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Episode #162 - May 15, 2007: Billie and Jack’s wedding day arrives. In the bridal room, Billie prepares for the ceremony. Kate, Georgia, Austin, Lucas, and Philip arrive to be with her. She is very weak from her cancer treatment, but she is grateful to have her family with her. When alone, Georgia and Kate breakdown together over Billie, her cancer, and how she will be soon lose her life. They cry and comfort each other. While alone, Billie and Austin talk about how long the road to happiness has been for the both of them. Austin brings in his son, Billie’s nephew, Roman Roberts Reed. Billie gets very emotional with the baby on her lap and breaks down in front of Austin. Austin tells Billie how proud of her he is, and they share a special moment. At the altar, Abby and Jack have a father/daughter moment. She wishes him all the happiness in the world. Jack says he never thought he would find happiness with anyone other than her mother, Jen. Billie turns to see......Hope standing at her door. Jack and Abby flashback and celebrate Jennifer’s life on this day. Abby says Jen would want Jack to be happy. Hope enters Billie’s room, and they talk about how far they’ve come. Billie apologizes for everything she has done to Hope. Hope tells her not to worry about it. Billie asks Hope if she’s heard that her cancer is in a very progressive level, and it is likely she will pass away within a few weeks. Hope says she has heard and that she is sorry. Billie slips and almost falls in her weak state, but Hope grabs her before she can fall. Hope helps her up and helps her to the couch. Moments later, they laugh about the irony of this situation. Billie asks Hope to take care of Georgia when she’s gone. Hope does not tell Billie about how tumultuous their relationship has been as of late, but she agrees to Billie’s request. Hope apologizes for everything she has done to Billie, as well. Billie and Hope embrace and prefer to remember the times they were friends. Kate is very pleased Billie has finally found happiness after all of this time. Billie makes a joke that Kate didn’t even have to scheme or manipulate or pay anyone off to make it happen either. Georgia and Bo bond as Georgia says she does not want to lose her mother after only finding her a year ago. Will tells Billie he has loved getting to know her and was grateful to have her support when he came out. They hug and bond. Laura contemplates telling Jack the truth about Jen being alive, but she cannot ruin his happiness. Billie feels overwhelmed by all of the support she is receiving today. She says this is going to be what she remembers when she is in the last moments of her life...the love. Billie thanks her bridesmaids - Carrie, Georgia, Abby - for everything they’ve done. Billie learns Victor is unable to make it to the wedding because he is stranded in Greece on business. Billie does not want to replace Victor with Austin as the person who is giving her away because Austin is one of the groomsmen. Billie asks Bo to give her away...and he agrees. They share a special scene together where they recount all of their moments together. Bo says he is so happy she has found happiness. Billie cries. Bo and Billie walk down the aisle to Jack.........
Episode #261 - May 14th, 2007: Lucas begs Sami not to forgive Peter. He tells her Peter is a lying criminal, but Sami insists she loves him. While immobilized outside of town, Celeste has a premonition Maggie’s downfall is forthcoming. Melissa very sternly and flat out tells Frankie that she loves him more than Greta ever could dream of loving him. Melissa says to Frankie that he broke her heart. He chose Greta over her, and Melissa can stand by him and recognize when she needs to forgive him and be there for him, waiting to realize he made a mistake. Melissa says that is what love is. Melissa will wait as long as it takes! Melissa leaves Frankie in tears. Greta and Eric talk about their indiscretion. She says she has deep feelings for Eric, but she also cares for Frankie deeply. Kayla knocks Steve unconscious and ties him to the bed. She flashes back to realizing he is the one who shot her and who kidnapped Stephanie. Hope and Georgia continue to fight as they struggle with each other. Bo walks in and is appalled at Hope’s behavior. Hope tells Bo to come off of it, saying Georgia almost killed their son! Miguel warns Sarah she better not double cross him or he’ll expose her as being the other woman when he cheated on Melissa. Frankie gets his mail...and opens the envelope containing the pictures of Eric and Greta having sex. Celeste has a premonition Maggie’s last victim will be a Horton. Hope tells Bo if her getting a long with Georgia is the one thing that keeps them apart then Bo better draw up the divorce papers...NOW! Hope says she will NEVER be kind or nice to Georgia every again. Shawn and Chloe enjoy another beautiful, romantic date. Chloe wonders if they should stop and figure out what they are doing with their lives and how they are hurting their friends. Greta arrives and unknowingly stops Frankie from opening the envelope containing pictures of Eric and Greta making love. Addie, Andy, Jeremy, and Jan come closer than ever to finding out Maggie the Fury. Georgia informs Hope she is clean now and done with modeling! Georgia says she wants to make her life better and atone for what she has done. Hope tells her when hell freezes over. Shawn confesses to Chloe he doesn’t want to hurt Philip OR Belle, but he says he and Belle can never be after what she did to J.T. Laura arrives home to Salem to comfort Abby and help her through her counseling and her cutting. Laura tells Max he may not be what is best for her right now. Max is devastated but he realizes Laura might be right. The day of Billie and Jack’s wedding day arrives.
BLOG UNVEILS NEW OPENING THEME! Click here to see the new cast of DAYS! The blog has brought back tons of fan favorites for exciting storylines this summer! <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
WRITER SPEAKS! STATE OF THE BLOG ADDRESS! “Well, it hasn’t been an easy couple of months, but I survived!”…the headwriter of the blog says with a smile, referencing the fact that the blog was to go off the “air” only to have it receive a last minute reprieve last week. “When I made the decision, I was expecting the months of April through June to be much more hectic than they appear to be so far. I haven’t been able to update the blog as often as I would like to (daily), but that will change. School, finals, graduating et cetera, et cetera – but I did what I could.”…confesses King. “The blog will go back to daily, consistent updates. People were PMing and IMing and leaving messages on the blog saying they thought my blog was the best on SONBC and how much they’d miss it. I factored in their words very carefully with my decision to keep it going. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone!” “But now, summer is here. Things are great. The cast is better than ever. The storylines are more intense than ever. The returns are greater than ever. And the stakes are higher than ever!” “To reward readers for their patience through these troubled times, which I am happy to say are OVER, here is a summer preview for my devoted fans!” "Well, new DAYS are here! Summer has arrived, and things are getting hotter than ever on the blog. Summer will be a time of payoffs. Storylines that have been building for months and some over a year will come to an end. There will be some big casting shockers. Things will be very unpredictable, but many stories will find their ends...but as things do come to an end across the board...there are new beginnings just around the corner!"...promises King. Stefano/Maggie/Mickey/Alice: Stefano is obsessed with Maggie. She’s the Fury. EVERYONE in Salem is out to expose Maggie. It’s gong to happen the week of May 21st. Maggie will be exposed. Her final victim is going to be the biggest one yet. Now, we need to start answering the question why Maggie started doing this. There has to be redemption in Maggie’s future, but it will seem very unlikely after her last victim is revealed. Her last victim will be a Horton. John/Marlena: John and Marlena will have many romantic moments in Madrid, but they can’t forget the real reason they are there – to learn exactly what she did during her missing years. I have tortured John and Marlena since the second I started the blog, but it’s all over now. This storyline will be about rewarding the fans. Her secret won’t pull John and Marlena apart like other MISSING YEARS storylines have…this will pull them together – forever. Nicole/Peter/Sami/Lucas: There will be a big shocker in this storyline that no one saw coming. SETER have a lot of fans, but so do LUMI. It’s going to be a fight to the finish, but only one man will be left standing…only not quite how you think. The end will just be the beginning. There’s no way of predicting how this storyline will go. Steve/Kayla/Addie/Andy/Calliope/Eugene/Shane/Kim: Addie and Andy are HOT! Emily Harper and Greg Rikaart scorch. And they are both the products of huge 80’s supercouples who will all be back on the scene! Eugene, Calliope, Shane, and Kim are going to help Steve battle his demons. Happiness is right around the corner for Steve and Kayla! Addie and Andy will be involved, but she has been deceiving him from the get-go, and that will be their first issue. Tony/Kristen/Eric/Greta/Frankie/Melissa/Miguel/Sarah: A huge tragedy is headed for this storyline. Kristen will have a huge internal struggle between her truly good self and her wicked side. Sarah’s photos of Eric and Greta’s affair will come out at the end of May. Frankie is going to have a huge decision on his hands when he learns Greta made love to another man. Miguel is a bad, bad man - with connections to someone else on the canvas! Eddie Cibrian's (Miguel) contract has been extended. Austin/Carrie: These two are on the canvas to stay! I am so happy about this. And I am also very happy to report they will have a storyline that does not involve Sami Brady or Lucas Roberts. There will not be a love triangle here. Those days are OVER. Austin is going to come face to face with his past – someone from his old boxing days. And Carrie is going to have her hands full while trying to do the right thing. There will be someone who schemes to ruin their lives but it is NOT Lucas, Kate, Laura, Sami, or Mike! Jan/Jeremy/Georgia: Georgia and Jeremy find they have something very big in common…and they will grow close. This will build to a triangle - a very interesting one since it is between between a Dimera/a Horton/a Brady. Hope/Bo: Hope still doesn’t forgive Bo for allowing Georgia to lie her way out of the drug accusations which later led to JT’s accident. But also, there is another big obstacle here…Hope absolutely despises Georgia. Belle/Shawn/Chloe/Philip: These four’s lives are going to continue to be twisted and intertwined. Hope will never forgive Belle for what she did to J.T. and neither will Shawn. Hope’s approval is very important to Shawn. He feels like he and Belle will never be…Chloe and Shawn will be a hot, new couple on the scene. Bjorlin and Beemer sizzle. Kate/Victor/Caroline: Victor will be making his decision. No matter who Vic picks at this point, it will be a shocker. But…there is a twist not far off. A devastating tragedy, it’s going to be very sad! Billie/Jack/Jennifer/Laura/Abby/Max: Abby and Max will finally get their happy ending, but she has inherited the mental illness from Laura and Jennifer. Jack will have his hands full with both Billie, who is dying of cancer, and Jennifer, who is back from the “dead” ready to battle her mental illness head on. Jennifer and Billie are very good friends. And Jack and Billie are best friends. This triangle is going to be very big for the summer. Will: Will has come out of the closet, lost his virginity to his mother’s rapist, was gay bashed, and thought he had murdered his mother’s rapist. He’s been through a lot. But he will go through the toughest thing he has ever gone through…and a love interest is not far off. There will be summer loving for Will.
Episode #260 - Friday, May 11th, 2007: Sami reveals to everyone that she would be no where if those in her life did not forgive her…so she says she does indeed forgive Peter. Nicole is disappointed…as is Lucas. Celeste predicts Maggie will kill again soon. Horton daughters, Sarah and Melissa, team up with Alice to try and figure out if Maggie is drinking again. Sami tells Carrie she is going to have to try a lot harder than that if she wants to ruin her life. Carrie once again tells Sami that’s not what she was trying to do! Carrie says she just wanted everything to be out in the open, but there were some perks to exposing Peter, yes. Sami tries to slap Carrie, but her hand is grabbed – BY AUSTIN! Jeremy, Jan, Addie, and Andy get closer to the truth about the Fury. Abby opens up to Max about her cutting. Austin cannot believe after fifteen years of plotting and scheming to keep Carrie from being happy, Sami is going to judge Carrie for exposing Peter? Austin tells Sami she is a pathetic piece of garbage and she will NEVER CHANGE! Austin confesses he forgave Sami for everything…and would have over and over until Sami kidnapped his son with Carrie and made them think it was dead. Austin tells Sami she deserves everything she has coming to her. Max takes Abby to a counselor who tries to get Abby to stop the cutting. She gets to the bottom of the cutting…which is Abby’s memories of the Fury. Austin and Carrie leave Nicole, Peter, and Lucas in the dust. Lucas begs Sami not to do this. He says not to forgive Peter! Sami says Peter does the one thing no man – Austin, Lucas, Franco, Brandon – has ever been able to do. And that, is love her unconditionally with no strings attached. Lucas is devastated. Abby’s counselor encourages her to open up to Max or her father before she reaches for her razor to cut herself. The counselor realizes mental illness runs in Abby’s family. Max makes a call to Jack, who comes to the aid of Abby. Jack calls Laura whom, he feels, can help counsel Abby through this troubled time. Carrie explains to Austin how Nicole came to her with Peter’s secret, and she could not help but expose him. Austin understands. Carrie asks Austin if he still thinks she is a good person, and he does. They embrace. Celeste has a horrifying premonition that Maggie will kill…a HORTON! She has flashes of Sarah, Melissa, Mickey, Jennifer, Hope, Laura, Alice, Lucas, Abby, Laura, and Jeremy! Jack vows to Billie that not only will he protect her from the Fury...but he will make her dream of marrying a man whom she loves and who loves her in return come true. Laura sits in the lobby of a mental hospital…where, she says, Jennifer is staying. Laura recalls how in November, she made everyone in Salem believe Jennifer was dead, but really Jennifer had a breakdown and landed in the mental hospital…catatonic like she was for two decades. Laura says goodbye to Jennifer (MISSY REEVES!). She says she wishes Jennifer would snap out of it because Abby needs her. She tells Jennifer she is returning to Salem to help her…and attend Billie and Jack’s wedding. Laura leaves. Jennifer mumbles… “Wa..it…..”
ROCK THE VOTE! Celeste has revealed Maggie's final victim will be the most shocking yet - and a Horton! Vote on who you THINK will be murdered next week!
Episode #259 - Thursday, May 10th, 2007: Sami slaps Peter across the face, saying she knows Carrie is telling the truth because of the look on his face. Peter says he did sleep with Annie, but it’s not what she thinks. Sami does not want to hear it. She walks to Nicole, who has a grin on her face, and decks her! Nicole falls to the ground. Austin finds a note from Carrie…saying she has returned to Salem to take care of business. Sami vows to Nicole she will get her revenge on her for this. She then moves on to Carrie. “Well, well, well. How the mighty have fallen.”…Sami says. “Fallen to my level, the level you spend YEARS judging and condemning! Who is the manipulative bitch NOW, Carrie!?”…Sami screams. Carrie replies… “No, Sami, that’s not how this is. I admit it does feel good to inflict a little bit of the pain…a shred of the pain you inflicted on me and Austin for the last fifteen years…or the pain you inflicted on our son. But I am NOT a vindictive person, Sami! That’s the difference here. You schemed and manipulated and lied to ruin MY life and MY happiness! But me? Me? No one knows more than I do how much secrets can destroy lives. Nicole already knew about this! When would you have preferred this come out, Sami? Huh? At your wedding? Twenty years down the line? When, Sami!?”…Carrie asks, but Sami turns around quickly and clocks Carrie in the face. Miguel continues to blackmail Sarah Horton into helping him win back her sister, Melissa. Miguel reminds Sarah that SHE is the woman he cheated on Melissa with! Austin books a plane to Salem, hoping he’s not too late to stop Carrie from whatever it is she’s planning on doing. Evil Maggie tries to get close to Billie in order to kill her, but she cannot get rid of Jack. Sami accuses Carrie of being no better than Sami is. Sarah flashes back to taking pictures of Greta and Eric sleeping together…and sending them to Frankie! She hopes Frankie will divorce Greta and reunite with Melissa. She just hopes Miguel does not find out about her betrayal to reunite Frankie and Melissa. Hope tells Shawn he can never be with Belle after what she did to J.T. Bo and Georgia bond…much to the chagrin of Hope and Shawn. John and Marlena arrive in Madrid ready to figure out what she did during her missing years. Jack and Billie’s wedding day nears. Georgia sneaks in to see JT in his hospital room. She brings him hundreds of dollars worth of toys to try and ease her guilt of running him over. Frankie recalls how he and Greta got to this point…he says he only married Greta to get her Von Amburg inheritance so that Melissa can pay off her ex and get her children back! Melissa DEMANDS an answer from Miguel NOW – will he take the money and give her their kids back…or not!? Hope is horrified when she sees Georgia and JT together. She runs into the room and rips Georgia from the room. She tells Georgia to stay the hell away from JT! Georgia shoves Hope off of her, and Hope shoves her back! Bo walks in to see Hope getting rough with Georgia. Austin touches down in Salem! Peter explains to Sami when he slept with Annie, they were not officially together yet! He says it was the night of their big fight. He admits there was romantic tension between them, but nothing was officially happening yet. Peter admits it shouldn’t have happened, but he said he did NOT cheat on Sami! Peter admits he is many things…a former con man…a Dimera…a former manipulator…and a liar, but he says his love is never in doubt! He proclaims he has never betrayed his love of a woman and he never would! He reminds Sami he was the first man to truly love Sami for who she is. He says he would never turn his back on her, and Sami should not turn hers on him. Everyone awaits Sami’s answer. Sami stares at Carrie in disgust. Lucas looks pleasantly and eagerly for Sami’s answer.
Episode #258 - Wednesday, May 9th, 2007: Carrie enters the apartment where Nicole, Peter, and Lucas are waiting. Sami is shocked to see her sister and asks her what the hell she is doing here. Carrie tells Sami she has something big to tell her. Maggie appears to be having an internal struggle. She tries to fight for control of herself, but it appears something else is winning out. Belle fears Shawn will never be able to forgive her for taking her eye off of J.T. while she was babysitting him…which led to his accident. Celeste lies in a gutter, praying someone finds her so she can go to Salem and expose Maggie. Shawn and Bo fight as Shawn has just learned Bo could have prevented J.T.’s accident by busting Georgia for drugs…but he fell for her lies and did not. Shawn punches Bo. Carrie informs Sami as much as it kills her to tell her this…and hurt Sami like the way she hurt Carrie all of those times…she has to tell the truth! Sami is confused. Peter begins to realize what is going on. Philip hears Chloe mumbling Shawn’s name in her sleep. Max confronts Abby about the cuts all over her arms and legs. Nicole worries her part in telling Carrie Peter’s secret will be revealed. Steve has memory flashes of kidnapping Stephanie and shooting Kayla. He realizes he has no control over his own body. Kayla wakes up as Steve continues to freak out in her hospital room. Abby confesses to Max the memory flashes of the Fury killing Mimi, Rex, and Connor are too much pain to bare…and the only way to get rid of the pain…is to inflict more, so she cuts herself to relieve it. Carrie tells Sami she had a visit from Nicole recently…and Nicole told her Peter has cheated on Sami…with Annie Douglas! Sami doesn’t believe it. Maggie loses the internal struggle within herself…and evil emerges. Evil Maggie vows to kill Billie for her on-air confession saying she knows who the Fury is! Jack lashes out at Billie for her on-air lie to lure out the Fury. Kayla hears Steve confess to shooting her and kidnapping Stephanie! Kayla knows Stefano’s handy work when she sees it. Lucas is pleased as Peter’s secret comes pouring out. Sami laughs, saying this doesn’t make sense. She repeats what Carrie has said…Nicole visited Carrie to tell her that Peter slept with Annie and cheated on Sami. She doesn’t believe it at first until she sees the look on Peter’s face. She puts it all together, realizing Nicole was out to make sure she did not end up with Peter. Sami does not believe it until she sees the look on Peter’s face. She realizes Carrie is telling the truth. Sami slaps Peter across the face!
Oh, he won't be here long anyway. Roark is the only Mike I know so it's natural.
Episode #257 - Tuesday, May 8th, 2007: Nicole returns to Salem angry that her plan to have Carrie return and expose Sami did not work. Little does she know Carrie is on a plane to expose Peter and Annie’s affair right now! Peter is kind of relieved Annie was murdered and that his affair will never come out. Marlena and John head for Madrid on Tony’s private jet. Alice confides in Melissa, Sarah, and Hope that she believes Maggie is drinking once again. Addie (as E.C.), Andy, Jan, and Jeremy decide to camp out in Caroline’s room and hope for a clue about the Fury. Belle tells Shawn she does not understand why he continues to push her away! She says she made one mistake, and she’s been punishing herself for months! She says JT turned out to be OK in the end so she doesn’t know why Shawn continues to hold this against her! Hope overhears Belle. Kate overhears Victor praying for Caroline’s speedy recovery. Lucas has a heart to heart with Maggie, and he realizes his eyes must have been playing tricks on him. He realizes he could not have seen Maggie putting on a mask in the alley of his apartment building. Lucas refocuses on exposing Peter. John romances Marlena on the plane. Marlena confesses she has finally forgiven John for keeping the truth from her about Greta being his daughter. She says she now knows what it’s like to keep a secret from her spouse out of love, but they agree to stop keeping secrets from each other. Will manages to get Sami to admit that she is still in love with Lucas. She says a part of her will always be in love with him. Lucas overhears. Kate tells Victor that he needs to make a decision between her and Caroline once and for all! Chloe begins daydreaming about the encounter she had with Shawn where she saw him naked. Chloe realizes she cannot do this again. She said she came to Salem to make peace with her enemies…Jan, Mimi…and right her wrongs with Philip. She says she cannot fall back into the fold of causing trouble and starting relationships she cannot finish. Philip walks in on Chloe, taking a nap…and mumbling Shawn’s name in her sleep! Victor vows to choose between Caroline and Kate. Celeste hits snag coming to Salem when she falls and twists her ankle…ending up in a gutter on the side of the road! Jack lashes out at Billie! He doesn’t understand why she would put herself in danger like this. Hope storms into the room and lashes out at Belle, telling her you don’t just get over your son almost dying at the hands of someone else you also love. Belle says that is not what she meant, but Hope does not want to hear it! She unwillingly tells Shawn that Bo had knowledge of Georgia’s drug addiction before the accident. Shawn tracks down Bo and punches him across the face, sending Bo to the ground. Nicole decides she might have to be the one to expose Peter so she gathers Peter, Sami, and Lucas to reveal the truth, but Nicole is thrilled when Carrie knocks at the door…ready to reveal Peter’s secret!
THREE MORE HUGE RETURNS! The blog is very excited to announce the return of three more fan favorites! In addition to Tonya Boyd (Celeste), John Ingle (Mickey), John De Lancie (Eugene), Arleen Sorkin (Calliope), Austin Peck (Austin), Christie Clark (Carrie), Wayne Northrop (Roman), Leanne Hunley (Anna), and Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton), the blog is announcing even more returns for the months of May and June! Jamie Lynn Bauer (Laura Horton) and the beloved supercouple of Shane and Kim will be returning in the form of Patsey Pease and Charles Shaugnessy! "I'm excited for their returns! Laura is going to have a huge impact on the canvas this May and summer. She will be integral in the reveal of Maggie being the Fury and how this is all started."...says the headwriter. Shane and Kim will be returning to interact with their son, Andrew (pictured above with Shane and Kim), but their storyline will be temporary, and a reunion is possible but unlikely."Their returns are going to be limited, but they will be fun and a nice nod to history." Expect them all to air in May.
Grey's Anatomy: Discussion Thread
King replied to Toups's topic in ABC | Disney+ | ESPN+ | FX | Hulu
KING'S DAYS TO STAY ON AIR! There is some breaking news happening on SONBC! King has now announced that his blog will not be going off the air in July as originally planned! "It's true. The blog will NOT be ending in July!"...exclaims the headwriter/creator. "When I made the decision to end the blog, I was anticipating a lot going on this summer on a personal level, and it was unclear whether I could handle it all. But now that the summer is upon us, I am realizing I can handle it while still continuing to do the blog. On a business level, I was also very disappointed with SON and the direction it was heading in...and then I discovered the 'IGNORE USER' feature."...laughs the writer. As for the blog's storylines, the writer says not much will be changing. "Almost all of the storylines we are going into summer with were already planned. Maggie was the Fury long before the decision was made to end the blog. The Fury storyline and all of its victims were laid out in late 2006 when the story began. And all of the other storylines, as well. Nothing big will be changing! Just more fun and drama ahead!" Look for Maggie to claim her most shocking victim yet the week of May 14th! It is said to be a DOOZY!
Here is a supplementary episode in conjunction with Monday's episode! It is a VERY SPECIAL episode featuring Nicole and a special return! Nicole sits in her room and wonders exactly what to do with the knowledge of her brother, Peter, sleeping with the now-murdered Annie Douglas. She says she wants to ruin Sami's life and keep her away from both of her brothers - Lucas and Peter - but she has to plan very carefully exactly how to expose Peter. Nicole realizes exposing Peter and Annie's affair might send Sami right back into the arms of Lucas. Nicole taps into her Dimera roots and begins plotting and scheming. Nicole realizes there is only ONE person who can expose Peter...and send Sami's dreams crashing down around her - CARRIE! Nicole tracks down Carrie and flies out to speak with her at once. Carrie is confused to see Nicole, but she opens her door to Nicole and lets her come in... Nicole explains everything to Carrie...slightly manipulating her...telling her she wants to see both of her brother's happy...but she doesn't think Sami is for them. Nicole says Sami has finally found happiness...bliss with Peter Blake, but he has been unfaithful to her...with Annie Douglas - the woman who actually stole Austin and Carrie's baby and killed Alan Harris! Carrie says Marlena had told her that Sami was recently freed from prison. Carrie says Sami was still involved in the kidnapping of her baby and knew about it so she refuses to forgive Sami. Nicole says this is the perfect opportunity for revenge! Nicole tells Carrie all she has to do is come back to town and expose Peter and Annie's affair, then all of Sami's dreams will be shattered. Carrie rips into Nicole, telling her is not cruel-hearted or vindicative like Sami! Carrie says she would never take pleasure in exposing a secret just to get revenge on Sami. Carrie throws Nicole out. As Carrie sits alone in her apartment, she looks at a picture of she and Sami as kids. She sees a picture of her and Sami as teenagers. Carrie flashes back. Carrie continues to reminisce about her relationship with her sister, Sami. She recalls when Sami began ruining her life.... Carrie recalls how her relationship with Austin was never the same after that. Carrie says she will never get over the pain and heartbreak Sami has caused her. Carrie remembers when Sami was first exposed. Carrie recalls when the truth came out about Will being Lucas' son. Carrie flashes back to one of her most bitter fights with Sami......and how Sami refused to give up no matter how many times she was exposed. Carrie continues to remember and flash back over all the times she has had with Sami. She says that she is a good person, but even she can only take so much. Carrie says the worst occurred in January...when she was exposed for kidnapping her baby, Roman Roberts Reed, and telling her he was dead. Carrie decides that the only way she can ever get peace on the Sami situation is if she causes some pain in Sami's life...Carrie cries and says she hates how she has let Sami turn her into an angry person, but she also says Sami has robbed her of YEARS, YEARS with Austin. Carrie states that Sami better watch her back. Carrie says making her think her baby had died changed everything. She says it is the worst pain she has ever imagined and could ever live through. She remembers how the pain of being without Austin was nothing compared to burying her baby...or so she though. Carrie confirms she is returning to Salem to expose Peter and Annie's affair...and introduce Sami to a sample of the pain and misery she's caused in Salem for fifteen years!
Episode #256 - Monday, May 7th, 2007: Addie reveals to herself that she is Addie Bradford, daughter of Eugene and Calliope who lived in Salem in the 1980’s! Lucas is shocked when, while stuck on the roof of the apartment building with Sami, thanks to Will, he sees Maggie put on the Fury mask! Celeste nears Salem, ready to tell everyone Maggie is the Fury. Stefano wonders with how to proceed in kidnapping his love, Maggie, if she is indeed the Fury. Stefano wonders why his lady love would be killing these people…including his daughter, Megan, and his grandchildren, Cassie and Rex. Tony tells John and Marlena that Stefano is leading them to Madrid…where Marlena spent most of her missing years, but he tells them to be careful. He offers his private jet for them to take. Addie says she is on a mission for her parents’ private investigation firm, and she will not stop until she uncovers the identity of the Fury. Tony and Marlena take a second to grieve the deaths of their children, Cassie and Rex. Hope, Sarah, Melissa, and Alice decide to try and figure out what is bothering Maggie. Caroline begins to mutter Maggie’s name…but no one is in her hospital room to hear her. Addie posing as E.C. and Andy decide to see if Caroline, the latest victim of the Fury, could possibly hold a clue to the identity. Jeremy and Jan simultaneously get the idea to do so. Billie, who is dying of cancer, realizes she is the perfect bait to try and catch the Fury. She calls in a favor with her friend at the TV station. Billie sends out a broadcasted message to the Fury on the TV station. In the message she lies and tells the Fury she knows exactly who the Fury is. Billie dares the Fury to try and kill her! Jack is furious when he sees it and sets off to find his fiancee. Maggie, who has been drinking, vows to take Billie out. Andy and E.C. run into Jeremy and Jan in Caroline’s hospital room. The four decide to continue to work together, but E.C./Addie secretly flashes back to fighting Jan and Jeremy for the file on the Fury in the police station. Lucas tries to make sense of what he has seen…realizing Maggie cannot be the Fury. Sisters, Sarah and Melissa, make a pact to figure out what is with their mother. Alice finds another bottle of alcohol in Maggie’s house and knows Maggie cannot talk herself out of this…this time. Celeste nears Salem ready to expose Maggie, but she falls to the ground, screaming in pain. She has memory flashes of herself, Caroline, Jeremy, Jan, Alice, Sarah, Melissa, Billie, Lucas, and Jack. She screams out in pain as she sees the next murder taking place in her mind.
FIVE MORE HUGE CHARACTERS RETURN FOR MAY SWEEPS! Austin Peck (Austin Reed), Christie Clark (Carrie Reed), Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton), Wayne Northrop (Roman Brady), and Leann Hunley (Anna Dimera) will all be returning to show this month! "I am very exciting for these returns! I am especially excited for Wayne to return as Roman. I have never written for Wayne in the role of Roman - only Stefano. The last time we saw Roman in January, he was played by Josh Taylor who took Roman off to Europe to reunite with Carrie's mother, Anna."...says the headwriter, King. "But they will be back for a very big event. Also returning will be Mike Horton (Roark) who will return for the crisis with the Horton's and Maggie being the Fury. His return will coincide with ex-love, Carrie Reed, and her husband, Austin, who will both have little to do with Mike's return."...previews the writer. "They'll be back to interact heavily with Lucas, Sami, Peter, and Nicole." "It's going to be a very big month. These five returns...mixed in with Calliope and Eugene Bradford...in addition to another surprise couple who will be announced tomorrow." The blog is expected to make a big announcement tomorrow...in addition to the big casting news!
MORE CHARACTERS TO RETURN! The blog is expected to make some more surprising announcements regarding the returns of some very beloved characters! The blog is pulling out all of the stops to make sure DAYS has a ending worthy of its run. Rumor has it many will be returning to mourn the death of Maggie's last victim...which is said to be a big shocker.
80'S SUPERCOUPLE RETURNS! On Friday, May 4th's episode of "King's DAYS," the mysterious Addie was revealed to be the daughter of 1980's supercouple, Eugene and Calliope Bradford. It was only a matter of time before the quirky couple played by John De Lancie and Arleen Sorkin returned! They will both be back on-screen in May! "Eugene and Calliope will be back! Addie has been lurking around Salem, trying to find clues to who the Fury can be. She's been working for someone mysterious. It will be revealed that Eugene and Calliope now run their own Private Investigative Services...and this is Addie's big chance to prove she has what it takes to be an investigator just like her parents!"...previews the headwriter. "Addie has appropriately taken on the alias "E.C" (Eugene and Calliope) to pose as a boy at Salem's All Boy University to get close to Andrew Donovan, also the product of an 80's Supercouple, Shane and Kim, in order to get some answers! Sparks have definitely flown between Andy and Addie." "Eugene and Calliope are just two of the returns planned for the blog's final two months! They'll first hit screens in mid to late May." In other news, Maggie's final two victims have been revealed to setside sources, who could have been knocked over by a feather when they heard the news.
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Episode #255 - Friday, May 4th, 2007: Addie goes undercover as E.C. to learn some details from Andy about the Fury. Sarah awaits the fallout of mailing Frankie pictures of his wife, Greta, sleeping with Eric. Marlena is kidnapped! Jeremy and Jan begin to realize everyone has alibis for the Fury crimes except for Victor, Kate, and Maggie Horton. Thinking Maggie is an automatic no, Jeremy and Jan target Kate and Victor. Maggie continues to drink herself into a stupor. Lucas tries to figure out Peter’s secret. Sami and Peter are happier than ever. Addie’s mysterious boss puts the pressure on her to find out details about the Fury. John is revealed to be Marlena’s kidnapper! John says he knows Marlena is The Fury and that he knows Stefano is making her do it! John says he is going to help Marlena! Jan vows to kill Victor….again…if he was the one who killed her mother in the Fury killings! Maggie, a completely new person, takes out a knife…ready to kill whoever gets in her way. Will plays matchmaker for his parents…trapping them on the roof together. Peter is unable to find Sami or Lucas. Andy confides in “E.C” and tells “him” everything he knows about the Fury. Marlena tells John she is NOT the Fury! Marlena reveals she’s been meeting with Stefano and allowing him to spend time with her in order to get clues about her past! In the May heat, Sami and Lucas must strip down the bare minimum to deal with the heat. Tony encounters Marlena and John on the way out of town. John begs Tony to let them go. Marlena tells Tony John kidnapped her and how she wants to stay here to get the information of her missing years from Stefano. Tony says he cannot let her go back to Stefano and continue to be manipulated! Jan and Jeremy find proof that Kate has an alibi for the death of Annie Douglas. Sarah and Melissa both encounter Maggie…and she ignores them. Alice and Hope talk about how different Maggie has been acting lately. Andy realizes Victor cannot be the Fury. Tony tells John and Marlena Stefano will just continue to manipulate Marlena...Tony tells her the clues she is getting - M, D, A, I -....will eventually spell out MADRID. Tony tells her she should go there if she wants to learn the secrets of her past. He tells them to take to the Dimera Jet...and not the Blake Jet...because that is what Stefano is predicting! John and Marlena are shocked Tony is helping them, but Tony vows he is truly a good person. John and Marlena leave for Madrid. Sami and Lucas have a hot encounter. Will and Peter have a shockingly bitter fight where Will says he’ll never let Peter come between his parents. Night begins to fall on Salem…and Maggie’s world is about to cave in on her… Sarah and Melissa meet up with Alice and Hope and talk about how freakishly different Maggie has been lately. The four Horton women decide to figure out exactly what is happening to her. Andy finds Jan and Jeremy hiding out in Salem! Andy agrees not to turn them in…they compare their notes on the Fury’s identity. The three begin to realize they have no idea who the Fury can be. Jeremy and Andy agree it cannot be Maggie…and if it isn’t Victor or Kate…then who! Celeste is only miles away from Salem…ready to tell everyone Maggie is the Fury…and the person who stabbed her in the throat, making it unable to her to speak! Caroline tosses and turns in her coma, wanting to wake up and tell everyone Maggie is the Fury. Lucas cannot believe his eyes, but as he is stuck on the top of the apartment roof…he looks closer and closer down into the abandoned alley…he sees Maggie picking up what looks like something she had hidden in the alley behind the dumpster. Lucas is shocked to see Maggie put on the Fury mask! Addie takes off her E.C. disguise. She talks to the mysterious picture she’s been holding since she arrived in town. She says she doesn’t want to let them down. She vows to make them proud and find out exactly who the Fury is. When she talks to the mysterious caller again, she tells the person she is close to finding out the identity of the Fury. She calls the person on the other end… “mom”…and she asks to speak to her father. When the phone call is over…she looks to the picture again. She touches it, says her alias’ name to herself “E.C.”, and laughs. Addie's identity is reveal as she looks onto the picture of her parents.
Episode #254 - Thursday, May 3, 2007: Stefano is horrified as he discovers his true love, Maggie, is the Fury who killed his daughter, Megan, and his grandchildren, Rex and Cassie, among others. John is horrified as he recalls seeing Marlena casually visiting with Stefano Dimera in his secret lair. Tony’s constant reminders of how Kristen used to be finally begin to crack Kristen. Addie continues to fight with Jeremy and Jan over the police file on the Fury. Miguel threatens Sarah that she better not double cross him by trying to reunite Melissa and Frankie. Eric and Greta try to confess their indiscretion to Frankie, but Greta cannot take herself to do it. Stefano puts his plans to kidnap Maggie on hold in spite of recent developments. John contemplates calling Bo and arresting Stefano once and for all, but he begins to speculate that Marlena must be the Fury under the control of Stefano! John recalls the last time he turned Marlena into the police…and how it led to her getting shot by them on the roof of the prison. He says he won’t put Marlena in that kind of danger again! Stefano reveals to Kristen that he kidnapped Steve Johnson while Steve was on the run from the I.S.A. those sixteen years…and programmed him to his deadly assassin! Kristen asks Stefano is Steve is the Fury, but Stefano lashes out at her, saying Steve has memory flashes about how he snuck out of the hospital…and kidnapped Stephanie! Sarah vows to help Miguel win back Melissa and swears she won’t reveal Eric and Greta’s indiscretion. She hands over the roll of film to Miguel. Miguel blackmails his ex-sister-in-law with a shocking secret. Sarah breaks down and cries. Jan and Jeremy succeed in stealing the police file, leaving Addie out of luck! John comes up with a drastic plot to save Marlena. Later, Steve has memory flashes that he was the one who shot Kayla! Maggie wakes up…and heads straight for the bottle. Maggie realizes she has been blacking out a lot lately and that she has to stop drinking, but she begins to chug down a glass of wine. Marlena has a secret meeting with Stefano. She says it is their third meeting, and she wants another clue! He gives her the letter “M”…in addition to the three clues she already has. “M” - “D” - “A” - “I” Addie continues to get orders from a higher power to learn everything she can about the Fury. Melissa reveals to Frankie that her ex-husband, Miguel, is back in town…and he wants her back! She reveals she offered Miguel the money Frankie gave her in exchange for the kids, but he has not responded yet. Melissa opens up to Frankie saying the reason they divorced was a combination of his violence towards her…and his cheating on her! Marlena is kidnapped! Miguel reveals the secret he is blackmailing Sarah with…Sarah was his mistress! Miguel reveals Sarah slept with her sister’s husband…and how Melissa would hate Sarah forever if she knew! Miguel says Sarah will be banished from the Horton family forever if anyone ever found out! Sarah burns the roll of film of Eric and Greta sleeping together. She swears to help Miguel win Melissa back. Miguel says Sarah owes Melissa this. When he leaves, Sarah says that she does owe her sister happiness for ruining her marriage…and she says she is going to give her that happiness by reuniting her with her true love, Frankie! She reveals she burned the wrong roll of film…she takes the roll of Eric and Greta sleeping together, puts Frankie’s address on it, and puts it in the mail!
Episode #253 - Wednesday, May 2, 2007: Maggie realizes Hope has just heard her confession! Addie gets mysterious orders from a mystery caller to find any clues about the Fury she can find. Andy and Sarah team up to analyze all of the clues of the Fury. Bo vows to find the Fury's identity as he sits by his mother's side. Victor arrives and falls to his knees at her bedside, vowing nothing can ever happen to Caroline. Stefano stands in his room dedicated to Maggie. He says he and Maggie will be together soon. He recalls how when he first came to Salem, he clashed with Mickey Horton and how he kidnapped Maggie until Roman began investigating him and ruining everything. Maggie covers up her confession with a lie. Will Hope buy it? Jeremy and Jan arrive in Salem.... Stefano roams around Salem, dressed in his black clothes, trying to stalk Maggie. Sarah thinks she has deceived Miguel into thinking she is with him on helping him win back Melissa…but really, Miguel knows she is about to double cross him. Jeremy and Jan evade the police, but they sneak into the police station to steal the file on the Fury. Addie also sneaks into the station in an attempt to steal the same files. Hope buys Maggie's lie…for now. Hope realizes something is not right with Maggie. Miguel warns Sarah Horton that he'll tell her sister, Melissa, the truth about her. Sarah begs him not to. She says she'll do anything to keep her secret…even if it means Melissa doesn't end up with Frankie! Jeremy and Jan run into Addie. They begin fighting over the file on the Fury. Stefano sees Maggie as she exits the hospital…he begins following her. She arrives at the Horton House. Stefano sneaks into the house and drugs Maggie’s drink while she is in the other room. Maggie enters, drinks her drink, and falls asleep on the couch. When Hope confides in Alice about Maggie, Alice reveals she found wine bottles in her garbage…and had the sense Maggie was lying about them when she confronted her. Maggie tosses and turns in her sleep. She has visions of when she was a little girl…and a fire raging around her. Stefano decides to kidnap Maggie, but first he walks around the Horton House. He finds a bloody knife on Maggie’s desk, and he is frightened. Minutes later, Stefano finds himself upstairs investigating. He makes it to the Horton attic where he walks into the shrine Maggie has set up. Stefano is horrified. Stefano begins crying. Stefano realizes…Maggie Horton, his love…is the Fury.
Episode #252 - Tuesday, May 1, 2007: Steve begins to have shocking memory flashes. Marlena also begins to have very disturbing mental images. Shawn and Chloe have a hot moment when they encounter each other in the bathroom… Sami comes face to face with Nicole and confronts her for bringing Lucas back to Salem. Nicole instigates Sami, who punches Nicole in the face…just as Peter and Lucas, Nicole’s brothers, walk in. Maggie stands by Mickey’s (John Ingle) side. She breaks down and begs for his forgiveness for what she has done to the people of Salem. Belle and Philip are shocked to see Chloe and Shawn in a very compromising position. Hope refuses to let Bo romance her…even though he plans a romantic night for her. Sami realizes Nicole has manipulated her into falling into her trap. Peter and Lucas both lash out at Sami for hitting their sister. Tony continues to try and get through to Kristen…and he begins to succeed. Maggie tells a comatose Mickey that she cannot stop killing. Celeste nears Salem…ready to tell everyone Maggie is the Fury! Marlena begins to have flashes of being in a country in Europe. Steve is horrified when he remembers… Jeremy and Jan return to Salem…guns drawn…ready to kill the Fury for killing Jan’s mother! Lucas vows to expose Peter’s secret - whatever it is. Chloe assures Belle and Philip she is not into Shawn…and nothing is going on. Unfortunately for Belle…Shawn cannot promise them the same. Bo must stop his attempts to woo Hope when he learns his mother was attacked by the Fury! Steve has a shocking memory flash! Bo and Hope arrive to find Caroline is in the hospital in a coma. Chloe is shocked when Belle and Philip reveal they think Shawn has feelings for Chloe! Hope is shocked when she walks into Mickey’s room, crying, and telling Mickey Salem will never be able to forgive her!
TWO HUGE RETURNS! Readers can expect the return of two HUGE characters on Friday, May 11th! "Fans will not know what hit them! These are two of the biggest returns ever to happen to SONBC Daytime! It is an homage to DAYS since the blog is ending, but it will also propel a storyline further. Readers will have to pick their mouths up off of the floor at the end of that episode! It will be HUGE!"...promises the headwriter.
Episode #251 - Monday, April 30th, 2007 Stefano recalls in the early 80’s when he first came to Salem to see Tony and how he became instantly enamored with Maggie Horton. Steve stands by Kayla’s bedside and prays for his recovery. Jack and Billie welcome Georgia home for their wedding. Shawn and Chloe move in together. Caroline is rushed to the hospital…and Maggie follows her. She sneaks in to see Mickey while Caroline is stabilized. Stefano reveals how he kidnapped Mickey almost twenty-five years ago and held him prisoner on an island not because of his deep, intense feelings for Maggie. He says if Mickey never escaped, he might be with Maggie by now. Maggie goes to the hospital and visits Mickey. She stands by his side and cries for everything she has done. Georgia returns with Will. Will is shocked to see Lucas back in Salem! Sami and Peter explain their relationship to Will. Jack and Billie finalize the details of their wedding. Andy opens up to Will about how he thinks he’s gay. Steve begins to wonder exactly what he was doing when Kayla said he was disappearing from the hospital. Will explains to Andy he might not be gay…just really attracted to E.C.! Chloe and Shawn grow closer than ever. Belle and Philip fear the loves of their lives might be moving on…together! Nicole is pleased Lucas’ arrival has put a huge money wrench into Peter and Sami’s relationship. Stefano reveals Marlena did distract him for a while…and so did trying to get revenge on Roman for making him a fugitive, but he says his feelings for his true love have emerged…he says he will get Maggie’s heart once and for all…especially since Mickey is out of her life for good! Jan and Jeremy decide to return to Salem and figure out exactly who the Fury is! Marlena arrives at Stefano’s…followed by John! John is shocked to see Marlena fraternizing with Stefano through his binoculars! When Caroline is stabilized, Maggie sneaks in and injects her with smoothing to help make sure is put into a coma. Celeste tries to make her way to Salem to expose Maggie. Jan and Jeremy return to Salem…each clasping guns…ready to kill the Fury!