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Days:Sami/EJ spoilers

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Sami offers EJ a deal this week on Days of Our lives and it almost kills her.

"Sami agrees to give Stefano her baby' stem cells if he calls off the Brady/DiMera vendetta, " sets up James Scott (EJ) . "EJ is impressed. It's a pretty amazing offer to make, and it will save his father's llife."

But Tony Dimera doesn't bite.

"Tony doesn't see the scene in making a deal," explains Scott. "He also tells EJ that he is no linger under their father's protection."

Which is bad news for Sami. "EJ warns Sami that their lives are in danger," sighs Scott.

And how. When Bo hauls EJ in for questioning about John's shooting, Bart seizes the opportunity. The DiMera henchman kidnaps Sami, locks her in her ar and pumps in toxic gas fumes.

When the police release EJ, he manages to find Sami and resuscitate her. But far from being grateful, Bo arrives on the scene and slugs EJ, warning him and the rest of the DIMeras to stay away fromSami - or else.

"EJ's not worried about Bo," scoffs Scott. "If Bo could arrest EJ, he would. EJ's conern is for Sami and her father. On the one hand, there's his family, who he has strong allegiane to, telling him to take this child. On the other hand, EJ doesn't feel he can do that."

Tell that to Tony.

Second Chances

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This is good. This stuff sounds fantabulous!

I haven't been an EJAMI fan before now, but I love the way EJ is having a change of heart with Sami, and in a way that actually makes sense. It's not forced, because EJ has something to lose, too.

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I think that after EJ works to save Sami, she's really going to feel indebted to him until they finally start working together to get themselves out of the mess that they're in. They're both for the same agenda now -- the safety of the baby. Her family will see her growing close to EJ, and the DiMeras will see him growing close to Sami... it'll be the two of them against their families.

By the time the dust settles, Lucas will probably be the father of the baby and Sami will end up being disappointed in the DNA results, after all that Sami and EJ will have gone through to save "their" baby, LoL

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Sorry I can't root for a couple where the woman was raped by him. It's kind of sick. I mean Lucas has done a lot of things, but rape is rape. Why are all soaps about woman falling for their rapists' - Olivia and Jeffrey on Guiding Light and now Sami and EJ- Ewww!

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Redeeming Elvis is one thing but I *really* don't see Hogan going there with Sami...a character who has been raped not once, but twice. It would be offensive on so many levels and the final straw for DAYS.

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I agree, Ponz. But it also makes you look how much of a horrible person Sami really is. She was raped, put through the most traumatic experience any person ever has to go through. She felt used and abused. 2 years later, what does she do? She rapes Austin.

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