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AMC: Spoilers from SOD

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This week on ALL MY CHILDREN, after Spike's near-death experience and Kendall learning that Greenlee was somehow involved, Mrs. Slater's somewhat-buried manipulative instincts quickly rise to the fore. And if we've learned one thing, it's that Kendall will do anything to keep her family safe!

After all, it's not like the curly haired heroine didn't have problems aplenty before learning that her former best friend inadvertently put Spike in harm's way twice. I think this is going to be an ongoing push-pull with Kendall throughout, dealing with Spike's deafness and then dealing with the aftermath of that and accepting it and moving on, and other things that are going to crop up as well, co-headwriter James Harmon Brown says cryptically. His writing partner, Barbara Esensten, adds, We know the history of Kendall and Greenlee, and we're going to relive part of that history. It's a love story unto itself between the two of them, but can Kendall ever really forgive what Greenlee has done?

That's the question of the hour as Kendall draws Greenlee close once more. But as Jack's daughter thanks her lucky stars that her stepsister seems ready to forgive, watch cunning Kendall lay her trap. We know it isn't gonna be pretty, but we wouldn't miss a moment!


AMC’s Walt Willey (Jack) knows that his character and Erica don’t exactly have the steepest learning curve when it comes to their shared romance, but he doesn’t mind. “We make this vow, before we get married in this beautiful beach ceremony, that we won’t let our kids destroy our love or get in the middle of it or anything else.

“Then,” he adds, “of course, we take that vow again in the boathouse.”

But divorce and a new job co-hosting HE SAID/SHE SAID may just be what it takes to make Jack and Erica’s unconventional love story play on. “A lot of people were crushed that the divorce went through,” the lanky blonde actor acknowledges, promising more to fans who can just hold on through their favorite couple’s rough patch. “But I mean, when you deliver divorce papers and then fall into making love, I think that says something about the relationship.”

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>> “But I mean, when you deliver divorce papers and then fall into making love, I think that says something about the relationship.”

Yeah. It says you two need to be locked up (and the key conveniently misplaced).

Here's one way Kendall could get her revenge on Greenlee: torpedo her developing romance with Aidan. Not sleep with Aidan, necessarily, but, Kendall could pay someone to.

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