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Y&R Question

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I know that the whole fight to save Victoria vs giving the baby more time to develop makes for some good family tension. I am just wondering if anybody even buys this as a legitimate issue? I'm not sure what parent would be more concerned about making sure an unborn baby developed over saving the life of his/her own child.

If that baby is due in January then it should be close enough to term to survive but I don't know what calendar they operate from anyway.

Brad's is probably the only position that makes sense in this since he's looking at having a child to raise. If the baby lives and Victoria dies then he'll stake his claim. If they really would kill her off then the baby would probably end up being JT's just so Brad's efforts would go down the drain.

They do have some rich material and yet I think it will end up going to waste.

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They're definitely building her position on the miscarriages. The little sticking point is how long is going to be long enough since if the fetus is as tiny as they say then it will need at least a month and probably longer which will probably bring it to full term.

Since Brad ran in with the letter that might sway the judge, are they going to spend weeks with Victor grimacing and yelling at Nikki or will Sleeping Beauty finally wake up? I'm interested in how they go about further milking this since it's a probably more interesting than Brad and Victoria with a baby.

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