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Posts posted by alphanguy74

  1. My, my... Those dresses are terrible! So dated. Nolan Miller was the sophisticated peak of the '80s fashion and that was it.

    If you two wanted colour, Sex and the City was full of it. Especially the films, which were "colourful" to the point of being garish and kitsch.

    Colourful and opulent is also something Oscar de la Renta does and isn't as cheap as those clothes above. So colour isn't dead

    On the other hand, work by such people as Mainbocher, Balenciaga, YSL, Givenchy, Dior, Norman Norrell – that's the elegant understatedness that alphan hates, but which is never boring and sterile. It's just tasteful.

    They are dated... and some look better than others. But at least they are interesting, unlike what is seen today 90 percent of the time. Nolan Miller, however, has never been my favorite by any means. His clothes to me aren't feminine and sexy enough. I'm a Bob Mackie bitch till the day I die! LOL With Michael Travis coming in a close second.

  2. Those are great! What picture quality.

    Sometimes I forget how handsome Anthony Herrera was.

    Anthony Herrera was a stud muffin. I never thought McCook was attactive. the clef tin his chin is far TOO MUCH, and he's got no lips.

  3. Carl... the picture in your original posting is so great because it shows a time when Hollywood had GLAMOUR and COLOR. Nowadays everyone is so obsessed with this bullshit "understated elegance". I can't wait for the pendulum to swing back again, I honestly think fashion of the last 10 years will be judged pretty harshly 15-20 year from now as "boring", and "unimaginative". Is it just me, or do Brenda's gold plated hooters in that pic tend to follow you around the room?

  4. What concerns me most about the repeal of DADT is that the military already has a litany of issues that go unchecked by our federal government without adding our gay/lesbian soldiers to the list. War crimes, male to female sexual harassment/discrimination, etc. Alot of this is still being unreported by the mainstream media and more importantly, unreported by the victims of such crimes. Do we need to add our gay soldiers being violently beaten to death to the list by angry, homophobic mobs of people?

    While I think it's unfair that gays can't serve openly in the military, I think it's better(at least for now) that they don't. Do I think a soldier who comes out should be fired or lose his benefits for doing so? Absolutely not. But I think, as homophobic as it is, I think it's really for everyone's protection that DADT not be repealed. The only way I see that ever happening is when there's a draft(not if, but when) and they don't have enough men serving in the military. And that would be a total nightmare. I can't imagine myself, out and proud, being forced to serve in the military with just such rude, bigoted assholes.

    I think thye just need to repeal it, and get it over with. If these military men don't have the emotional discipline to get over being naked in front of a gay man, then they need not be in the military. I had a boyfriend years ago who was an MP in the air force, and he had issues in being open. He wouldn't kiss me in public, etc (He wasn't in the military any more when I dated him) If Canada can handle it, then why can't WE?

  5. Have you ever been hired to work for a poor person?

    In the past, when I worked for others... i've never been hired to work for a rich person, either. Certainly nobody who has a yearly bonus in the billions. My former employers all lived in upper middle class homes and took home less than one million a year. THAT is the type of employer that america needs to get behind. You know what i'd like to see? i'd like to see the government compeltey cut off EVERYTHING for about one 4 year election cycle. Cut taxes by about 90 pecent, and dump EVERYTHING in the laps of the private sector. Roads, education, ALL OF IT. Then tell the republican party, "You think the private sector can do such a great job at everything? PROVE IT". Then all the greedy, hoarding rich in this country wouldn't cough up a dime for anything. And the poor certainly wouldn't be able to afford it. Or they might decide to fix roads in the major cities and let us out here in farm country twist in the wind. But we can also feed ourselves, and they CAN'T. And if we decided to hoard all the land and food for ourselves out here, they'd be in for a RUDE AWAKENING when the grocery store shelves are empty.

  6. It's true, and maybe it was just lighting and makeup, but I've wondered if she'd had her face done around '86/'87. She kind of has that '80s taut and "done" look in Welcome to My Home.

    Sorry to get in here so late... been busy with my new job. No, she didn't have her face done in the 80's... late 90's was her first foray into the plastic surgery realm. There's just a difference in the hair and makeup, and they way she DID her makeup. The 70's look was just more natural, glam was so TOTALLY out, NOBODY wore heavy, glam makeup. I like either look, to tell you the truth. Brenda has always complained ALOT about how she looked on the show... "They kept wiping my makeup off", "I hated the lighting", They put me in 1$ blouses form K-mart", it was all I could do to keep from saying "Honey, your character was POOR, you weren't gonna get the outfits from Giorgios that the Brooks girls got". But when she was away from the show, she DID look nicer in the 70's:


    And BTW, Carl... she left second week of July. I just remember it so well because it was the week after I bought my first VCR, I bought it fourth of july weekend 1987.

  7. Oh, parents just get up in arms about most anything. Today it's Glee... when I was a kid, it was Three's company. I think because the characters are high school kids, then the 12-18 crowd WANTS to watch it, and parents somehow think the show is too sexy. I'll bet they let those same kids watch CSI with decapitated, decomposing heads rolling around onscreen, though. That being said... I've tried to watch this show a few times, I tuned in tonight, and I HATE it. I SHOULD like it... but I don't. The music sounds very karaoke-like, the singing is all that typical BS, everyone sings in the same style, all these white kids do runs to try and sound black. And I'm not sure, but I think I was offended by that girl with Down's Syndrome being given dialogue like "Give me my chocolate, or i'm gonna cut you".

  8. Oh, goodness Khan... you might be surprised what people re-enact in the privacy of their homes and telephone conversations, etc.. and yes, sometimes there are costumes involved. I was just thinking about this scene today, this is in my top 3 faves from the entire series:

  9. Yall have seen this, right? I think I found it through SON, but it's worth adding to this thread:

    I don't know whether to laugh or take it seriously because while they aren't great, those dudes are gooooood. I'm convinced the Val actor is Van Hansis.

    "Ennn Metheeeson" kills me.

    "you have become a monster" just get me every time... he nailed that accent so perfect! LOL and you know, when you mentioned the Val Actor being Van Hansis.. :lol::lol::lol: It DOES look like him, doesn't it?

  10. I was hoping that we'd get another DVD set as well. Hopefully it will be on hulu or soemthing. I saw it when it aired the first time, and then again it was repeated late night when I was in high school. Just engrossing, and campy, and everything good. I love the end of that clip, when the cop says "Mrs. Hartman, your grandfather is the Fernwood flasher". He looks like he's about to crack up delivering his lines.. don't know if that was intentional or not.

  11. Probably because I am one of the few posters here who has actually seen the work I discuss and not simply read about it in a book or magazine. I also understand that the "blame" for poor storylines doesn't always fall upon the shoulder of the producer or writer. Most situations are far more complex than the "I didn't like such and such, and so-and-so were the headwriters and producer, so they must be hacks" attitude.

    True, on message boards in general, there are so few posters who have seen the actual material in regards to 70's, and many times even 80's. Fidning someone who acutally was viewer in the 60's is a rare bird indeed. I LOVED Ann Marcus' writing on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.... it was stellar. Here is a bit of Ann talking with Louise Lasser at the Paley Center, and another video of her talking about her career. I guess she's still living, she's almost 90!


  12. Oh, I agree. Julie Harris was just :wub::wub::wub: here. And how profound that the final shot after he's dead pans up to the billboard that says "A better tomorrow". Joshua Rush was such an unusual character for a nightime soap, like a twisted version of Ken Olin's character on Falcon Crest. I remembe the episode where Laura got in Joshua's face because of how he was treating Cathy, and he pushed her down. And when he told Val her babies died as a punishment from God... he was sick.

  13. For posting the sequence from my all-time favorite KNOTS episode ("Celebration"), alphanguy, you have officially become my favorite post-er. :-D

    Why thank you, and incidentally, ins't Donna Mills' hair in that scene the most perfect thing ever?

  14. What I thought was interesting with Sid's death was they wrote it where his refusal to live in a wheelchair was what killed him. That he had a choice, and he basically chose to die.

    This is an old posting Carl, but I had something to add. First, it WAS brilliant that they wrote it as being Sid's choice. The thing is, he wans't going to be in a wheelchair, it was his neck that was broken, he was going to be a quadroplegic, which is a HELL of alot worse. I remember the Doctors saying his chance of coming through the surgery was about 50/50. I would have chosen the same if i were him. If it was a matter of just being not able to WALK... then that's a different matter. I probably would have NOT had the surgery.

  15. the only reason they compare DH to Knots is because thye all are neighbors living on the same street. no other reason, IMO. I'd enjoy DH much more if it didn't have that STOOPID background score. Brothers and Sisters is much more like Knots in reality.

  16. Well, Carl, after 10 years of posting on message boards and interacting with so many viewers... they ARE idiots. About 80 percent of them (Present company excluded, of course) but they shouldn't write to the lowest common deonominator. Sometimes you can write over the viewers' head and they can rise to the occasion. other times you fall flat on your face. It's a gamble, really.

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