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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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October 19, 2006

-Sami has gotten up early on this morning. She has decided that maybe if she can cook Lucas a huge breakfast, he would not start his day off being so mad at her. Sami talks to herself: Sami: All the times I’ve told him and everyone else how much I’ve changed, I then go and do something really damn stupid. When will I learn? Lucas walk in the door at that moment. Lucas: The question of the new millennium. Yes, Sami. When will you learn? It hasn’t happened yet. Sami: Look, Lucas. I m



October 18, 2006

-Laura is thinking out loud what to do about Jack and Billie when Hope arrives and is shocked to overhear what Laura is saying. Laura explains to Hope she does not feel bad about what she is doing. Hope tells Laura that they have always been close friends and it's no big deal even if something more does happen. Jennifer and Billie were friends and she knows Jack and Billie were close. If Billie could make him happy and she seems to, Jennifer would be happy. Hope implores Laura not to let he



October 17, 2006

-Everyone is stunned by what is going on with Maggie ans Caroline. Roman and Hope tell Maggie and Caroline to calm down. Maggie is outraged at Caroline's words. Caroline apologizes saying she had no right to say that. She just doesn't think what is going on with Victor and her is right nor does she think Bo, Lucas, and Austin teaming up with him is wise. Maggie tells her that the conversation is over and she doesn't wish for it to go any further. Caroline apologizes again but Maggie walks



October 16, 2006

-The whole courtroom reacts to Abe winning custody of Theo. Stefano, Lexie, and Cassie are stunned, Roman, Cal, Shane, Hope, Sami, Caroline, Billie, and the Horton's all congratulate Abe. Lexie asks Stefano what happened. Stefano declares this an outrage and wishes to appeal. Judge Fitzpatrick explains that Theo just wouldn't be safe in the Dimera environment and is better off in a more normal and stabile living situation. Lexie orders an appeal but Judge Fitzpatrick tells her that no appe



Promo for Wk of 10/16/06

Announcer: ON SALEM LIVES... ONE MAN Clip of Max. THREE WOMEN. Clips of Abby, Chelsea, and Cassie. ONLY ONE CAN HAVE HIM...AND THIS WEEK...SOMEONE WILL... Clip of Cassie and Max kissing in a car while a stunned Abby and Chelsea watch with Abby in tears. Abby: It looks like Max has made his choice. IT ALL LEADS TO A NOVEMBER LIKE NO OTHER IN TWO WEEKS!!! MISS A DAY, MISS ALOT!!!



Salem Lives Insider Wk of 10/15/06

Week of October 15, 2006 Edition VICTOR TO MAGGIE: OUT!!!! Victor loses it this week on Salem Lives when he kicks Maggie out of his mansion in a fit of rage which, ultimately, leads her back to the bottle. The week begins with Maggie lashing out at Stefano and Lexie after Theo's custody hearing. "The hearing is over and Lexie has lost Theo so Maggie is rubbing it in," says HW Tim Lowery. "She really hates the Dimera's because of the island and Mickey's death and she is just la



October 13, 2006

-Judge Fitzpatrick officially opens the hearing. The judge asks if the demand on both sides is for full custody. Lexie stands up and says yes while Abe reluctantly agrees, saying he wishes they could compromise. Lexie says there will be no compromising. She wants her son. Frankie informs the judge that Commishioner Carver has several people that wish to speak on his behalf. She allows it. -Alice, Hope, Billie, Caroline, Roman, and Shane explain how long they have known Abe and how great



October 12, 2006

-Doug and Julie bring Alice to the courthouse. Laura meets up with them and asks why they are there. Alice explains that she is speaking on Abe's behalf. She has always been close friends with Celeste. Laura explains she is there as a psychiatrist and to also seak for the best interests of the child. They all agree it will a tough decision as they care for both Lexie and Abe but it may be best for Theo to live with Abe based on the Stefano factor and the fact that she almost died because of




About two weeks ago in the SALEM LIVES INSIDER, there was mention of a casting call for the role of Cal's (Josh Taylor) psychiatrist. Very few ideas were received and, through collaboration with my co-HW and others, we now have a narrowed down list of actresses that seem best suited for what we are going for (for the casting call please go to the 9/24/06 edition of the Insider). Please PM me or post who you think is best here. The age is not as important as who can play the character best. T



October 11, 2006

-Austin, Lucas, Victor, Nico, and Bo are all looking over maps and property blueprints. Victor says they need to be well-informed to prepare for their attack on Stefano. He does not want to make a mistake like the last time. Bo asks if that is a confession. Victor smiles and says that is in the past and they need to move on if they are going to accomplish anything. Maggie comes downstairs and says hello to everyone. Lucas embraces her and asks how she is doing. She explains she is better



October 10, 2006

-Cassie follows Max out of the Pub. Max yells at her and tells her to just leave him alone. She refuses and tells him that he is drunk and she will help him get home. He asks her why she is always hovering around him lately. She admits she likes him and is attracted to him and and she is still close to the Brady's. They will always be like family to her and she is just trying to help. Cassie recalls Stefano asking her to use her closeness with the Brady's and to also get close to Max to ai



October 9, 2006

-Greta is walking the pier and bumps into Hope. They both ask how the other is doing. Hope says she is worried about Bo and informs Greta of what is going on with him. Greta asks Hope about Victor's past before he learned of Isabella. Hope tells her he was ruthless but had his supporters. She says that Julie became a friend of his when they all got washed up on the island following the Loretta sinking. Caroline also supported him. After he learned of Isabella, he promised her he would cha



Promo for Wk of 10/9/06

Announcer: A WEEK OF CAN'T MISS MOMENTS ON SALEM LIVES!!! FIRST... HER HUSBAND CAN'T REMEMBER THEIR LOVE BUT... WILL A KISS CHANGE ALL THAT? Clip of Kayla kissing Steve. THEN!! A CUSTODY BATTLE TURNS UGLY... Abe: How could you do this? I never thought you could sink so low. Lexie: I will do whatever it takes to keep my son. AND SALEM FACES A HORRIFYING REALITY.... Stefano: The Dimera's are back and here to stay! Lexie: I will destroy you all!! Cassie:



Salem Lives Insider-Wk of 10/8/06

Week of October 8, 2006 Edition THE DIMERA'S ROCK SALEM!!! The Dimera's make their resurgence known in Salem this week on Salem Lives as Stefano, Cassie and Lexie serve notice that a new era has begun for their family. The week begins with one Dimera, Cassie, stirring up trouble for Max. "Abby called Max to help her rescue Chelsea and Cassie took the call and just hung up the phone," sums up HW Tim Lowery. "Cassie lies to Max and says no one called and Abby and Chelsea both end



October 6, 2006

-Billie checks her messages and sees that Abby has not called with word on Chelsea. She is getting worried. Jack tells her to relax and that everything will be fine. He is sure Abby will find her. Billie sees her cell battery is low so she must turn her phone off. She asks Jack where they are going. Jack says he has a surprise that will help both of them keep their mind off the turmoil in their lives and help cap off a great night. -Abby has searched almost every night club. She arrive



October 5, 2006

-Caroline begs Victor and Roman to stop the fighting while Kate tries to get Austin and Lucas to reconsider their decision. They refuse and Lucas says they are siding with Victor and Bo. Kate is stunned and tell them both how unhappy she is. She tells them sarcastically to go ahead and get themselves killed for all she cares and walks out of the pub. Roman tries to get Lucas, Austin, and Bo to reconsider but they won't. Bo says they are just doing what they have to. Belle and Claire then a



October 4, 2006

-Victor arrives at the pub and sees Caroline at the bar. He gives her a loving glance but decides to just keep his distance. Caroline looks on, disappointed he didn't come over but tells herself it is for the best. Victor sits with Austin and Lucas and asks why they wanted to meet with him. Lucas tells Victor that Austin and him want to join Victor's cause. They heard Bo joined and they want Carrie to be able to return to Salem and raise the baby in a safe Salem, not one with the danger of



October 3, 2006

-Nicole is at a meeting with a business client. She calls LA to check in with Highstyle and is alerted by her secretary to the fact that investors aren't happy with her being away from the base of operations so long, especially since the company has actually lost money this quarter. The secretary tells Nicole something must be done or investors may pull out. Nicole checks her cell phone after her meeting ends and realizes she has a ton of messages from Eric and that she is very late for their



October 2, 2006

-Kayla is still outside Steve's cell and is in shock over finding him after all these years. Kayla: It's really true. You're really here...Oh...I am so sorry. I better get you out of there. Steve: Yeah...good idea. Who the hell is this chick? Kayla searches for something to help her get into the cell. She can't find anything around to help so she decides to use a bobby pin and pick the lock like Bo and Roman taught her how to do when they were younger. She gets the door open and r



Promo for Wk of 10/2/06

Announcer: STEVE AND KAYLA... Clips of Steve and Kayla kissing and of them being pronounced husband and wife. ONE OF DAYTIME'S GREATEST SUPERCOUPLES Clip of Steve and Kayla pledging their love for one another and him calling her sweetness. SEPARATED BY DEATH...UNTIL NOW... Kayla: Steve...oh my God...it's you...it's really you!! Kayla races into Steve's arms. A MOMENT 16 YEARS IN THE MAKING... Kayla: My dream is finally coming true. I thought it was impossible but y



Salem Lives Insider: Wk of 10/1/06 Edition

Salem Lives Insider: Week of 10/1/06 Edition KAYLA AND STEVE: REUNITED!!!! The event fans have waited years for takes place this week on Salem Lives when Steve and Kayla are finally reunited. "It is beautiful, emotional, and very true to character," promises HW Tim Lowery. "We have Kayla crying and Steve being his normal self. I don't want to spoit it because I feel this is a huge occasion so fans will just have to wait and see how this unfolds." Not all is ok though-



September 29, 2006

Act 1 Scene 1: Abby's bedroom. Abby is listening to her IPOD and recalling seeing Cassie and Max dancing on TV. Abby: What are you looking for Max? What does she have that I don't? Scene 2: Deveraux Living Room Laura: I never thought I would see the day when Jack Deveraux would be baking cookies. Jack: Well, JJ loves them and so does Abby. They are nowhere close to how Jennifer used to... Laura: It's ok, Jack. I know what's you mean. We all miss my daughter. Ev



September 28, 2006

-Julie and Laura are both on the phone. Doug asks Alice if she really thinks this will plan will work if they can get everything set. Alice thinks it will help Maggie at the very least. Laura gets off and says she has good news. Julie hangs up and says she has good news as well. They've did it and everything is in place. Alice and Doug are happy as well. Julie says they should be arriving very soon and, once they do, they just have to set up a meeting with Maggie. Laura just hopes this d



September 27, 2006

-Hope enters the Brady Pub. She sees Austin and Lucas and says hi to them. She apologizes about the Carrie situation. Lucas tells Hope he still hopes to find a way to bring her back. Hope says she will pray that they do. Caroline is at the bar when Hope sits down. Caroline is surprised to see her there and can tell Hope is upset. Hope fills her in on what happened with Bo. Hope asks Caroline what they should do. Caroline asks Hope if she is asking her to help her fix a mess she helped c



September 26, 2006

-Belle is walking through the airport wondering what to do next. She goes home to Claire. She pays the babysitter and then holds Claire. She tells her she has bad news and that uncle Shawn had to leave. She remarks how at one point she beleived Shawn was her father and now so much has changed. Her life is a mess and she has so many regrets. She remembers Shawn's last words to her about going to Claire and going to Philip since they are her life now. Belle says he was right. Shawn and her



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