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Sami Turns The Tables On Kate, John Speaks To Marlena And Steve Uncovers The Mystery Of His Past On DAYS

Sami Gets Revenge!

Sami discovers that Kate's friendship act was just that and turns the tables on her foe in a most embarassing way.

it all begins when Sami re-enacts her heroic rescue for the "TV show" that wants to profile her, unaware that Kate has set the whole thing up to bust Sami for lying. When Sami is unable to move the beam, she worries that her deception will be uncovered and calls the station to have the footage pulled. She then learns that there is no show because it had been cancelled long ago.

:She puts the pieces together quite quickly when they say that the show was canceled and they have never heard of the producer," explains Alison Sweeney (Sami). "Obviously, Kate has set her up, but she doesn't get why at first." Sami gets a clue quickly when Roman summons her to his office. "She realizes that it's not just Kate being mean; she went to Roman with it and now Samio has to explain herself to her father and tell the story again. It all starts to unravel."

A teary Sami sticks to the theory that adrenaline helped her hoist the beam off of Lucas, and Roman believes her. "She is definitely relieved, but her immediate instinct is revenge against Kate," says Sweeney. "Sami knows that Kate and EJ having sex was caught on video when the police were watching EJ, so the first thing she thinks to do is go to EJ's file and find that disk."

She finds it all right, then covertly switches it with the video of her re-enactment that Kate is planning to play at a press conference, "Sami watches Kate set herself up," smiles Sweeney. "Kate makes this whole speech about how trustworthy Mythic is and how they have such high morals, and she hits the play button and you see her and EJ having sex. Not only is Sami able to humiliate her, she can point out Kate's hypocrisy."

Sami is pleased to have accomplished her mission, but Kate is seething. "After, of course, being embarassed, Kate points out that Sami didn't think about the fact that Lucas could be out of a job if Mythic went under. It's true, Sami didn't think of that, so she's upset by that, but still feels right in what she did to Kate. She knows she did a stupid, mean thing, but it's not like it wasn't justified. Kate was out to get her, so she got her first."

Lesson learned? "Sami is just never going to tryst Kate again or fall for her forgiveness routine," notes Sweeney. "Kate is obviously never going to let go of trying to break up Lucas and Sami and right now, Lucas is clearly in Sami's corner. I think Sami sees herself as smarter than that , so for her to fall for it, she feels like a fool and isn't goung to let Kate make a fool of her again."

Second Chances

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That is going be to be so awesome. I thought Kate had set up this whole TV Broadcast so that Sami would tell her story again and be questioned again in hopes of finding a mistake. But, this is soo much better!

I'm glad the Sami-Kate war is going to continue in a different way after a little break.

One day, Kate and Sami are both going to lose Lucas!!!

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