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AMC: Thursday

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Ryan Vacation

Ryan just again proves what an uptight hypocrite he is by now claiming that he would not run off with his baby boy Spike like Kendall did with the doctor. Well geez how quickly Ryan forgets that he vacationed all the way up in Canada and ran off to bother them during their hockey games and drinking beer so hence he ran off. How come he always has selective memory problems and forgets the most obvious events in his little woe is me life. I wonder what else he has forgotten...like how someone put gum and glue into his hair and made him look like a really worn out piece of urine taffy or something. I would not put it past St. Ryan to forget even more pertinent events in his Dynamite Kiddo life. Is he on vacation right now that he is not paying attention to the most obvious and has some sort of amnesia? I haven't a clue as to what is wrong with this oaf but someone needs to take him out with the trash and do it quickly. Trash is picked up tomorrow morning so this is the perfect time. Have it be picked up by the HO HO County Trash Removel and take it to the dumpster so he can be tossed in with a bunch of dead ferrets that resemble his bug eyed stare. Lord knows Ryan is so stupid he would think they are all friends or perhaps even his children. What a dufus! But what else can you expect of this little four eyed monster or wait two eyes. Sorry but my head is so far up Ryan's a$$ I am trying to figure out what is inside of him to make him stupid. Yep call me inspector Fradget!

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I hated the show today. The only good part about it was that last few seconds with Ian and when they showed the previews for tomorrow. There was too much Ryan for my piece of mind. It is a shame, because I really like Annie but I think they need to put Ryan out to pasture. Today was the worst combination for me Ryan and Ava on the same show. I am looking forward to tomorrow with Zendell though.

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Amc i making the same mistake with Eva that they did with Babe. We're supposed to believe that Ava is like, the best thing since sliced bread because EVERYONE keeps telling us so. I just don't see it. She's only tolerable when she is with Lily. Similarly, Babe is only tolerable when she isn't the center of the universe. Can ANYBODY write this damn show in a logical way?

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THis is random and more about some past eps but re Krystal and the Comeback... What kinda place does she want ti to be? it used to be the place for characters to go get drunka nd rough it up a bit when they didn't wanna hang out in respectable places like the Yacht Club or Pine Valley Inn's bar... Krystal--who used to love dives liek that herself and Hell got so drunk she married Adam, instead takes over and seems to spend half of her time watching what people drinka nd telling them they're cut off! I'm nto that heavy a drinker but I'm serious I'd stop going to a place like that where if you're having a bad day AND give the owner your car keys they still cut you off (re Greenlee). I know I'll get flak for this but she comes off as a spoilsport...

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I thought today was decent and the show still seems to, slowly, be going in the right direction but I have a few nitpicks..

I agree about Ava as the new Paris Hilton--MAYBE if they had built upher modeling career just a tad (even a month) slower it woul dcome off as less forced--have a tiny bit of patience--this is a soap. See more reaction to the photograph, etc.

Ditto the Adam as Stuart coming to his senses thing. I LOVED his scenes and was so pleased for them but we've only seen him disguised as Stuart hanging out at that house I think ONE time before. And suddenly now he's ALL ready to accept the baby purely as his own, etc etc? I woulda liked a bit more buildup...

The new characters at least are so far being introduced fairly slowly--I dunno all three teens seem decent actors (better than, say Colby was when she started) but I'm a bit concerned we're gonna have a OLTL Love Shack situation witha group of teens we don't really care about who never really feel real. I'll see where it goes though, the teen scene has certainly been introduced on this show in worst ways in past years...

BAbe and JR were fine but aqain with Ava and his business plans for her didn't even make sense--AMC's business plans have never really mad emuch since ever since 2000's Passanante penned Impossibledreams.com story. an AVA NETWORK? WHat? like a TV network? huh??

That said I managed to enjoy, more and less, the whole show again today so feel bad complaining...


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