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Contessa Donatella

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Posts posted by Contessa Donatella

  1. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    Donna, you are posting old recent news items we've all seen and posted before.

    I'm intentionally consolidating into one thread. I think whenever people do that here that the result is better. And, many people do it.

    1 hour ago, Vee said:



    Don't ask us to do it for you and educate you.

    Go to the help section and read up, or msg Errol or Toups.

    I don't think I'm asking you to educate me, although I am making some mistakes & having to correct errors. But, I will msg Errol and Toups. I have already but I will again. Thank you for the recommendation.

  2. 4 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I'd love to read what is available of Irna Phillip's unfinished autobiography.


    Irna's son Tom has read it & I believe he has it. So has Elana Levine. Tom got in touch with Roger Newcomb of We Love Soaps.net and indicated to him that he wants it to end up with him to work on it in some way. I would love to help. We have two proofreaders here, me and one other person. We could definitely help out. Elana said to me that it is in definite need of work.

  3. 1 minute ago, amybrickwallace said:


    They could have aged Clarice's kids as well. Maybe Robert could have died offscreen (since Nic Coster was in LA on SB), and his and Clarice's son would have been immediately thrust into running the company and dealing with other corporate intrigue.


    1 minute ago, amybrickwallace said:


    They could have aged Clarice's kids as well. Maybe Robert could have died offscreen (since Nic Coster was in LA on SB), and his and Clarice's son would have been immediately thrust into running the company and dealing with other corporate intrigue.

    We had a fan event in June 2000, right after the show went off the air & we were starting to raise money for the AW Fan Bench so that in a year we could dedicate it. We had fans & some actors at Blondie's in Manhattan. All of a sudden, Clarice came in the front door. Well everyone was turned around from that so it was as if Clarice came in the back. And, she had found out about it from her local paper, in CT, and just surprised us! There was whispering all over the room: Look, there's Clarice! It was just so neat.

  4. 23 minutes ago, beebs said:

    You realize this doesn't show us anything, right? This just takes you to Amazon Music's main page. It doesn't show a specific song, nor your list of recent purchases.

    Posting it in (as of now) 4 different threads is spam, and I will be reporting this.

    beebs, I am sorry. I did not realize that. I will not post anymore until I can learn how to do so correctly.

    seb to holly.jpg

  5. On 9/26/2019 at 3:45 PM, Mitch said:

    I do think that GL's worst exec was John Conboy, who did not GET the show at all, and he came at the crucial time to not only derail the show, (despite Rauch's interference Taggert was doing well) but make it almost impossible to save the show, from the budget being busted, to the return of Brad Cole, to Maryanne Curathers (blowing decades of GL cannon) to making Alex Reva's stalker,  drugging Alan, then being under Alan's thumb and then making her a Drug Dealer, to bringing back Eden (Taggert got rid of her) giving her a storyline which made Ben a serial killer who gets berated by Jeffery on his death bed, and Ed slapping Michele... Mac and Cheese Alan....Terrible stuff..(I cant even bring up the Teen Gay Rave, Marah's outdated Day Glo Fashion Show, the possessed TIki God Head, and the goofy drug thing...) And he only had two years.????



    I agree with every word of this. And, just thank goodness he did not have any longer.

  6. VR, We have to come to some meeting of the minds. I am a human being & I  make mistakes at times. Most of the time I do not. Here, for example, everyone but Karen Harris is on the GL writing team. I have blog sheets for each of them. This is an error & I have to remove Karen's sheet. Karen wrote for GH, WGA West, Life in General a web series that is hilarious, non-daytime television shows, AMC and PC. Doing the best you can & correcting errors when you find them is not an issue of embarrassment.

  7. 10 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    I like Kim/Reva. But no character should be front and center all the time. Jeva's played out love story. Plus those awful scfi/supernatural stories did her no favors.

    Yep. I gotta agree with you on that. Clone Reva, stepping through the painting that looked just like Olivia, time travel, being Amish ... OY!

    5 minutes ago, VanessaReardon said:

    A book is just that. A book. One persons perceptions and recollections. People mentioned in the book will always have different recollections and dispute the book. Take it for what it is. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle. 

    Well, that's well said.

  8. On 5/30/2019 at 10:31 PM, vetsoapfan said:


    TPTB must have erroneously believed that endlessly ramming Kim Zimmer down the audience's throats was the key to ratings' success...but actually, the last time TGL was respected and GOOD was when she was NOT part of the cast.

    It's really interesting how many huge GL fans got sick or were sick of Reva Shayne. But, Zimmer says in her book that she -and her fans- do not have any tolerance for being on the backburner. If she goes 3 days without story she goes into the main office complaining!


    Holly, Harley, Blake, all big fan favorites.

  9. 2 hours ago, jam6242 said:

    I believe Kitty somehow had a tape recording of Tom and Laura talking about Mickey being sterile.  She and Bill were arguing over that when she had her heart attack.  Bill kept silent about it during his trial because no one wanted Mickey to find out. 


    Mickey and Laura had bonded while they were working on Susan Martin's insanity defense (for shooting her husband, David).  Bill was out of town at that time.

    Now that does sound familiar.

  10. On 7/12/2008 at 2:57 AM, Paul Raven said:

    The Doctors final weeks from SOD summary


    Billy has been murdered.Phillip tells Paul that Felicia Hnt has been impersonating her daughter Adrienne,Paul goes to arest Felicia ,but she has vanished.


    Felicia has aged and begs Jean Marc to give her more serumbut h says it's too late.Felicia vows that Jeff will not marry Adrienne and rushes to tell him the awful truth-that it was she he came t love.


    Before she can sa anything,Jeff welcomes her to Madion an tells her how much adrienne means to him.Felicia realises Jeff will never be hers.


    So Adrienne an Jeff are married.Paul arrests Felicia for the murder of Billy Aldrich.


    Paul arrives home to find Natakie holding a pair of black shoes. She tells him she remember seeing those shoes run by her the night of Billy's murder.Paul isBilly's other killer!


    Adrienne declares her love for Jeff at the New Year's Eve reception.She says she's loved him since she was a little girl and knew they would be together.Jeff believes her,not knowing he fell in love with her mother.


    Luke tells Julia he's not sure about them.Maybe Natalie is the one for him after all.


    Danny tells Kit that Robin may come back to Madison.Mike and Kit make it clear to all they're in love.


    With Felicia exposed,Jean Marc drops his plan to experiment on Althea.


    Ivy leaves Madison to try her luck in New York.


    Steve and Carolee take stc of a dismal year - his illness and Mona and Billy's deaths.Both believe the worst is over.


    Matt and Maggi agree to remarry.


    Barbara Morgenroth and Leonard Kantor were the final writers.


    Gerald Straub was the exec producer.

    In the 90s I got to know Barbara Morgenroth. She was another one of the honchos who spent time in RATS & the various soap forums on, like, AOL, Delphi and Prodigy. A friend of mine and I ran the one on Delphi. Unlike Tom Petitjean, Barbara didn't bother with a pseudonym.  Same thing with Michael Kape, 1/3 of "Soap Opera Now" (Don & Joanna being the other 2/3s), he came to all our chats & he never bothered with a pseudonym either. Barbara was a wild woman! She was full of ideas, very political, but an Orthodox Jew, all at the same time.

    Kim Zimmer told an anecdote about Alec Baldwin in her book. Apparently a whole slew of the women his age caught a glimpse of him when he was there to audition, They all went running in to say, "Hire HIM!"

    1 hour ago, Khan said:

    "David [O'Brien] is a bachelor, but he's housebroken!"



    David O'Brien who played The Sin Stalker on AW under Margaret DePriest's first serial killer story?

    Barbara Morgenroth Image


  11. On 11/2/2017 at 11:01 AM, BellaCuore said:

    The Official "Off Topic" Thread


    Get to know other posters and speak of anything other than soap opera's, primetime shows or politics. Great way to make new friends, get to know one another, get advice, share life experiences and much more. 

    Van Halen has throat cancer?!! Did I just read that right?

  12. As the Santa Barbara Cruise approaches Lane Davies speaks about his memories of the show from Soap Opera Central.



    In Cary Elwes book to commemorate the book and the movie, he invites everyone into the text. Robin Wright auditions with many for the part of Buttercup the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. Her thoughts about why she got cast are that they were worn out and they just had to cast somebody. Later she tells us about going to supper with Andre the giant. Apparently he ate everything and then asked for seconds!

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