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Posts posted by alphanguy74

  1. I love that version of "Everything She Wants"... back in the day, you had to buy the 12" single to get it. the album version and radio edit didn't have the extneded bridge in the middle, which IMO is the best part. Don't ya love his Wonder woman spin at 2:00? I used to be a HUGE fan of George Michael, but I lost intrest, cause he stopped putting stuff out. It's sad what became of him.... he had so much potential to have a career like Elton, but he wasted most of his 30's and all of his 40's just BS'ing around with lawsuits with record companies, hiding himself in the shadows when he DID make a video, and when he came out in the open, he dressed like he raided Roy Orsbison's closet I don't think I've seen him wear anything but black in the last 10 years. And then of course, the arrest for jerkin in the men's room in Beverly hills... the silly queen..... "Outside" was really good, and cutign edge, turning embarrassment into publishing. But he just was out of sight too long and he lost all his momentum. Now he's a pothead in his 50's and past his prime. Sad.

  2. It's been said that all the candidates are tip-toeing around Ron Paul, because they fear if they treat him like an outsider, and don't give him the respect he wants, that he'll go for a third party run, ensuring Obama's re-election. Opinions on this? I know many in the Republican party are scared to death of Ron Paul, and see him as a loose cannon.

    And one comment on the debates the other night, I am STUNNED at how the more "moderate" candidates stood there and when asked about gay marriage, extolled the virtues of "Seperate but equal". Romny baically said that Oh yes... make sure they can have these rights, and those rights, but make sure all these fags know there place, and stay there. Marriage seems like this badge of pride to them as if to say "I can be maried and you can't, so I'm better than you". I would dearly LOVE for a candidte to come along who is VERY fiscally conservative, and VERY socially liberal, and see what happens. I bet they'd roll into the white house like a sonic car hop on her skates. and did you notice how Newt lost his temper with all the gay rights questions? I wonder what Candace is thinking right now

  3. It's not... it's just the stupid people who did the poster originally used a different background than the original shot had, and they cut around his HAIR... so that's what your'e seeing. So yes, it's a cut and paste... but not his head on another man's body, it's his entire head and body on another background.

  4. I loved the episode tonight. It just never dissapoints. I had not expected Tyler to come unhinged like that, and I was scared shitless for Nolan. Madeline Stowe is just amazing week after week. She's a hard bitch, but there is real human qualities underneath that peeks through occasionally, when Tyler pointed the gun at Daniel, the look on her face was right on the mark. Loved that scene of her sipping Cognac at the end of the show, and did anyone notice, she was wearing something VERY similar to a Wonder Woman bracelet, it's nice that her accessories can make a statement about how bullet proof and tough she is.

  5. Michelle Bachmann's concession speech is so ridiculous. She's of course acting like Obamacare is the most horrible thing in the world. She seems to think that if it goes completely into effect, then it would never be repealed. Well... it WON'T because people will like it. But if EVERYONE DID hate it so much and they wanted it gone... you could just repeal it at that time. So far, we have not seen ANY of these horror stories of people waiting 6 months for a CT scan or anyhting like that, and we won't because it's a supply and demand thing. If theree's more demand, we will have more facilities and such to take care of whatever needs to be done. There may be a shortage in some parts of Canada... in terms of health care practitioners and doctora and such, but people need to realize that the primary reason Doctors don't want to go to Canada, is that they don't want like a in the freaking frozen tundra!

  6. it should be noted that they did recast the maid with a prettier actress (as seen in this episode) - so Bill Bell must have changed story directions in between.

    And I think Farren's daughter was played by Kay Alden's daughter?

    IMO, Farren was boring but Colleen Casey had beuatiful singing voice and much more tolerable than Michael Damian.

    Yes, Colleen Casey is QUITE the skilled jazz vocalist. Yr9190... I'd love to see more 80's episodes, I still hope and pray to see more episodes where Beth Maitland is singing. I got one episode from 1986 where she is makingher deubt at the torchlight club, but DAMN if it didn't start until the last note of her song! Someone was late starting the tape or something. The two BIG holy grails are her singing "The Rose" with the voice coach playing the piano... and her first onstage concert duet with Damian singing Anne Murray's "You Needed Me", where she was wearing this cobalt blue tiered dress.

  7. Ron Paul's newsletter from 20 years ago is now coming to light more, containing racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic columns:


    Some of these comments are amazing.......

    “Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks.”

    He's denied writing them, and says he didn't know who did.... in his OWN newsletter bearing his name? I don't believe that for a minute.

  8. I apologize if this sounds heartless and offends others, but I wanted to also say something controversial in regards to JFK and Reagan: I feel that emotion is a big reason why the public at large (and not just partisans) have such favorable views of them. Because of the terrible tragedies that occurred at the end of their lives--assassination and Alzheimer's--many people are naturally more inclined to overlook their flaws and exaggerate their qualities (as is human nature). An additional reason why they remain so beloved is becuase they were such great speakers. (It's important that one mourns for both these men and their families, but nobody should let objectivity be overruled by emotion when judging their presidencies or their quality as human beings.)

    This is no joke, but whenever Americans rank all the presidents, Washington, Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Reagan, and Clinton (listed in chronological order) almost always rate among the top six. (Clinton obviously did not suffer a personal tragedy, but is highly regarded because he's recent and because his two successors were so incompetent. I feel Clinton is also very over-rated because he failed to anticipate a second attack on the World Trade Center and because the "sizzling" economy of the 90s was largely based on accounting fraud.) The fact that John Q. Public puts JFK, Reagan, and Clinton on the same pedestal as Washington, Lincoln, and FDR is a damning indictment on the education level of our society and shows that many Americans have a complete ignorance of history.

    I don't think it sounds heartless... it's true. You see it all the time in the music business, if someone dies young before their time in a tragic way (Like JFK did) then they are cannonized and put up on a pedestal. If Janis Joplin had died in 1985 after she hadn't had a hit record in 10 years, she would have just been a news blurb, and not this "legend". When I said what I did about marital infidelity, I didn't mean that it didn't matter at all, I just meant that positions on policy always trump the marital infidelity. Primarily because we on the outside don't know precisely what goes on in the privacy of a marriage, heck, for all we know, Eleanor Roosevelt could have been a lesbian, and her and Franklin could have had an "understanding". If that WERE true, we certainly would never have known it. Now, a man leaving a wife because she is ill or dying, then to me, that's a diffeent story. That's a dealbreaker for me.

  9. FDR a womanizer? But he couldn't even walk. anyway... my voting doesn't hinge on somone's fildelity in their personal life. It's nice if they are good and decent and all.... but the three of us here discussing this are all men, we all know the drill. What a president is going to do or not do is what is paramount to me. There are people in this country, primarily out where I live who have gotten screwed over and over again in the pocketbook because they are dazzled by Republican candidates' stand on Abortion and gay marriage and stuff like that. for me, financial policy trumps all else when deciding what candidate to vote for.

  10. WOW... just WOW. I was amazed at the intricacy and brillliance of this writing. First of all... Tyler is a little weasel, he effing ROLLED Nolan? So many things going on this episode, Lydia hiding the pills in her jaw and getting Conrad to bust her from the house is great. You can tell Victoria is DYING to know where Conrad is hiding her. Considering where Frank's phone was found, I see an arrest in Conrad's future. How underhanded for little Declan to take Victoria's 100,000$ and still see Charlotte. I don't think that boy knows what he's dealing with, he's WAY over his head... but other distractions for Victoria just may save his butt. Nolan was so smooth cleaning out Tyler's throat just as Ashley walked in. Briliantly played, and I loved Ashley dropping her drink. That real Emily is a triflin bitch, I hate her guts. And poor Jack, snookered by that tramp. I'm really curious as to what part the Japanese Man plays is Amanda's past, but the comment about the vipers was GOLD.

  11. No.

    There was a rumor a while back that they were bringing back Jennifer Foster.... and they were in the process of casting her, but it never happened. My memory is foggy on when this was, it was either at the end of Alden's reign, or in Jack Smith's, I can't remember which. Was there any grain of truth behind this rumor, or do you think it was complete BS?

  12. He looks 11 or 12 when he should be about 8 (at most).

    Holy crap!!! I just looked him up and found out he was THIRTEEN in that clip! I always just thought the actor was so good at his dialogue that it made him appear older than he was.... because you have to admit, the kid is quite small, especially for 13.

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