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The Jonestown Massacre


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And the stories connected to it are equally as wild. There are a few who say that many of the members were shot and killed after everyone supposedly died earlier that day. Survivors tell stories of witnessing the suicide from the woods, and watching people getting shot.

That must have been hell on Earth for those people that day.

Was it Guyana Tragedy? If it was, that got as close to it as poosible. It does make you mad, because you can't hold anyone accountable. They're all dead.

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I still rememver seeing the televison movie when I was young, and could not believe the horror those people went through. I made me so damn mad. I wish I had a gun myself to blow his brains out before all those people were forced to their deaths.

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Have you heard the "deathtape?" I was able to find a recording for my report and that has got to be one of the most scariest things I've ever heard in my life. I could barely sleep that night. The part that got me the most was the children and babies screaming. That got to me the most.

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I heard parts of it when A&E had a special on the massacre. The batteries on the tape recorder were so low that it slowed the tape down, which allowed for the whole thing to be recorded, and I am with you. To hear almost 1,000 people go to their deaths.......it still makes my blood run cold.

I just have such a hard time believing that they would be taken under control by a conman who turned into a psychotic madman. I pray that no one ever has to live through that again. Have you heard the theory that the C.I.A. was involved in the whole thing?

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