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Flash Forward: Jack Cramer Manning

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On the AMC thread, members were talking about how they had pictured Petey/Peter Cortlandt turning out as a teen, based on the last actor's portrayal when Petey was seen as a child.

So that got me to thinking about the undeveloped child characters on soaps right now.

So what kind of personality do we all think that OLTL's Jack Cramer Manning is going to have when he's in those rebellious teens? What kind of story would he be functioning in?

It's always fun to speculate!

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Wow this is a fun thread for once!

The way I see it they could go to two totally opposite extremes with the character...given his father. On the one hand I see them making him a really sensitive sweet guy who happens to take everyone's feelings into account before making any decision. Unlike his notorious father Jack would probably have a moral compass that prevents him from being as ruthless as his dad could be. At some point OLTL could make him gay just to drive Todd mad or have him fight his father like Nick vs Victor on Y&R.

On the other hand he could turn out to be just as bad as Todd is and crave his approval on everything leading him to do not so good things in life.

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Since Starr turned out to be a good (if not a little selfish and vindictive) girl, so I think Jack should be Llanview's next bad boy. He is trouble at school, at home, and everywhere in Llanview. He's also gay and in a secret relationship with Matthew Buchanan.

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I love that most votes are going to Jack being a bad boy, and gay!

Each Cramer/Manning spawn needs to be a dysfunctional hellion to give Todd and Blair a lot to get worked up about, so with Starr being a misguided self-centered princess who got knocked up at 16, Jack could definitely turn out to be the devious, seductive, gay, pyromaniac (just threw that in there) bad boy who always felt overshadowed by Starr, and resented cherished half-brother Sam. Sibling rivalry at its finest. And when Jack finds out Todd once sold him on the black market with the help of David Vickers and convinced Blair Jack was dead?! Talk about issues!

The Brian Kinney of Llanview... has a beautiful ring to it.

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