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GL: Actor Exits Once Again

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Huh? I just got that info from a friend of mine via e-mail. I was figuring it could be Dinah, but I was kind of hoping for a Harley knowing that taking away a boyfriend from your niece is wrong and go back to Mallet.

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Thanks for the compliments. B)

As Ricky Paull Goldin (Gus) is leaving, GL will need to bring in a leading man to fill in his shoes while at the same time Mallet will be moving up and get more screen time. Similar to GL bringing Daniel Cosgrove (Bill) last fall to fill the void of Michael Dempsey (ex-Alan-Michael) and Murray Bartlett (Cyrus) fill the void of Tom Pelphrey.

Here is the list of actors/characters that GL could bring one of them on:

Vincent Irizarry (Nick) since his storyline at Y&R is winding down

Matthew Ashford (Philip Spaulding)

Brian Gaskill (Dylan) bump him from recurring to contract

Return and cast the role of Sam Spencer (Olivia's younger brother)

Kurt McKinney (Matt) bump him from recurring to contract

Return and cast the role of Shayne Lewis (Reva/Josh's son)

Cast the role of Rocky Cooper (deceased Jenna's son/adopted son of Buzz's)

Return and cast the role of J Chamberlain (Nola/Quinton's son)

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Even better, can we pull a Jesse Hubbard and bring Lujack from the dead? Lujack's final words to Beth ... they sounded as if he knew he was going to die. Know what I mean, lol?

IMO, Grant Aleksander is Phillip. GL tried years ago to replace him (w/ John Bolger) and ... just didn't work ... at least, for me.

But, I am keen on GL bringing aboard MA -- as a new character. Perhaps, he could be a cardiologist? That would put him in orbit with Olivia, who could end up being his love interest. Then, once he's firmly established in SF (i.e., dating Olivia, working full-time at Cedars), we slowly and gradually introduce his family (because, Lord knows, GL needs one). And his father turns out to be Beth's biological dad (Lillian's first husband, the one she thought died in Vietnam), making MA's character Beth's half-brother, and half-uncle to Lizzie, James and "Peytonadette".

I'm not sure Gaskill is commanding enough to be a leading man for GL. I know he was one on PORT CHARLES, but ... come on ... it was PORT CHARLES, for pete's sake. Only on PC would someone like Michael Easton be considered a master thespian. Plus, I don't believe BG's interpretation of Dylan has been all that successful w/ the audience.

Olivia could use some family in town besides Ava and Emma. SuDaisy could use a strong(er) love interest, too.


That would be so awesome - provided, the actor playing him doesn't make me wretch everytime I see him on-screen (hi, Marty!).

Furthermore, I think it'd be interesting if Shayne were to return with a new, Bosnian-born bride, a young woman he met while working in the Peace Corps. GL could use a new young heroine, too.

I was thinking about this the other day. Certainly, if Ian were to return angry that he's been alienated from the rest of the family, he could TP's shoes as SF's designated Angry Young Man.

If it'll lead to the return of Quint and Nola (even on a recurring/off-contract basis, like Vanessa), then I'm all for it.

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I think all of what you guys have said makes sense.

I would love Phillip back...but I am still only hoping for GA.

I wish they would, if they can afford it, to bring Vanessa back...Billy is kind of just hanging out there...would be nice to see that rekindled..even if it means Matt goes away.

India..I am still hoping for this.

I think having Beth find out who here real dad is could be great, but you need a good story for that to happen,

Mindy is another wild card.

And of course Ed....I really think that is a must.

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Kwing42 that will never happen and here is the reason why:

Lillian Raines married Bradley Raines in the 1970s after the death of her first husband, and Beth’s father, in the Vietnam war. Beth's biological father was never identified nor given a storyline to explore since the debut of Lillian Raines in 1983 on GL. However to give a little background about Beth/Lillian's history, Bradley adopted Beth but unfortunately, he was a controlling and abusive man but Lillian was too scared to turn him to the police, while unaware that Bradley was abusing Beth, too.

Hope this helps.

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