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Posts posted by Mitch

  1. 11 hours ago, ironlion said:

    I liked Laura Wright as Cassie & Carly. To me she ranks 3rd of the 4 Carlys, but she tries. I saw some shades of Sarah in her early run going against Robin. I don't like that she's a heroine now. They need to make her a villain again to spice things up. 

    I was getting my dry cleaning and they have ABC on the monitor and who do I look up and see snarling at me from the screen Ms. Laura Wright..I thought Cassie is on GH?  Wright should always play a villain or at least a sharp shrew who occasionally someone will call out. She always comes off as the mean girl head cheer leader to me..fake nice until someone dares to cross her. On GL I thought after the airy fairy princess crap and Richard bit the big one, and she was pissed at Reva, she was going in that direction, (paired with Danny) but MADD could not break formula and broke that down.  I think Wright is good, but she is older now and I think her talents lie in another direction then the sainted heroine.

    On 10/21/2020 at 6:25 PM, titan1978 said:

    She was also hardly featured that much on OLTL at the end.  Kim Zimmer is annoying, and Reva did eat the show alive, but to blame all of that on her is hyperbole.


    Zimmer is okay as long as they keep her on a leash and Reva is part of the mix..NOT the whole show. It was more fun on GL when they let other people be annoyed and bitch at Reva as anyone would. Reva was great on the first run of the show...I think Reva is like Nola...only one writer ever "got" her. In her interviews Kimmer actually "gets" what made GL..GL...she should have gone into production...(and no doubt would have them write in a annual cameo for her as an actress) I actually loved "older, chubbier, kind of tired of everyone's bullshit" Reva at the end..without Rauch around Reva was kind of allowed to grow into what Reva would have been at that stage.

  2. 6 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    Hillary Bauer's funeral😢

    Why are they showing Peter Simon in the intro with Van Fleet already place? Lazy!

    Never liked Hillary but she was a Bauer...they didn't even need to kill her just have the bomb put her in a coma and when she wakes up she is recast.


    I looks like they were burying her in the BH side yard! 

  3. On 10/21/2020 at 7:53 AM, MichaelGL said:

    The list would be ENDLESS for those who were sacrificed under Ellen Weston's disastrous tenure on GL. Primarily I'll name Ben Reade, Ed Bauer, and Alex Spaulding.

    Too true..Ed not so much as he always had issues (tho slapping Chele, no matter how well deserved was a bit much) but Alex was the worst! Not only because of the character's history but it was an abrupt change from the Joan Collins/Taggert savvy underhanded, but doing it with good intentions, to a drug dealing shrew.  Terrible.

  4. 2 minutes ago, antmunoz said:

    I thought Alan was going to wear this for the reunion. You know he still has the shirt!  


    Bwhahaha...that pictue is so 1984 and I cant make fun of him as I laugh at my own pics from that time.


    I do love these reunions of all the actors without makeup or lighting...aging hits all of us.


    15 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    Alan looks like his getting a BJ. So glad that Judi has recovered. 

    What is seen can not be unseen..thanks for that thought!


  5. 12 minutes ago, Elsa said:

    Was Victoria Wyndham involved with someone from NBC? The show was handed to her,  the heroine/star was fired so that she could take her, place, they gave her star billing, she claims to have made "suggestions" to TPTB and secretly written for the show. Isn't this too much? And for what? Lousy ratings since 1980?

    VW is very full of herself..so I think she is stretching things on her writing storylines and them taking her suggestions. P & G were notorious about not letting the actors have a say in things.  I think VW was at the right place at the right time for her to become the "star" Lemay loved her..Rauch must have liked her..they did away with core family so it ended up that she was the "face" of the show.

  6. Would P&G allow them to write a new script with an "episode" following up in present day. Bob and Kim missed their family and friends (plus, its do dull without a kidnapping a week) so they move back..what are Tom and Margo doing, etc. Lucinda and John bickering..and they would have a good reason why Fulton is not partcipating..."I had an email from Lisa...she and Grant are sheltering in place in the South of France and loving it!" That why they could dump Juicy Janet and Liberty dullness.

  7. 18 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    Wasn't it alluded when AM arrived originally that Hope was still dealing with her alcoholism? That's something I would've loved to see played out had she returned. The bottle was the Bauer family curse. Would've been interesting to see her deal with her demons. 


    I don't know if I would've wanted to see Hope at Spaulding. That was something that grated my nerves in the later years--just anyone *coughs* Harley *coughs* running a conglomerate. I think it would've been interesting to have seen her dangle her interests and son over Alan's head while being alongside Alex. That would've been fun to watch. 

    Oh God..Harley as head of Spaulding was terrible...I don't have to have stark reality on my shows but I do need them to at least mirror reality and there was no when in hell that a board would vote to put someone with no business experience as CEO..and why would Harley accept it...though the CEO never seems to have to work or travel or really do anything (at least Alan and Alex schemed.) WIth Hope you could say she had business experience but yes...I agree she should instead have taken over the Spaulding Foundation as it was her money which started it after divorcing Alan. And I would have Amanda her former friend come back and fight Alan...Alex was Bev's role and should have been retired..talk about flopping..Marj/Alex.


    9 hours ago, TV4Me said:

    brainless ditz Alexandr

    MWHAHAHA..But yes, Ehlers was full of herself after Kriezman, who had a boner for Harley, thought she was the STAR of the show, little knowing that her increasing strident and bitter persona (stemming no doubt from her troubled private life we all know about) was turning viewers off. It seems she has gotten her life in order so good for her but bringing her "dark cloud" to AMC just didnt work out.

  8. On 10/18/2020 at 8:01 PM, NothinButAttitude said:

    Robin Mattson is another one that should've been on GL and reprised her role as Hope. Hope should've been brought back to provide us with that Bauer matriarch and to soften Alan. 

    Agreed on her coming back as Hope but still would like her to have more of an "edge" then ER's did.  A lot of years went by and we never heard what Hope was up to, not even when her son had big storylines...(weird..why did they hate Hope?)  I would have loved her to come back and do the stuff Joan Collins was doing as Alex...taking over Spaudling..and causing a wedge between Alan and Olivia...and giving Alan a major hard on for his love being a match for him.

  9. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    What is the purpose of appearing on these shows if you're not going to be honest about your experience, good and bad?

    Yes, I dont get Alan's reluctance to let the actors say what they will. I know he doesnt want to get a reputation as a p.r. guy who then bad mouth's his former employers, but having actors recount their own experiences in not the same thing.


    God, I would love for someone to have JFP do one of these, Gail Kobe,  and of course, Curlee and Long. The Dobsons are still kicking around arent they...would love to hear what crazy ass Bridget would say.

  10. 42 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Hahaha I'd love to see Susan snatch Megan's wig off....lol


    It was concluded it was Jeff Ryder, Mary Ryan Munisteri(sp?), Ellen Barrett, Joseph Manetta and Sheri Anderson for the dark tone. They were all HW at that time

    I will still like to know why P & G and CBS allowed a change of tone to happen. It started earlier in the fall of 84 and into 85 with Beruit thing and the Bauers and Reardons being obscured. The show was getting great ratings and then the floor fell out.


    I would love to see Susan pop up on all of Alan's videos, just for him to get that sour poo face he does when things go a bit off the rails..(she even says to him "Oh I know that you CAN'T say anything") Her face could pop up in a bubble, like Tabitha would on Passion's to make rude comments about what was going on..."So I had to reach deep down inside myself to find the anger to play that"...Susan in a pop up bubble, "Was it McTavish, who wrote it???? Was Frank the grip guy on set..he was all kinds of handsy and his breathe always smelled like onions..")


    I forgot to mention Jay seeming to be dismayed with working with Marj after Bev. Her nervous stuttering made her the Eileen Fulton of GL and was totally wrong for iron willed Alex.

  11. 18 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    He's hot with grey hair:)

    They both look great...I remember in college thinking he was the shits...he looks like he aged naturally and he comes off so calm and "normal"  Krista is so sweet and she is a calmer Mindy.


    Just watched the Jay and Susan reunion..holy [!@#$%^&*] that woman is great! Jay was trying to be polite and would talk over her...(something he did as Fletch all the time that was annoying..) to interrupt and Ms. Susan would not let it go! She looks like she would be a fun neighbor..ready to have a few drinks and let it fly!I hope McTavish never bumps into her..Megan is going to be missing some hair!


    I did like that she was alluding to GL going into a dark time with those two characters, but it was really the whole show that was going dark..and going into a very bad period..she was kind of alluding to it and trying to find out who was responsible but kept being derailed. Its interesting that even the actors were mystified what was going on.


    I forgot about Jay and Pam and he writing for the show. He was a lucky man, Long is a beautiful smart woman and she looks like the type who would not take anyone's crap so he must be a nice guy. I like that he says she was always late .."and still is!"

  12. 2 hours ago, Bill Bauer said:



    Mitch, I'm starting to get the feeling you don't like Justin Deas. 🤣

    LOL..okay, I am beating a dead horse...


    I guess I should have hung it up after I (supposedly) made Frankie D's wife cry about what I had to say about the Coopers.

    2 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    I feel like a lot of women who write for soaps have misogyny in their writing.

    I remember not believing how much misogyny was in Westen's writing...she was an older woman..and she has Cassie screwing the man who tired to kill her sister and her nephew, Reva supporting it, Jeffery O'Neil acting like a woman hating ass and it was supposed to be HOT..The Garden of Eden plot line where Marina, who at that time was a tough cookie, had to be saved of course by little twink Shayne...and the worst, Alex turned from the savy Joan Collins ball buster, into a drug dealing woman in bed with the mob who drugged her own brother (instead of using her brains to keep her power) who ultimately was beat by something stupid (a camera she would have know about) and forced to whimper while Alan gloated..then became this annoying shrew that no wanted to be around.

  13. 14 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    I can see that. I agree. Simms was great as Mindy. I always had a fondness for KT in the role too.

    I love KT as Mindy but she just never aged..physically (good for you KT) or mentally as a character..(When she came back  and  JC's Alex had compromising pictures of her all I could see was her being rude to a sales girl..now Sims I could see in some pics.) I was a big Rick and Mindy fan and they should have been end game but earlier then the last episode.. I would have had them get together after Abby left instead of boring Mel and they could have been the nice kind of normal non drama couple in town.


    Butch Hillary HAHAHAHA


    Fletch got annoying in later years with Holly when he was walking all over her lines. However, he worked where Buzz didn't as a guy not in the core families but connected to them all. McTrash shoulda killed Buzzard for her start of the Marion story, that would have had the soap press in a tizzy "Acting LEGEND Deas let go"

  14. 7 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Ah...no one could remember Jeff Ryder. 


    Jay said that Fletcher and Buzz were basically the same character and the writers wrote him off and Rauch fired him.


    Jay said how horrible the writing was for Ben and was shocked Fletcher(Hammer) didn't return for his funeral.

    So another one we can blame on Buzz/JD!! Not that I liked Fletcher any better but he was tied to the Bauers and around a long time so I was used to being annoyed by him. Maybe it was when GL started budget cuts and it was up to Deas and Jay..Deas has to thank his lucky stars that somehow the soap industry thinks spitting, arm flapping and yelling are signs of great acting!

  15. 49 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    Kind of seemed to be the problem with most of her relationships. 

    The part did indeed need the recast...KT was basically the nice, but spoiled princess, every "bad" thing she did was due to a spoiled fit, where KS was more mature in her "bad girl" persona so it had more mileage.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I hated Burke Moses in the role. He was miscast IMO. 


    I loved Mindy and Kurt together but I also liked her with Rusty.

    The problem was Kurt was Rick part 2...and there really wasn't anywhere to go with them unless you make Mindy the shallow selfish bad girl again, which they had made her be again to break up her and Rick to make way for good ole gal Roxie...uggh.

  17. 55 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Two of my favorites! I'm sure Alan won't remember Jay was on the Jefferson's! I'd love some tea about his time on the show besides GL.

    Alan has the link up already.


    They should have brought Pratt back in 95 after Fletch married Holly. She could have tried to mother Chelle, caused problems for Ed, and had a triangle with Fletch and Holly..maybe hooked up with Roger to bug Ed...she could have tied all those storylines together and we would have skipped baby Meg, and Roger and the screeching Dinah.

  18. 18 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Holly becoming the Nursery rhyme stalker kind of made sense..had the writers looked at her history..it made sense.


    Abandoned by her dad as a baby, never really dealt with that trauma hence why she was not an effective mom, plus was raped by a man she did love, felt guilt for loving her rapist, than thought she got a 2nd chance at motherhood..and when she blew it...she lost both her husband and daughter....so she snapped.

    Agreed..plus she looked sexy as hell in that leather. Too bad the whole thing was so stupid..but that was a hallmark of Rauch/BE..there was a good storyline hiding in there somewhere but it becomes cartoony and over the top.  If they kept it like Sayers "Gaudy Night" where there are letters going around accusing, threatening and an "accident" or two to keep it interesting...and pitting everyone in. town against each other with suspicions..while Holly sat back and watched.  But that may have been too subtle for the GL audience at that time which must have been primed for a the mob and a dumb island.

  19. On 9/19/2020 at 7:19 PM, Bill Bauer said:


    I was just reading the history of the show around that time and I came across this:


    "At Ed's urging, Holly and little Freddie went on a picnic. The outing ended when Freddie's clothes caught fire. Afterward, Leslie insisted that Holly never care for her son again unless Ed was present. Then Mike took Freddie, who was both his nephew and his stepson, on a canoe trip. During the trip, Freddie was washed downstream. The frightened boy was rescued by a mountain man and suffered from a brief bout with amnesia." 


    Sounds like at least one writer had fantasies of offing the kid. LOL. 


    Ahhh...see B & E is on to something...the first indication of the Nursery Rhyme Stalker....("Well, that didn't work out, okay, Ill work on  it..maybe I will go after the mothers!")  I would have to agree with Leslie..if someone took my kid on a picnic and they ended up on fire...

  20. 4 hours ago, Bill Bauer said:

    This was a good one but I still find Alan insufferable. 

    And we were getting a great Patricia Bruder behind the scenes story of her surprised they were going with a 20 something screwing a 16 year old... and Alan comes in and tells us who she is on the show..we know Alan, and Melanie just told us but it stopped the flow...he did that in the Eileen Fulton part where it was just them talking about her and it was cool and natural and he inserts himself.  He must be a real pain in the ass at a party. Ohh..oh, remember I am here!!!

  21. The ladies look great...Ming looks fantastic and there has to be an angel looking over all Emily Stewarts that they turn out looking great and normal and successful with families. Though Colleen, I am sure it was the lighting and the angle..looked like Krammer's landlady in the episodes he is in Hollywood.  And I feel kinda pervy that I now find little Paul Stenbeck kind of sexy.


    I was surprised how completely smart and charming everyone was..Ming has a great laugh and I loved  how she loves the word "Oakdale"  and the exchange..."That wasn't legal...well maybe in OAKDALE!" and then Melanie "It was..I have the Oakdale book of laws right here!!!"

  22. On 9/12/2020 at 6:54 PM, DramatistDreamer said:


    Sometimes Nadine could be incredibly selfish and self-absorbed beyond belief and you wanted to scream at her. Then there were other times when she could be the salt of the earth, showing such generosity, you just wanted to hug her. Jean Carol was so utterly convincing that it was easy to believe that the two people cout exist in the same person. That dynamic owes much to the skill, talent and commitment of Carol. Nadine could've easily been the model for a new type of matriarch but we all know what GL was doing to matriarchs at that time.

    I always thought maybe Ed and Nadine could have been fun..for a bit. She might have made old sour puss smile...(and I would love for Rick to come down to the kitchen in the morning and Nadine is there in a leopard skin nightgown trying to fix toast!)

  23. 35 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    I always loved someone playing the matriarch game..but I love the designated patriarch roles you assigned to the men @Mitch


    Do you guys think Eve/Ed was always planned..or do you think the actors having chemistry made the writers opt to pair them?


    And Rachel Miner so could have played the wild uninhibited abandon of Michelle.  She lost the only mom she ever knew (Maureen) and then her future step mom that she grew to like (Eve) within a few years time.  Heck, I think 1995/6 would have been the time to bring Claire back.  Maybe playing a tug of war with Claire over Michelle might have enticed Peter Simon to remain instead of quit.  Who knows 


    Matriarch...I think we had our matriarchs...Aunt Meta...Grandmother town matriarch...Van...no nonsense firm matriarch..and Reva..well, she can't really be one, but she is more Crazy Aunt.


    I think maybe JFP had to give Simon story, and she was on the hot seat for the death of Mo..so she thought she would throw everyone a bone...("See, I have a new younger Bauer matriarch.)


    I love the idea of bringing Claire back..I thought they were going there when the brought Nola back (talk about Crazy Aunt)  that she would try (and fail as only Nola can do) to be Chelle's mother figure..but they never focused Nola's relationship to Chelle (even having Chelle call her aunt "Mrs. Chamberline" Having Chelle spend time with Nola and become a bit more offbeat.( I would have had her spend a few months of camera with Nola and then when she comes back it would give us a transition from mourning dour daddy's girl Chelle ) it.would give Ed even more reason to purse his lips but bringing Claire back and Ed dealing with her, and Nola and Claire going at it..would be fun. The end result would be the only person who understands Chelle is the one who doesn't talk down to her..Holly.


    Speaking of Nola, I was always sorry they let Brown off contract. Being in the boardinghouse would give her the perfect opportunity to counsel the young people arriving in town (plus give Brown, who was their acting coach,  actual scenes to work with them) kind of like Marland had Lisa be the mother hen of all the young people and especially any bad girls who came to town.  The problem with the show postMADD is that all they were worried about was the A story (which always had to be Reva) and not the B and C stories and the supporting players.





  24. 6 hours ago, InLoveWithSoaps said:

    Do you think Deas could have worked as an Ed recast given recent discussion about the Ed's and the fact Deas' arrival meant Maureen's death? Might have kept her alive and fire PS instead. It's one thing I've wondered watching the excellent early 1994 episodes.

    Unfortunately, it was one of the writers at the time who LOVED Buzz and really (the writer admitted it) worked out some of his daddy issues with the character..so no way would they have cast him as Ed..which would have been weird, to say the least. (Funny they cast him as Papa Bauer in the anniversary show.)


    I like that Marcy Walker kind of called him out as being self indulgent in his acting on GL, and that was a good word for it. I liked him better later as support in later years when he calmed the hell down...(I read that a director told him to do just that and he got pissed and started phoning it in.)


    GL started out as a patriarch led show with Papa, and it would have been interesting if in later years they used that as the theme, with Ross (good patriarch) Ed (conflicted patriarch) Buzz (jaded patriarch) and Alan (bad patriarch) which what Mary Ann Caruthers...kinda sorta did but it was a mess.





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