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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 5, 2009

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I've been wondering for awhile when they'd reveal her pregnancy, but I've heard nothing concerning her contract. That's good news then. I only wish the show would get remotely interesting so I could tune in again. From what I've heard, it would be smarter to watch DOOL.

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Jaw agape. Agape! I thought Vail was gone.

Heather could be a much needed young female romantic lead on this show...but I hope that is in the cards.

Pregnant? She's not MS' surrogate is she?? :lol:

How do you all know about this pregnancy????

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I was convinced she was gone. We'll see how things go. Just in general, being female on this means being disrespected, violated and put down, so she isn't getting lucky either way. Just as long as they keep her far away from the trainwreck that is Michael Muhney.

Heh. :)

I've seen it posted on a different site.

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I'm glad to hear that Vail Bloom is sticking around.

What I need from Y&R in about 3 months or maybe 6 is for a girl who looks curiously like Colleen number 2 to be sighted around town. JT should get the first couple of looks at her and decide that he's just wishing that it's Colleen. Then Billy or Lily can see her at the bookshop or she can come in and buy a Americano at Crimson Lights...

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When was that baby stealer (Rose De'ville was it) on the show? She could have paid a nurse to swipe Colleen's twin. Now that Nina is on the show again I wonder if her other son will ever turn up? I'm not saying he should. I remember Nina giving a speech about how sometimes there just isn't a resolution to ever story and that it adds layers or something like that. I just wonder if that's something these writer's would revisit.

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Dear Friend,

No, no , and no!!! :lol:

If this weren't a show awash in doppelgangers, ghosts, criminals and retcons, I'd support this. (Except my returning Colleen would be played by Fonseca and no one else).

But, honestly, it's just too much. The P3s and Cassie's ghosts and John's ghosts and Brad's ghosts and Alistair, and Jeffrey/William and Carmen/Cousin and Phyllis/Pheila...it's all just too, too much.

Honestly, if it were me, I'd put up a white board for the Y&R writers and say:


For the next 12 months:

- no deaths of core characters

- no disappearances...if they leave, just let them leave

- no rape

- no criminal acts

- no doppelgangers or ghosts

- no heists, capers or hijinks

- no psychopaths or vengeful sociopaths

Then, with those rules--which I would adhere to hard and fast--I'd given them one year to spin stories that don't rely on these devices. It can be done. It used to be done regularly. It should be done again.

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Yes, and since it's going to happen anyway, Traci may as well be reunited with her stolen daughter. :)

:lol: But Colette isn't a doppelganger or a ghost. She's the baby Rose stole from Traci and put on the black market. A perfectly reasonable non sci-fi explanation. Although, if you absolutely insist, I suppose I could wait 12 months for her to appear.

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