tony and Anna spend a romantic New Years Eve together. As do Eric and Nicole, and Lilly and Max. -Shawn’s car continues to burn up. Celeste continues to cry as she says she was too late. -The officer tells Lexie Sami Brady brought a video tape that showed her killing Tek! Lexie is enraged! -Billie arrives back at Patrick’s house, and breaks down, she says to herself she’s lost another man once again. -Chels




WEEKLY PROMO OF 1/1/07 This week, a mans death will rock Salem.... A man has died....*clips of Celeste watching Shawn's car burn up while upside down* Celeste: Death has taken Shawn Douglas tonight... And his family must accept it....*clips of Hope with Bo learning of Shawn's death at the Pub* Hope(breaking down in tears): NO!!!!!! But who killed him? *clips of Bo, Hope, the Brady's, Horton's, Faux Roman, Abe, Belle, Celeste, Jan, Kate, Victor, and Philip hidden in a corner, at




RUMOUR ALERT!!!!!!! Here are some rumours that have popped up lately related to Life in Salem.... -Alot of rumours have popped up ever since Brandon Beemer was fired that the second, and possibly third cut have already been decided. They also say it's a big one! -Other rumours say Hunt Block has landed the role of Daphne's son.... -Also, casting rumours have also said that the Will recast has been decided and Chris Gerse will become part of the casting bloodbath.... -Rumours are s



First cut revealed!

Well, as fans who read the New Years Eve episode know, Brandon Beemer(Shawn Douglas Brady) has been fired from Life in Salem when his character Shawn was killed off, just after joining the show several months ago. "I hate having to fire Brandon....especially after just starting to work here. I love his acting, and really wanted to keep him here. Mabye he can return someday, but the reason to killing off Shawn is because, even though there were many loose ends to tie up with the character, aft




Episode#86 -Several days later in Salem, it’s New Years Eve! -Billie finally manages to confront Bo about their relationship, she says they have been tiptoeing around this for months, and it’s time it ends! -Victor and Philip talk. Victor says he’s going to help him get Claire and Belle back. -Celeste suddenly has a vision, and she screams that someone will die tonight! -A person is seen inside a warehouse, wearing black gloves, they are wearing a ski mask, and have all black on.




Episode#85 -Willow manages to take Rex back to Salem! She gets him to her apartment! -Belle tells Marlena that she has to stay away from Philip, because he is obsessed with keeping her and Claire! -John sees Caroline being comforted by Victor, he walks over and says to Victor “Get your hands off of my mother.” Caroline says “John!” but Victor interrupts, he says “I can understand John, even though you have only known your Roman a short time you still probably feel I want her back, and y




Episode#84 -Philip is angry when he discovers Belle and Claire have gone back to Salem! He tries to leave to go after them but is stopped by Margaret! -Jan plays innocent and asks what he means, but Shawn tells her he knows that she is Mimi’s surrogant! Jan is shocked Shawn knows, and she tries to lie, but fails so she admits it! She tells Shawn she isn’t his surrogant though, and he is confused. -Sam says all shrinks are phonies! Lilly tells Sam she IS going to see a shrink! They then




Episode#83 -The next morning, Cassie is desperate to find Rex, but is still stuck in the hospital! -Hope and Bo decide to name one of their daughters Addie, after Hope’s mother, and the other one Pamela. Hope then asks Bo if he will move back in with her! -Belle and Claire finally escape from Philip and head back to Salem! -Steve and Kayla meet with Rex Balsom at Rody’s, and he says he’s been investigating over the past few days, and he thinks whoever faked Steve’s death had somethin



Casting news/reminders!

Life in Salem would like to remind viewers that a couple of casting calls are still going out, and that they would like viewers to choose their people quickly. LIS is still looking for an early to mid forties man to play the role of Daphne DiMera's son, and Tony's brother. He is expected to appear after the new year. LIS is also looking for a man in his early twenties to play Jeremy Horton since Brandon Tyler was cut. The recast should appear in late January if not sooner. Also, LIS is



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