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DAYS: Victor Kiriakis, Shawn D, Phillip

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I don't get it. Victor was constantly telling Kate to come clean about revealing to Shawn that Claire was his daughter, not Phillips', how its just "not right" to keep this information away from the "real" father. Now he has done a complete 180. Victor was a villian when he started out on DAYS, and Corday & others softened the him over the years, and for him to go back to his dirty tricks again is B.S. Just because he has a stronger connection to Phillip does not make it all right to take his grandson's daughter away from him just so Phillip can have her.

This show is getting too screwy. With Sheffer at the helm, the writers can do better. Don't they wanna reach 4 million viewers & be renewed in May 2009?

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Hogan had said that he felt awful that Philip was a war hero, an amputee and had not received proper recognition for his efforts on this show. I feel like his wanting to compensate for that gave him the idea of the custody of Claire. It is a feasible storyline, too and a very good one in my opinion. Naturally, sympathy goes to the mother of a child in a custody battle. What happens, though when the child's mother makes poor choices, such as the company she keeps as the case of Belle with Shawn. Besides his being the sperm donor who created Claire, he has a long history of violent behavior, poor, poor choices in decision making and shows no respect to anyone or remorse for his wrongdoing. He is a very poor father figure at this point in time. Belle is showing equally poor choices when she thinks his taking up with a hooker is worse than nearly killing people by mindless rage. That alone, in my book would be enough to make her a poor mother. Since she and Shawn are not married, he doesn't count other than his being who she seems to depend upon. Philip on the other hand is a fine upstanding young man, a born leader, a war hero twice over and a loving husband and father until the sins perpetrated against him were revealed. I think this being washed through the wringer will be very beneficial to the three young people and hopefully Claire won't be ruined in the process.

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I think Victor's turn around in the situation has more to do with the consequenses of Philliip finding out about the paternity.

First, Phillip's world was shatterd and Phillip blamed Victor for a lot of it because he kept the sercret. Victor now has to make that up to Phillip. Remember he left saying he wanted nothing more to do with either of his parents. Then there is Belle and Shawn who's actions were the cause of Phillip's dispair that made him re-enlist and nearly be killed. Victor had a role in that as well, because he kept the secret, but Victor will never acknowledge that he has any blame in Phillip's latest accident. He may know so in his subsconscience, but he'd never awknowledge it. Instead, Victor is taking it all out on the ones who he blames for Phillip's accident and causing Phillip all the grief. Belle and Shawn. So now according to Victor and his rules, they must pay and pay dearly. And then you have Phillip who Victor is trying to get back into his good graces, so Victor will get Phillip anything he wants no matter what. And that 'thing' happens to be Claire.

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Victor was talking to Kate. It was right after Kate found Philip in the mansion hidden back in December.

Victor explained that he had let Philip down too much. Bo never thought of him as a father. Philip always did so Victor would always choose him because Bo thinks of himself as more Brady then Kiriakis. Belle and Shawn betrayed Philip in Victor's eyes and Shawn drove a car through Victor's house. Victor was upset that Philip had lost so much yet again. I mean, he lost Chloe years ago and then he lost his leg in war. Later, he lost his wife who never loved him the way he thought. Victor hated seeing one of his children suffer. He basically said alot of what you said HJBJDJ.

To me, when Philip left the way he did and was so furious with his parents I think Victor reached a turning point. Philip then nearly died and ended up badly hurt. I think this made Victor snap and he realized his son needed him. He had suffered enough and Victor couldn't just stand by anymore. Victor made a promise to Isabella around the time of her death to leave behind the days of him being evil but I think it was just too much. He is doing this for his put upon son and to make him happy. Let's also remember Victor missed being a father to Isabelle. Philip thinks of Claire as his so Victor doesn't want Philip to go through that same thing. Now Victor didn't say all this in that episode but you could tell all this plays into it.

The original poster in this topic clearly doesn't know the whole history because it all makes sense if you watch enough and know what is going on.

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AntiNWO, can you please stop clogging the boards with so many topic posts each day. You never follow up with them or rejoin the discussion, and they push many topics off the front page that are still viable.

This could be posted in the thread for today's episode, where most of the discussion about this storyline was going on. But you wouldn't know that. You didn't start that thread.

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