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Everything posted by AMCHistory

  1. CORTLANDT, Opal Portrayed by: Dorothy Lyman (1981-83); Jill Larson (1989-present) Family: Adrian Sword (Son); Tad Gardner Martin (Son); Jenny Gardner (Daughter); Petey Cortlandt (Son); Jamie Martin (Grandson); Jenny Colby Martin (Granddaughter) Marriages: Ray Gardner; Hank Purdy; Palmer Cortlandt 1981: Wild and eccentric Opal Gardner had seen a lot in her life, but nothing could have prepared her for the hell that was marriage to Ray Gardner. Opal grew thick skin, which sometimes caused her to neglect those she loved the most. There was no one she loved more than her children: Jenny and Tad. The Martin family in Pine Valley had adopted Tad. Down on her luck, Opal took Jenny to Pine Valley in search of her son. Tad had run away from the Martin home. But. Joe and Ruth Martin still welcomed their son’s family. Opal wanted to open her own salon, the Glamorama. In the meantime she needed to augment her dwindling funds. She feigned a heart condition so as to force Jenny into working. She got her a job at a sleazy men’s bar, Foxy’s. Opal (Dorothy Lyman) forced Jenny (Kim Delaney) to grow up faster than she should have. 1982: Opal knew something was amiss at the Miss Teen Pine Valley contest. The judges had all acted very favorably towards Jenny, but Liza Colby was proclaimed the winner. He polled each judge individually, and realized that Jenny was in fact the real winner. Liza had manipulated the contest to make it seem like she had won. Opal warned Liza to stop trying to make life hard for Jenny or she would get what was coming to her. Opal was now working for Phoebe Wallingford as her maid. But she was doing more than just cleaning the English Estate. She had begun an affair with Langley Wallingford, Phoebe’s new husband. Opal told Langley their affair was going to cease unless he divorced Phoebe. But, Langley was not about to part ways with his new life, and Phoebe’s money. Opal saw a golden opportunity and began to blackmail her one time lover. She accumulated enough money from Langley to set up the Glamoramma. When Jenny left for New York to pursue a modeling career, Opal found herself under staffed. She was surprised to find Ray back on her doorstep. He had managed an early parole. But Opal wanted nothing to do with her ex-husband. Ray was too powerful for Opal and managed to keep her silent while he lived in the Glamoramma’s back room. Opal had no idea he was creating a bomb he intended to kill all the Martins with. His plan went awry when he tried to disarm it in the last minute learning Jenny was in the house too. Opal did not waste any time mourning him. Langley (Louis Edmonds) did not realize all that he put on the line when he began his affair with Opal (Lyman). 1983: Opal and the Martins welcomed Tad home to Pine Valley, but Opal knew something was amiss. She recognized a con artist when she saw one. Opal worked hard to keep one step ahead of Tad and his current plot. This caused much tension between she and Ruth, who took on a more compassionate approach to Tad’s shenanigans. Ruth was content as long as Tad remained enrolled at Pine Valley University. Opal made Tad work for his keep at the Glamoramma. Opal met Ralph Purdy through a personal ad. They had a whirlwind courtship and married. Ralph wanted to show Opal the world. Opal packed her bags and left Pine Valley for Europe. Opal (Jill Larson) was Tad's (Michael E. Knight) unwanted wedding surprise. 1989: Opal returned from her around the world adventure just in time for Tad’s wedding to southern belle Dixie Cooney. Opal had left Ralph in the Australian outback and decided that she had an itch to return to Pine Valley. Palmer Corltandt facilitated the return, hoping she would distract Tad long enough so that he could plan a way to turn Dixie against him. Tad wished his mother had kept her distance. At the wedding, she was sure to catch Dixie’s bouquet. Opal was never one to stay single for very long, especially in a town of so many eligible and wealthy men. 1990: Opal set her sites on Palmer Cortlandt. But, even Opal knew he was out of her league. She was content to date his lackies, including Sean Cudahy and Palmer’s old cellmate, Stan Ulatowski. Daisy Murdoch noticed Opal admiring her ex-husband. She recognized that Opal’s intentions were pure. She approached Opal with a proposition. She would help Opal transform herself into a woman of society. The only catch was that Palmer was to never know of Daisy’s involvement. At the University Ball, Opal and Palmer caught eyes from across the room. Opal could not believe it, Palmer was approaching her for a dance. Palmer and Opal’s courtship was brief. She quickly became the newest Mrs. Palmer Cortlandt. Palmer wanted Opal to help him break up Tad and Dixie. Opal acquiesced. It did not take much to cause their marriage to crumble. Opal would soon regret her actions. In a startling turn of events, Tad fell victim to a bomb set by Billy Clyde Tuggle. Opal could not bear the loss of another child. She held on to hope for as long as she could. Ruth lashed out against Palmer and made her come to terms with Tad’s death. Dixie and Opal bonded as a result of their loss. Everyone was surprised to see Palmer (James Mitchell) and Opal (Larson) actually tie the knot. (Also Pictured: James Patrick Stuart (Will), Michael E. Knight (Tad), Cady McClain (Dixie)) 1991: When Palmer was found poisoned in Cortlandt Manor, Opal became the prime suspect. It did not help that she was found with a vile of the poison, CRS-17. Opal made her plea to Palmer, but it fell on deaf ears. Opal left Cortlandt Manor. Stan was revealed to be the real culprit behind the poisoning. Opal refused to return to Palmer after his doubts during the ordeal. But Opal was not ready to move on. Daisy returned to Pine Valley. When it looked like Palmer and Daisy were ready to reunite, Opal admitted her feeling to Palmer. Their marriage was back on track. Stan Ulatowski manipulated everyone, including Opal (Larson). 1992: After the near end to their marriage the year before, Opal was happy to announce that she was pregnant with Palmer’s son. Only, Palmer still believed he was sterile. Opal was insulted when he insisted on a paternity test after the child’s birth. Opal knew she had been faithful to her husband. On Christmas Eve, Peter Cortlandt, was born in the middle of the Cortlandt living room. Palmer had to deliver his own son after the roadways shut down because of snow. A DNA test would support Opal’s claim that Peter was in fact Palmer’s son. Petey (Mitchell Federan) was the light of Opal's (Larson) life. 1993: Opal was reunited with Tad. Just as Opal had suspected all along, Tad survived his fall off the bridge. He had been living for two years as an amnesiac in the Napa Valley. 1994: Palmer lost control of Cortlandt Electronics. So, he and Opal went into business together to make ends meet. Opal’s secret fried chicken recipe made the Cluck-Cluck Chicken Shack a rousing success. Behind Opal’s back, Palmer sold the franchise to buy back Cortlandt Electronics. Opal felt betrayed because the recipe was always meant to stay in the family. 1995: Opal helped reunite Langley with his daughter, Verla. Opal was able to talk Phoebe down after she thought Verla to be Langley’s new lover. Opal learned of Palmer’s infidelity with Janet Green. She kicked him out of Cortlandt Manor and began romancing Seabone Hunkle, Dixie’s father. But Palmer still pined for his wife. Daisy came back to Pine Valley upon hearing of their breakup. Daisy helped Opal realize that she was still very much in love with Palmer. She decided to let Palmer move back in with her at Cortlandt Manor. 1996: Opal and Palmer took in homosexual teenager Kevin Sheffield after his parents kicked him out of their home. Opal helped him come to grips with his parent’s rejection. Opal confronted Kevin’s mother, Judith Sheffield, who blamed Kevin for her other son, Jason Sheffield’s, incarceration. Judith agreed to take Kevin back in if he attended a psychiatrist. Only, the psychiatrist was convinced that he could turn Kevin straight. Opal offered him the open and accepting home that Kevin never had. Although they had seperated, Opal (Larson) still helped Palmer (Mitchell) recover from the Holidays explosion. 1998: Opal had made many mistakes in her past, but none was greater than Ray Gardner. She tried to get away from him once, starting a new life with Fred Dawson. But, Ray tracked her down and used Tad to get her back. Opal left Fred, but she had a secret. She had given birth to a son. A son she never thought she would see again. Adrian Sword was a spy hired to find Palmer’s stash of Nazi artifacts. He took a job as Opal’s chauffeur. Opal knew that she had met Adrian before. When he revealed his father was Fred, Opal knew she had found her son. Belinda Keefer discovered Adrian’s link to Opal’s past. Opal was finally reunited with her son. Palmer tried to elude Adrian. He faked his death to protect himself. Opal mourned the loss of her husband with her new son by her side. Tad and Dixie found Palmer alive in New York. Betrayed, Opal kicked Palmer out of Cortlandt Manor. Opal filed for divorce, but she never really stopped caring for him. When Palmer was temporarily blinded in the Holidays explosion, Opal helped him recover. 1999: Palmer wanted to make Opal pay. He wanted to leave her with nothing. He told The Intruder about how she had abandoned Adrian as a child. Adrian came to Opal’s defense. Adrian was able to pressure Palmer to stop his offensive. Opal was awarded all of Palmer’s assets. She also got primary custody of Petey. Opal re-opened the Glamouramma in Cortlandt Manor. To help her with Petey, Opal hired Pigeon Hallow native Becca Tyree to be his babysitter. Adrian and Opal attempted a hostile takeover of Cortlandt Electronics. Their efforts were crushed when Erica, Opal’s best friend, voted in Palmer’s favor. She explained to Opal how Palmer had always been there for her, like the father she never had. With time, the friends repaired their broken relationship. Opal did not want to admit that she still had feelings for Palmer. This became apparent when Palmer rashly eloped with Vanessa Bennett. Vanessa had weaseled her way into Erica’s life so as to profit from a tell-all book about her life. Opal did not want Palmer to suffer the same fate. Opal (Larson) and Erica's (Susan Lucci) relationship was challenged by her bid for Cortlandt Electronics. 2001: Erica needed Opal to offer Bianca’s new girlfriend, Frankie Stone, a place to stay. In reality, Erica was going to plant drugs in Frankie’s room at the Cortlandt Manor in hopes of driving her out of town. Frankie was found dead in her room and Erica was taken into custody for the murder. Opal learned that Frankie was actually Vanessa’s niece and con artist. Gillian Andrassy’s spirit used Opal’s body as vehicle to make contact with Ryan. 2002: Opal asked a musician named Hank to accompany her to the Crystal Ball. She hoped the move would make Palmer notice her, and it worked. Only, Hank was sincere in his feelings for Opal. Palmer arranged for Hank to go on a world tour, and he begged Opal to accompany him. She admitted she might still have feelings for Palmer and let Hank down gently. Opal was at Cortlandt Manor alone when Palmer’s niece, Lanie Rampal, called looking for him. Lanie had devastating news. She was with Dixie moments before her car swerved off an embankment in the Swiss Alps. Dixie was dead. Opal was weary of Petey’s new nanny, Kendall Hart. Opal thought Kendall was taking advantage of Palmer’s state of mind since Dixie’s unexpected death. Opal (Larson) did not want Adam's (David Canary) plans to risk her or Palmer's life. 2003: Opal discovered Palmer and Adam’s plot to kill Michael Cambias for escaping prosecution of Bianca’s rape. For the first time in her life, Opal kept her silence. 2004: Opal was among those at Erica’s intervention for alcoholism. That night, Opal learned the truth behind Erica’s rape. Eric Kane had exchanged Erica to Richard Fields so that he would star in his next movie. The ordeal began Erica’s long road to recovery. When Bianca got her baby, Miranda Montgomery, back, Opal planted a kiss on Palmer. Opal was surprised when Palmer returned with one of his own. Opal was always jealous of Palmer’s relationship with other women. Myrtle encouraged her to pursue him again. 2005: Opal was among those deceived into thinking that Di Kirby was the late Dixie. She had fallen in love with Di, so much so that she pushed Tad to pursue her again Opal (Larson) hoped Del (Alec Musser) would make Palmer notice her again. 2006: Opal enlisted Del Henry’s help to make Palmer jealous. He wanted him to be seen with her at public events. In return, she fueled his passion for the finer things in life. Alas, the plan never really helped her win Palmer back.
  2. KELLY, Nico Portrayed by: Maurice Benard (1987-89) Family: Creed Kelly (Uncle) Marriages: Julie Rand Chandler; Cecily Davidson 1987: Nico Kelly was raised in a dark world of scam deals, drugs, and prostitution. He only ever had his uncle, Creed Kelly, to relay on. His loyalty to Creed was challenged when he unveiled his plot or revenge against former lover Elizabeth Carlyle. Creed seduced her daughter, Julie Chandler. One night, he planned to rape Julie in front of Elizabeth. Nico could not stand ideally by as Creed executed his plan. He escaped with the women and led them back to Pine Valley. When the authorities could not find Creed, they took Nico into custody. Nico (Maurice Bernard) rushed into marriage with his first love, Julie (Lauren Holly). 1988: With Julie’s help, Nico was put on probation. Nico became the third wheel in her relationship with Charlie Brent. Nico and Julie realized their feelings had become about more than friendship. When Charlie left for Stanford, they began to date. Julie wanted to escape her home life. Her mother, Ellen Shepherd, had just remarried Julie’s biological father, Mark Dalton. Julie and Nico ran away together. So that no one could make Julie go home, they eloped. Both were content with their young married life. They would later learn their marriage was not valid. Nico (Bernard) and Cecily (Rosa Nevin) entered into a marriage of convenience to access her trust fund. 1989: Julie suffered a miscarriage. As a result, Nico and Julie’s marriage fell apart. She decided she needed to start her life fresh and left for Washington. Down and out, Cecily Davidson asked Nico for a favor. She needed access to her trust fund so that she could sever ties from her mother for once and for all. All she needed to do was to get married. She offered half of her fortune to Nico if he agreed. Not seeing a downside to the situation, Nico hastily eloped with Cecily. The marriage proved to be more difficult than Nico had anticipated. Cecily and Nico clashed about everything. Then, Cecily learned they needed to be married for six months to claim the money. Neither thought they were going to make it through. Tad Martin enlisted Nico and Cecily’s help to free Dixie Chandler from Laurel Hill. Adam Chandler had been gas lighting the young mother so as to be able to claim full custody of their son. The four went on the run until they could prove Adam’s guilt. Somewhere along the adventure, something changed between Nico and Cecily. They were now in love. Nico surprised Cecily with a real proposal after their first six months. They went to Hawaii to have a real wedding. The Kellys decided to start their new lives away from Pine Valley. What seemed like true love for Cecily (Nevin) and Nico (Bernard) turned sour after a few years away from Pine Valley. 1994: Nico and Cecily divorced. Cecily left Nico for Pine Valley.
  3. ANDRASSY, Gillian Eugenia Maria Portrayed by: Esta Terblanche (1997-2001) Family: Eugenia Andrassy (Grandmother); Hugo Marick (Grand-Uncle); Dimitri Marick (Uncle); Edmund Grey (Uncle) Marriages: Ryan Lavery; Jake Martin, Ryan Lavery 1997: Gillian Andrassy lived a life of worldly adventure as she gallivanted freely through Europe, using her trusty royal expense account to fuel her lavish tastes. But after being caught in bed with a much older man, her father sent the young princess to live with her cousin, Dimitri Marick, in Pine Valley. Adjusting to the small town proved difficult for the international party girl. But her life was going to change even more when Dimitri revealed her father had squandered their fortune. Gillian needed money, desperately. She set out to find the richest, and youngest bachelor Pine Valley had to offer. By New Year’s 1998, that man would be 18 year old Scott Chandler. Gillian (Esta Terblanche) needed to marry Scott (Daniel Cosgrove). But Kelsey (TC Warner) and Ryan (Cameron Mathison) had other plans). 1998: Gillian knew she could win Scott over with her good looks and passion for sex. But Kelsey Jefferson had her own plans for Scott. She teamed up with Ryan Lavery to break them up. Kelsey and Liza Colby led Gillian to believe that Ryan was a millionaire. Kelsey did not think her plan was working fast enough, so she called immigration on Gillian. Gillian was in the states on a visitor’s visa. If she did not want to be deported, she needed to marry a man. Scott volunteered himself, but Gillian chose Ryan. Gillian was shocked to learn that Ryan’s wealth was all a ruse. The young couple moved into Wildwind, where the bickering never seemed to end. Gillian did not want to admit that she was growing very smitten with her new husband. Gillian thought Ryan was sticking around because immigration was still investigating them. She found herself jealous over Ryan’s relationship with Hayley Vaughan, another Wildwind resident. Gillian warned Hayley to keep her distance. Ryan was accused of the rape of Kit Fisher Montgomery. Hayley helped Gillian and Ryan escape the authorities. She was to drop off money for the couple, but never arrived. Gillian turned to Dr. David Hayward for help. He promised to give Gillian money if she slept with him. For Ryan’s sake, she gave in to David’s demands. Ryan (Mathison) and Gillian (Terblanche) refused to admit that they were now in love. 1999: When Ryan learned about David and Gillian’s one-night-stand, he filed for divorce. Gillian began volunteering at Pine Valley Hospital. There, she met Jake Martin. She found herself confiding in Jake about her troubled life. Gillian was attracted to Jake’s honesty and simplicity. Their friendship turned into romance. Dimitri’s new wife, Dr. Alex Marick, came to Pine Valley with devastating news. Dimitri had died of a brain aneurism. Gillian was one of the few people who accepted Alex. Gillian knew how it felt to be shunned and did not want Alex to go through the same ordeal. David let it slip to Gillian that Adam Chandler was Colby Chandler’s biological father, not Jake. Gillian rushed to tell Jake when she got in a car accident. When she awoke, she realized she could not speak because of complications from aphasia. Jake treated Gillian. It pained Gillian to not be able to tell Jake the truth. Gillian was released in time for the Crystal Ball. At the event, Jake proposed to Gillian, and she accepted. Gillian’s (Terblanche) affair with David (Vincent Irizarry) cost her her marriage to Ryan. 2000: Gillian married Jake but still kept the truth about Colby from him. At the trial, it was clear that Jake was going to win custody of Colby. Liza broke her silence and admitted Adam was Colby’s father. When Jake found out everyone was lying to him, he enlisted in Doctors without Borders in Chechnya. Gillian found comfort back in Ryan’s arms. Gillian admitted she never stopped loving her first husband. But Gillian wanted to remain faithful to her current husband. Ryan used money from his new company IncredibleDreams.com to rescue Jake. Gillian stowed away in the cargo plane to confront her new husband. When Jake saw her, he pushed her out of the way of armed militants. Jake was shot and transported back to Pine Valley. Jake learned the injury he sustained had left him impotent. Gillian blamed herself and told Ryan she needed to stand by her husband. Under the influence of the drug Libidizone, Jake and Gillian made love. Gillian confessed to Jake that she was no longer in love with him. She left Jake for Ryan. Gillian (Terblanche) did not want to hurt Jake (J. Eddie Peck), but she no longer loved him. 2001: Gillian and Ryan were determined to marry again. But before she could divorce Jake, Gillian learned she was pregnant with his child. Ryan promised to love the child as if it was his own. Before it could come to that, Gillian got in a car accident and miscarried. Gillian had to learn to pinch pennies if she was going to be Ryan’s wife. They were resolved to have a simple wedding with the justice of the peace. Dimitri surprised Gillian with a lavish Hungarian wedding at Wildwind. Gillian (Terblanche) and Ryan (Mathison) finally remarried. But their happiness did not last. A documentary producer named Illene Pringle approached Gillian. Illene convinced Gillian she wanted to make a documentary about the fallen princess. Gillian saw it as easy money. Really, Illene was an assassin hired by Charlotte Devane to finally eliminate Anna Devane, Alex’s sister. Illene mistook Gillian for Anna, and shot her in the head. Gillian’s spirit was welcomed to heaven by a slue of Pine Valley’s past residents. Gillian refused to believe she was dead. Natalie Marlowe caught Gillian trying to escape back to earth. She agreed to allow Gillian to tie up loose strings with the help of Jesse Hubbard. She was to return to earth on a special task. When the task was complete, she was to return to heaven. Gillian knew that her mission involved Ryan. She tried to make contact with Ryan through Opal Cortlandt. Jesse kept Gillian in check. Gillian found out that Federal Agent Christ Stamp was Ryan’s biological father. Gillian struggled to convey the news to Ryan. She found her opportunity when Ryan nearly died in a fire on Fidelity. Gillian (Terblanche) was welcomed to heaven by some of Pine Valley’s most beloved former citizens. But, Gillian was not ready to rest in peace. (Also Pictured: Jean LeClerc (Jeremy), Larkin Malloy (Travis), Ellen Wheeler (Cindy), and Darnall Williams (Jesse))
  4. TYLER, Donna Beck Portrayed by: Francesca Poston (1976); Candice Early (1976-1992; 1993; 1995) Family: Mitch Beck (Brother); Palmer John Cortlandt (Son); Emily Ann Sago (Adopted Daughter) Marriages: Chuck Tyler; Palmer Cortlandt; Benny Sago; Chuck Tyler 1976: 16-year-old Donna Beck was a teen prostitute who wound up at Pine Valley Hospital. Her pimp, Tyrone, had thrown her out of a car, shattering her leg. Dr. Chuck Tyler was assigned to Donna’s case. He was concerned with Donna’s well being. While at the hospital, Chuck helped Donna recover and study for her GED. He was sure that Donna’s life on Locust Street was over. But Tyrone was not ready to let Donna go. Tyrone tracked Donna down. Chuck tried to protector her, but this put him in harms way. Donna was guilt stricken every time she saw Chuck with another injury. As much as she wanted to leave that part of her life behind, she was sure Locust Street was her fate. Chuck (Richard Van Vleet) wanted to help Donna (Candice Early) start her new life off the streets. 1977: Donna was ready to marry Chuck. But Erica was determined in winning her college sweetheart back. At her 18th birthday at the Chateau, Erica came to Donna’s table with a special guest. Donna immediately recognized him as one of her former Johns. Donna loved Chuck, and his son Phillip. Thanking Chuck for her second chance, she decided to see her parents in Chicago. When they learned of Donna’s life as a hooker, they kicked her to the curb. Donna ran back to Locust Street, where she felt she belonged. She was arrested for hitchhiking. She called her old friend, Estelle LaTour, who bailed her out. She stayed with Estelle, but her pimp, Billy Clyde Tuggle, made her uncomfortable. Billy Clyde slipped her some mind-altering drugs to make her turn tricks for him. Estelle found Chuck, and he and Benny Sago stormed in for the rescue. When Donna recovered, Chuck professed his love for her. They were engaged to wed. Phoebe tried to pay Donna off, but she was not going to leave Chuck again. Phoebe believed that Donna was going to ruin Chuck’s chances at gaining custody of Phillip. They eloped, and soon Donna was pregnant. Or so she thought. Though she showed all the signs and symptoms, this was an impossible feet, as Tyrone had sterilized her. 1978: When Donna found out that her pregnancy was all in her mind, she decided to leave Chuck. Donna turned to Estelle again, who warned her about falling back into her old ways. Donna was surprised when Chuck found her again. He convinced her that her infertility was reversible. They decided to make another go at their marriage and having a child. But, Chuck’s life was still very much tied up in his son, Charlie’s, drama. Donna was always worried that he still had feeling for his first wife, Tara. These were realized when Tara’s marriage to Phil Brent came apart. Chuck admitted his infidelity to Donna. She left him again. Donna and Estelle were in her car when it stalled on a railroad track. A train was heading right at them. Both women survived the crash, but Donna was in a coma. When Donna awoke, she saw Chuck by her bedside. But this time, he was not her husband, he was Dr. Tyler, the man who saved her after Tyrone had thrown her out of a car. She asked Estelle if she thought she would still be good enough to work on Locust Street. Donna had short-term amnesia. She had blocked out the last two years of her life; and, Donna was now really pregnant with Chuck’s child. Donna (Early) always felt inadequate compared to Chuck’s (Van Vleet) first wife, Tara (Nancy Frangione). 1979: Donna’s amnesia had Chuck working overdrive to reconnect. They went into the backwoods of Pine Valley for a picnic, when Ray Gardner abducted both of them. Chuck tried to negotiate with the escaped convict, but was shot in the process. At that very instance, Donna’s memory returned. She realized that Chuck was her husband and that she was pregnant with his son. Phil Brent saved Chuck, but he was delusional because of his injury. In his hazed state, he called out for Tara. Donna’s insecurities returned, but it was Tara this time that would calm her fears. Tara realized how much she loved Phil when she almost lost him again. Chuck was present for Donna’s delivery. The couple eagerly anticipated the birth of their son. But, when the baby was born, no cries were heard. The child was stillborn. Tara returned to Pine Valley when Phil went missing in an undercover operation. Chuck began to spend more time with Tara, fueling Donna’s old feelings of insecurities. 1980: Donna was sure Chuck was going to leave her for Tara. She looked to adopt a black-market baby so as to keep Chuck. In truth, Chuck did not need any of this; he only needed Donna. Feeling like a failure, Donna petitioned for divorce. The Tyler’s new neighbor, Palmer Cortlandt, saw the down and out former Mrs. Tyler and invited her to stay in Cortlandt Manor as his special guest. Palmer (James Mitchell) invited Donna (Early) as his special guest at Cortlandt Manor. But Palmer’s hospitality was not as it seemed. 1981: Donna found herself becoming the newest Mrs. Cortlandt. But all was not well in her new home. Palmer was perturbed by his daughter, Nina Cortlandt’s, marriage to Cliff Warner. Palmer’s scheming was enough to drive Donna away; however, before she could break up with him, Palmer went missing in Center City. Donna was called to Pine Valley Hospital after Estelle went into labor. The doctors delivered a healthy baby girl, but something was wrong. Estelle was falling in and out of consciousness. In her dying breath, she pleaded with Donna and Benny to raise her daughter as their own, and to never tell her the truth about her parentage. Donna and Benny named the baby Emily Ann Sago. Palmer was found an amnesiac working as a bus boy at Foxy’s. Donna took her husband back to help with his recovery. Palmer (Mitchell) did his best to ruin Chuck (Van Vleet) in Donna’s (Early) eyes. 1982: Donna and Palmer finally went on their long delayed honeymoon to Switzerland. Little did they know, Chuck had planned a similar vacation with his new girlfriend Melanie Sawyer. Palmer insisted Chuck and Melanie tag along on a cross-country trip. Melanie sprained her ankle and stayed at home. All along the trip, Palmer tried to prove his superiority over Chuck. Donna was frustrated and wanted her husband to stop his jealous tirade. A sudden avalanche threw Palmer off a Cliff. Chuck and Donna watched helplessly as a helicopter rescued him but left them stranded. Chuck’s kind words calmed Donna’s fears. They succumbed to their old attraction and slept together. The next morning, they too were rescued. Donna learned she was pregnant again and was sure it was Palmer’s. Palmer bestowed every gift he could on their unborn child. For the first time, Donna gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Palmer John Cortlandt. She asked Chuck and his new wife Carrie to be the godparents. Palmer and Chuck surprisingly were getting along better now. 1983: Donna went about her life at Cortlandt Manor ignorant to the truth. That all changed when Phoebe stormed the manor desperately wanting to speak with Donna. Donna had always dreaded the presence of her former mother-in-law. Phoebe pleaded with Donna to listen to her: Johnny was Chuck’s son and not Palmer’s. Not only that, Chuck had known the truth the whole time and agreed with Palmer to keep the secret. Donna confronted her husbands. Nothing Palmer could say made Donna stay. But her hate for Palmer did not amount to anything compared to her hate for Chuck. The man she had loved for so long had lied to her for the last year. Donna vowed that he and his crazy family would have nothing to do with her son. Time began to heal their conflict. Donna needed someone to help her balance her new job at the Glamoramma and motherhood. Not only that, she was falling in love with Chuck all over again. One night, Donna was singing at the Chateau when Chuck arrived with Johnny. He had an emergency call from the hospital and needed Donna to watch him. That night, the Chateau caught fire. Donna ran out with Johnny, but something was still wrong. Johnny died of smoke inhalation. The loss of another child threw Donna back into a temporary state of psychosis. She believed a rag doll was her son. She refused to let anyone near her, including Chuck. With the revelation of Johnny’s (Fey French) real paternity, Donna (Early) and Palmer’s (Mitchell) marriage crumbled. 1984: Benny stood by Donna through her grief over loosing her son. He reminded her of their child, Emily Ann, and how she still needed her mother. Donna moved in with Benny to spend more time with Emily Ann. 1985: Donna turned to Benny when she began having lapses of memory loss. She began piecing together a night she had spent back on Locust Street. Benny found photos of Palmer’s new wife Cynthia Preston and his son Ross Chandler in bed together, hidden in Donna’s closet. Locust Street conman Zach Grayson was using these photos for blackmail. Zach had recently turned up dead, and Daisy Murdoch was the primary suspect. Donna agreed to take truth serum to help piece together the pieces of her memory. She realized she had confronted Zach the night of his murder. She also remembered a pocketbook with the letter “W” on it. Donna was sure she had seen the pocketbook before at the English Estate. Whoever owned the pocketbook was the murderer. The owner turned out to be Marian Colby, another victim of Zach’s charms. It had been more than a year since Chuck left town. Benny and Donna finally made plans to marry for Emily Ann’s sake. At their wedding ceremony, Nina stormed in declaring Donna was going to pay for the pain she had cause Daisy during the trial. Donna narrowly escaped with her life. Still shaken, Benny and Donna married that evening. 1986: Third time was a charm for Donna when it came to husbands. Benny was her best friend. That seemed to be the extent of their relationship. Though happy, the couple had problems with intimacy. Surprisingly, Benny turned his attention to Nina while Donna focused on raising their daughter. Donna’s (Early) worst fears were realized when Billy Clyde (Matthew Cowles) made his way back to Pine Valley. 1990: Donna reconnected with Chuck after he made the decision to move back to Pine Valley. Phoebe made one last attempt to drive Donna away. She was willing to cut Donna a check with the sum of her choice as long as it meant that she would stay away from Chuck. But, there was not enough money in the world to keep Donna and Chuck apart. Benny stepped aside so that Donna and Chuck could remarry. Another man from Donna’s past threatened to ruin everything. It was Billy Clyde, out of prison and hell bent on revenge. He had masqueraded as John Rockefeller, befriending Emily Ann. He revealed to Emily Ann the truth about her parentage, he was her father. All that Benny and Donna had done to protect her was undone. Emily Ann pushed her parents away. She eloped with her boyfriend, Joey Martin. Billy Clyde’s body was found dead in a river. Finally, her family was safe from his terror. More than a decade after their first marriage, Chuck (Van Vleet) and Donna (Early) made their way back to each other. (Also Pictured: Liz Vassey (Emily Ann)) 1992: Donna and Chuck left Pine Valley to help Emily Ann recover from her mental breakdown. 1995: Donna and Chuck attended the Martin family housewarming.
  5. BRENT, sr.; Phillip “Phil” Portrayed by: Richard Hatch (1970-72); Nicholas Benedict (1973-75; 1975-79; 1988); Jordan Charney (1975) Family: Ruth Brent Martin (Adoptive-Mother); Ted Brent (Adoptive- Father); Nick Davis (Father); Amy Tyler (Mother); Phillip “Charlie” Charles Brent, jr. (Son) Marriages: Erica Kane; Tara Martin 1970: Phil Brent had fallen for his classmate, Tara Martin, his senior year in high school. Everything was looking good for Phil, as long as he could keep his obsessive crush, Erica Kane at arms length. Erica wanted Phil to be her hero, so she would place herself in harms way for Phil to rescue her. Phil’s relationship with Erica made him encounter Nick Davis, her mother Mona Kane’s old friend. One day, he had left his notebook at Nick’s dance studio. That mistake would save his life. Nick arrived at the Brent home to see Phil passed out on the floor. A gas leak left Phil near death. When Nick awoke, he knew something was awry. His parents, Ruth and Ted Brent, were acting awkwardly around his hero, Nick. His Aunt Amy Tyler was quiet and sullen. It took a few weeks for him to learn the truth of what had happened the night he was at the hospital. Amy admitted that she and Nick were his biological parents. Erica sprung the news on Phil to win him over, but really, it drove him away. When Ted found out, he went ballistic and got in a drunken car accident. Amy left town in shame. Phil felt he had nothing left in Pine Valley. He decided to leave for New York after graduation. Tara made an emotional plea, but Phil decided to call off their impending engagement. In a tragic accident, Phil suffered injuries that caused temporary amnesia. Lucky for him, Nick returned to New York to save him. He convinced Phil to come back to Pine Valley to rekindle his past. When he met eyes with Tara again, the love he had once felt was gone. Phil’s (Richard Hatch) hero would turn out to be his father, Nick (Laurence Lau). 1971: Back from New York, Phil took a slow road to recovery. Nick helped him to realize his feelings for Tara. But, he did not want to hurt Tara or his best friend, Chuck Tyler, who now engaged to Tara. Phil was resolved to remain quiet. At Tara and Chuck’s wedding ceremony, Nick nudged him to intervene. When he refused, Nick called out the truth: Phil was in love with Tara. Chuck collapsed at the altar as a result of kidney failure, and was rushed to the hospital. It was Chuck’s illness that brought Tara and Phil back together. Keeping vigil over Chuck, the couple grew closer. When Chuck recovered, Dr. Joe admitted it was probably his love for Tara that brought him back. Phil decided to let Tara go again for Chuck’s safe recovery. At the end of the year, Phil got his draft notice. He lost his college exception when he left for New York. By this time next year, Phil would be in Vietnam. It took some time for Ruth (Mary Fickett) and Phil (Hatch) to repair their broken relationship. (Also Pictured: Ray MacDonnell (Joe)) 1972: Chuck asked Phil to be his best man in his yet to be rescheduled wedding to Tara. Phil could not admit to his best friend that he and Tara and rekindled their flame. On the night before Phil was to leave for Vietnam, he decided to resolve his issues with Tara. But, he was in love more than ever. He and Tara planned to elope that night. But the fates were not with the young couple. A snowstorm hit Pine Valley, and they were stranded in a small chapel. Tara and Phil decided to marry themselves. After declaring each other husband and wife, they made love for the first time. The next morning, Phil was gone. A few weeks later, Phil’s family got terrible news: Phil was presumed dead in Vietnam. Tara (Karen Lynn Gorney) and Phil (Hatch) secretly said their wedding vows in the middle of a snowstorm. 1973: Pine Valley was abuzz with the news that Phil was found alive, and coming home! As he was lost in the south Asian jungle, thoughts of Tara kept him strong and determined to get home. His dreams were shattered when he saw Tara holding someone’s child, Chuck’s son Phillip Tyler. 1974: Phil was feeling like the odd man out. In the Martin home, the focus was always on Tara and her marriage. Phil found his new home with Nick. Nick understood what it felt like to loose the woman he loved. He had divorced his wife, Anne Tyler, thinking that he could not provide her with the child she longed for. Phil did not know if it was his loneliness that made Erica so appealing. Erica’s recent murder allegations and crumbled marriage made her an outcast just like Phil. When they were together, it felt like high school all over again. 1975: Phil loved Erica, or so he thought. He actually loved seeing Tara jealous even more. For the last year, she had ignored him for her new family. Now that he was going out with Erica again, Tara’s attentions were back on him. Erica was pregnant and wanted nothing to do with the baby. Phil convinced her this was the perfect time to start a family. They married, but quickly their union went sour. Erica miscarried and had a break from reality. Phil and Mona Kane admitted her to a hospital. While Erica as away, Phillip Tyler fell ill and needed a blood transfusion. Phil was the only match, but he did not know why. He ran to his mother who had been very quiet since he came back to Pine Valley. In a confrontation, Ruth admitted Tara’s son was actually Phil’s child. Phil ran to confront Tara who could not deny the truth any longer. Phil understood why Tara and Chuck did what they did. But his biggest question was if Tara still loved him. Tara and Phil knew their marriages were over. When Erica recovered, Phil asked her for a divorce. Knowing Tara back in the picture, Erica refused. Phillip (Nicholas Benedict) and Tara (Gorney) finally made it down the aisle one Christmas Eve. 1976: Phil needed to change his life to make room for his son and Tara. He quit working at the Château, and began working as a police office for the Pine Valley Police Department. Thought Phil and Tara were together, Erica was relentless. It took Nick’s intervention to get Erica off of Phil’s back. She was offered the prestigious job of hostess at the Chateau on the condition that she leaves Phil. Phil and Tara announced their engagement. Little Phillip began acting up. He suffered from severe asthma attacks at the very thought of his mother marrying him. Joe diagnosed the illness as psychosomatic. Tara left briefly to help Phillip recover at a special clinic in Arizona. When that proved to be futile, Tara and Phil went ahead with their plans. As much as he wanted his son to know the truth, Phil did not want to risk more injury to him. He was going to grow up thinking Chuck was his father. On the day of their wedding, Phillip was nowhere in sight. He left the church to be with Chuck. 1977: Phil and Tara’s honeymoon was cut short when they caught wind that Phillip was in a car accident with Phoebe. Chuck insisted that he be allowed to handle his grandmother. Not much later, Phil would catch Phoebe driving on a revoked license. Phil was not as forgiving as Chuck, and had her sentenced to three weekends in prison. Phillip began acting out. Phil caught him playing with his cop revolver. He wanted to discipline Phillip, but to him he was not his father. Phil was shot in the line of duty. Tara was pregnant again and pleaded with Phillip to quit his job. Phil called on Chuck. He begged him to forget their animosity and promise to marry Tara if he died. Chuck reluctantly agreed. Luckily, Phil survived the injury, but he still refused to quit his job. The stress of Phil’s job, the situation with Phillip, and Phoebe’s constant meddling caused Tara to miscarry. In Tara’s weakened state, she called out for Chuck instead of Phil. Phil knew if he wanted to save his family, he needed to cut the Tylers out of their lives. Tara (Stephanie Braxton) pleaded with Phil (Benedict) to stop putting his life on the line. 1978: Phil felt helpless in his life. Ray Gardner had terrorized his mother’s life, and he could do nothing to help her. Ruth was in a coma as result of his rape. Phil promised that he would bring Ray down. Phil got his chance when Estelle LaTour called the Pine Valley PD after spotting Ray on Locust Street. Phil and Ray got in an altercation. Billy Clyde Tuggle pulled out a knife and stabbed Ray. Phil took Ray into custody. He was found guilty and sent to prison for 25 years. At home, his life was just as unstable. Phillip insisted on going by the name Charlie in honor of Chuck. Phil did not approve of the name change, but Tara acquiesced. Tara thought Phil was being too hard on Charlie, but Phil was tired of taking a backseat to Chuck. Charlie started acting up. When he was found stealing the hubcaps off of Mona Kane’s car and setting another car on fire, Phil decided he needed to turn Charlie in. Tara insisted that they could address Charlie’s behavioral issues. She told Phil that if he turned Charlie in, their marriage was over. Phil took Charlie to the police department and moved out of his home. Phil wanted to reconcile with Tara, but she could not forgive his betrayal. Tara and Chuck were seen on the town together. Phil thought his marriage was over. One night, he got a frantic call for Tara. She had just got word that a startling announcement was made by Phoebe at Erica’s party. Phoebe drunkenly admitted that Phil, and not Chuck, was Charlie’s father. As long as Chuck (Richard Van Vleet) and Tara (Nancy Frangione) kept up the deception about Little Phillip’s paternity, neither could be happy in their marriages. (Also Pictured: Candice Earley (Donna), Benedict (Phil)) 1979: Phoebe’s declaration of Charlie’s paternity had the opposite affect of its intent. Charlie began to see Phil as his father. It also pulled Tara and Phil together. Phil got word Ray had escaped from prison. He was holding Edna Thornton, Dottie Thornton, Donna, and Chuck captive at the Thornton family cabin. Phil went undercover as a doctor sent in by the police to help Chuck who had been shot. Phil risked his life to save the hostages and overtake Ray. With Ray back in prison, Phil’s mission was complete. Tara reconciled with Phil, realizing that she could not imagine living without him if he died. They had a vow renewal ceremony, this time with Charlie in attendance. Tara still worried about Phil’s dangerous lifestyle. Phil assured her things were going to be different. He took a job with the Narcotics Bureau, and the Brents moved to Washington, DC. Tara’s greatest fear was realized when Phil went missing in an undercover mission. This time, Phil was really dead. Phil (Benedict), Tara (Frangione) and Charlie (Brian Lima) were finally a family.
  6. SANTOS, Hayley Vaughan Chandler Portrayed by: Kelly Ripa (1990-2002) Family: Harry Vaughan (Step-Father); Arlene Vaughan (Mother); Adam Chandler (Father); Trevor Dillon (Uncle); Skye Chandler-Quartermaine (Sister); Adam “JR” Chandler, jr. (Brother); Anna Claire Chandler (Sister); Colby Marian Chandler (Sister); Lorenzo "Enzo" Hector Santos (Son) Marriages: Will Cooney Cortlandt; Alec McIntyre; Mateo Santos; Mateo Santos 1990: Jet-black haired rebel Hayley Vaughan stormed into Pine Valley on Thanksgiving Day. She made her way to her “Uncle Porkchops”’, aka Trevor Dillon’s home. Hayley had ran away from home in Chicago after the death of father, Harry Vaughan. Hayley could stand to be alone with her alcoholic mother, Trevor’s sister Arlene Vaughan. Trevor knew that he could provide a better life his “Tinkerbelle.” After making the arrangement with Arlene, Hayley moved in with Trevor and began her first semester at Pine Valley High School. Hayley (Kelly Ripa) took Pine Valley by storm on Thanksgiving Day, 1990. 1991: Arlene came to Pine Valley to claim Hayley. But Hayley was content to remain in Pine Valley. Hayley concocted a plan to get back at Adam Chandler for hurting her uncle. She made a claim in the National Intruder that she was Adam’s illegitimate daughter. Arlene was shocked. Secretly, she and Adam had had an affair years ago. Hayley’s claim was the truth; only she did not know it. When Hayley learned the truth, she took the offer to move in with Adam to prevent having to move back to Chicago with Arlene. At Chandler Mansion, she found a motherly figure in Natalie Chandler. Hayley knew Trevor loved Natalie, and she recognized that Natalie felt the same way. But, Natalie began to act erratically. Hayley caught Natalie talking into a mirror. She realized the woman she thought was Natalie was actually her crazy twin sister, Janet Green. Janet took Hayley captive in the Chandler Tunnels. Straight-laced high school jock Brian Bodine came to Hayley’s rescue. It was not secret that Brian had feelings for Hayley, but she had great difficulty admitting to the same fact too. In their getaway, Janet shot Brian. Realizing she could loose Brian, Hayley admitted her feelings to him. Hayley (Ripa) found herself falling for good-boy Brian (Matt Borlenghi). 1992: Hayley and Brian’s relationship hit a standstill when she spurned all his advances to be intimate. Brian loved Hayley, and asked her to marry him. But, Hayley was still hesitant. Brian insisted Hayley’s change of heart was a result of Adam’s influences. Hayley did not like Brian’s implications and broke up with him. Before the young lovers could reunite, Brian married An Li Chen. Heartbroken, Hayley secretly began drinking. Will Cortlandt preyed on Hayley’s weaknesses. Fueling her growing alcoholism Will convinced Hayley to elope with him. Hayley thought that she was in love with Will. Arlene and Adam did their best to dissuade Hayley, but she was too strong willed to listen to their advice. That all changed on night when Will wanted to consummate their marriage. Hayley tried to push him off, but he went into a rage. Hayley barricaded herself in her room as Will tried to pound down the door. Hayley called Brian for help, but An Li intercepted the call. Hayley was sure Will was going to rape her. Then, she heard silence from the outside room. When she opened the door, Will was dead on the floor, and Brian was standing over his dead body with a crowbar in his hand. Hayley (Ripa) always seemed to have a better relationship with her step-mothers, than even Adam (David Canary) did. When Adam divorced Erica (Susan Lucci), Hayley became Enchantment's youngest CEO. Brian went to trial for Will’s murder. The ordeal brought Brian and Hayley back together. They began a secret affair. The real murderer turned out to be none other than Janet, angry at Will for filling up Trevor’s attention with Hayley’s safety. Hayley and Brian thought they could finally be together until An Li dropped another bombshell: she was pregnant with Brian’s child. Hayley began to piece her life back together. With Tom Cudahy’s help, she joined AA. Hayley had also learned to love her father. She convinced Adam that his marriage with Erica would never work out. When Adam and Erica finally did divorce, Adam got control of Erica’s stock in Enchantment. He gave control of the company to Hayley. Through Erica, Hayley met Charlie Brent. She decided to become a partner in his private investigations firm. The lowest point in Hayley’s (Ripa) life was her short term marriage to abusive Will Cortlandt (James Patrick Stuart). 1994: Hayley turned to Charlie for more than just professional reasons. They fell into as affair after hours at the investigations firm. When Adam saw Hayley falling for Charlie, he intervened. He did not think Charlie was right for her. Adam encouraged Hayley to return to Enchantment. The end of their professional relationship marked the end of her romance with Charlie too. Charlie (Christopher Kennedy Lawson) and Hayley (Kelly Ripa) found themselves spending a lot of quality time together. 1995: On the day Hayley was to marry Alec, she got cold feet. Hayley left Alec at the altar. In her wedding dress, Hayley went to the beach to be alone. There, she met Mateo Santos. Mateo and Hayley spent the day together. On Mateo’s advice, Hayley returned to Alec but asked for more time before committing to marriage. When Alec and Hayley finally eloped, she became very suspicious of her new husband. Hayley confided in Mateo some strange happenings at Enchantment and at home. Giving in to her intuition, Mateo and Hayley began tailing Alec. One night, they followed Alec to a hotel room. They witnessed as Alec seduce Arlene. Then, he attempted to funnel vodka down her throat. Hayley intervened before Alec could go any further. In custody, Alec revealed his plans to take over Enchantment. Arlene had gotten wind of Alec deceptions and blackmailed him into an affair. Hayley finally confronted her mother about her alcoholism. Arlene agreed to go to rehab. But, she left Hayley with an ominous warning. Arlene’s affair with Alec was proof that no man would ever truly love her. Hayley (Ripa) got cold feet in her engagement to Alec (Grant Aleksander). 1996: Hayley accompanied Mateo on his mission to Jamaica. Mateo was determined to prove Noah Keefer’s innocence for the murder of Louie Greco. Hayley and Mateo ran interference while Noah and Julia found the evidence they needed to exonerate him. Upon returning to Pine Valley, Hayley was surprised to see Brian back in town. Hayley was forced to come to terms with her residual feelings for him. Hayley realized that she no longer loved Brian. She was now in love with Mateo. Brian (Borlenghi) returned to win back Hayley’s (Ripa) heart. But she had moved on with Mateo (Mark Consuelos). 1997: Hayley and Mateo opened up a new restaurant, Holidays. Mateo invited his old best friend Tanner Jordan to help them in their business venture. But Tanner left Hayley uneasy. On a trip to the desert, Tanner arranged for their plane to have an emergency landing. He then drugged Hayley. When she awoke, Tanner told Hayley that they had slept together. Guilt ridden, Hayley admitted her supposed infidelity to Mateo on their wedding day. She left him at the altar. When Hayley spurned Tanner’s advances, he took the situation into his own hands. He kidnapped Hayley and began to bury her alive in a cave. Before Tanner succeeded, Mateo arrived. Tanner admitted to drugging Hayley after their crash. Mateo was forced to shoot his best friend to save the woman he loved. Mateo proposed to Hayley again at the hospital. They married with Hayley still in her hospital gown. Hayley and Adam were estranged when Adam was implicated as playing a role in the crash of TransGlobal Flight 149, the flight that killed Hayley’s sister in law Maria Grey. Adam had ordered cost cuts that were suggested to have played a role in the planes crash. Further investigation proved that someone had actually brought a bomb on board. Hayley (Ripa) and Mateo (Consuelos) said their vows in her hospital room. 1998: The entire Chandler family became the target of madman Lee Hawkin’s terror. Lee had wrongfully accused Adam of killing his wife, Joy Hawkins. In reality, Adam and Stuart helped Joy escape an abusive Lee. Lee made his intentions known when he attempted to explode Holidays with all the Chandlers inside. Hayley went after Lee on her own after Junior, now going by JR, was kidnapped. In his captivity, Hayley was given a tattoo with toxic paint. After being rescued, Hayley learned that the paint introduced toxins into her body that would make it dangerous for her to have children. Mateo wanted to lift Hayley’s spirits with a vow renewal ceremony. But a person from Mateo’s past surprised Hayley. Hayley knew Raquel Dion to be Mateo’s first love. She did not know that she was also his wife and mother of his child, Max Santos. Raquel had never filed the annulment papers necessary to dissolve their union. Hayley still wanted to be Mateo, but he became focused on Max. Adam arranged for Mateo to get primary custody of Max. When Max had problems adjusting, Mateo invited Raquel to live with them. Hayley found a supportive friend in Ryan Lavery, though Mateo thought their relationship was something more. Raquel (Ara Celi) wanted Mateo (Consuelos) back. Hayley (Ripa) backed off for the sake of their son, Max. 1999: Hayley and Mateo planned to open the Sounds of Salsa, a new club in Pine Valley. The couple was at peace when they were working together. Raquel was injured when a scaffold fell on her at the club. Though she had agreed to a divorce, Mateo let her stay with them to recover. One day while Hayley was watching Max in the park, he wandered off. Hayley thought she had lost Max. In fact, Raquel had staged the entire incident to make Hayley feel inadequate. Hayley made the difficult decision to leave Mateo. Hayley became closer to Ryan. Mateo wrongfully interpreted their closeness as an affair. He alleged that Hayley was sleeping with Ryan. Hayley refused to even respond to his allegations. Mateo took her refusal as an affirmation. He secretly sold Hayley’s part of SOS to Adrian Sword. Then, he fired Ryan. He even took a shot in front of Hayley, a recovering alcoholic. Hayley became the host of her own lifestyle show, The Wave. She hired Ryan as her assistant. But life was catching up with Hayley. She collapsed because of exhaustion. Unknown to Hayley, Mateo kept vigil while she recovered at the hospital. Ryan (Cameron Mathison) and Hayley (Ripa) flirted in a brief romance. 2000: Hayley and Mateo rekindled their romance at the Crystal Ball. Mateo surprised Hayley with a proposal on the set of The Wave. They were on their way to a happy marriage until Arlene came crashing back into Pine Valley. Arlene’s continued alcoholism threatened Hayley’s fragile sobriety. After arriving drunk to Hayley’s engagement party, Arlene was banned from the wedding ceremony. On her wedding day, Hayley was disappointed that Adam did not show up. At the reception, Adam and Arlene drunkenly stumbled in. Arlene revealed they had eloped on the same day. Hayley wanted to protect Adam. He and Arlene opened a roadside bar. Hayley began working there as waiter to keep an eye on Arlene. Hayley’s breaking point came when Hayley caught Arlene trying to seduce Mateo at the IncredibleDreams.com launch party. Everyone on the yacht was under the influence of a drug named Libidizone. Hayley strangled Arlene until she passed out. Hayley was sure she had killed her mother. Once the influence of the drug wore off, neither Mateo nor Hayley could find Arlene’s body. Arlene (Olivia Birkelund) came crashing back into Pine Valley. (Also Pictured: Ripa (Hayley), Consuelos (Mateo), and Canary (Adam)) 2001: Hayley had a break from reality. She created a second persona as Arlene. The trauma caused her to fall off the wagon. Hayley could not help herself. She decided to turn herself in for Arlene’s murder. Right as she was to admit to the murder, Adam revealed he had thrown Arlene’s limp body overboard. He had witnessed Hayley strangle her. Before either took the fall, Mateo arrived with Arlene in tow. She was alive and living in the Caribbean. Hayley learned she was pregnant. She held a contest on The Wave to name her child. They settled on Lorenzo Hector Santos, or Enzo. Enzo was born after some complications. The only one that bothered Hayley’s was Arlene’s return. Mateo ushered her out of town before she could hurt Hayley again. The drug lord Proteus wanted to use SOS as a front for operations. Mateo wanted to protect his family. Hayley and Mateo pretended to have an estranged marriage. Then Mateo took on a mistress in the form of Simone Torres, a reporter working for Edmund. Hayley (Ripa) and Mateo (Consuelos) realized their dream of having a child together: Lorenzo Hector Santos. 2002: Hayley was jealous of Mateo’s relationship with his faux-mistress Simone Torres. Hayley was happy to see the Proteus investigation over. Mateo and Hayley faced a health scare when Enzo was diagnosed with early liver failure. They frantically looked for a donor. The only person on record who would have been a viable match was the late Maria Grey. Arlene returned to Pine Valley offering her liver. Hayley warmed up to the idea of her mother as long as she could save Enzo’s life. But her liver was unviable after her decades of alcoholism. Hayley gave up hope until Tim Dillon came back to town. He was a perfect match. Hayley worried about Tim when he made no plans to return home after the transplant. Tim let on that Janet might be back to her old ways in Denver. Hayley was approached about putting The Wave into syndication. Early test groups responded positively to the new format of the show. But Hayley was hesitant to leave her family, and to rip Mateo away from his. He had just found out Maria was alive. Mateo told Hayley it did not matter where he was, as long as he was with her and Enzo because they were his new family. She accepted the deal and they moved to California to shoot the show. With the success of The Wave, Hayley (Ripa), Mateo (Consuelos) and Enzo made a new life in California.
  7. MARTIN, Thaddeus “Tad” James Gardner Portrayed by : Mathew Anton (1973-77); John E. Dunn (1978-81); Terrell Anthony (1990); Michael E. Knight (1982-86; 1988-90; 1992-present) Family : Ray Gardner (Father); Opal Cortlandt (Mother); Joseph “Joe” Martin (Adoptive-Father); Ruth Brent Martin (Adoptive Mother); Tara Martin Jefferson (Sister); Bobby Martin (Brother); Jeff Martin (Brother); Joseph “Jake” Martin (Brother); Jenny Gardner (Sister); Adrian Sword (Brother); Petey Cortlandt (Brother); Adam “JR” Chandler, II (Step-Son); Jamie Martin (Son); Kathy “Kate Martin” Keefer (Daughter); Jenny Colby Carey (Daughter); Adam “Little A” Chandler, III (Grandson) Marriages: Dottie Thornton; Hillary Wilson; Dixie Cooney; Brooke English; Dixie Cooney; Dixie Cooney 1973 : Orphan Tad Gardner called out for his mother and sister Jenny as he rolled into Pine Valley Hospital. The traumatized boy recounted his abuse and abandonment at the hands of his evil father, Ray Gardner. Dr. Jeff Martin and nurse Mary Kennicott took the young boy under their wings. 1974 : Tad was assigned by the courts to become a ward to the Martins. Jeff and Mary were now married and decided they were going to adopt Tad. Jeff went on an exhaustive search to find his biological parents so that they would waive their parental rights. Tad (Mathew Anton) finally found a stable home with the Martins. 1975 : Tad made his daily trip to Jeff and Mary’s apartment when he witnessed a terrifying sight. Two gunmen bound Mary. She pleaded with Tad to run to safety, Tad ran back to the Martin home and called out for help. When the police arrived at the apartment, Mary was dead. She had been shot. Jeff needed to leave town. Tad was unsure where this put him. Joe assured Tad that everything was going to work out in the end. He asked Tad if it was alright with hi if Joe and Ruth adopted him instead. Already in love with the Martins, Tad agreed. 1977 : Tad got word that his father, Ray Gardner, was found to be living in Texarcana. All the Martins needed with his consent to finally adopt Tad. But if Tad knew his father, this would prove to be a lot easier said than done. 1978 : Tad was terrified to see his father in the Martin home. Ruth defended her son and told Ray that the Martins would never succumb to his demands. Ray took matters into his own hands and raped her. Tad was overcome with guilt for Ruth’s condition. When she recovered from her coma, Joe decided it was best that she recuperated away from the trial. Ruth took Tad to assure him that none of this was his fault. When they returned, Ray was already in prison. Joe and Ruth could now formally adopt Tad. 1979 : As the other Martins rejoiced in the announcement of Ruth’s pregnancy, Tad was worried about what this meant for him. So much pain had befallen on the Martins over the last few years because of him. Ruth assured Tad that he had nothing to worry about. He was always going to be loved by Joe and Ruth. That Christmas, he welcomed his baby brother, Joey Martin. 1981 : Tad began to smoking pot to rebel against his newfound Martin upbringing. One day. Grandma Kate caught Tad stealing money from her sugar bowl. Even her intervention could not save him. After his girlfriend Suzanne broke up with him, Tad became more destructive. He crashed the family station wagon. Realizing what he did, Tad ran away from home. Tad (Michael E. Knight) always harbored some guilt over leaving Jenny (Kim Delaney) to be raised in Ray’s shadow. 1983 : Tad came back to Pine Valley, welcomed by the greatest news of his life: Ray was dead. Tad was welcomed back into the Martin home with open arms. But, his life on the Martin high life was compromised by the presence of his biological mother, Opal Gardner, who had recently made her way to Pine Valley. Opal wanted Tad to work for what he got and stop freeloading off of his new family. Tad recognized a face in The Bulletin. It was another con artist from California, Connie Wilkes. Only, she was now going by Silver Kane. Tad revealed her identity at Erica Kane’s trial for the murder of Kent Bogard. This crucial fact exonerated Erica, and began their close friendship. Tad had to attend Pine Valley University to prevent the Martins from cutting him off. At least, he got to spend more time with his sister, Jenny Gardner. One day, he unintentionally hurt Jenny by showing a pornographic film that someone had superimposed Jenny’s face onto. Jenny moved to New York and became a model full time. Tad followed his sister. His career was booming until he was caught sleeping with another model in Erica’s New York apartment. Back in Pine Valley, Tad got extra spending money working at the Glamoramma. There, he met Marian Colby, a neglected housewife looking for love. Marian showered Tad with jewelry and expensive trips in exchange for his companionship. The only issue was that Tad was also dating Marian’s daughter, Liza Colby. Tad had seduced Liza to stop her from teasing Jenny all the time. But, his animosity turned into true compassion. Tad knew that if Liza ever knew the truth it would destroy her. When Liza learned of Tad’s affair with Marian, she rejected both her mother and boyfriend. Tad tried to keep the truth from Jenny, but Liza was determined to make sure she knew the truth. Tad (Knight) romanced Liza Colby (Marcy Walker) to get her odd Jenny’s back. Instead, he found himself in a passionate affair with the heiress, and her mother, giving the teen the nickname of “Tad the Cade.” 1984 : Tad watched helplessly as Jenny fell victim to a jet ski explosion while they were on vacation on the lake. Tad tried to get a hold of his mother, but she was lost somewhere in the Australian outback. Tad acted out more without Jenny to keep him grounded. He was hired by Edna Thornton to date her daughter, Dottie Thornton. Tad was content to keep Dottie satisfied until he met Hillary Wilson. Hillary was living as Phoebe Wallingford’s guest in the English Estate. Phoebe disapproved of Tad’s pursuit of Hillary because of his reputation as a womanizer. When Dottie learned she was pregnant, Tad knew he had to do the right thing. He entered into a loveless marriage. Tad (Knight) was torn between the woman he loved, Hillary (Carmen Thomas), and the mother of his unborn child, Dottie (Tasia Valenza). 1985 : Dottie miscarried, but continued to pretend to be pregnant so as to save her marriage. When Tad learned the truth, he declared his love for Hillary. But too many factors kept them apart again. Hillary was now engaged to a terminally ill Bob Georgia. Tad began an affair with a call girl named Mickey Barlowe. Mikey’s roommate, Kristie planted a computer disk in Tad’s pocket that served as the black book for a pimp named Barton Crane. Crane threatened to kill Tad if he did not return it. Only, Tad could not find the disk. Joey had taken it to play with and left it in his toy chest. The misunderstanding almost cost Tad his life. Alfred Vanderpoole discovered that Bob had recovered from his condition. That was enough for Hillary to ask for a divorce. Tad and Hillary were finally free to be together. But in this happiest of times, a dark shadow soon descended on the Martin home. Grandma Kate died peacefully in her sleep. Since his return, Tad knew he could always turn to Kate with his problems. Tad was reunited with all his siblings. They pulled each other through the trying time. Hillary (Thomas) and Tad (Knight) finally married in a small ceremony at the Wallingford Estate. 1986 : Tad thought he had won Phoebe over. She got him a job at the Pine Valley Bank. Tad decided to work the morning he was to marry Hillary. It was the same morning that robbers decided to target the bank. A quick thinking Tad found refuge in the bank vault with fellow teller Robin McCall. Tad knew Phoebe was probably talking Hillary out of the wedding now. Luckily, Robin’s brother, Wad Mathews, went to bank after Robin did not come home from work. Tad made his way to the Wallingford Estate, hoping Hillary would still take him as her husband. When he arrived, Tad was surprised to see Dottie and Hillary together. Dottie had given Hillary a ride to the Estate after almost hitting her with a car. Tad explained everything that happened that day. That night, Hillary and Tad married in a small ceremony. Married life proved to be very hard for the new Martins. Hillary was jealous of Tad’s relationships with other women. Tad could not help that Robin and new neighbor, Skye Chandler, all openly flirted with him in front of his wife. Robin confided in Tad Wade’s plans to marry Phoebe for her money. Tad did not know to what extent Wade would go to secure this. When he realized Wade intended on killing her, Tad immediately called Langley Wallingford to stop Wade. When Hillary learned Tad had known of Wade’s plans all along, she left him. The last few years paid its toll on Tad. He needed to get away from all the reminders of his past. Tad made the difficult decision to leave Pine Valley again. 1988 : Upon returning to town, Tad realized how much Pine Valley had changed. Many of his old friends were no longer around. Knowing there was always a scandal to uncover, he opened his own Private Investigation firm. Tad (Knight) surprised Dixie (Cady McClain) with a proposal in a chicken suit, in homage to their first meal together of chicken fingers. (Also pictured: Paige Turco (Lanie), Mary Fickett (Ruth), Ray MacDonnell (Joe)) 1989 : Brooke Chandler hired Tad to find out who was the father of Dixie Cooney’s baby. Tad began following Dixie. When they finally came face to face in The Boutique, Tad was overwhelmed with a sensation he had not felt in a long time. He was in love. But Tad had to put his job first. He uncovered a sordid web of lies. Adam Chandler was the baby’s father. He had intended to adopt the baby with Brooke. Dixie and Adam married, but Tad worried about her welfare. He teamed up with Skye to get to the bottom of Adams plot. Adam was going to convince Dixie she was going crazy. No one believed Tad. They all thought he was jealous because Dixie had chosen Adam over him. When Dixie was carted off to Laurel Hill, Tad knew he had to do something. Along with the help of Cecily Davidson and Nico Kelly, Tad broke Dixie out of Laurel Hill. They went on the run until Tad could prove Adam’s guilt. When they returned for Pine Valley, Dixie successfully sued Adam for custody of her son, Adam “Junior” Chandler, jr. Tad arranged for a special dinner at Cortlandt Manor. In front of their families, Tad proposed to Dixie in a chicken suit. Palmer threw them a lavish wedding. Tad (Knight) found true love with Dixie (McClain). Tad was now a changed man. 1990 : Tad knew his marriage to Dixie was not going to work as long as Palmer had influence over Dixie. He made plans for them to move away from Pine Valley. But, Dixie was not ready to be separated from her family. Tad confided his growing marital insecurities in Brooke. He occupied most of his time working with her at Tempo. Palmer hired Loretta Rutherford to claim that she and Tad had an affair. Dixie served Tad with divorce papers. That night, he turned to Brooke. They slept together. The next morning, both agreed it was only a one-night thing. Billy Clyde Tuggle kidnapped Dixie. With Trevor Dillon and Derek Frye’s help, they tracked Dixie down to Billy Clyde’s cabin in the woods. After a police standoff, Tad slipped into the cabin and saved Dixie. Derek took a bullet for Tad as he and Dixie got away. Dixie admitted she never stopped loving Tad. They made plans to remarry that Christmas. But, it was not all meant to be. On the day he was to marry Dixie, Billy Clyde lured Tad to a bridge. If he was not to have Dixie, no one would. After an altercation, Billy Clyde pulled a trigger that caused a nearby cabin to explode. Tad and Billy Clyde fell into the river below. Billy Clyde’s dead body was found on shore. Tad’s body drifted down river. When Tad regained consciousness, he had no idea who he was. Tad hitchhiked on a vineyard truck and made his way out of Pine Valley. Tad (Knight) died leaving behind his widow, Dixie (McClain), and son JR. 1992 : Tad returned to Pine Valley under the guise of Ted Orsini, a wealthy Napa Valley Vineyard owner. For the last two years he had assumed Ted’s identity after hitchhiking his way to California. Suffering from amnesia, Tad arrived home with no memory of his past. Brooke discovered him while he was closing a business deal with Dimitri Marick at Wildwind. Upon learning they shared a child, Tad (Knight) married Brooke (Julia Barr) though he still loved Dixie. (Also pictured: Christopher Kennedy Lawson (Charlie)). 1993 : Brooke confronted Tad who had no memories of his past. He wanted to hold off any reunions until he was sure about Brooke’s claims. Different pieces of his life in Pine Valley put together the fragments in his mind. Upon seeing his parents, Tad’s memories became intact. His final reunion was with Dixie. They shared a night of passion in the Napa Valley. But a lot had changed in two years. Dixie had been married two times. Tad was now a father to Brooke’s child. Tad wanted to give Jamie a chance at a normal life. As much as it hurt, he left Dixie to marry Brooke. Tad became jealous of Dixie’s relationship with the real Ted Orsini. Ted invited Tad on a hunting vacation in Canada. Ted planned to use this trip to rid himself of Tad. Ted was angry that his mother Nola Orsini had left the vineyards to Tad. Dixie found Tad before Ted could execute their plans. Together, they found their way out of the Canadian wilderness. Tad could no longer deny his feelings for Dixie. They fell into an affair. Tad (Knight) and Dixie (McClain) ran for their lives in the Canadian wilderness. 1994 : Tad worried about Brooke. She was pregnant with his child. When he learned that Brooke was having an ecliptic pregnancy, she ran away, afraid that Tad would make her abort the child. When Tad could not reason with Brooke, he turned to Edmund Grey. Edmund found Brooke and convinced her to come back to Pine Valley for treatment. Still, Brooke miscarried. Brooke realized their marriage was over, and granted Tad a divorce. Tad and Dixie were now free to marry. This time, Palmer opened his home to Tad and Dixie. They married in a lavish garden wedding. But their happiness was short lived. Tad worried about Dixie’s brother, Del Henry. Del was in kidney failure, and needed Dixie’s kidney to save his life. Tad knew that any chances of them having a baby would be shot if she went through with the surgery. But before a resolution could be found, a tornado made its way to Pine Valley. At the Martin home, the tornado caused the ceiling to cave in on Tad. As Tad’s body lay near death, his spirit went to another realm. Jenny and Nola Orsini greeted Tad’s spirit. Tad thought that he must be dead. He wanted to be with his loved ones, but Jesse Hubbard’s spirit made him see all that he would be leaving behind. It would be the site of Ray Gardner that shocked Tad into consciousness. He slowly began to recover with Dixie and his sons by his side. In his coma, Tad (Knight) was visited by the spirits of those he lost including the dastardly evil Ray (Gil Rogers). 1995 : Tad, Dixie, and Charlie planned a housewarming for the new Martin home. Tad recognized his mother’s severe depression and hoped that her old friends and families would help turn her mood around. To help his mother cope, Tad had to come to grips with his own demons from the night of the tornado first. Dixie went through with the kidney transplant. Del made it out of the ordeal unscathed, but Dixie experienced many complications. The doctors told Dixie and Tad that they should no longer have children; less they risk Dixie’s life. This only contributed to the growing tensions in the Martin marriage. Tad was consumed with his work as producer and host of “ The Cutting Edge.” He retired from Orsini Vineyards in hopes of increasing his time at home. While taking the boys on a camping trip, Tad lost track of Jamie. Jamie was swimming in the lake and began to drown. Before Tad could reach him, another person brought him out of the water. It was none other than Janet Green. Janet had been gas lighting Dixie by hiring an actor to impersonate her late brother, Will Cortlandt. Tad had unknowingly hired Janet as an accountant at Orsini while she went under the alias Jane Cox. Tad hope his work on “The Cutting Edge” would give him an edge for the Station Manager job at WRCW. Tad was furious when he was passed up for the promotion. He was even more surprised to meet the woman who was hired. Liza was back, and now she was his boss. Though Tad was over Liza, it was apparent Liza was not over Tad. Before the year’s end, they shared a kiss. Tad (Knight) lost it all after Dixie learned of his affair with Liza (Walker). 1996 : Tad and Liza were driven to by The Cutting Edge’s increasing ratings. Tad invited Laurel Banning and Michael to the show to talk about homophobia in Pine Valley. Unknown to Tad, Jason Sheffield was in the rafters with a gun intent on killing Michael. He missed, instead fatally shooting Laurel. Dixie blamed Tad for the whole ordeal. Dixie accused Tad of turning the show into tabloid journalism for the sake of the ratings. Dixie kicked Tad out of the house. Tad found his way to Liza’s apartment. Liza saw it as the opportune moment to reveal her feelings to Tad. In a moment of weakness, Tad slept with Liza. Dixie wanted to give their marriage another go; but, too much damage was done. Marian played a tape to Dixie of Tad and Liza talking about their affair. Dixie confronted Tad with the truth. Tad admitted he was wrong for lying to Dixie. Dixie wanted Tad to promise that he would never hurt her again. When Tad could not make that promise, Dixie left him again. This time, she took Junior and left for Pigeon’s Hallow. Tad left The Cutting Edge and pushed Liza away. He found comfort in Gloria’s arms. Gloria was the only person in Pine Valley that Dixie was still talking to. Tad (Knight) found a shoulder to cry on in Dixie’s best friend, Gloria (Theresa Blake). Gloria kept her distance since she knew he still loved Dixie. 1997 : Tad thought he had found love again in Gloria. But, she was hesitant to start a relationship based on his past reputation. Gloria also became intimately close with Dimitri. Tad believed that Dimitri’s intentions for Gloria were less than honorable. The breaking point came when Liza found out she was pregnant. Gloria wrongly assumed that Tad was the baby’s father and broke up with him. Gloria embarked in an impromptu marriage with Dimitri. Edmund needed Tad’s help after Skye revealed that he was Madelyn Grey’s biological father. Dimitri was on the run in Hungary. Tad and Edmund were forced to infiltrate the country dressed as women. Upon arriving in Vadzel, Tad appealed to Gloria for help. Gloria read the court papers that proved Madelyn was Edmund’s child. She convinced Dimitri to turn over Madelyn to Edmund. Tad (Knight) and Edmund (John Callahan) snuck into Hungary dressed as women. 1998 : Gloria left Pine Valley after her marriage to Dimitri crumbled. Tad met Camille Hawkins, another Pigeon Hallow native. Camille claimed that Adam had killed her mother, Joy Hawkins. Tad investigated the story, and learned that Joy was in fact in hiding from Camille’s abusive father, Lee Hawkins. Camille learned that Lee had a greater plan for all the Chandlers. He was going to kill them in an explosion at Hayley Vaughan’s restaurant, Holidays. Camille was able to warn everybody to get out in time. She tried to disarm the device, but it still went off, killing her in the process. As Tad tried to help the survivors out of the ruble, he was greeted by a vision from his past. It was Dixie. She was back in Pine Valley. Adam had temporary custody of Junior, now going by JR, after the threats Lee made on his family. Dixie had tried to avoid see Tad. After a while, it seemed like no time had passed between them. They spent most of their time trying to track down Palmer, who was on the run with Nazi artifacts. In New York, they were forced to come to terms with their residual feelings for each other. If they wanted to be together again, they would meet at the top of the Empire State Building at midnight. Tad arrived on time, but Dixie was nowhere to be found. As a child, Tad remembered a time when Opal was able to escape Ray. They had gone to live with a man named Fred Dawson. Ray kidnapped Tad and used him to lure Opal back. Unknown to Tad, Opal had a son with Fred. His new brother, Adrian Sword, was the spy hired to find Palmer’s Nazi artifacts. Tad (Knight) and Dixie (McClain) remarried in front of their family and friends. (Also Pictured: Julia Barr (Brooke), Jake (Michael Lowry), Adrian (Matthew St. Patrick), JR (Jesse McCartney), and Zach Kady (Jamie Martin)) 1999 : JR came to Tad’s home, distraught over something. Before Tad could find out what was wrong, Dixie arrived to take JR home. Liza found out that JR had viewed Dixie’s living will, a tape where she confessed that she was suffering from a chronic heart condition. The heart condition was what kept them apart in New York. Tad confronted Dixie with the truth. They admitted their feelings for each other and finally became a couple again. Tad and Dixie remarried at the Valley Inn. JR’s closeness to Tad made Adam weary. He attempted to send JR to boarding school, but Dixie intervened. Adam retaliated by selling WRCW from under Tad. He was out of a job. Liza turned to Tad after Marian imprisoned Adam in his safe room. Liza saw it as an opportune moment to make Adam pay by taking over Chandler Industries. David (Vincent Irizarry) did whatever he could to break up Tad (Knight) and Dixie. 2000 : Liza blackmailed Adam into giving her power of attorney after learning he was responsible for hiring a gigolo to sleep with Marian. Liza and Tad took over Chandler Industries. Liza sent Adam to Oak Haven to think about what he had done. JR became distraught over thinking about his dad being trapped in a sanitarium. Dixie begged Tad to stop he plot for revenge after seeing what it did to JR. Dr. David Hayward had fallen in love with Dixie. He recognized that Tad and Dixie’s love was unwavering. David teamed up with attorney Leslie Coulson to break them up. Leslie secretly had a crush on Tad since high school. David drugged Tad, along with all of the other guests at the IncredibleDreams.com launch party, with a drug named Libidizone. In a drug induced haze, Tad slept with Leslie. Realizing what he did, Tad made Leslie promise to never tell Dixie. Tad did not realize that Leslie was mentally unstable until it was too late. Leslie began to stalk Tad. She even took out a room at the Valley Inn in their name. 2001 : Leslie revealed Tad’s infidelity to Dixie. She began her own affair with David. Tad tried to make Leslie admit to David’s part in the Libidizone drugging. When Tad spurned her advances too many times, Leslie kidnapped Dixie. She tried to force Dixie off the ledge of Tad’s office at Chandler Industries by threatening to hurt JR. Leslie was admitted to Oak Haven. With Jake’s help, Tad got his hand on a tape that caught David drugging the guests in Fidelity. JR and Dixie reunited to deal with JR’s growing drug problem. Tad uncovered that JR was one of the victims of crime lord Proteus’ growing drug ring. When JR’s provider Sweeney was found dead, Tad was afraid JR had killed him. Tad went to Derek and took the fall for Sweeney’s death. Before he could be taken into custody, he went on the run. Tad received guidance from Jesse’s spirit who told him not to give up on his marriage and family. Tad wanted David out of his family’s life. He signed Leslie’s release letter from Oak Haven if she agreed to admit to David’s role in breaking up his marriage. Instead, Leslie threatened to kill Tad if he did not leave Dixie. After Leslie was taken back into custody, Dixie told Tad they were over. She could not believe Tad chose his hate for David or his love for her. Old friend Jesse’s (Darnall Williams) spirit encouraged Tad (Knight) to not give up on his marriage. 2002 : Dixie petitioned Tad for a quick divorce. They flew the Caribbean, but their weekend quickly became a romantic getaway. Tad could not understand why Dixie would divorce him if they still had feelings for each other. Dixie then left town and broke all contact with Tad. Tad worried about his ex-wife and began a fruitless search. Dixie finally told Tad what was going on. She was pregnant with his daughter. Afraid that he would make her abort the child, Dixie turned to David to find her a clinic. She was living in Switzerland and successfully made it to her third trimester. She wanted Tad to join her for the birth of their baby: Kate Martin. Tad got on the first flight. But before her arrived, Dixie lost control of her car and drove it off a cliff in the Alps. Dixie and Kate were dead. Tad sunk into a deep depression that not even the boys could lift. Tad began to lean on Brooke. Edmund was concerned that Brooke was going to leave him for Tad again. Joe (Ray MacDonell) and Opal (Jill Larson) did their best to help Tad (Knight) through Dixie’s death. 2003 : Tad pushed everyone away as he tried to deal with Dixie’s death. JR and Jamie had a falling out over Laurie Lewis. JR decided to leave town. The family Tad had created was falling apart. Erica and Tad teamed up to blackmail Mary Smythe. Mary had just revealed that Greenlee duPres was Jackson Montgomery’s daughter. Tad uncovered that Mary was on the run for an affair she had in France with a teenager. Tad found some solace in the arms of Simone Torres. Simone made Tad smile again. But Liza wanted Tad back. She finally divorced Adam, this time for the last time. Tad tried to juggle the two women, but Simone was not going to be second fiddle to anyone. JR returned to Pine Valley with a surprise: he was married. When JR introduced his family to his new wife, Babe Chandler, Jamie was shocked to see the women he had just slept with the night before. The affair continued the boys’ estrangement. Tad was more suspicious of Babe. Tad began an investigation into Babe’s past. But, Tad was soon distracted by the sudden arrival of Babe’s mother, Krystal Carey. Simone (Terri Ivens) comedic side appealed to the mourning widower, Tad (Knight).
  8. MARLOWE, Natalie Portrayed by: Kate Collins (1985-1992; 1997; 1998; 2001); Melody Anderson (1992-93) Family: Wilma Marlowe (Mother); Janet Green Dillon (Sister); Tim Hunter Dillon (Son) Marriages: Alex Hunter; Jeremy Hunter; Adam Chandler; Palmer Cortlandt; Trevor Dillon 1985: Natalie Marlowe was in love with Jeremy Hunter. But, she loved his father, Alex Hunter’s, wallet even more. Seduced by the older, suave businessman, Natalie fell in love. She married Alex, and Jeremy left for Tibet. Natalie was sure that she would never see Jeremy again. More than two years later, Jeremy returned to Canada after a falling out with his lover, Erica Kane. It was as if no time had passed by for the two lovers. Just when it seemed like their hope for Natalie and Jeremy, Erica arrived. Natalie saw Erica as a rival for Jeremy’s affections. But, Alex grew smitten with Erica as well. Alex arranged for all the Hunters to follow Erica back to Pine Valley and see what sort of life Jeremy had created for himself there. Natalie (Kate Collins) never stopped loving Jeremy (Jean leClerc). But, he had moved on to Erica (Susan Lucci). 1986: Natalie learned she was pregnant with Alex’s child. Trapped in her loveless marriage, she needed an escape. When Natalie learned Jeremy had been released from his vow of celibacy, she was sure she could win him over. Natalie saw her opportunity when Alex and Erica were presumed dead in a rockslide in Canada. Jeremy led the search team for his lover and father to no avail. That night, Natalie found Jeremy in a drunken stupor. She slipped in bed beside him. The next morning, she convinced Jeremy they had slept together. Her reunion with Alex was brief. He died in a foxhunt accident on the Wallingford grounds. She revealed to Jeremy that she was pregnant with his child. They had an impromptu wedding. Natalie thought she had won, but she underestimated her opponent. Natalie caught Erica and Jeremy in bed together. Their fight led them to a broken down elevator that was about to come crashing down. Jeremy saved Natalie, but could not get back to Erica in time. Luckily, Tom Cudahy arrived in the nick of time to save Erica. In her rage, Erica revealed that Natalie and Jeremy’s wedding was a sham. She had hired an actor to play minister. Natalie chased Jeremy when he went to rescue Erica from her ex-husband, Adam Chandler. The trio was stranded on an island. The stress caused Natalie to go into premature labor. Natalie gave birth to Timothy Hunter. Back in Pine Valley, Natalie consented to a paternity test hoping that Jeremy and Alex’s DNA would be a close enough match. Unfortunately, Erica had caught Adam playing around with the first test results. On the second test, Natalie’s lie was revealed. Alex was Tim’s father, not Jeremy. Jeremy bestowed Timmy with part of Alex’s estate, but left Natalie with nothing. To make ends meet, Natalie became Palmer Cortlandt’s live in nurse. Adam approached Natalie with a business proposition. He needed someone to spy on Palmer and Natalie was in the perfect position. The sum he proposed was too good for Natalie to pass on. She agreed, and began to weasel her way into Palmer’s personal affairs. No one could understand why Natalie (Collins) was marrying Palmer (James Mitchell). Especially since she was carrying on an affair with his son, Ross (Robert Gentry). 1987: Ross Chandler and Natalie could not keep their affair a secret. Jeremy had already caught them in a passionate embrace. Ross explained Adam had found out about them too. But, Ross was steadfast in his marriage to Ellen. When Palmer proposed to Natalie, she realized that it might be the opportunity she had been waiting for. They married in a small ceremony in Corltandt Manor. Ross’ obsession with Natalie began to scare her. One night, Ellen learned of their affair and left Ross. He stormed Cortlandt Manor and entered Natalie’s room. In a rage, he raped her. Natalie turned Ross in to the authorities. To Natalie’s surprise, her trial proved to be an uphill climb. He reputation for using men tainted her allegations. To the rest of Pine Valley, Ross had a sterling reputation. Natalie’s big break came when Ross’ daughter, Julie Chandler, returned to Pine Valley. She had secretly witnessed their affair and the night of Natalie’s rape. Ross broke down after listening to his daughter’s pleas. When Natalie returned to Cortlandt Manor, she realized she had nothing left with Palmer either. She had no one else to turn to, but Jeremy. Palmer (Mitchell) was not ready for another divorce, though Natalie (Collins) had already began to look elsewhere. 1988: As far as Natalie was concerned, her marriage to Palmer was over. She had no one else to turn to but Jeremy. She remained in Cortlandt Manor until her divorce settlement could be resolved. One night, a disguised assailant broke into the Manor. Natalie had bought a gun as a result of her rape, and kept it close to her. When the assailant broke in again, she confronted the person. It turned out to be Silver Kane, Jeremy’s girlfriend. Silver had grown jealous of all the attention Jeremy had showered on Natalie. Natalie wanted Silver to leave, but she was not finished. Their altercation became physical. Natalie’s gun went off, and Silver fell to the floor, dead. Palmer walked in at the most opportune time. He helped Natalie dump Silver’s body in the Cortlandt Manor pond. This seemingly held Natalie in her loveless marriage. Natalie turned to Jeremy again. When the truth came out, Natalie was free to be with Jeremy. Palmer went to prison for obstruction of justice when it was discovered he had a taped recording of the incident that exonerated Natalie. Natalie and Jeremy made plans to marry again. They all their hardships were behind them. But, a woman from Jeremy’s past compromised the new marriage. Marissa Rampal not only still loved Jeremy, but she was the mother of his illegitimate son, David Rampal. Natalie understood Jeremy’s need to be part of his son’s life, but there was something unsettling about Marissa. When it finally looked like Natalie (Collins) and Jeremy (leClerc) where going to be happy together, his past caught up with their dreams of the future. 1989: Marissa did whatever she could to provoke Natalie. Natalie put up with Marissa the best she could. In an altercation, Marissa lost her balance and fell down a staircase. Marissa was dead. Jeremy worried about what the trauma of Marissa’s death would do to David. But, Natalie wanted Jeremy to worry about her. When Jeremy chose his son over Natalie, she left him. Natalie became the nurse to an ailing millionaire. When he died, he left his fortune to her. She started the Mason Foundation at Pine Valley Hospital to provide grants for pediatric care. Natalie (Collins) did not want to admit that she had feelings for Jeremy’s ex-mercenary partner, Trevor (James Kiberd). 1990: Natalie abhorred Trevor Dillon. He was brash and classless. Natalie always seemed to find herself in his presence. One day, Trevor shipwrecked her yacht, stranding them on a deserted island. There, Natalie got to see a new side of Trevor. She slowly let down her guard. They shared their first kiss in the sand. After being rescued, Natalie kept her distance from Trevor. Adam approached Natalie with a business deal. He needed his company back, and Natalie had the money to help him. She had just bought Eric Kane’s shares of Enchantment. With Adam’s shares, she would have enough shares to challenge Erica. She agreed to the marriage of convenience. Trevor arrived at the ceremony to profess his feelings to Natalie, but it was too late. She and Adam had already said their vows. Trevor (Kiberd) was not in time to stop Natalie (Collins) from marrying Adam (David Canary). 1991: Natalie made the best of her marriage to Adam. Things began to turn around when Adam’s daughter, Hayley Vaughan, moved into the mansion. Hayley was also Trevor’s niece. Hayley helped Natalie come to terms with her true feelings for Trevor. Upon learning of Adam’s plot to slowly siphon off Natalie’s money, she filed for divorce. But in the settlement, she lost her Enchantment shares. It was not long before Natalie and Trevor were engaged. Natalie opened her home to her recently divorced sister, Janet Green. Janet’s quirky personality was in stark contrast to the prim and proper Natalie. Unbeknownst to Natalie, Janet had fallen in love with Trevor. When Trevor rejected her advances, Janet concocted a complex plan to take over Natalie’s life. When she had perfected her impersonation, Janet lured Natalie to a well and threw her in. When Natalie regained consciousness she tried to call out for help. But, the well was in the middle of the woods in the outskirts of Pine Valley. As she struggled to survive, Natalie flashed back to her many sins. She begged God for forgiveness. One night, a terrible storm approached. Natalie was going to drown in the floodwater. Before she died in a watery grave, a hand reached in and pulled her out. Natalie awoke in Wildwind, a Hungarian castle. It’s Count, Dimitri Marick, had found Natalie and nursed her back to health. The two began a romance. When Natalie was healthy enough, she returned to Pine Valley only to find Janet masquerading as her and married to Trevor. Betrayed, Natalie rejected Trevor and made her way into Dimitri’s arms. Natalie (Collins) prayed for forgiveess of all her sins after Janet pushed her into the Wildwind well. 1992: Natalie finally ended her relationship with Trevor by burning the engagement ring he had given her. She now made plans to marry Dimitri. But, Dimitri began acting erratically as he had visions of his late wife, Angelique Marick. These visions proved to be rooted in reality when Angelique was revealed to be alive at their engagement party. Devastated, Natalie turned to Trevor. The feelings they once shared were very much alive. But Natalie was hesitant, knowing she could never be happy if Trevor if he decided to keep his child with Janet. Janet was revealed to be Will Cortlandt’s crow bar killer. On the run, she took Natalie hostage. Natalie was trying to get away from her sister when she was shot in the leg. At that very moment, Janet went into labor. Natalie could not leave her sister in pain, and helped her deliver her daughter, Amanda Dillon. Holding the child in her arms, Natalie did not want Amanda to pay for her mother’s sins. Trevor and Natalie reunited. They had an impromptu wedding at the Wallingford Estate. Ruth Martin was kind enough to let Natalie borrow Kate Martin’s wedding dress for the occasion. Trevor also formally adopted Timmy. The Dillons were at long last, a family. Carter Jones believed Trevor was keeping him from his wife Galen Henderson. So, he set the Dillon house on fire as a warning. Only, Natalie was still inside. She was trapped because of the flames. Trevor rescued her. In the hospital, Natalie realized the fire had blinded her. She lashed out at Trevor. The only person who seemed to understand her was a hospital orderly named Kyle. But Kyle’s visits became more frequent, and his desire to protect Natalie became more obsessive. Kyle was none other than Carter. Christmas Eve brought a miracle to the Dillon home. While looking at the angel affixed to the top of the Christmas tree, Natalie’s blurred vision was finally clear. Natalie (Collins) was finally able to give Tim (Tom Michaels) a stable home by marrying Trevor. 1993: Natalie had befriended her new accountant, Laurel Banning. Trevor was uneasy around Laurel. Natalie learned that she had been embezzling money from the Mason Foundation. Natalie turned to Adam for help. They got in a car together to confront Laurel. On the way, they got into a terrible accident. Natalie was rushed to the hospital, but the damage proved to be too severe. Natalie was brain dead. Trevor took her off life support to end her suffering. Trevor (Kiberd) saved Natalie (Collins) from Carter’s wrath. 1997: Natalie appeared to Tim after he was mugged. Tim had run away from home because Trevor had begun dating Janet. Natalie told Tim to go home and give Janet a chance. 1998: Natalie appeared again, this time to Tim’s pet dog, Harold, when he died of cancer. She welcomed his spirit into Heaven. Though Natalie (Melody Anderson) died in a tragic car accident, her spirit kept watch over her family back in Pine Valley. (Also Pictured: Kiberd (Trevor)) 2001: Natalie’s spirit was among the many former Pine Valley residents that welcomed Gillian Andrassy to Heaven. But Gillian was not ready to die. Natalie agreed to help her spirit go back to earth, if she agreed to complete a task. The task would be to reveal to Ryan Lavery that Chris Stamp was his real father.
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