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Everything posted by NothinButAttitude

  1. INT. CEDARS (ER/HALLWAY) Alex lies motionless hooked up to the machines as her family crowds around outside her room waiting patiently. Suddenly, Rick makes his way down the hall and Phillip spots him and rushes over to him. The rest of the family follows suit, crowding behind Phillip with worried looks on their faces. Alan: Give it to us straight, Bauer! Lizzie: Shut up, Granddad. Phillip: Any news? Rick: Yes. Alex will be just fine. Beth: Thank God. Rick: She just had a slight heart attack. Luckily, Alan found her before it got worse. But I am curious as to what caused Alex to have a heart attack. Beth: Ask, Alan. Everyone looks at Alan, demanding answers. Alan: I am just as clueless as you are. Phillip: You better hope that Alan Michael finds out what that phone call was about, and it better not be tied to you. Alan: I had nothing to with Alex having a heart attack! If she didn’t lie in bed eating all the damn time, watching Turner Classic Movies, she wouldn’t be in the mess she is in! India and Dorrie come charging down the corridor towards the family. Phillip groans. Rafe: What are you two doing here? India: Alexandra! Where is my stepmother?! Is she alright?! On India, panicking, CUT TO INT. CEDARS Picking up where we left off. . . India: Is she alright?! Beth: Like you care. India: I actually do, Beth. She is my stepmother. Lizzie: Was! Alan: (to India) She is fine, sweetheart. Phillip: Sweetheart? (pointing at Alan & India) What’s going on here? India: What are you talking about? Just because he called me sweetheart doesn’t mean we are sleeping together, Phillip. Beth: I bet that is a lie. India: Oh . . . you’d know seeing as sleeping through the Spaulding clan is up your alley, Beth. I’ve always wondered when Alan Michael was going to have his turn. . . Beth goes to swipe at India, but Phillip and Rick hold her back. India: My, my. . . I must’ve struck a nerve. Lizzie: Why don’t you just leave, India! You’re not even family. Dorrie: And there goes the Princess. Always trying to dictate. . . At first, I didn’t believe it but now I do. No wonder all the men you’ve loved found solace elsewhere. Coop, Jonathan . . .—I wonder when Bill will get the hint and exit stage left? James: Hey, Dad, there’s Alan Michael. Alan Michael joins the crowd. Phillip: Did you find out anything? A-M: Yep. For once, Dad had nothing to do with the situation. India: (resting her head on Alan’s chest) What a relief. . . Alan: (to India) What’s that supposed to mean? James: Then what caused Aunt Alex to pass out? A-M: Fletcher. Rick: Fletcher? Fletcher Reade? A-M: He called Alex from Paris. India: And that nearly killed her? A man calling her? Alan: Trust me, India, if you were in her shoes, you’d have a heart attack if a man called you too. Alan and India share a sly grin. Lizzie: That’s not funny! A-M: Fletcher said that there was an accident involving Nick. Phillip: Is he alright? A-M: No. His plane went down into the ocean. They haven’t recovered his body. Beth: Poor Alex! A-M: Sad thing is that they think that this has something to do with Uncle Mike too. Rick: What? A-M: Fletcher told me that Mike and Nick were working on a case together involving dirty politicians. Supposedly, they were doing business with a huge cartel throughout Europe. Mike got Nick to do some investigating and things went left. FBI is assuming that both incidents are tied together. Lizzie: What about Susan? A-M: (clearing his throat, emotional) She’s dead. This revelation just stuns everyone. There is a moment of silence as they all reflect on what is going on. Alan: Was the boy on the plane—Little Nicky? A-M: Umm . . . no. I called the boarding school in Switzerland and he is still there. Alan: Then we should go and get him. Phillip: For what, Dad? Alan: He should be near family! Phillip: I seriously doubt that he wants to be surrounded by of bunch of strangers. Alan: We’re not strangers. We’re family. . . James: That he’s never known. Only person he knows is Aunt Alex and she is in no condition to go and get him. Alan: Not true! He knows Alan Michael! A-M: He does. Alan: Then you should go and get him. Bring him back to Springfield so he can be near his family. Lizzie: Grandpa, this isn’t the time for you to start staking claim on what is yours! This boy has lost another set of parents . . . again. Beth walks over to the door and peeks on Alex, resting peacefully Beth: (misty eyed, to self) So has Alex. First Lujack and now Nick. Beth gently places on her hand on the window as tears stream down her eyes and CUT TO INT. BEACON HOTEL (LOBBY) Marah and Cassie stand at the counter looking at fabrics as Olivia steps off the elevator and walks over to them. Olivia: (re: fabric) That’s cute. I like it. Marah and Cassie look at each other then back at Olivia, bewildered. Marah: Y-You like it? Olivia: Isn’t that what I said? Cassie: You do realize that Marah picked it out don’t you. Olivia: Of course. Cassie: (not convinced, hand on hip) What are you up to, Olivia? Olivia: (feigning confusion) What do you mean? Cassie: I said that Marah— Olivia: I heard you. She picked out that fabric for the suites. I said I like it. I am allowed to like it, am I? Cassie: Sure. Olivia starts to walk off, then Olivia: (turning around) Marah. . . Marah looks up at Olivia, uneasy. Olivia: (musters up tears) I apologize for my actions. I realized that Sam would be upset if I treated you this way and I should realize that what happened in Switzerland was an accident. I hope you accept my apology. Marah nods with a smile, accepting her apology. Olivia: Welcome aboard. Marah: Thank you. Olivia nods back before turning away and walking off with a devilish grin on her face. She has Marah right where she wants her. . . CUT TO INT. COMPANY (ANNOUNCER: THE ROLE OF KEVIN MARLER WILL NOW BE PLAYED BY CHANDLER MASSEY) Jason and Kevin occupy a booth. Jason gobbles down his meal as if it is his last as Kevin watches on amused. Jason looks up, realizing his brother watching him. Jason: Something on my face? Kevin: No. Jason: (putting down his fork) Then what is it, twin? Kevin: Just the fact that you are eating like you haven’t eaten in months. Jason: I have but you know how the food is in Europe. Kevin: True. Nothing compares to a home cooked meal or a meal from Company. Jason: You can say that again. Rocky, waiting on the twins, comes from back and to their table. Rocky: You guys need anything else? Kevin: I think we’re good. Kevin looks at Jason to make sure, and Jason gives him the thumbs up as continues to devour his meal. Rocky: (sliding into the booth) How weird is it that we’re all back home—back in Springfield. Jason: (wiping his mouth) Makes no difference to me whether I am there or here, I still have to deal with the fact that Rick Bauer and good ole’ cousin, Phillip is walking around free after killing our— Kevin: Jason, I don’t wanna hear it. Jason: It’s true. Anything that happens to those two if fine with— The intro music to WSPR plays. Kevin: Mom and Dinah are on! INSERT – TV On the TV at the news desk (like a roundtable) sits Dinah, Reginald, and Blake. Kevin, Rocky, and Jason get up and crowd around the TV with everyone else watching on. Blake: Hello, I’m Blake Marler. Reginald: I’m Reginald Wilson. Dinah: And I am Dinah Marler. Welcome to the new WSPR evening news! INT. WSPR Holly stands behind the cameraman, grinning at her new creation. She gives the gang a “thumbs up.” Blake: Today’s news, Bay City’s printing heiress, Amanda Cory, has been allegedly kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend, Evan Frame. Word is that he has also kidnapped his aunt, Sharlene Frame as well. Dinah: (interjecting) This isn’t the first interaction between the Frames and Corys as Evan’s mother, Janice Frame, was once married to Mac Cory, father of Amanda Cory. Blake: (mumbling) That was my line. Dinah: (ignoring her) Janice Frame was eventually murdered by Rachel Cory, wife of Mac and mother of Amanda Cory, after— Blake: JANICE FRAME’S (eyeing Dinah) plan to murder Mac Cory was discovered by Rachel Cory. Reginald’s eyes widen at the sight of these two passively going at each other. Holly watches on for a second then buries her face in her hand, embarrassed. Dinah: Listen here, Blake. . . Blake: What, Dinah? Holly (watching on) Dear God. . . Reginald: (saving it) WE ARE going to (hesitantly laughing) turn it over to our sister affiliate KBAY and reporter, Ashanti Billingslea. Take it away. Please. . . Holly: Cut! Holly storms onto the set. Holly: You do realize that we are live?! Blake: She started it. Dinah: I told you that she wasn’t right for the job, Holly. Blake: Oh please. We were only a few minutes into the show and I was already carrying you two. Reginald: (taken back) You did what? Hold on, Red, no one has to carry Reginald Wilson. Let me get that straight right now. Any monkey can read from a teleprompter. Blake: Are you calling me a monkey?! Holly: (starting to lose it) Guys. . . Director (OS): We’re back on in a minute. Dinah: If the banana fits. And we know that you’ve had MANY bananas in your mouth, and in your— Blake: Oh really? This coming from Lizzie Borden! Director (OS): Thirty seconds. . . Holly throws her hands up in defeat and storms off the set. Dinah: You always like to bring up the fact that I accidentally killed Hart. That was years ago! Reginald: (loosening his ties, uncomfortable) You—You killed someone? Blake: Sure did. MY BROTHER! Director: Twenty seconds! Dinah: This coming from the same chick that was off her rocker not too long ago. Does the Springfield Blogger ring a bell?! Blake: But did I kill anyone? Dinah: No but I bet you wish you could me. Blake: Don’t tempt me. Director: Ten seconds! Reginald: I think I’m gonna be sick. Dinah: Honey, it doesn’t take too much to tempt you. Reginald, do you know that my father was with her mother before she seduced him? I never knew what my father saw in this wh*re. . . Blake gasps. Dinah: (continuing) I mean all the Spaulding rode her hard and put her out to pasture. I guess she had to start working on poor Phillip’s biological family seeing as she went through the adoptive family. Blake: B*tch! Director: 5. . .4. . .3. . .2. . .1! Dinah, Blake, and Reginald smile at the camera like nothing ever happened and all is well. Reginald: Welcome back to WSPR! Holly faints in the background. CUT TO INT. COMPANY Pick up on Kevin, Jason, and Rocky still watching TV. Kevin and Jason glance at each other. Kevin: (joking) Looks like everything is going well there for now. Jason: How long do give them? Kevin: Two weeks. Jason: I say a week tops. Daisy comes down the stairs, put on her apron and walks over the gang. She’s a bit upset. Rocky: Hey, what’s wrong? Daisy: James just called me. His aunt is in the hospital. Rocky: Alexandra? Daisy: Yeah. I wanna take off but I have to work this shift now. I feel like horrible girlfriend. Daisy storms off into the kitchen and Rocky chases after her. Kevin looks over at Jason, who shrugs his shoulder. Jason: Guess God answered my prayers quicker than usual. Kevin and Jason slide back in the booth. Kevin: Don’t say that. Alexandra happens to be a nice woman and was very close to Dad. Jason: I know. However, she was also the woman that led the witch hunt against Grandpa Roger. She was also the same woman that treated Mom like dirt beneath her feet and tried to get rid of her when she married to that scum, Phillip. Kevin: That was before our time, and neither Mom nor Grandpa was a saint. Jason: Who is? Kevin: So you think it’s OK that this poor woman had a heart attack? Jason: Did I say that? Kevin: No but your mood says otherwise. Jason: Guess what? You’re wrong. Kevin: I don’t think I am. Especially since this affects Phillip. Jason: Whatever. Kevin: I’m warning you now, if you came back to town on a crusade to take down Rick and Phillip— Jason: Why are you so protective of those two? Kevin: Because Phillip is our cousin and Rick was a friend of Dad. Jason: Oh no. It’s deeper than that. Kevin: It really isn’t. Jason: It is. Kevin: Like I said before, if you came back here to go on a crusade to ruin Phillip and Rick then you better pack up and head back to Europe. Jason: Nice try, twin. I’m not leaving that easily and Rick and Phillip aren’t getting off that easily either. . . On Jason, with a look of determination and vengeance FADE OUT THE END
  2. INT. OAKDALE MEMORIAL (ELEVATOR) We open up with Kim and Bob holding each other hands. Kim: You excited? Bob: More than ever. I never thought I'd miss this place. Kim: Now remember our deal. . . Bob: I know, sweetheart. John and Chris both said they'll do their best to help me keep the work load down. Kim: I'll hold you to it. Bob looks at Kim, lovingly. She does the same. The two go to lean in for a kiss when the elevator doors open to a crowd of close family and friends. Crowd: SURPRISE!!! Bob and Kim step off the elevator stunned as they enter into the INT. 3RD STORY LOBBY which is filled with balloons, decorations, food, music, etc. John walks over and guides the couple through the crowd. Kim: Dear God. Bob: (to John) All of this is for me? John: Of course. You are the man of the hour. On John patting Bob on the back and Bob overcome with joy INT. 3RD STORY LOBBY Picking up where we left off. Katie hands Bob and Kim a glass of punch while Chris hands his father his lab coat. Chris: You're gonna need this too. Chris hands Bob a brand new stethoscope. Bob: (taking it, emotional) Thanks, son. John: And you'll need these too. John takes Bob's hand and places the keys in them. John: I'm relieved of my duties. Bob: (joking) Don't get to happy. Bob and John laugh when Lucinda makes her way over. Lucinda: (kissing Bob on the cheek) Welcome back, darling. On behalf of the board, we are all glad that you are back. Bob: Thanks, Lucinda. Lucinda: No problem. Lisa crosses over to greet Bob and Kim. Lucinda eyes Lisa with a disdain glance. Lisa: Welcome back, honey. (kissing Bob, then Kim) So glad that you two moved back home. Oakdale was no fun without you two. Kim: (to Lisa) And life without you was just as boring. Lisa and Kim laugh. Lucinda: (mutters) I beg to differ. Lisa: (snapping her head) What did you say, Ole' Lucy? Lucinda: Lucinda. My name is Lucinda. Lisa: I know what your name is, Lucy. Now what did you say? Lucinda: Oh nothing. John: (sensing the tension) Chris, Bob, how about some cake? Bob: (uncomfortable) Yeah. . . I'll take you up on that offer, John. Bob and Chris follow John to get some cake. Lisa: Anyways. . . (to Kim) I've got good news! Kim: Please share! Lisa: Well I've got a new business venture with Barbara and Carly. Kim nearly chokes on her drink. Kim: . . .Carly?! As in Jack's Carly? Carly Tenney? Lisa: Yep. Lucinda: Oh how I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall during this business meeting. Lisa cuts her eyes at Lucinda for a beat, then Lisa: (to Kim) We put our differences aside and decided to open a fashion house together. Kim: That's great! Lucinda: (being flippant) Oh it is! We shall see how long this lasts. Lisa: Lucy. . . don't hate. Lucinda: Never a hater. Always a congratulator. Lisa: I beg to differ. Kim: Maybe we can do a piece for WOAK on your venture. Lisa: (lighting up) Oh yeah?! Kim: Yes! I think that the people of Oakdale would love to hear three of their greatest designers come together to form something major. Lisa: I love it! Kim: You know what, Lisa, I'm gonna call the station and have the crew get on it. (digging in her clutch and grabbing her cell) Excuse me. Kim walks off to the opposite side of the room to make the call leaving Lucinda and Lisa all alone. Lisa: Aren't you gonna congratulate me? Lucinda: For what? Lisa: Just out of respect. Businesswoman to businesswoman. Lucinda: I'd hardly call you a businesswoman but if it makes you feel better then congrats. Lisa: I'm gonna remember this moment--you insulting me down the road when you ask us to buy advertisement for The Intruder. Lucinda: Write it down, take a picture, do whatever. I doubt I'll ask you for anything. Lucinda starts to walk off when Lisa grabs her by the arm. Lisa: Oh Lucy, hold on. Lisa digs in her purse and places something in Lucinda's hand. Lisa: I brought this just for you. You need it. Trust me. Lisa walks off laughing. Lucinda looks in her hand to see Lisa left her a pill -- a Midol. Lucinda: Tacky witch! CUT TO INT. JACK/CARLY (LIVING ROOM) JJ sits on the sofa laughing uncontrollably at the TV. Parker, sitting nearby at the table, watches on annoyed. Parker: (over it) JJ. . . JJ ignores him and keeps laughing. Parker: JJ. . . JJ keeps laughing. Parker walks over, snags the remote off the table, and cuts the TV off. JJ: What the h*ll was that for?! Parker: If you can see, I'm trying to study. JJ: Then go to the room or the kitchen--the library is open today too. Parker: I prefer to study down here. Now keep quiet. JJ: Who died and make you king? Parker: No one, but-- JJ: But what? You wouldn't have to study in the summer if you didn't screw around during the school year. Not my problem. Parker: I find that odd, coming from you. JJ: What? Parker produces the notes from his pocket and flashes it at JJ. JJ goes to snatch it but Parker prevents him from grabbing it. JJ: Give it to me. Parker: Nope. JJ: I'm not joking, Parker. Give me the note. Parker: No. JJ: I SAID GIVE ME THE NOTE! Parker: Here. Parker hands JJ the note with a grin on his face. JJ reads the note then rips it up. JJ: Stay out of my business. Parker: Fine. Oh, don't think that you tearing up that note prevents you from hiding the truth from Mom and Dad. They're gonna find out when August swings around and they discover that you can't go back to the academy. JJ: Shut up. Parker: Oh I will. I'm not gonna say a peep. I'm gonna sit back and watch you squirm all summer long. (leaning in close, taunting) All that money Mom and Dad spent to send you to that nice, fancy school. . . Can't wait to see them eat you alive upon learning that you've been kicked out. JJ glares at Parker with a burning hatred. The moment ceases upon hearing a baby cry—it’s Nora (Jack & Carly’s baby). Parker: Better go and check on the baby, JJ. JJ frowns at Parker as he advances up the stairs, disappearing and, On Parker, pleased, CUT TO INT. OAKDALE MEMORIAL Bob, Chris, and John still stand by the table eating cake and watching everyone else enjoy themselves when John's (and Iva's) son, MJ comes rushing up to them. MJ: Dad— Bob is shocked to see MJ and puts his cake down to hug MJ. Bob: I haven’t seen you in years, how is your mother? MJ: She’s doing great. Bob: Glad to hear and glad to have you in the intern’s program too. MJ: Thanks. (to John) You’re needed in the ER. Mr. Tibbett is complaining about his pacemaker again. John: I’m on my way. (to Bob) Excuse me. Bob: No problem. About that time we all get back to work. John rushes off with MJ. PAN OVER To Casey, Margo, and Tom sitting off to the side in mid conversation. Casey, however, is distracted by Allison, who is across the room looking at him. Margo: I was thinking that it would be best that you interned with your father, Casey. Casey doesn’t answer back. Margo: Casey! Casey: (snapping out of it) Oh yeah. Sure. Margo looks across the room to see what her son is staring at and see a somber Allison. Margo gives her a dirty look and Allison walks out of frame. Margo: I thought you two were over. Casey: We are. Margo: Then why stare at her constantly? Casey: Mom, I don’t want to hear it. . . Tom: She’s telling the truth, Casey. Do you want to be with Allison? Casey: No! I did call off the engagement. Margo: Then you need to move on. That’s why you need to— Casey: Take the job with, Dad. I heard you before. Tom: Which won’t be a long-term internship. Margo: (puzzled) What’s that supposed to mean? Tom: Because I’m considering running for District Attorney. Margo: You are? Tom: Yes. That’s if you don’t mind working with your husband again? Margo: (popping Tom) Oh Tom! (hugging and kissing him) Of course I don’t mind! That’s great! Tom: Then it’s settled. I’m running for the DA position. Margo: And Casey can help you. Casey: (dryly) Sure. Margo: Maybe that’ll help his mind off of Allison. On Casey, doubtful that’ll happen, CUT TO INT. TERMINAL IN AIRPORT (CHICAGO) A FLIGHT ATTENDANT opens the door to let people off the plane. A crowd of people exit off of it. The last two to exit off are JAMI and MONIQUE—best friends and foils of one another (Jami being a white, a yank, more demure, and reserved while Monique is a black, a Brit, little vamp (yet fashionable), and lively {and has an attitude if you cross her}). Jami grabs her two bags from underneath the bus while Monique struggles grabbing her entire wardrobe from underneath the bus. Jami: Honey, how did you get all of that on the plane? You’re only allowed one carry on! Monique: I told them that the Louis does not go underneath the plane. (struggling with luggage) And you’re lucky I agreed to come along. (looking around) Ugh. We gave up London to come here to Neverland? Jami: Neverland? The two start down the terminal. Monique: Yes. NEVERLAND. Nothing is here. Jami: Mo, we’re in an airport terminal. Of course nothing is here; we haven’t even made it to the exit. Monique: (sneering) And that is long enough for me to see that nothing is going on here. There better be hot guys here. Jami: We’re in the city, of course they’re gonna be hot guys. Now we better go and catch a taxi. Monique: You better hope I see some hot guys when I get to Oakland. Jami: It’s Oakdale. Monique: Same thing. Jami goes to drag Monique by the arm when Monique stops her. Monique: Oh no, honey. No running. Do you see the shoes I have on? Jami looks down to see a nice pair of black/white patterned heels. Monique: Chanel. Jami: Why would you wear that on the flight? Monique: Why wouldn’t I? Jami: (sighs) I’m not gonna even go there with you. . . Monique: (tossing her hair) Wise choice. Jami: Now let’s go get my luggage and go get a taxi. Monique: Yeah, yeah. (putting on Chanel shades) Oakhaven ain’t ready for the diva! Jami: Oakdale, Mo. Monique: Isn’t that what I said? Jami: No. Monique: Whatever. Jami tries not to laugh as she shakes her head in disbelief at her over the top friend. And on Jami walking and Monique sashaying, FADE OUT THE END COMING UP - Tragedy strikes in Oakdale to a young teen - JJ starts to rebel causing a rift in the Snyder/Tenney household - Holden wants to move on . . . without Lily - Jami and Monique reach Oakdale - Monique likes what she sees in Casey - Tom meets his opponent in the run for the office - Henry’s sister, Clark, reaches Oakdale with ties to Mo & Jami - Meg continues on her quest of getting Emily out the picture and uses Emily’s weakness to do so . . . a HUGHES man. - More characters come to Oakdale, shaking things up!
  3. INT. OLIVIA’S ROOM Olivia rolls out of bed and draws the blinds to window, bringing in a surge of sunlight. She walks over to her vanity where she plops down and has a seat, examining herself in the mirror. Suddenly, in the mirror splits (in Olivia’s mind), showing her Id (primitive side), which looks very sluttish, and her superego (moralistic side), which looks very natural and maternal, looking back at her. Olivia: What the fu— (rubbing her eyes) Am I going insane? Superego: No, but you keep down this path you will. Id: (tuts) Oh please. Superego: Olivia, you know what you’re doing is wrong. Deep down you know that Sam’s death was an accident. He chose to save Marah and risk his life. You giving a hard time is disrespecting him. Olivia takes this food for thought, but noticing this, Id jumps in. Id: (to Superego) Shut up! (to Olivia) Don’t listen. That little tramp is flaunting around town like her stuff don’t stank. She planned the trip. She invited Sam. She is the reason he was there. Superego: Not true! Id: Yes it is! You know it is too, Olivia. Olivia: I cannot believe that I am sitting here talking to myself. Id: Believe it and believe that Marah does not give a damn about you or your brother. How has she respected your wishes? Has she stayed away from you like you asked? No! Superego: Well Springfield isn’t that big. . . Id: It’s big enough for her to find work elsewhere. And don’t forget that this is the same little twerp that tried to break you and Josh up all those years ago. Remember that? You remember how she disrespected you. Olivia: True. Superego: Olivia, that was years ago. Id: Yep, but a leopard never changes his spots. That little witch is probably grinning at the fact that she is lived and your brother died. Superego: Olivia, listen to me, you will only hurt yourself if you go on trying to punish Marah. Id: She’s right. Olivia: Huh?! Superego: (overlapping) Huh?! Id: She is right about you going on to punish Marah the way that you have. Superego: (unsure) I am? (thinking for a sec, then gloating) I am. Id: I think you should switch your approach. Let her keep the job. Superego: See, Id, I knew I’d rub off on you eventually. Id: Oh b*tch please. (to Olivia) Keep your enemies closer, Olivia. You keep that little tramp close and then you slit her throat when she least expects it. Olivia smiles at the sound of this plan. Superego: Olivia! Olivia: Shut up! (to Id) You know what, I like your style. Superego: Olivia! Don’t do it. Olivia gets up and walks away. Superego: Olivia! Olivia! Sam would disapprove— (to Id) I hope you are happy. Id: Sure am. On Id pleased with herself and Id shaking her head, disapproving, CUT TO INT. DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE Jeffrey sits at his desk with Doris sitting across from. We come in mid-convo: Doris: What are the updates on the Foley case? Jeffrey: None. Grady Foley is still on the run. Doris: And what about the Bauer girl? Jeffrey: Leah? Doris: Yep. Jeffrey: We’re still working on what to charge her with. Doris: Aiding and abetting . . . accessory to an attempted murder. Shall I go on? Jeffrey: That’s a bit harsh, Doris. Doris: I don’t care. Phillip Spaulding almost died because she helped Grady Foley. Jeffrey: But you can clearly see she had no idea that he was going to poison Phillip. Doris: If looking innocent is the measuring stick to get people off then Springfield would be filled with crazies on the streets, who tried the same thing. Jeffrey: Doris, I— KNOCK! KNOCK! Reva opens the door, peeking in. Reva: Oops. Am I interrupting? Doris: I was just leaving. (looking at Reva) Don’t wanna spill anything to my competition’s sister. (to Jeffrey) Get it done. I won’t settle for less. Doris brushes past Reva, exiting. Reva comes in, closing the door. She looks at Jeffrey, who is now stressed. Reva: What now? Jeffrey: Nothing. Reva: Fine. But I was just stopping by to see if you wanted to meet up for lunch? Jeffrey: Sure. What time and where? Reva: I guess we can eat at Towers but I gotta check with Josh when lunch is. I’m working with him today. Jeffrey rolls his eyes. Reva: Really, Jeffrey? Are we still on this? Jeffrey: Yeah we are. Reva: Why are you so mad? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were threatened. Jeffrey: Should I? On Reva amused, INT. DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE Picking up where we left off: Jeffrey: Should I? Reva: You tell me. Jeffrey: I don’t know why you have work with him when you have a good job as a manager at the Beacon. Reva: Where I’d still have to interact with Joshua. Jeffrey: But not as much. Reva: Actually I still would. Plus, you fail to realize that we do have two kids together. Jeffrey: Who are grown. Reva: I find this interesting that you are whining about this, but do I ever whine about you and Olivia talking? Do I? Jeffrey: No but Olivia and I don’t have history of reuniting time after time. Reva: So you think I took this job to reunite with Joshua? Because if that is what you think then you are SO wrong. If I wanted Josh, I could have him and I would be with him as we speak. But who I am here with? Who?! Jeffrey: Me. Reva: Exactly. Jeffrey: I’m sorry. Reva: I’m sure you are, but it is starting to get old. Reva exits leaving Jeffrey with egg on his face CUT TO EXT. PARK Trista and Hawk walk through the park tossing sunflower seeds to the pigeons in the park. Trista: I still can’t believe that you knew all this time and didn’t say anything. Hawk: Because I knew you’d come out and say something eventually. Trista: But have you thought of how my dad is going to take it? Hawk: (stopping) It has been running through my mind for years. Trista: How is he going to take it? Hawk: Knowing my son, he is going to flip his lid. Trista: Well I don’t want to get you in trouble. Hawk: Oh I can handle it. Wouldn’t be the first time he was mad at me. Don’t worry about me, sweet pea. Everything will work out just fine. Trust me. Now c’mon. Hawk wraps his arm around and he is Trista continue on through the park. CUT TO INT. MARLER KITCHEN Blake, Clarissa, and Kevin carry groceries in. Kevin and Clarissa sit their bags down and head out to get some more while Blake stays behind, unloading them. Blake opens the freezer and places some groceries into the freezer. She closes the door and jumps at the sight of other son, JASON. Blake: Jason! Jason: Hey, Mom. Aren’t you gonna hug me? Blake takes her son and squeezes him tightly, then pulls away. Blake: What are you—when did you get here? Jason: Earlier but I stopped by the station and saw Grandma. She drove me home and let me in. Clarissa (OS): Mom, Kevin— (entering kitchen) Jason! Kevin: (behind her) Bro? Jason: Hey everyone. On Jason smiling, CUT TO INT. HOSPITAL Mel waits outside Dr. Kirkpatrick’s door when Leah walks out bearing papers. Mel stands up. Mel: So how did it go? Mel and Leah start down the corridor. Leah: Fine. We talked about you, me, and my hatred for Dad. Mel: That’s good. I really hope that this helps. This might also help with the case too. Leah: How so? Mel: Well Dr. Kirkpatrick can testify on your behalf about your relationship with your father, how Grady preyed on you, and how it resulted in you assisting him. You were irrational and— Leah: Mom, enough. I really don’t want to get into it. Mel: It is a little too late for you to clam up now. We have a case coming up and real soon. Leah stops and faces off with Mel. Leah: This would’ve never happened if you never hooked up with Cyrus. Mel: Don’t blame this on me! Leah: If you and Dad would’ve never broken up then this would’ve never happened. I would not be going to court, I wouldn’t hate Dad, and you wouldn’t be pregnant with Cyrus’s baby! Mel: How do you know! Leah: Next time you take a pregnancy test, get rid of the evidence better. Leah walks off leaving Mel embarrassed. CUT TO INT. COMPANY Christina looks at her watch, waiting patiently for Remy. Remy then enters, advancing towards her. Remy: (going in to kiss her) Hey baby. Christina halts the kiss. Remy is thrown off by this. Christina: Sit. Remy sits. Remy: What is going on? Christina produces a letter from her purse and hands it to Remy. Remy reads the letter and his face lights up. Remy: You were accepted at John Hopkins? This is great! Christina: Sure is and I accepted my slot. Question is, are you coming with me? Remy: But my family is here and this whole ordeal with Leah. . . Christina: Then I guess that solves it. I’m leaving tonight. Remy: Chris, that is not fair. You are just sitting this on me now, and expect a decision? Christina: You know that I always wanted to go to John Hopkins. Remy: Yeah but— Christina: You’ve made your decision and I respect it. Christina kisses Remy on cheek. Christina: It’s been real fun. Christina exits, leaving Remy clueless as to what just went down. CUT TO INT. SPAULDING ENTERPRISES (ALAN’S OFFICE) Alan sits at his desk looking at an application thoroughly. Sitting across from him is a young man named Brandon, dressed professionally. He waits patiently (yet anxious) for Alan to say something. Then Alan looks up, Alan: So, Brandon Reed, you went to Harvard for business? Brandon: Yes, Sir. Alan: Mmm hmm. . . Brandon: I have you know that I graduate Magna Cum-Laude. Alan: I can read. You have it on your resume. Brandon starts to slump in his seat as he feels that he might have just blown a once in a lifetime shot at working with his idol, Alan Spaulding. Alan: Congratulations. Brandon sits back up. Brandon: Huh? Alan: (extending his hand) Welcome to Spaulding. Brandon: A-Are you serious? You mean it? I got the job? Alan: Yes. However, I see you have potential to be a very savvy business man one day. Brandon: That means the world coming from you. Alan smiles. Alan: That is why I have to ask you do something for me. . . Brandon: I’ll do it. I’ll do anything. Alan: I need you to help me bring down my sister, Alexandra, and bring her down for good. On Brandon contemplating then a devious grin wiping across his hand as he takes Alan’s hand, shaking it CUT TO INT. CHAMBERLAIN MANOR (LIVING ROOM) Nola is curled up on the sofa wiping tears from her eyes as she watches To Kill a Mockingbird on the TV. The credits start to scroll across the screen Nola: (sniveling uncontrollably) That damn Gregory Peck gets me every single time. If only they made movies and shows with powerful messages like they use too. (wiping away tears) Now everything is about sex and violence. . . (sighs) How I miss the old times. Nola takes the remote and aims it at the TV, shutting it off. The silence that she once had is now ruined with J and Quint coming down the stairs, arguing. Nola implants her face into her palms, so over it. J: (entering the room) Dad, trust me—I don’t want to stick around. If I could, I would flee Springfield as fast as I can. Quint: (tailing him) Then why don’t you? J: Because I choose not to run. Something you had a history of doing all your life. Nola jumps up driving a wedge between her husband and son. Nola: OK. What now? J: He’s nagging me about what I am going to do next. Quint: I’m just want him to do something other than lie around and sulk. How about going rejoining the police squad—Springfield Police Department. I could call Frank, and— J: (snapping back) NO! Now stay out of my damn business. When I make my next move, you’ll know! J rams into Quinton as he exits. Nola gazes at Quinton, shaken at what he said. Nola: Do you realize what you just said? Do you realize how sensitive it is for you to keep bringing up his old life to him?! The loss he—we suffered. . . Nola is on the verge of crying again when Quinton eases in and grabs his wife holding her tightly in a comforting embrace. Quint: (deeply remorseful) Nola. . . Nola: Quinton, give him time. You have to realize that he is a man that lost everything not too long ago. Unknowingly, J stands outside the room listening in to what is going on. With him fighting back tears and furious, CUT TO INT. WSPR (HOLLY’S OFFICE) Holly, Dinah, and Vanessa stand in the doorway talking to each other. Holly: You sure about this, Vanessa? Dinah: Yeah, Mom. You sure you wanna go back Spaulding with Alan? Vanessa: I do. I actually miss it. Holly: Just know that the door is ALWAYS open for you to come back to WSPR. I mean it. Vanessa is touched by Holly’s invitation. Vanessa: Thanks. Holly: No problem. Holly looks past Dinah and Vanessa to see Reginald easing down the hall. He is very attractive and knows it but he also possesses a slimy side that makes him a tad bit unbalanced—he is that anchor that is willing do anything to get the story. Holly: Excuse me, ladies, our new anchor is here. Dinah and Vanessa look at Reginald, who comes up shaking Holly’s hand firmly. Vanessa: (to Dinah) He’s attractive. Dinah: I’m with Shayne, Mom. Vanessa: I know but that has never stopped you before. Dinah shoots a look at Vanessa, who looks back at her grinning. Meanwhile, Holly, with Reginald, rejoins them. Holly: Dinah, this is your co-anchor, Reginald. Reginald, this is Dinah and her mother, Vanessa. Reginald: Nice to meet both of you. Hmm. . . . Dinah? Like Dinah Shore? Dinah: (shaking his hand) I hope I can achieve the success she has achieved in the media. Reginald: With me by your side, you will. Reginald smiles at Dinah, still shaking her hand, while eyeing her down seductively. Dinah removes her hand from the uncomfortable situation. Reginald: Isn’t there another anchor? Holly: Yes, my daughter, Blake. Blake (OS): Who happens to be standing behind you. . . Everyone turns to see Blake standing behind them, dressed like a little sex-pot in her business suit that is showing cleavage and legs. Dinah: You do realize that this is not a strip club, Blake? Blake: Oh Dinah, green does not look good on you. Dinah: Neither does that outfit. Blake ignores her and steps in front her, facing Reginald. Blake: (shaking his hand) I’m Blake. Reginald: (eyeing her voluptuous body for a second, then) Oh, I’m Reginald. Blake definitely likes what she sees. Holly notices this and, Holly: OK. Time for you all to head to makeup. Blake: God knows Dinah could use a miracle before the camera comes on. Dinah flicks Blake “the bird.” Vanessa: On that note, I need to head to Spauldings for the board meeting. Reginald: You work for Spaulding Enterprises? Vanessa: Why yes. Reginald: Perfect. We might need you one day if we decide to a piece on local businessmen and women or a piece on Alan Spaulding. Vanessa: Well I’d be honored for the first suggestion. You wouldn’t need me for the second piece as Dinah and Blake have enough to give you what you’d be looking for. (to Dinah, kissing her) Good luck. (to Blake) You too. (to Holly) I’ll see you around. On Vanessa exiting, CUT TO INT. SPRINGFIELD POLICE DEPT (FRANK OFFICE) A shot of a police badge that reads Det. Harley Cooper, we pull back to show Harley thrilled over the sight of holding her badge in her hand. Frank: You sure that you are ready to come back? Harley: More than ready. Frank: Good because we missed you. Harley: I missed you all too. I just can’t wait to get back on the streets of Springfield. Frank: Alright, Baretta. Harley: Very funny. Harley places her badge in her pocket and grabs her holster with gun off Frank’s desk, putting it on. Frank: How are the boys taking it? Harley: Me being back? Frank nods. Harley: They seem fine by it. I think that they are still just glad to be home. Harley’s phone beeps. She looks at it. Harley: Oops. Frank: You’re already busy? Harley: No. I just forgot that I was supposed to stop by Cassie’s to pick up Zach’s soccer gear that he left over there. Frank: How is she doing? Harley: Fine. I mean she’s been busy with the upcoming reopening of the Beacon and dealing with Olivia and Edmund. . . Frank: Edmund? CUT TO INT. JESSUP FARM (KITCHEN) Cassie rushes over to the door to let Edmund, bearing flowers, in and signals for him to be quiet as she is on the phone. Cassie: (on phone) I looked at the designs that you sent me for website and I was hoping for something more interactive—something that allows the guest to look at their room before the book it. You know what I mean. Edmund grabs a vase out the cabinet and places the flowers inside of it. He then turns (standing by the counter) and watches Cassie at work, smiling. Cassie: That’s fine. Just send the designs to me as soon as possible. . . OK. Thank you. . . Bye. Cassie hangs up the phone and turns to Edmund. Cassie: What are you doing here? Edmund: I came to see my favorite ex-wife. Cassie: I thought that Beth occupied that position? Edmund: She wishes. Cassie laughs. Cassie: But really, what do you want, Edmund? Edmund: Your hand in marriage again. Cassie: Well that’ll never happen again. Edmund: Then what about a business proposition? Cassie: Like? Edmund: Allowing me to buy into the Beacon as a partial owner. Cassie: No way in h*ll. CUT TO EXT. ED’S HOUSE (PATIO) Danny walks up smiling as Michelle and Ed relax drinking lemonade. Danny: Good news. I just placed my hat into the bid for town mayor. Ed: Again? That’s phenomenal. Danny: I did it once and won, I guess that I could do it again. Michelle: Great! At least you don’t have to worry about me screwing up your campaign like last time. Danny: Michelle, that’s in the past. Michelle: I know. Danny: I feel that if we are going to stay in Springfield then I want this place to be safe for Robbie and Hope. Ed: Well I think you are the man who could get it done. I just hate that you are running against Rusty. Michelle: . . .and Doris. Ed: Well her too. Ed pours Danny a glass of lemonade and hands it to him. Ed: (raising his glass) To the future Mayor of Springfield! Danny: Cheers. As Danny and Ed celebrate, Michelle eases into the house and down the hall into the INT. BATHROOM where she flicks on the light, looking at herself in the mirror. All these thoughts of Meta and her family members starts to plague her as she falls to the floor in fetal position bursting into tears. CUT TO INT. OUTSKIRTS BAR Lizzie comes rushing in screaming joyfully and hugging her friend, Tierra, tightly. Lizzie: Tierra! Oh my God! I haven’t seen you in years! Tierra: I know right. Lizzie: When I heard that you were coming back home, I had was thrilled. Tierra: Well I got a table for us. Lizzie and Tierra walk over to their table that has a pitcher filled with margarita in it. The grab a glass and pour themselves a drink. Lizzie: I can’t stay for too long. I have a board meeting at Spaulding in a few. Tierra: Lizzie Spaulding, look at you! A businesswoman?! I would’ve never. . . Lizzie: Neither did I. Tierra: I just hope I land this job today. Lizzie: Where? Tierra: The Springfield Journal. Lizzie: (stops sipping her drink) Really? Tierra: Yep. Lizzie: Today might be your lucky day as my uncle, Alan Michael is GM of both the Journal and WSPR with Holly Reade, a good family friend. I could put in a good word with you. Tierra: I couldn’t ask you to do that. Lizzie: It’s already settled. I’ll do it once I leave here. Dorrie comes sashaying into the bar donning designer clothes from head to toe. She notices Lizzie and waves. Lizzie moans. Tierra: Who is she? Lizzie: A piece of trash. Dorrie advances over the table to cause trouble. Dorrie: Lizzie, aren’t you going to invite me to have drinks? Lizzie: No. Tierra: There is enough— Lizzie drives her elbow into Tierra’s side. Lizzie: You’ll have to get your own drink—that is if you can afford it. Dorrie: That’s no problem. (digging in her purse to reveal Alan’s credit card) Your grandfather is taking care of the tab for me. Lizzie’s jaw drops. Dorrie: Now if you’ll excuse me. Dorrie tosses her hair and walks off. Lizzie: That little bit— Dorrie heads into the bar and bumps into Dinah. Dorrie: Dinah? Dinah studies Dorrie’s face for a sec, then Dinah: Dorrie, is that you? Dorrie: In the flesh. Dinah hugs Dorrie. Dinah: When did you get back in town? Dorrie: A while back. I went back to Europe to sever some ties and I am here for the long haul. Dinah: So where are you staying? Dorrie: With the Spauldings. Dinah looks past Dorrie at Lizzie, who is watching on in a blind rage. Dinah: I can tell they don’t like you. Dorrie: Who cares. Alan likes me. Dinah: You just better remember that Alan is snake. Dorrie: And my mother is the mongoose. Dinah: True. Let’s have a drink before I have to head back to the station. Dorrie: Sure. I’ll pay or Alan will. Dinah: Then I’ll have the most expensive drink on the menu. Dorrie and Dinah laugh as Lizzie continues to watch on. Lizzie: How could Dinah be associated with her? (thinking about it) Never mind. This is Dinah we are talking about. Tierra: Who is she? Lizzie: Dinah? Oh my sister-in-law that hates me and vice versa. Tierra: That’s nice. Remy, a wreck, drags himself into the bar. Tierra notices him. Tierra: (nudging Lizzie) Hey! Isn’t that Remy Boudreau from high school? Lizzie: Yeah, why? Tierra: No reason. On Tierra liking what she sees before her, CUT TO INT. SPAULDING ENTERPRISES (ALEX’S OFFICE) Alan: (entering her office) Alexandra, it is about that— Alan notices Alex straddled across the floor, passed out. The telephone dangles down from the desk, beside her. Alan: (kneeling down) Alex? (shaking her) Alex! (calling out) Someone call 911! Beth peeks her head into the office. Beth: Alan, what is—(noticing Alex) Oh my God!! Alan: Call 911! Quick! Beth nods and rushes down the hall. On Alex lying motionless, FADE OUT THE END COMING UP ON TGL: - The past comes back to haunt the three candidates: Rusty, Danny, and Doris - Olivia's plan hits her where it hurts the most - Edmund brings Mallet's sister, Julie to town as a distraction - Jeffrey still feels threatened by Josh's presence in Reva's life - Tom and J get a job. . . with Alan! - Marah finds love in the most unlikely place - Love is all around for the youngsters - Mallet and Dinah are drawn back together when Dinah gets a stalker - Lara's friend (Shayne's ex/Edmund's daughter), Mackenzie comes to town obssessed with Shayne and hates Marina - Blake learns Kevin's secret and is not happy - Alex gets disturbing news - Trista's paternity comes out and her mother Laurel comes to town - Rick is attracted to Laurel - Mel's pregnancy is revealed and the verdict is in for Leah - One cousin falls for another cousin's wife - Michelle falls victim of the Bauer curse - Caroline's identity is blown - Two childhood friends fall into bed together, thus creating a scandal - Pilar returns at the hands of Dorrie to cause trouble for Lizzie - Brandon has a secret. . . he's a Tamerlain! He wants what is his. - Dorrie learns Brandon's secrets and immediately sinks her hooks into him - A Tierra/Brandon/Dorrie/Remy quad creates drama - Carmen awakens from her coma and wreaks havoc for Danny and Edmund - After Trista's reveal, Cassie decides it is time to find her biological dad, hurting Hawk - Carmen brings the mob back to Springfield and mob friends - John Hu, a friend of Carmen's, has many ties to Springfield - The Diamondhead Organization is after Josh again - A drunken night results in Billy finding the woman of his dreams - A Springfield denizen has falls victim to DID - The Marler boys apples have not fallen too far the tree. Kevin is apple is from Ross' tree but Jason is from Roger's tree - Jason wants Phillip's head on a silver platter - Springfield has a serial killer on the loose - Someone is hiding a secret as to who they are tied too and Rita is at the center - Annie's sister and niece come to town and they are just as dangerous as she is
  4. INT. RAGGEDY BUILDING IN DOWNTOWN OAKDALE Lisa, Carly, and Barbara walk into a vacant building—dusty, torn, and battered. The sight of this causes Lisa to do a U-turn with Carly and Barbara stopping her. Lisa: This is the building you were talking about, Barbara? Barbara: (taking it all in) Isn’t it great? Carly: I wouldn’t say all that. . . Lisa: Then I’ll say it—Barbara, this building looks like sh— Carly covers Lisa’s mouth before she can finish. Barbara walks over to the center of the room, pointing things out. Barbara: With a little bit of paint, here and there we can fix this place up to be a top notch fashion house. Lisa: A little? Baby, it is gonna take a hell of a lot of paint to fix this piece of junk up. Barbara: Could you be a little bit more optimistic? Lisa: H*ll no. It would’ve been better to have gone into to Milltown and bought one of those new buildings over in the strip mall. Barbara rolls her eyes and keeps walking through the foyer. Barbara: I was thinking the downstairs area we have reception sitting off to the side here. (walking over to a door) And this room could be our storage room—where we keep fabrics, threads, needles. (noticing Carly nor Lisa has moved) C’mon! Let’s head up stairs so we can look at your offices. Lisa and Carly look over at the jagged, wooden stairs, which resemble something about of Henri Matisse painting. Lisa: You go. We’ll stay here. Barbara: (going up the stairs) C’mon! Lisa and Carly rush over and start climbing the stairs behind an eager Barbara. Barbara sways the cobwebs out of the way as they reach the top of the stairs, which looks just as worse as the bottom. Carly: OK. . . I was going to keep my mouth shut but we are going to spend more money remodeling than making money. Lisa: She is. I’m not investing a damn thing in this hell hole. Barbara: You don’t have to. I already hired the contractors to remodel the place. They are supposed to be out here tomorrow. (pushing the first door on the long hall open) Here is where we’ll do our photo shoots. The room is quite big, filled with windows. Looks like a studio apartment; however, it looks like the crappy building it is in. Lisa and Carly peeks in while Barbara goes into the room, showcasing it like she is Barker Beauty. Lisa and Carly look at each other. Then at Barbara. Then back at each other. Lisa: (under her breath) Lord help this girl. She really thinks this spot is hot. Carly: And it’s not. Barbara: Now let me show you your office, Lisa. Barbara starts down the hallways some more. Lisa: Is it in this building? Carly bursts into laughter, guiding Lisa down the hallway with a gentle push and, CUT TO INT. OAKDALE MEMORIAL LUNCHROOM Bob and John sit off to the side eating lunch together. Bob: Never knew how much I would miss the food until I was gone. John: I felt the same way too when I left all those years ago. Being back here just felt so right. John looks over to see something is wrong with Bob. John: What is it? Bob: Huh? (hiding it) What are you talking about? John: You were never a good liar, Bob. Bob: You’d know. John: Ouch. That hurt. Bob: (sighing) Sorry. I just didn’t realize how much I miss this place. The sound of carts rolling in the morning, patients moaning, their loved ones biting our heads off—I miss it. John: Then come home. Bob: What? John: You heard me. Come home. Bob: I can’t do that. John: Yes you can. Leave Arizona and come back home. It’s simple. Then can resume your position as Chief of Staff. Bob: I can’t do that. I cannot take the position back when you are occupying it. I can’t. John: (leaning in) Don’t tell anyone this but these past four months have been hell. Bob is astonished by this revelation made by John. John: It wasn’t until I left for John Hopkins and worked there for a while with medical students that I realized how much I loved being in the E.R. Not cramped up in some rusty office shoveling paperwork. That was always you, Bob. Bob: Hey! John: I’m just saying. I miss doing research, healing patients—I don’t work well under structure. Bob: If only you felt this way about twenty-five years ago when you were still fighting with me for the position and actually taking it away from me. John: Well I was young and stupid. I did a lot of stupid things that now being older, I regret doing. Bob reaches over and feels John’s forehead. Bob: Are you OK? John laughs. Bob: What have you done to the John Dixon I know and loved to hate? John: He grew up. On Bob and John sharing a smile CUT TO INT. MARGO’S HOUSE (CASEY’S ROOM) Casey starts to unpack his belongings in his room when Kim appears in front of his door, knocking on it. Casey turns around and smiles at the sight of Kim. Kim: Can I come in, Kiddo? Casey waves, indicating for her to “come on in.” Kim: How are you holding up? Casey: Barely. Kim: (sitting on the edge of his bed) That’s understandable. Casey: Gram, can I ask you a question? Kim: Of course. Casey: (sitting next to her) How did you handle the situation when Grandpa cheated on you with Susan? This comes at Kim out of left field, throwing her off. She takes a breath and answers: Kim: I was crushed, and so many things went through my mind. Casey: Yeah, but you forgave him. How? Kim: Introspection. That alone caused me to realize that I had a hand in your grandfather finding solace elsewhere. Now he isn’t fully innocent but I had to learn to take my part of the blame. Casey stirs on this a bit, then Casey: So I should forgive Allison? Kim: I can’t tell you what to do, Kiddo. That is for you to decide. Casey: True. It would be easier though if you would decide for me. Kim: I know. Trust me. I felt the same way, but what was right for me might not be for you. You call the shots. But you can’t leave Allison in limbo. You have to make a decision and soon. And you can’t string her along either. As much as I don’t care for her at this point, it is not fair. Casey nods, understandingly. DING-DONG! DING-DONG! Kim: I’ll get that. Kim heads down the hall then down the stairs to open the door to Susan. Kim: Can I help you? Susan: Where is Casey? Kim: Why? Susan: I need to talk to him. Kim: Susan— Susan: Look, Kim, I need to— Allison comes from behind Susan. Allison: No, I need to talk to Casey. Chill out, Mom. (to Kim) Can I go up and see him? Kim moves out the way, allowing Allison to come in. Kim: He’s in his room. Allison: Thanks. Kim nods and Allison heads up the stairs. Kim looks back at Susan, who has her arms crossed. Susan: Aren’t you gonna invite me in? Kim: This isn’t my house. Kim slams the door in Susan’s face. CASEY’S ROOM Casey is back to putting his clothes up with Allison enters. He looks up, sees her, and goes back to doing what he was doing like he never noticed her. Allison: Casey. Casey: What, Ali? Allison: We need to talk. Casey: Start talking. Allison: Well can you stop moving and listen to me? Casey: Allison, I can do two things at once. You’re wasting time. Allison: Fine. I just wanna say that I’m sorry and that I didn’t mean to cheat you. Casey stops what he is doing and looks her as if she is crazy. Allison: I mean it. I didn’t mean too. I started when you were stressing about all the long hours and papers and you shut me off. Casey: So that gives you the right to cheat? Allison: No. Casey: Because you had just as much work as me, if not more and yet I NEVER cheated on you. Allison: I know, but— Casey: But, what? Allison: (sobbing) I DON’T LOVE HIM! I love you. . . Casey: But love isn’t supposed to hurt. Allison: I know! Casey: Well you hurt me. Allison: (wiping away tears) I know! But please . . . please tell me we have another shot. Casey: Maybe we do . . . Allison’s face lights up with hope. Casey walks over and takes her by the hand. He opens it, dropping his wedding band in it. Casey: But not anytime soon. On Allison, severely wounded, CUT TO INT. SNYDER BARN Emma is feeding the horses when a Blue Chevy Silverado pulls in beside the barn. Emma puts down the bag of grain and walks EXT. OUTSIDE where Aaron and Holden both get out the truck. Emma: (to Aaron, overjoyed) What are you doing here?! Aaron: Well I decided to take you both up on that offer. I’ve decided to move back to Oakdale and help out around the farm. Aaron walks around the truck and hugs Emma tightly. Emma: You sure? Aaron nods “yes.” Emma: Well what about your mother and her chemo? Aaron: She has Uncle Caleb along with Pete and Jenny, who have both uprooted to Seattle to be near her—just know that she pushed me to come here. Holden: Now anytime you get ready— Aaron: I know, Dad. But I am needed here, and I’ve actually missed Oakdale and the farm. Emma: Not too many people say that. Holden: (hugging Aaron) I’m just glad that my son is back. Emma: Me too. Now this calls for a celebration—a special dinner. Aaron: As long as there is some of your famous sweet potato pie. . . Emma: Anything you want, baby! Let’s head over to the kitchen now and get started. And with three generations of the Snyders arm and arm heading back to the house, CUT TO EXT. JACK & CARLY Parker and Jack walk up to the door, joking. Both are carrying gym bags. Parker: Too much for you, old man, huh? Jack: Never. Jack grabs the door knob and the door opens. Parker and Jack look at each other, confused and look inside to see a book and clothes straddled all over the living room. Jack: What the— Sound of glasses is heard from the kitchen. Jack: (to Parker) Stay here. Parker nods. Jack eases around the corners, then Jack: Hey! JJ puts his arms into the air, dropping everything. Jack: JJ! JJ: (turning around) Dad! Parker joins them in the kitchen. Jack: What are you doing home? JJ: Umm. . . school’s out, Dad. Jack: No it isn’t. JJ: Yeah. It is. Jack glances over at the calendar with a red circle that reads Friday, May 11, 2012: JJ returns home. Jack: Oops. JJ: Tell my ham sandwich and glass of milk that. Carly (OS): Anybody home? Jack: We’re in the kitchen, honey. Carly walks into the kitchen and to her surprise, sees JJ. She rushes over, hugging him. Carly: Aww, my baby is home. JJ: Yep. Carly notices the shattered glass, milk, and ham sandwich on the floor. Carly: OK. . . what is that? Jack: It was my fault. I scared JJ. Carly: You scared him. Jack: I thought he was a burglar. Carly: A burglar? Not my baby! JJ grins as Carly and Jack squabble over what he said. Parker, meanwhile, slinks out of the kitchen into LIVING ROOM where a letter lies on the floor. Being nosy, Parker picks the letter up, which reads: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snyder, We are sad to inform you that due to JJ Snyder being a constant problem in class that we have no choice but to expel him from the St. Paul Boy’s Academy. Any further questions, you can reach us at 604-578-9987. Sincerely, Dean Richard Trudeau St. Paul Boy’s Academy Monticello, Illinois JJ (OS): Hey Parker! Parker spins around, yet hides the letter behind his back. He forces a smile on his face to hide what he is doing. JJ: Mom and Dad said did you want to go to the Skyview Restaurant to eat tonight? Parker: Sure. JJ heads back into the kitchen. Parker: (to self) Oh JJ, what have you done? On Parker in deep thought, CUT TO INT. FAIRWINDS (FOYER) Emily hugs Daniel tightly as Tom, Margo, and Paul watch on. Paul grins at his wife happiness while Tom is uneasy and Margo is just sickened by the whole thing. Tom: Now you have my number installed on your phone don’t you? Daniel: (breaking away from Emily) Yeah. Emily: He won’t need to call you seeing as he is here with me. Margo: That’s what we are worried about. Emily: Whatever, Margo. Margo sneers at Emily. Daniel: C’mon guys! Don’t make me run back to the boarding school. Paul: Right. Now don’t worry about your luggage, some of the help will come and get that for you. Daniel: Thanks, Paul. Daniel hugs Tom then Margo. I’ll come and stay with you guys next week. Tom: Can’t wait. Emily: But till then. . . (opening the door) you know the deal. Tom exits but Margo isn’t going out with a word or two. Margo: (walking out) You know what, Emily, you are a real class A bit— Emily slams the door in Margo’s face. Emily: So now that they are gone. . . Daniel: Mom, why are you so threatened by them? Emily: (point to herself) Me? Daniel: Yes, you. Emily: I am not threatened by them at all. I just hate sharing you. Paul: We see that. Emily: Well I can’t wait for the help to come and get your suitcases, and no one knows how to fix your room like your mommy, so I’ll do it. You just relax here with Paul. Emily grabs his luggage and scurries up the stairs. Paul: She is a mess. Daniel: (snidely) She isn’t the only one. On Daniel walking off and Paul feeling the sting of Daniel’s remark, CUT TO INT. WOAK Kim walks into the studio, which is filled with people running amuck doing various things. But it isn’t as tight as ship as Kim use to run it. This disturbs her. Suddenly, Ryder comes up and taps her on the shoulder. Kim: (nearly jumping out her skin) Oh hey! What are you doing here? Ryder: Just taking your advice and seeing what WOAK is all about. Kim: You like it so far? Ryder: So far, so good. I think that I might be able make this permanent. Kim: Well I can put in a good word for you. Ryder: Thanks, Aunt Kim but I think that Katie has that covered. I just know that this has to be hard for her to get a new co-host. You know. . . Kim: Since Brad died. I know. Have they chem tested you yet? Ryder: No. The producer just sort of left me out here to dry. Kim: Well who is the producer? Ryder: Some guy named Henry Coleman. Kim: (bewildered) Henry?! Henry comes out the office, frazzled. He approaches Kim and Ryder. Henry: Sorry, Ryder. Things are a little backed up. An intern lost a segment for tonight’s news and I don’t know what do. Nice to see you too, Kim, but I gotta run. An intern will be here in a second to hand you an application. Henry runs off. Kim: What is going on here? Ryder: I don’t know but I hope it’s just like this today. Kim: I hope so because WOAK never use to be like this when I was in charge. Ryder: Maybe you should’ve stayed. Kim: Maybe. On Kim questioning herself and having second thoughts, CUT TO INT. FAIRWINDS (FOYER) The doorbell rings repeatedly as Emily rushes back down the stairs to answer. She opens it to reveal Meg. Meg pushes past Emily into the house. Meg: (livid) Where is Paul? Emily: He had to run to the office. Meg: Then I’ll meet him there. Emily grabs Meg by the arm, stopping her. Emily: Why do you need to see Paul? Meg: I just got wind that Paul decided cancelled my contract with the daycare because he hired a nanny for Eliza. Emily: And? Meg: I don’t want Eliza to have a nanny! Emily: Look, we know what is best for Eliza. Meg: Say what? Emily: Paul is doing what is best for our daughter. This sends Meg over the edge. Meg: Our daughter? Last time I checked, you had two boys. You don’t have a daughter with Paul unless Allison has is a seed of Paul’s, which I doubt. Emily: I’m sorry. Meg: You need to be. Realize that Eliza is MY daughter. Not yours. She is nothing to you. Emily: I wouldn’t say all that. . . Meg: (stepping in Emily’s face) Emily, don’t push me. Emily: It was a simple mistake. I mean Eliza is like a daughter to— Meg: DON’T YOU DARE SAY IT! MY DAUGHTER IS NOTHING TO YOU, TRASH! Emily is at a loss of word over Meg. Meg tosses her hair, gives Emily one final warning look, and slams the door. On Emily nervous, CUT TO INT. OAKDALE MEMORIAL (HALLWAY) Dusty walks with Lorenzo in his arms, cooing at the baby. He bumps into John. John: What are you two doing here? Dusty: Another checkup. John: Everything alright? Dusty: Yep. He has another set of shots he has to take in a few weeks, but he takes them well. John: (playing with the baby) Of course he does. (looking at Dusty again) How has Janet been? Dusty: Good. Still working at Al’s Diner when she isn’t running behind myself, Lorenzo, and Liberty. John: Good. We have to schedule another family night real soon. Dusty: We sure do but what are you doing roaming the halls? Don’t you have some paperwork to do? John: I do but if things go as planned then I won’t have to worry about paperwork ever again. Dusty: What are you talking about? John: I offered the position back to Bob. Dusty: But he retired. John: We had a heart to heart and he realized that he missed the hospital and I realized how much I miss being in surgery. Dusty: You two had a heart to heart? John: Shocking, huh? But I think that the hatchet is finally buried. Dusty: I’m proud of you, John. John: That means the world to me. (smiling at Lorenzo) Now let’s head down to the cafeteria and see what we can get for this growing boy. Dusty: Alright. With Dusty and John walking side by side in laughter, CUT TO EXT. GRAVEYARD Kim kneels down, gently placing some flowers on Nancy, Chris, and Dan’s graves. Unknowingly, Bob comes up behind her bearing flowers too. Bob: Great minds think alike. Kim: (noticing Bob) They sure do. Bob kneels down with Kim. Bob: You came here for some introspection? Kim: Yep. Bob, I need to tell you something. Bob: So do I. Kim: You first. Bob: Kim, I miss Oakdale. I miss the hospital. I know you don’t want me to work, but Kim— Kim: You miss working? Bob: Yeah. Kim sighs in relief. Kim: So glad to hear you say that. Bob: You are? Kim: Yes, because I miss WOAK. I stopped by there today and I nearly went into cardiac arrest. Bob: That was easy. Kim: It was; however, we have to promise that despite our busy schedules that we always find time for not only our family but— Bob: Ourselves. Kim nods and with tears in her eyes, she leans over and passionately kisses Bob. Panning over to Chris, Nancy, and Dan's graves, FADE OUT THE END
  5. HUGE CASTING NEWS AT TGL: THE GUIDING LIGHT Four characters from the past are returning to the canvas on a permanent basis to help shake up the show. To center the show back around the Bauers, Michelle and Danny Santos (Paul Anthony Stewart and Joie Bethany Lenz) are rejoining the series along with Carmen Santos (Saundra Santiago) and soon by Carmen's daughter, Pilar (now being portrayed by Lindsay Hartley). Expect Danny & Michelle's story to start soon on the SUPERSIZED EPISODE of TGL (posted soon) with Carmen soon following. Pilar will arrive back in town no time soon, but when she does, expect fireworks!
  6. No India is not married to neither of Alex's kids. She was just married to Phillip and was once Alex's stepdaughter; however, India will trying and find a way to get back with the Spauldings, which she is doing now, but you have keep reading to see if her plans come to fruition or not. Same with Olivia and Marah. Keep reading...
  7. INT. FAIRWINDS (LIVING ROOM) Emily, relaxed, sits on the sofa reading a copy of The Intruder when Susan comes storming into the room. Susan looks a total wreck, like she hasn't slept in days even though it has only been a night. Susan: Have you heard from Allison? Emily: No. She hasn't called? Susan: I'm worried. Emily: Mom, I'm sure that Allison is fine. Susan: Em, this is Allison we are talking about! Emily thinks about if for a second, then Emily: You're right. (getting up) Let me get dressed and we'll drive over to Carbondale to find Allison. Allison (OS): It would be a wasted a trip. Allison enters into the room just as much of a wreck as her mother--mascara stains all under her eyes showing she has clearly been crying, her hair tossed all over the place, and still wearing the dress from the night before. Susan and Emily rush over and take Allison by the arms, guiding her to the sofa. Allison: Why are you guys helping me? Susan: What are you talking about? You are my child! Allison: I guess that explains why I am such a total wreck. Emily: At least she hasn't lost her sense of humor. Susan cuts her eyes at Emily, letting her know that she is not in the mood. Allison: Casey, have you guys seen Casey? Susan: Who cares about him at this point. This causes Allison, highly emotive--on the verge of crying, to jump up from the sofa. Emily manages to grab her and pull her back down to the sofa. Emily: (calmly) Yes. He came to the party in a drunken mess, slandering your name. Allison: Well it is not that hard to do seeing as what he said is probably true. Susan: (easing down next to Allison) Is it true? Did you sleep with your professor? Allison does not answer for a second, then Allison: (sighs) Yes. Emily: Allison! Allison: I wasn't thinking. Susan: Well we can see that. Allison: But I need to find Casey. I need to just sit down and talk to him. I just-- Emily: Lie down. That is what you need to do. And Casey probably does even want to see you at this point. Susan: And you'd never get past the guard dogs guarding him. Kim, Lisa, Margo, Tom--they are probably guarding him like is a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. Allison: (starting to cry) I just want to tell him why--go into details as to why. . . Susan: It can wait. You need to rest. Emily: Mom, is right. How about you go and lie in one of guest rooms and when you wake up, we'll think of way to fix the problem then. OK? Allison: Fine. Emily gets up and helps Allison up the stairs. Susan watches on, heartbroken for her daughter. Susan: (to self) Damn you, Casey. CUT TO INT. HOTEL SUITE Casey is straddle across the bed--a mess too. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! Margo (OS): Open the door, Casey! Casey slowly opens up his eyes and trudges over to the door where he opens it to see Margo bearing a bag of donuts and a coffee. She pushes her way past him into the room. Casey closes the door. Casey: Mom, it is too early. Margo: It's 10 A.M. Casey: Like I said, it is too early. Margo: Well we need to talk. Casey: I really don't want to talk about last night or Allison or-- Margo: (sitting on the bed) Sit down. Casey trudges back over to the bed, doing as Margo says. Margo: (handing him a doughnut) Eat this. (passing the coffee to him) Drink this. Casey: Mom, coffee is not going to sober me up. Margo: Oh I know. I am a cop. A good shower and rest does but you don't deserve a either. Not after that stunt from last night. Casey: I'm the injured party here! Margo: But that does not mean for you to go barging in a room in a drunken stupor and scream out how much of a slut someone is. Casey: It's true and you know it. Heck, you are probably thinking the same right now. Margo: You wouldn't be in this mess if you would've listened to me. Casey: Mom. . . Margo: It is the truth! I told you about her. I told you about Emily but did you listen? Did you? Casey: No. Margo: For now on, you'll listen to me. Now I'll meet you home and set up a room at the new house for you seeing as you'll be moving back home with us. And don't worry about switching your credits over from Carbondale State as I am already on it. Margo kisses Casey on the head and exits. On Casey biting his doughnut, annoyed. CUT TO INT. JAVA Lisa and Barbara sit a table in deep discussion of what occurred last night. Lisa: Poor Casey. But that is a Stewart woman for you. Only due time before Paul suffers at the hands of Emily . . . again. Barbara: Lisa, I am not getting into this with you. I have my own issues to worry about. Lisa: Oh c'mon. You expect me to believe that you like Emily. Barbara: We are fine. Lisa: But you still did not give an answer. Yes or no? Barbara: Yes, I like Emily. . . for right now. Lisa: Knew it. (looking at her watch) Now where is Carly? Barbara: I don't know but she is running late. Lisa: Well I can't blame her. She is meeting with two people who have not been her biggest supporters. Barbara: But that is in the past. Today is us moving forward. Carly enters. Lisa: There she is. (to Carly, waving) Over here. Carly: (making her way over to them) Coming! (to herself) Dear God, strike me dead. (with a forced smile) Hi, ladies. Lisa: Hey, Carly. (patting the seat next to her) Have a seat. Carly hesitantly eases down in the seat with a forced smile still on her face. She looks at Barbara, who is calm and collected and smiling back at Carly; however, her smile is genuine. This scares Carly. Carly: (breaking the facade) OK, let's get to the point. What have I done now? Barbara: (puzzled) Nothing. Like I told you last night, I have a business proposition for you. Carly: Like what? Barbara: Seeing as we are all in a good place with each other-- Carly: We are? Barbara: Carly, don't start. (continuing) I think that we should go into business together--the three of us. Lisa and Carly look at each other. Then Barbara. Then back at each other. Lisa: Us three? Barbara: Yes. You, me, and Carly. I think that we should open a fashion house with all of us doing the designing, Lisa, you still running the store, and me and Carly getting the press for the line-- Carly: With the three of us, that shouldn't be too hard. Lisa laughs. Barbara: I am serious. I already picked out a name for us, logo, and everything. Barbara digs into her bag and Carly leans back, scared. Barbara: What? Carly: (hesitantly laughing) Just you digging a bag sets me off, Barbara. Who knows what you might pull out. (to herself) Like a gun. Barbara pulls a folder out and opens it to reveal their logo: "BLC Fashions: Barbara, Lisa, & Carly." Barbara: Like it? Carly: (taking the folder) I love it. Lisa looks on with Carly, and a frown comes across her face. Lisa: I hate it. Carly & Barbara: Why?! Lisa: Shouldn't it be LBC. I mean I am the original fashionista in Oakdale. My name should be first. Barbara: But I thought of it. Lisa: And? Carly: But I like BLC. You being in the middle shows your importance in the operation. Lisa: (glowing) How so? Carly: Well its symbolic of what the work situations will be. You'll be the mediator between Barbara and I, thus preventing us from killing one another. Lisa: True. (thinking about it) Alright. I love it now. Lisa takes the folder and grins over the logo. Barbara mouths "thank you" to Carly before taking a sigh or relief. Barbara: Now ladies, (pulling out another folder) I wanted you both to look over what markets I want us to hit. Carly takes the folder and turns it to page one. Barbara: Now if you see, I think we will be able to hit all markets. Lisa, you being more aged-- Lisa: Hold up! Barbara: . . .And refined. . . Lisa: Keep going. Barbara: I think that it'll be better if you target older women. I named your line, "Matriarch." Lisa: Ooo. I like it. Barbara: Seeing as I the middle aged one of the two, and hoping to target women in their 40s and 50s, who want to feel like a queen, which is why my line is called, "Queen." Carly: And mine is what? Barbara: Belladonna. It sounds sexy and youthful. Carly: Oh h*ell yeah. That's hot. Barbara: Exactly and I want to have all three lines to have their Fall, Spring, Winter, and Summer lines. We could also do some fragrances which I think we should call "Bold and Sassy" seeing as it describes all three of us. Not only that but a men's line too--for all ages called Esquire. I was also thinking about getting with Janet to do a domestic line called-- Carly: Janet? As in Janet Ciccone? Barbara: Yeah. Carly: Let's just hold that thought. Barbara: C'mon Carly. Carly: (rolling her eyes) Fine. But she cannot be an equal partner. Barbara: She wasn't. I was thinking of splitting it 30% between the three of us. . . Carly: And giving Janet 10%? Barbara: Yes. Carly: I'm cool with that. (sitting back and relaxing) Keep going. Barbara: All I need for you two to take this contract and let your attorneys go over and send it back to me. Simple as that. Then we can start looking for a location to house the fashion house, etc. Carly: I'm down. Carly places her hand in the middle. Lisa places her next, followed by Barbara. Barbara: 1. . .2. . .3. . .BLC. Carly/Lisa/Barbara: (shouting) 1. . . 2. . .3. . .BLC!!!! The three ladies burst into laughter and enjoyment over their new business venture, a new journey, a new chapter in life. THE END
  8. INT. LIBRARY Trista and Rocky sit at a table filled with books. Both are deep into their studies until Trista's tapping on the pen interrupts Rocky. Rocky: You OK? Trista: Huh? Rocky: You were tapping your pencil on the table. Trista: Dear God, I am so sorry. Rocky: No you're fine. They go back to studying, then Trista: Does something look like it is bothering me? Rocky: (looking up) You tell me. Trista: OK. I'm not. Rocky: Then what is it? Trista: They know. Rocky: Who? Trista: My Aunt Reva and Grandpa Hawk. Rocky: They do. Trista: Yep. Grandfather says he always knew, which stunned both me and Reva. Rocky: So does Rusty know? Trista: Not yet. But he will sooner to later. INT. BEACON LOBBY Reva and Cassie stand at the room service counter looking over blueprints with Olivia and Dylan. Rusty strides in bearing posters. Reva: Rusty! What are you doing here? Rusty: Just here to drop off a few flyers and see if you mind me hanging up a few posters. Cassie: Go ahead. Olivia: I think NOT! Cassie and Reva side eye Olivia. Olivia gives it right back to them. Cassie: Why can't he? Olivia: Bad for business. Reva: Here we go. Cassie: How? Olivia: You own the hotel and your half brother is running for office. You allowing him to hang posters in here is favoritism and you might offend some of the guest that do not want to vote for him. Cassie: So what. I don't care. Olivia: But I do. Rusty: (awkardly) You know what, nevermind. Reva: Hold up! Reva walks behind the counter, stopping him. Reva: Give me some of those flyers then. Olivia: Excuse me? Reva: You said that posters were a "no," but you didn't say no to flyers. Reva takes some of the flyers. Reva: We can sit them on the service counter for when guests check in. Do you have any pamphlets too? Olivia: Excuse me, Reva, you work for me! Reva: No. I work for Cassie sometimes and Joshua. Those are my two bosses. Olivia: Well if you keep disrespecting me then you'll be down to one job and I doubt they'll keep you at Lewis Construction seeing as you'll also result in them losing a contract--our contract. Cassie: Who decided that? Olivia: Me. Case closed. No political memorabilia. Marah (OS): Hey Cassie, I picked out some fabrics for the-- Marah notices Olivia. Olivia looks back at Cassie for answers. Cassie: What now, Olivia? Olivia: What is she doing here? Reva: She is assisting Cassie. Olivia: In doing what? Cassie comes from behind the counter, wrapping her arm around Marah's shoulder. Cassie: She is gonna be the one to help redesign the hotel. Olivia: (searching for something to say, then) . . .She is--what?! Oh hell no. One Shayne is enough. Two is too many, but three is a crowd that I ain't having. Marah: (to Cassie) I told you. Olivia: And they should've listened. Cassie: She's staying. Olivia: No. Marah: Cassie-- Cassie: NO! (to Olivia) You didn't want anything to do with this. You said that I could handle it and I did. I hired Marah. She is staying. Olivia: If I knew you were going to hire her then I would've taken another task on like I've been doing before you decided to come back home. Cassie: She is staying and not another word. (to Marah) Let Dylan take to you the third story to see some of the suites you will be redesigning. Dylan and Marah get on an elevator nearby, exiting. Rusty: I'm gonna go. (taking back the flyers and posters) I'll call you both later. Rusty exits. Reva: Olivia, you are a b*tch. Olivia: Tell me something I don't know. Cassie: She's staying. Olivia: You keep saying that but I can tell you now that it ain't gonna happen. Not on my watch. Olivia starts to walk off when: Reva: Sam must be spinning in his grave. Olivia: (turning around) What did you say? Reva: You heard me. How you are treating my daughter. Sam would so hate you. Olivia charges towards Reva like a bull but Cassie steps inbetween the two. Olivia: (enraged with her finger in Reva's face) Don't you ever talk about my brother, you low life Tulsa trash. Reva: And you leave my child alone. If you wanna play with the big dogs then you come and pull my chain. Otherwise, you will leave my child alone. Olivia: I'll do as I please. Reva: And I whoop that-- Cassie: OK, OK. Enough you two. Olivia: (walking away) She better enjoy today because it will be her last. And Reva, if you ever disrespect me again, you'll be out of a job. Olivia exits. Reva: Stankin' trick. CUT TO INT. SPAULDING ENTERPRISES (BREAK ROOM) India sits at a table reading a fashion magazine when Alex enters. Alex goes over to the coffee machine, grabbing a clean mug. India: (still buried in magazine) Step-mommy dearest... Alex: Shouldn't you be working. Alan hired you for two jobs, public relations and running the foundation. Why haven't I gotten any reports from you today. India: Because I answer to Alan. Alex: And me. India: (putting the magazine) I would've answered to you if you didn't give me your a** to kiss when I came back to town. Alex: And this is new to you? India: Oh no but you should've played it smart, Alexandra. I'm not going anywhere. Alex: (pouring coffee in her mug) We'll see. India: We shall. Alex: Keep up the act because you will be booted out once again and this time it'll be for good. India: You sound so confident in that threat. What's up your sleeve, Baroness? Alex: You shall see soon enough. India: I'll be waiting. Alex: Good. Farewell, India. Alex leaves. On India, waving to Alex THE END
  9. Thanks! And my AW character will be an original but have ties to a prestigious Bay City family. I might just need to borrow one of your characters to introduce them but no time soon.
  10. Oh my God! Not another husband, LOL. Felicia has the worst luck with men. I am so loving the various nods to history. Keep it up! I might be taking you up on your offer of a crossover sooner than later.
  11. INT. CASEY'S CAR - NIGHT Casey speeds down the road, disheveled -- his mind still on what just happened. FLASHBACK - RECENTLY Casey: I SAID CALL HIM BACK GODDAMMIT! A scared Allison looks at Casey. This is not the Casey she has known and loved. Allison: Casey, let me explain. Casey: Allison, I said call him back. Allison: Casey! Casey takes the phone and throws it across the room. The phone shatters into the pieces. Allison: How could you?! Allison goes for the phone when Casey grabs her, shaking her. Casey: How long have you been screwing him? Allison looks away, trying to avoid giving an answer. Casey: (shaking her some more) Answer me! Allison: (breaking free) You're hurting me. Casey: You can't even answer a simple question--who are you?! Oh, wait, I know who you are. . . A TYPICAL STEWART WOMAN! Allison: What is that suppose to mean? Casey: That's you're not wife material. But I should've known that. You can't make a ho a housewife even though you need the "h" & the "o" to spell it. You know what--I don't even care anymore. I really don't. The engagement is over and I am going home. Casey crosses over into the room grabbing his suitcases from under the bed. He slams it on the bed. He pushes the closet slide doors open with so much force, they fall off the hinges. He starts to toss his clothes into the suitcase. Allison: What? Casey, you are talking crazy. Casey: What is crazy is that I even fell for you. I should've learned after Emily. . . Allison: I AM NOTHING LIKE EM! Casey: (flippantly) Oh yeah. You sure are. Casey starts moving throughout the rest of the room, grabbing his stuff. He cleaning the room of anything his, removing any essence he had in this room. He closes down his suitcase and locks it. He goes for the door when Allison moves in front of him, thus creating a blockade. Casey: Move. Allison: No. Casey picks Allison up drops her on the bed as she kicks and screams. He picks his stuff up and proceeds for the door. Allison runs to the door in tears, ready to give a final blow to Casey Allison: You wanna know why I was screwing him? Casey stops in place. Allison: Because you neglected me emotionally, physically, spiritually! And guess what, he fulfilled me where you lacked and that I mean! Casey looks back with tears forming in his eyes. Casey: . . .bitch. He slams the apartment door behind him and on Allison screaming at the top of her lungs, END FLASHBACK Casey continues to speed down the dark, winding road. INT. JACK/CARLY ROOM Jack sits on the bed adjusting his tie while Carly looks at herself in the long, stand, grooved frame mirror. She is wearing a Carly Tenney original--a short, satin, strapless dress that clings to her body, showing all of her curves. Carly: Does this dress look good, G-Man? Jack looks over and likes what he sees. Carly can see his reaction in the mirror. Carly: I guess that answer my question, but I am just not feeling this dress. Jack comes up behind Carly, wrapping his arms around her. Jack: I think you look beautiful. Carly: Thanks, baby. Jack: No problem. He grabs her by the face and kisses her passionately. Carly breaks the kiss, placing a finger on his lips. Carly: Not now. We have a party to get to. Jack: Do we have to go? Carly: Yes. Now you go and start the car while I look for my earrings. Jack: Alright but one more kiss? Carly: No. (playfully pops him) Go get in the car. Jack groans and exits. Carly walks over the dresser and looks inside her jewelry box for her earrings. She snags them when the phone rings. Carly: Now who is this? (grabbing her phone out her clutch) Hello? Barbara (VO): Carly? Carly: Yeah, who is this? Barbara (VO): Barbara. Carly nearly drops her phone but regains her composure. Carly: (hesitantly) Hey, Barbara. Barbara: Are you attending the party tonight? Carly: Well I was until you called and stopped me from getting ready. Jack (OS): Carly, c'mon. We're gonna be late. Carly: (covering the reciever) Coming, Jack! (back in phone) What do you want, Barbara? Barbara: A business proposition. On Carly puzzled, yet intrigued CUT TO INT. SKYVIEW The party is starting to fill up with our favorite Oakdale denizens. At one of the tables sits John, Lily, and Lucinda. John and Lucinda are clearly having a good time. On the other hand, Lily isn't not. She seems uncomfortable, if anything. Lucinda quickly takes notice of this. Lucinda: Darling, you alright? Lily: I'm fine, Mother. Don't start. Lucinda: I wouldn't start if you were alright, which you aren't. I know because I am your mother. Lily: I said I am fine. Lucinda: Lily, dear. . . John: Lucinda, the girl said she was fine. Lily: Thank you, John. Lucinda: John, hush. Now I know my daughter and she is not alright. Lily: (snapping back) Fine. I'm not alright. I just don't feel comfortable here. Lucinda: Still thinking about Holden and the fact that he doesn't want to get back together? Lily gets up from the table and John pulls her back down. John: (to Lucinda) Enough. Lily said that she did not want to talk about it. The wound is still fresh. Lucinda: But she needs to talk about it. John: Yes, when she is ready. Not when you say so. I thought you swore you were going to work on you being meddlesome. Lucinda: I did. John: Then start now. Lucinda: But-- Lisa bumps into Lucinda from behind, causing Lucinda's drink to spill on her dress. Lucinda: Ugh! Lisa: (turning around) Oops. Lucinda: Like hell you are. John grabs a napkin and starts to wipe the stain off when Lucinda smacks him. Lucinda: You'll smear it. You are suppose to dabble. Lily: Lisa said she was sorry. Why don't run into the kitchen and get some seltzer water. That'll help with the stain. Lucinda: (pointing to Lisa) She should go get it. She did it. Lisa rolls her eyes. Lily: I'll go get it. It'll get me away from the table for awhile. Lily gets up and heads for the kitchen. Lisa: I'm sorry, Lucy girl if that makes you feel any better. Lucinda: The name is Lucinda. Lisa: Lucy, Lucinda, whatever. John: OK, ladies. Calm down. Lucinda: (to John) Don't know if you would classify her as a lady. Lisa: John would. (looking at him seductively) Wouldn't you, Johnny boy? John laughs, shaking his head. He realizes that Lisa is trying to stick it to Lucinda and it is working. Lucinda is not amused though. She's gonna stab back. Lucinda: Once upon a time, maybe. But now he is with me. Lisa: Whatever, old Lucy. Lucinda: Old? Oh no, darling. John keeps me young if you know what I mean. Lisa begins to dry heave. John: Lucinda, c'mon now. . . Lucinda: I'm just stating facts. I mean when was the last time you have sex? Lisa: None of your business. Lucinda: Weeks? Months? YEARS. . .? Lisa: Just know that if I wanted Johnny-boy back I could have him back. . . (snapping her fingers) just like that. Lisa tosses her hair and sashays off. John watches on, amused. Lucinda drives her elbow into his gut. CUT TO Lisa bumping into Barbara. Lisa: Oh please don't give me a b*tch fit for bumping into you. Ole Lucy girl just tried it. Barbara: Why would I? (blowing that off) I need to talk to you. Lisa: Why? What's wrong? Barbara: Nothing but I have a business proposition for you. On Lisa, intrigued, CUT TO Kim and Bob's table where Margo, Tom, Katie, Chris, and Ryder sit. Margo: It is so good that you could join us, Ryder. Ryder: Thank Uncle Bob and Aunt Kim. They invited me and I couldn't turn them down. Feels pretty good to be back in Oakdale after all these years. Kim: It sure does. I kind of miss it. Katie: Aww, Kim, I thought you loved your new life in Arizona? Bob: We do but nothing beats being in Oakdale. Tom: Why not move back home? Bob: For what? We aren't needed. Everyone is happy, and-- A drunken Casey with bottle in hand, stumbles into the room. Casey: Hello, everyone! Margo: (standing up) Casey? What are you-- Emily and Susan rush up to Casey. Emily: Where is the bride? Casey: Screw her. Susan: Excuse me. Casey: You heard me you old leather face, hag! I said screw your daugther -- oh wait, someone else is doing that. HER PROFESSOR! Yeah. I found out tonight that Allison cheated on me with her professor. No wonder she was getting A's. Emily: Hey! That is my sister. Casey: Which makes it worse. My Grandma Kim said it best--those damn Stewart women! Kim cringes at the sight of Casey. Lisa rushes up to Casey, talking him down. Lisa: How about I get you a suite for tonight and you sleep this off, OK? Casey: (in a drunken stupor) Sleep what off? The fact that I did not please Allison emotionally? Spiritually? Sexually? I think that the last one is a lie because I am one hell of guy in the sack. Emily can tell you that. Emily walks away in disgust. Meg, watching on from a far, enjoys it. Susan: (shaking Casey) Where is my daughter? Lisa: (removing Susan's hands) Who cares. You heard him, your daughter is a tramp. Susan: Oh Lisa, put a sock in it. Lucinda: (leaning into John) She needs to put something in her. Maybe she wouldn't be so b*tchy. Lily: Mother! Lucinda shrugs her shoulders, "what?" Bob and Kim take a side of Casey and leads him out the room. Casey: Grandma Kim? Grandpa Bob? What are you doing here? Kim: Kiddo. . . Followed by Lisa, they exit the room and pass by Carly and Jack. Carly and Jack look at the faces in the room which read from bewildered to utter disgust. Carly: (stomping her foot) Damn it! I always miss the drama when it isn't about me! (to Barbara) Thanks alot. On Carly, pouting THE END ! COMING UP ON ATWT - The Stewarts and Hughes feud is reignited - Bob and Kim reconsider their new life in Arizona - Barbara has plans and Carly and Lisa are tied to them - Susan Stewart strikes again but it isn't Bob this time - Meg becomes a pain for Emily - Tragedy strikes Oakdale - Jamie and Monique rock Oakdale - Lisa gets a new man but Tom doesn't like it and neither does Lucinda - Forgotten sons return home taking their place on the show - J.J. vs. Parker results in Jack vs. Carly - Three legacy characters from 3 other P&G soaps find their way to Oakdale, creating a new quad with a lucky Hughes man
  12. INT. REVA'S KITCHEN Reva stands at the sink washing dishes. She is deep in thought, replaying the conversation over and over from the other day. Hawk's voice: She is a Shayne. Your mother and I knew. . . Your mother and I knew. . . Your mother and I knew. . . Reva: Oh, Pop. What have you done. If Rusty ever finds out, all hell will break loose. Marah (OS) : Mom, What are you talking about? Reva nearly jumps out of her skin at the sound of Marah's voice. Marah walks over to Reva, putting her arm on her, comforting her. Marah: You OK? Reva: (laughing it off) I am fine. I should be asking you if you are OK. Are you? Marah: Do we have to talk about me? Reva: No but you do need to talk to someone -- a professional. Maybe I should schedule you some appointments with a therapist? Marah: MOM! Reva: Marah, it won't hurt for you to talk to someone. Tears start to form in Marah's eyes. She is starting to unravel. Marah: Mom. . . I-I don't know if I can go back to the place. The thought of hundreds of pounds of snow covering over me. The thought of Sam, oh Sam! Reva holds Marah tightly, coddling her. Marah sobs in her chest. Reva: Baby, don't you worry. Momma is here. Marah: (wiping away her tears) I know but you can't protect me from her. Reva: Her? Marah: Olivia. Reva: What has that old carpet munching bitch done now? Marah is stunned by what her mother just said. Reva: Yes, I called her a carpet munching bitch. Now what has she done now? Marah: Mom. . . Reva: Well she eats Natalia's carpet, so what. Now what has she done now? Marah: Nothing. I just don't know if I can face her. Reva: Screw her. I understand her loss but you are at a loss too. You lost a friend -- a friend that gave up his life to save yours. He just happened to be Sam. Marah: You make it sound so bad when you put it like that. Reva: But it is true. Sam would not want you moping around and he sure as hell would not want Olivia seeking vengeance on his behalf and she knows it. Marah: True. Reva: I know it is true. That's what happens when you become a pescatarian. You become mad. She needs some beef. Marah: (shocked yet laughing) Mom! Reva and Marah share a laugh when we hear: Cassie (OS): (while entering) Knock! Knock! Reva: C'mon in here girl. Cassie joins them in the kitchen. Cassie: I didn't interrupt anything did I? Marah: Oh no. Just me and Mom having a heart to heart. Cassie: Well I actually came over to see you. Marah: Me? Cassie: Yep. I know you are down in the dumps but you need something to do. . . Reva: (jokingly) Or someone. . . Cassie pops Reva on the shoulder. Cassie: No seriously. You need to get those creative juices flowing, and what better way to do so than helping me redecorate. Marah: (taken back) Decorate? You want me to redecorate, what? The farm? Cassie: Not exactly. The Beacon Hotel to be exact. Marah: Oh no. Cassie: Oh yes! Reva: I think it is a great idea! Marah: Umm hello! Olivia! Cassie: And? Marah: She is part owner of the Beacon too. Cassie: OK and we both agreed that we needed the Beacon needed to be redone along with the new wings we just added, and who better than you? Reva: Does Olivia know? Cassie: (hesitantly) . . . No. Marah: Great. Cassie: She can't fire you. She put me in charge of the renovation since she is so busy with other matters. Marah: Like devising my demise. Reva: Look at it like this, Marah, if you are in close quarters with her then it gives you a heads up with what she is "planning." Cassie: True. And I'll be there along with Reva, our new manager. Reva: Exactly and if she tries anything, I'll bust that bitch across the head with a 2x4. Cassie: So on that note... (pulling a bottle of wine out her purse) Let's have a toast. Marah: This early? Reva: Girl, hush and grab a glass. She got that good bubbly. On the Shayne women cracking up, CUT TO INT. OLIVIA'S OFFICE AT THE BEACON HOTEL Olivia sits at her desk, very emotional, glancing at a pic of Sam. Olivia: Oh Sam. . . Tears stream down her cheeks. Olivia: Why did you do it? Why did God take you? Why did he spare that trash, Marah? (slamming down the pic) I always knew I hated that little bitch. Olivia gets up and looks window at the view of the city. Olivia: Oh Marah, you little slore (a slut + a whore = a slore for those who don't know ). . . If you think I will ever forget what you did to my brother then you have another thing coming. Just gotta figure out a way to stick it to you. KNOCK! KNOCK! Olivia: Come in. Enters Dylan bearing blueprints. The sight of Dylan makes a smile come across Oliva's face like the cat that ate a canary. CUT TO SPAULDING MANOR INT. ALEX'S ROOM Alexandra lies straddled across the bed in a robe. She munches on a bowel of strawberries in the process, watching Gone With the Wind. Alex: Oh Scarlett, screw Rhett! You don't need a man! Alan enters. Alan: No wonder why don't have a man. And put some clothes on. Alex: Last time I checked, this was my domain. My room-- Alan: MY HOUSE. Alex: Correction, OUR HOUSE. Alan: Whatever. (slamming files on her bed) You did not tell me about Petrenoyva deal, Alex. Alex: Why should I? Alan: You are doing this because I brought India on as the head of the Spaulding Foundation. Alex: Maybe. Alan: OK but you knew that, that deal was mine, right? Alex: Well look at it as a favor. Alan: How about I don't. Alex: Listen here, Alan. I thought we were suppose to be co-CEOs. I thought that we were over the power struggle. I thought that you said we would consult each other before making final decisions. Alan: So this is about India?! Alex: HELL YEAH. You know I don't care for her. Why did you bring her and that daughter of hers on. Alan: Because she needed a job and she did run the foundation well for years. Alex: Oh yes, Alan, and we shall see how well it goes. You, once again putting an uzi in a psycho's hand. Let's see how it goes this time. Alan: We will. Along with some major changes at Spaulding. Alex's head snaps back at Alan, not grasping what he is implying. Alan: I think that it is time that I take over as the permanent CEO. Alex: Over my dead body. Alan: So tempting. Alex: See I tried to be nice but now I guess I am going to have to take the gloves off with you, baby brother. I guess we are going to have to take it back to the boardroom again. I wonder what Phillip's ex-wives are up to? Alan: Ha ha. Very funny. I doubt you'll have the votes this time. Alex: I'm sure I will let's have a run down, shall we? Harley will never vote with you. Alan: Meh. Alex: Blake will vote in unison with Harley. Alan: She was always an idiot. Alex: Then there is Mindy. . . Alan: Who is back on good terms with Phillip. She and Beth will vote with me if Phillip follows suit. Alex: But that won't happen. Because I have Nick's proxy in the company and I am allowed to vote for my son, seeing as he is out of the country at the moment. Oh and Alan Michael hates you, so he'll vote for me. Alan: My son and I are getting back on good terms. Alex: Who are kidding? Alan Michael is only speaking to you because of Caroline. Alan: That woman works wonders. . . Alex: Doesn't matter because I'll just bring up Phillip and him being your favorite and that'll sway Alan Michael in my direction. Alan: He's just one. James will vote with me. Alex: Maybe. But I have Lizzie. Alan's face drop. Alex: Yep. Lizzie will vote with me as she does 99.9% of the time. And Bill hates you so he wouldn't dare let her vote with you. He'll use his portion of the stock to vote in favor, and her voting with me will wreck shop for you. Phillip nor Beth would dare vote against Lizzie. They'll vote in unison after she puts those puppy dog eyes on them. Then Phillip will strong arm James into following suit too -- a new car is what he'll bribe him with. So what does that leave you with? -- Oh yeah, you'll lose Mindy too in that process. So all you'll have is India's vote. Oh and Amanda because she was an idiot and gave you her proxy. And don't forget our half, the Tamerlains. Vicky will vote with me seeing as you treated her like a dog when she was in Springfield. Anyone else? Alan snatches the file off the bed and storms out the room. Alex burst into a hearty laughter. Alex: Bye, bye, Alan! (lying on the bed) Now where was I. . . Alex goes back to watching TV. Alan, lingers outside her door, livid in deep thought. Alan: (deep thought) I gotta find a way to get Lizzie to vote for me or better yet, convince Bill. Or even worse, remove both obstacles -- both Alex and Lizzie. On Alan, pleased with what he has come up with, THE END
  13. 4 MONTHS AFTER THE FINALE... INT. SKYVIEW RESTARAUNT Emily stands at the head of the room with clipboard in her hand. Being a busybody, she can't help but direct the party planners. Emily: Oh no! That banner is crooked. Pull the corner up more on the left side. Susan walks in from behind and taps her on the shoulder. Emily turns, smiling at her mother. Emily: Hey! Susan: (kissing her daughter's cheek) Hey! I see you are whipping these party planners into shape. Emily: I sure am. Everything has to be perfect for Casey and Allison's pre-wedding dinner. Susan: I'm just surprised that Lisa let us plan it here at one of many new restaraunts at Lakeview. Emily: I know right. Susan: (looking around) So where is Paul? Emily: At the office. You know him. Susan: (mumbling) I wish I never did. Emily shoots a look a her mother. Susan: What?! Emily: Mom, don't start. Susan: I can't help it. Not since he thought it was a good idea to bring her back. On Susan pouting, CUT TO INT. APARTMENT Paul sits down on the sofa reading a magazine. From behind, a shot of a woman's bare feet ease down the stairs, seductively. We pull back to see it is Meg. Paul looks up from the magazine to see Meg easing down the stairs with nothing on but a sexy, red Herve Leger dress on that is clinging to her body, and showcasing all of her curves. Paul: You do realize that it is just a pre-wedding party don't you? Meg: (crossing into the kitchen) I know. But I might meet a man there tonight. Paul: Meg... Meg: What? Paul, I do deserve to have a little fun. Paul: Not at the expense of my daughter. Meg: OUR DAUGHTER and you don't hear me complaining about your choices. (clears throat) Emily... Paul: I really don't want to get into a fight with you. I just came to see Eliza before the party. Where is she? Meg: I put her down for a nap. Apparently, she caught a cold from one of the kids at the daycare center. Paul: Not surprised seeing as you chose the daycare center. Meg: Well she has to go there. Paul: Actually, she doesn't. I offered to get a nanny. Meg: Paul, no! I want my daughter to live a normal life. Paul: And she can. Meg: Not if it is up to you. Paul: (over it) I'll just come back and see Eliza tomorrow. Meg: Fine. (pushing him out the door) I'll see you at the party. Paul: (grabbing a hope to the door, turning back) Hold on, who is keeping Eliza? Meg: A babysitter. Paul: Who? Meg: Liberty. Paul: Oh hell no. Meg: What is wrong with Liberty? Paul: It is not her that is the problem but her "beau." Meg: Gabriel? Paul: Yes! Meg: Let me guess... because he is Craig's son. Paul: Exactly! On Meg rolling her eyes, INT. KATIE & CHRIS KITCHEN Katie sits at the table feeding Jacob. Meanwhile, Chris digs around in the fridge. He grabs a water and closes it. Chris: Baby, what time is Margo and Tom going to arrive? Katie: They said they were on their way. DOORBELL RINGS Chris: I'll get it. Chris goes and let Tom and Margo in. Kisses and hugs are exchanged as Margo joins Katie at the table. Tom and Chris stand by the counter. Katie: So are you guys excited? Tom: I guess so. Chris: You guess so? Margo: It is not like we have a choice. Katie: OK. I thought you guys were over Casey and Allison being a couple. Tom: I am. Margo: Liar. You hate the idea of them getting married just as much as I do. Katie: Oh c'mon, Tom and Margo. She is not that bad. Margo: She's a freaking a whore. That girl has been ridden more than the town bicycle. Tom: Well look her to family is... Katie: Well her family can't be too bad... (looking at Tom & Chris) seeing as ALL the Hughes men have penetrated a Stewart woman. Chris: Hey, I never said anything bad about Allison. I actually think they make a good couple. Margo: Well I beg to differ. I just see this union going south. CUT TO INT. CASEY AND ALLISON'S APT IN CARBONDALE Casey sits on the sofa. While Allison (offscreen) is in the bathroom fixing her hair. Casey: Today, my future wife to be. We gotta hit the road. Allison (O.S): I'm hurrying. This hair just won't stop frizzing up. Casey: Well you are beautiful regardless. Allison (O.S): Aww, thank you. But if you think you are about to get a quicky then you forget it, bud. Casey: (grinning) But if you changed your mind... Allison (O.S): Not going to happen. Casey: You sure? Allison (O.S) Yep. Allison closes the bathroom door and locks it. Casey: Not fair! Allison (O.S) Life isn't fair. She turns the blow-dryer on. Casey sits on the couch outside the bathroom, patiently. Suddenly, Allison's phone lights up. Casey: Allison! No answer. Only the sound of music and a blow-dryer is heard. Casey: Allison! Your phone is vibrating. No answer. Only the sound of music and a blow-dryer is heard. Casey: Nevermind. I'll get it. Casey picks up the phone, and answer it. PHONE: Please enter your passcode. Casey plugs in her passcode. PHONE: You have one new voice message from 618-200-4767. Casey: Who is this? A MAN'S VOICE: Hey baby. It's me, Greg. Casey's face drops. A MAN'S VOICE: I just wanted to let you know that you are on my mind. That session we had the other day with you pinned up against the wall was hot. Hell, it made me realize that I cannot go on a day without you. I-I can't let you marry him. Casey: What the fu- A MAN'S VOICE: I know that you are marrying that loser, but I can't let you. I don't care about it being against school policy or that I am married. I need you. Casey: This has to be a joke. A MAN'S VOICE: . . . I love you, Allison. Allison exits out the bathroom. Allison: You ready? Casey hands the phone Allison. Casey: Telephone. Allison: Who is it? Is it Emily? My mom? Casey: Nope. Your Professor or should I say Greg? Allison's jaw drops. Casey's face turns bright red as he gets up and walks over to Allison. He hands the phone to her. Casey: Call him back. Allison: But I can-- Casey: I SAID CALL HIM BACK GODDAMMIT!! On Allison like a scared little puppy, THE END
  14. IS BACK! Another soap is making its return under the hands of the same head writer of TGL: THE GUIDINGLIGHT. Picking up where the last episode of AS THE WORLD TURNS sadly left us. Expect twists and turns that centers around the Hughes, Stewarts, and Snyder/Walsh clan! Here is a chance to see your cast: Returning: Don Hasting as Bob Hughes Kathyrn Hays as Kim Hughes Elizabeth Hubbard as Lucinda Walsh Larry Bryggman as John Dixon Colleen Zenk as Barbara Ryan Coleman Ellen Dolan as Margo Hughes Scott Holmes as Tom Hughes Martha Byrne as Lily Walsh Jon Hensley as Holden Snyder Maura West as Carly Snyder Michael Park as Jack Snyder Terri Conn as Katie Perretti Hughes Trent Dawson as Henry Coleman Kelly M. Hensley as Emily Stewart Roger Howarth as Paul Ryan Grayson McCouch as Dusty Donovan Agim Kaba as Aaron Snyder Julie Pinson as Janet Ciccone Billy Magnussen as Casey Hughes Marnie Schulenberg as Allison Stewart Ashley Greiner as Faith Snyder Mick Hazen as Parker Munson Daniel Manche as JJ Snyder Marie Wilson as Meg Snyder Cady McClain as Rosanna Cabot Scott Bryce as Craig Montgomery Van Hansis as Luke Snyder Jake Silbermann as Noah Mayer Susan Masters as Susan Stewart Kathleen Widdoes as Emma Stewart ...and Eileen Fulton as Lisa Grimaldi Returning: Tom Degnan as Adam Munson Alex Chando as Maddie Coleman Chauntee Schuler as Bonnie McKechnie New Faces Nick Stabile as Chris Hughes Kate Mansi as Jamie Sartell Hughes Tiana Benjamin as Monique Wexler Cornelius Smith Jr. as Dallas Griffin Rhassaan Orange as Mitch Wexler Wally Kurth as Mac Hutchins Sam Beherns as Lars Stenbeck Shayna Rose as Clark Coleman Stuart Damon as Carter Wallace Dylan Bruce as Ryder Hughes Marco Dapper as Chase Trudeau John Brotherton as Stephen Wyatt Alycia Purott as Samantha Cory Heidi Mueller as Charlotte Whitney Cameron Mathison as Scott Eldridge Matt Walton as Mason Sartell Noelle Beck as Adrienne Pointdexter Kin Shriner as Sean Markham Eddie Alderson as Daniel Hughes Leaving: Ben Levin as Gabriel Montgomery Sarah Wilson as Liberty Ciccone
  15. INT. REVA'S LIVING ROOM Reva, holding Colin, and Trista sit on the sofa in silence. Reva is somewhat still befuddled over the news she just received. Trista: Look, I wanted to ease into the situation and not just pop declaring that I am a Shayne. Reva: I understand but how? Trista: Through sex. I mean how else-- Reva: No. I mean how do you know that you are Rusty's child for sure? Trista digs into her satchel bag and pulls out a tattered photo album. She hands it to Reva. Reva opens the photo album to the portion that she has bookmarked. On that marked page lies a photo of Rusty and Trista's mother, Laurel. Both have that late 80s, early 90s hair that will make you cringe. Trista: I stumbled upon it years ago. My mom had it hidden in the attic. I guess she didn't want me to find it anytime soon and start asking questions. Reva: So I am suppose to assume that you are my niece because of a photo of your mom and brother? Trista: Yes but no. I just want you to be open to the possiblity that I might be a Shayne. Reva: Look, honey... There is no way. You've said that you were born and raised in Atlanta. My brother has never lived in Atlanta. After he left Springfield back in '89 he went back to Tulsa. And I don't remember my brother mentioning a Laurel to me. Trista: How would you know? Weren't you declared "dead" in 1990? Reva sits on the thought. Reva: You are right. Trista: And what brother tells his sister all his escapades? Reva: True. Trista: Mrs. O'Neill -- Reva: Call me, Reva. Maybe Aunt Reva, eventually. A slight smile comes over Trista's face. Reva: Anyone else knows about this? The doorbell rings. Reva: Hold that thought. Reva hands Colin over to Trista and goes and answers the door. Reva (O.S.): Hey, Pop! Hawk (O.S): Hey, Sister -- (running into the living room discovering Trista) Am I interrupting something? Reva reenters standing behind Hawk. Reva: I think we need to have a chat... Hawk: About what? Trista: Maybe I should go... Reva: No, sweetheart. It's better if you are here. Hawk: Reva, girl, what are you going on about? Reva: Trista seems to think that Rusty might be her father. Hawk: What do you mean think? She is. Reva: She is?! Trista (overlapping): I am?! Hawk: Why yes. Reva: You knew?! Hawk: Yep. So did Sarah. Her mother, Laurel, went to school at OSU getting her master's degree in medicine. Nice, bright girl. They dated for about a year, and she breathed new life into him -- the life he so desperately needed after Rose died. He met her at the Dirty PussyCat, where she stripping at. Too nice of a girl to be a stripper but she did it to put herself through college. The two somewhat drifted apart after your death, Sister. Rusty was so grief stricken that he kept to himself. She understood his situation and gave him space, but realized she was pregnant. She came and told Sarah and I that she was pregnant with Rusty's child and even got a DNA to show that she was compatible with me even though we knew the child was no one else's. Reva: But why didn't you tell, Rusty? Hawk: He was so wrapped up in his career that Laurel just thought it was best to leave him alone. She left Tulsa, had Trista, and finished her schooling at -- Trista: At Emory. Hawk: Yep. Sarah and I would check in every Christmas, birthday, and Thanksgiving, send money all the time. Laurel would send us pictures and cards that Trista made for us. Trista & Reva: Huh? Hawk: The cards that you use to make for Auntie and Uncle O'Neal -- the presents that you got from us every Christmas and Birthday -- that was me and your Grandmother, my child. And on Trista verklempt CUT TO INT. TOWERS RESTARAUNT Blake and Clarissa sit at the table glancing over the menu when Kevin drags himself over to the table and plops down. Blake looks up from the menu, noticing her son down in the depths. Blake: Kevin? Honey, are you alright? Kevin (coming to): Huh? Oh yeah. I'm fine... Blake: You sure? Kevin: I said I was OK. Blake: Alright. (on a tangent, gleefully) But all will be well soon when you win the award that the college established in your father's name. I'm gonna be so proud. Your father would be too. Kevin (mumbles): I'm sure he would... Clarissa interjects diverting the conversation: Clarissa: Oh, Mom! Blake: What? Clarissa: You have lipstick on your teeth. Blake: I do? Clarissa: Yep. Blake goes for her fork, and Clarissa grabs her by the hand. Clarissa: Mom, not at the table! That's trashy. People will think you were raised by animals. Blake (joking): I was. My father was a viper. Clarissa: Well you need to go to the bathroom and get it off. Blake (laughs): Alright, alright. I'll be right back. Go ahead and order. I want the usual. Oh and order the usual for your grandmother as well. She'll be joining us. Clarissa: OK! Blake walks off. Clarissa looks at Kevin, who is studying the menu. Clarissa: Still haven't told, Mom, have you? Kevin (looking up, lost): What are you talking about? Clarissa: Let's see, you moping around, the medical magazines you hide under your mattress along with the Playboy mags, and your F- papers that you crumble up and trash -- Kevin gasps. Kevin: What the hell?! Clarissa: C'mon now. If you are going to get rid of your failing papers then actually take the time to shred them. Kevin (holding back): Clarissa... Clarissa: Look, why don't you tell the truth? You want to study medicine. It's not a crime. Kevin: And why don't you stay in your place and worry about thing that a 12 year old should worry about! Clarissa: Like what? Kevin: Like padded or unpadded. Clarissa gasps, covering her chest, and CUT TO INT. ALAN MICHAEL'S OFFICE Holly: Hope? What are you saying? Hope: I'm saying that I don't want to be Hope Bauer anymore! She is DEAD. Holly goes for the door when Hope grabs her by the arm. Holly (eyeing Hope): Let me go. Hope: I can't. (panicking) I can't. Holly, please. Holly: I can't keep this from Ed. Hope: It wouldn't be the first time. Holly: But there won't be another. A-M: Enough! Holly and Hope look over at a pissed off Alan Michael. A-M: You wanna be Caroline then be her because you are not my mother. My mother NEVER lied. She was a drunk and over protective but she was NEVER a liar. Hope takes this in, wounded. A-M: Just know that it is going to come out and when it does, I'm gonna sit back and watch. YOU SELFISH BITCH! Off a reflex, Hope smacks Alan Michael in the face. Holly gasps. Alan Michael wipes the blood off his busted lip. This amuses him. A-M: The truth hurts, huh? Alan Michael snatches the door open and storms out. And on Hope, a total wreck... THE END
  16. Well I started right before the cancellation of the REAL Guiding Light went off the air, which is why some characters are paired with others. However, the stories are: Reva and Josh have to deal with a grief-stricken Marah, who returns home after an ski accident in the Alps that resulted in an avalanche and the death of Olivia's brother Sam. Marah feels guilty because Sam saved her and died in the process. Olivia is out for revenge Rocky returns home and quickly feuds with Lillian, who he feels is trying to take his mother's place. The Bauers suffered a tragedy on the annual Bauer BBQ when Mike, Hope, and a few Bauers are killed on a private jet, which was rigged. But we all see Hope survived, got reconstructive surgery, and became the Spaulding maid and confidante. Only Alan-Michael know her true identity (and now Holly). Kevin is conflicted as Blake wants him to be a lawyer while he really wants to be a doctor like his idol, Rick (who was once believed to be his father, a nod to history). This will come ahead bringing much drama between mother and son. Plus, Jason will soon pop causing trouble and being a chip of the old block (ie. Roger) Trista, a young ingenue, comes to town getting close to the Shaynes, while hiding a secret -- she is Rusty's daughter from an affair he had after leaving Springfield originally (on the show). Mel & Leah feel the loss of the Foley Bros. Mel is pregnant with Cyrus' baby, who is now dead, and Grady, who used Leah to get revenge on Phillip, left on the run. Those are just a few of the stories.
  17. INT. ALAN MICHAEL'S OFFICE Picking up where we left off with Holly standing in front of the door, stunned. Holly: Did I hear you correctly? Holly steps into the office closing the door. Alan Michael and Hope are uneasy at this point. Holly: Hope? Hope: (sighs) Yes. Its me. Holly covers her mouth, at a loss for words. She tries fighting back the tears. Holly: But you are supposed to be-- Hope: Dead. I know. (glances at Alan Michael) Some people even wish that I stayed that way. Holly: No! No! (grabbing Hope and holding her tight) Don't say that. We all mourned you at the funeral. We all thought that you were dead. (pulling away, looking at Hope) Does Ed know about this? Hope: No and I want it to stay that way too. Holly: Oh no. Oh HELL no. Ed needs to know about this. Hope: No! Holly: Why?! Hope turns away from them, grief stricken. Hope: Because this is a new lease on life -- a new one for me. That crash was not only a curse but a blessing also. Hope Bauer is dead. I am now Caroline, the woman everyone adores and looks to for help. Not some drunken mess. Holly: (reaching out to her) Hope... Hope snatches away. Hope: No! Holly, you have to promise me that you'll keep quiet. PROMISE ME!! Holly looks to Alan Michael for assitance; however, he shurgs his shoulders and turns away. Hope: Holly! And on Holly conflicted, CUT TO INT. MEL'S CLASS Mel is still stunned from Kevin's accusation. Mel: How do you know? Kevin: I was just guessing. I mean you throwing up, you being really emotional as of late -- it doesn't take a doctor to say that. Mel: Funny you'd say that, but I am gonna need you to keep quiet about this. Kevin: OK. I mean it is none of my business anyways. Mel: Right. Now we need to talk about this paper. Kevin: Do we have too? Mel: Yes. Your mother seems to think that you are a sure win for the Ross Marler Undergraduate Award this year, and I'm sorry to burst your bubble but you're not. No offense, but I'm beginning to think that this is not your passion. Kevin: It's not. Mel: (confused): It's not? Then why are you-- Kevin: My mom. She wants me to be like my dad, but I'm not nor will I ever be. My passion is for the people but law. Mel: Then what? Kevin: Medicine. Mel: That's great! (gloating) I use to be a doctor you know. Kevin: I know which is why I want to do it. Mel: Because of me? Kevin: Well not just you but all the other great doctors at Cedars. Mel: Then why not go into medicine. Kevin: How can I?! What I am suppose to do? Tell my mother that I want to go into medicine like my idol, Dr. Rick Bauer, the same doctor, who had a hand in Phillip going on the run, which result in my father's death! On Mel taken back CUT TO INT. REVA'S DINING ROOM Trista plays with Colin in his highchair when Reva enters dangling the locket. Trista turns to see Reva holding it. She is at a loss for words. Reva: What is this? Trista: I-I can explain? Reva: You better because right things aren't looking up for you. You befriending Rocky then Daisy, coming to my Thanksgiving dinner, and now you are carrying a locket around with my brother's picture in it. You better have an explaination. Trista: Well see -- Reva: Spit it out! Who are you! Trista: I'M YOUR NIECE! Reva: ...What? Trista: You heard me. I am your niece. I am Rusty's bastard child. And on Reva shocked, FADE OUT
  18. After a long hiatus, TGL: THE GUIDINGLIGHT is coming back! However, with good news, there is bad news. The show is having major casting changes. See below: Sarah Brown as Cassie Layne Kristolyn Lloyd as Tierra Renaldi Kim Matula as Trista Tucker Chris Fountain as Rocky Cooper Drew Garrett as Jason Marler Chad Duell as Kevin Marler Megan Ward as Harley Cooper Matthew Ashford as Reginald Wilson Wendy Moniz reprises as Dinah Marler Rick Hearst reprises as Alan Michael Spaulding
  19. ALERT!!! TGL: The Guiding Light will be taking a hiatus for awhile. But stay tuned and read the other great blogs here on SON.
  20. FADE IN: INT. SPRINGFIELD U - DAY - MEL'S CLASS Mel stands by the open door handing out an assignment as the students leave. Mel: Everyone have a good weekend. And these are your cases that you will be arguing on for the final. So be prepared. Kevin, still by his desk, kneels down and grabs his backpack. Mel looks past the outgoing crowd onto Kevin. Mel: Kevin. Kevin looks over at Mel, attentive. Mel: Could you stay for a second so I can speak with you? Kevin nods his head. Mel shows out the last student and closes the door. Mel: Come up here please. Kevin comes down the stairs and approaches Mel's desk. Mel sits in her seat and opens a drawer to pull out Kevin's last test that reads "F." Kevin's eyes widen at the sight of the paper. Mel: What is going on? Kevin: I -- I can explain. Mel: You better have a great one because I just don't see you making through the Spring semester if you aren't passing the first part of the intro class. Kevin: I've just been really stressed out. Mel: But why? Kevin, you've always been an A+ student since I've known you. This is definitely not you. Kevin: Look, it just ONE measly F, OK? Mel: But the rest of your grades are D's. Do you realize that you making a D in a core class for your major is still a fail and you have to take it over again. Kevin: I'll fix it. You said that the debate is 50% of the grade -- right? Mel: Yes. Kevin: Then if I make a one-hundred on the final then I'll come out with at least a solid C-. Mel: But its very highly that you won't make a one-hundred. It's a rarity. The panel of attorneys that I've selected are going to critique everything you do, and since I've taught this class, no one has ever made no more than 90%. Kevin: Then I'll be the exception. Mel: Kevin... Mel grabs her mouth as she starts to dry heave. She leans down into the trash can and vomits. Kevin jumps back with worry. Kevin: Ms. Boudreau, look if I offended you-- Mel puts up hand signaling him to stop talking. Mel takes a sip of water and pops a mint into her mouth. Mel: No worries. It isn't you. Kevin: ...Ms. Boudreau, are you sure? Mel nods her head reassuringly. She grabs her purse and starts to dig inside it. Kevin: Cuz if I didn't no any better, I'd say you were pregnant. Mel snaps her head back at Kevin. Mel: How did you know?! CUT TO INT. CROSS CREEK - DAY The doorbell rings and Reva comes into frame, heading to the door. Reva: I'm coming! I'm coming! Reva opens the door and there stands Trista. Reva is taken back by her presence. Reva: Uh hello, Trista. Trista: Hi, Mrs. O'Neill. I just stopped by to see if I dropped my locket here. And on Reva's blank expression CUT TO QUICK FLASHBACK - THANKSGIVING Of Reva examining the locket closely. Trista: (V.O.) Mrs. O'Neill! END QUICK FLASH Reva shakes her head coming back to reality. Reva: C'mon in. Let's see if we can find it. Trista steps inside and Reva closes the door behind her. Reva: Here, honey, hand me your jacket. I have the heater on. Trista: OK. But I was only going to be a quick second. Reva: Well no -- I mean why don't you join me for lunch? I was making some vegetable soup for me, Henry, and Colin, and I'd love for you to join us. That is unless you have somewhere to be? Trista glances at her watch then looks back at Reva with a warm smile. Trista: Nope. I'll join you and the babies. Reva: Good. Now about that locket, let's get started on looking for it. Trista: OK. Trista scurries off. Reva pulls the locket out her pocket as we see a shot of Rusty and Trista's mom (Laurel). Reva puts the locket back in pocket. Reva: Now time to get to the bottom of this. Reva walks off, and CUT TO INT. WSPR - DAY The production staff set up the set as Alan Michael strides into the studio at a face pace with Hope struggling to keep up with him. Hope: Alan Michael! Could you give me a second. AM: Nope. Hope: Scarecrow, wait! Alan Michael stops dead in his tracks and turn back to face Hope. He looks as her with malice as he can't believe what she just said. AM: Did you just-- Hope: Call you, Scarecrow? Yes. AM: Ugh. I can't believe that you just called me my childhood nickname. No one can call me that but my mother. Hope: I am! (sotto) I am... AM: Nope. She died in that crash. Alan Michael walks off into ALAN MICHAEL'S OFFICE where he slams his briefcase on the desk. He tosses his jacket on the chair when Hope graciously eases in. Alan Michael turns to notice her still following him. AM: Can I please have a moment to breathe? Please?! Just back the hell off! Hope slams the door and rushes up to Alan Michael where she puts her finger in his face, reprimanding him. Hope: I don't give a damn if you are mad but you aren't going to disrespect me! Do you hear me?! STUDIO Holly wears a smile that shines throughout the room. As she walks, the various staff members shout "Hello" or "Good day, Ms. Norris." Holly waves back as she comes to Alan Michael's door. She just about to knock when she hears shouting come from out the room. AM: Respect?! You want respect? After all you did? Holly quietly cracks the door open enough to hear as, Hope: I AM YOUR MOTHER DAMMIT! You will respect me. You will respect me! Holly slides in and slams the door gaining their attention. AM: Holly? W-What do you want? Holly: Mother? That is what I heard, right? Caroline is Hope? And on AM burying his face in his palm and Hope in utter shock, FADE OUT
  21. FADE IN INT. CHAMBERLAIN MANOR - DAY - FOYER (Picking up where we last left off) Nola: (fighting the tears) My baby boy. Nola hugs J tightly. Nola then pulls back from him. Nola: What made you come home? Are you two in trouble? J: Here we go... Tom: Aunt Nola, what makes you think that we are in trouble? We just came to spend time with you guys. Nola: Oh really? Get over here you. Tom walks over and hugs Nola. Meanwhile, J hugs Matt and Quint. But the hug between Quint and J is quite awkward. Vanessa notices this. Nola: So where are Annabelle and Tony? Are they outside parking the car? Tom: Uh no. (takes of his jacket) They decided to join Uncle Jim, Bridget, Sean, Chelsea, and Lana in Atlanta with Grandma Bea. Quint: How nice. You did send our regards to Bea did you, Nola? Nola mouth drops as she has forgotten to do so. Nola: Oops. I knew I forgot to do that. Excuse me. Nola scurries off into the kitchen. Tom: So where is everyone? Vanessa: Well Bill is spending Thanksgiving with his in-laws, and Dinah should be over shortly. Tom: Good. I haven't seen everyone in years. Feels so good to be back in Springfield. The last time I was here was-- Vanessa: (sadly) When Maureen died. Tom: Yeah... (lively) But things have changed now. And what matters is that we are all here together. So where is the food? Matt: I still see you have that appetite you did as child, huh? Tom: Of course. C'mon. Let's get you seated. Tom wraps his arms around Matt and Maureen's shoulder as they descend into the living room. Vanessa, Quint, and J stand in silence, quite tense to be exact. Vanessa: So... umm... you know what -- I -- think I left a pie in the kitchen. Vanessa runs off into the kitchen. Quint forces on a smile as he looks at J. J: OK, Dad, give me your best shot. Quint: What are you talking about? J: You are bothered by something? Quint: No I'm not. Just surprised to see you that's all. J: Sure. Keep telling yourself that. J walks off leaving Quint leery. CUT TO INT. CROSS CREEK - DAY - DINING ROOM Everyone sits at the table watching on as Rusty and Carol canoodle. Josh leans in close to Reva whispering, Josh: This is unexpected. I haven't seen Rusty this happy since he was married to Rose. Reva: You're preaching to the choir. I just would like to know when Rusty was going to plan on telling us about her. Shayne clears his throat gaining everyone's attention. Shayne: So Carol, how did you and Uncle Rusty meet? Reva: Shayne! Marah: (punching him in the arm, overlapping) Idiot! Rusty: It's no problem. Reva: But its rude of him. Reva shoots a look at Shayne. Shayne shrugs his shoulder in confusion. Carol: We met in Tulsa. He was on duty and I ran a red light. He stopped me and tried to give me a ticket, but I managed to talk him out of it. Luckily it worked, and instead I ended up with his number. Reva: How nice... Izzy: Like when are we going to eat already? My stomach is about to cave in. Carol: Izzy! Izzy: No, Mom! I don't wanna hear it. The sound of a door closes in the background. Daisy: (O.C) Grandma! Reva: Oh that must be Daisy with the eggs. Excuse me everyone. Hawk: Excuse me too. I need to refill my wine glass. Hawk gets up from the table following Reva, carrying his glass. KITCHEN Reva and Hawk enter as Daisy hands Reva a bag with eggs. Reva: Hi, honey. Reva kisses Daisy on the head. Daisy: Hey. Oh, Trista is going to join us. Do you mind? Reva: Of course not. (to Trista) We are glad to have you. Trista: Thanks. I'm glad to be here. Daisy: Is everyone here? Reva: (in the fridge) Nope. We are waiting on Cassie and RJ, but your Dad is in there. Daisy: He is? Reva: Yep. Daisy: Well excuse me why I say hello to him. I'll be back Trista, OK? Trista: Take your time. Daisy exits. Reva: So Trista, how has life in Springfield been? Trista: Good. I miss life in Atlanta but I'm settling. Reva: That's good. Daisy (O.C) Trista, come in here and meet my Dad. Trista: Coming! (to Reva) Excuse me, Mrs. O'Neill. Reva: No problem. And call me Reva. Trista: Yes ma'am. Trista hops off the stool and exits. Her locket falls out her back pocket, unnoticed. Reva: Such a nice girl. I know her mother must be missing her. Hawk: (struggling opening the wine bottle) She must. Reminds me of all the time your Mother use to fret about you not being home from the holiday when you first came to Springfield. Reva: Oh, Pa... Reva grabs her pumpkin pie off the counter and heads for the door when she noticed a locket on the floor. She picks it up and examines it closely. Reva: Who is this? Hawk: (still struggling with the bottle) Must be the young lady's. Reva: Must be. (notices the photo inside the locket) Nice couple. If I would've known better that man in the picture looks like our Rusty. Hawk: Yeah, yeah, Sister. Reva: I mean doesn't it? Reva hand Hawk the locket. Hawk put down the bottle and looks at the photo. His eyes widen in shock. Hawk: That is Rusty! Reva: No way! (snatches the locket back) It can't be. Hawk: I know my boy. And looks like it was taken back in the early 90s. I remember that hideous hairdo of Rusty's anywhere. Reva: But why would Trista have a photo with Rusty inside? Hawk: Beats me. Reva: Hmmm... And on Reva wondering, FADE OUT ON THE NEXT TGL: THE GUIDING LIGHT - Reva learns the truth - Kevin has Mel lie for him - Holly learns about Hope - Lines are drawn in the Spaulding household
  22. FADE IN: INT. TRISTA'S DORM - DAY Trista studies three outfits that she had lied out on the bed. Daisy eases into the room. Trista turns around acknowledging her. Trista: Hey you. Where have you been? Daisy: I had to run to the store and grabs some items for my Grandma Reva. I just came by to change before I headed over there. Trista: But I thought you were eating at the Coopers -- I mean your Mom's house? Daisy: I was but I changed my mind. I might just come over there later on. Trista: (whining) Why? I wanted you to come with me. Daisy: For what? Rocky's going to be there. And my family practically loves you. My Grandpa Buzz can't stop talking about how your studious ways have rubbed off on Rocky. Trista: So what. I still want you come. We barely even hang out. You are always with James... Daisy: ...and you are always working at Company. Trista: See. More reason for you come with me. Daisy: Trista... Trista: Daisy, come on. It's not like I am holding a gun to your head. I am just simply asking you to come to the Coopers with me. Daisy: But I can't. I already told Grandma Reva I was coming. Trista: Ugh... Trista tosses her hands up in defeat. Her computer bleeps as she receives an e-mail. Trista: I'm not giving up, Lemay. Hold that thought. Trista heads over to the computer and checks her mail. Meanwhile, Daisy glances over Trista's outfits lied out on her bed. Daisy: The blue sweater top. Trista: (still typing) What? Daisy: The blue sweater top. With the black slacks and black platform boots. Wear that. Trista: Thanks. I was leaning towards that outfit. Daisy: Glad you were because you are going to wear with me to dinner. Trista snaps her head back at Daisy, thrilled. Trista: You are going to the Coopers? Daisy: Nope. Trista drops the smile back into a frown. Daisy: You are going with me to the Shaynes. Trista: Wait, wait... what? I can't. What about-- Daisy: Rocky, will understand. As a matter of fact, we'll do both. Go to my Grandmother's first and then hit up my Mom's. Problem solved. Trista: You sure -- that Rocky's feelings won't be hurt? Daisy: Positive. Leave it to me. Daisy whips out her phone and starts to dial. INT. HARLEY'S LIVING ROOM Rocky, Frank, Jude, and Zach sit in rapt attention the couch watching the game. The phone starts to ring. Harley: (O.C.) Somebody get it! Rocky: (in a daze) Frank, you get it. Frank: No way. They are about to start the play. Whoever is calling will call back. I'm sure its not that important. The phone rings again. Harley: (O.C.) Frank! Rocky! Get the phone! We're trying to set up in here! Geez. Rocky unwillingly gets up and answers the phone. Rocky: Hello. Daisy: Hey to you too, Rocky. Rocky: Oh, Daisy, sorry. Daisy: Let me guess... the game is on? Rocky: Yeah. (turns his attention back to the TV) I just don't wanna miss a play... Daisy: Then I'll cut it short. Trista is coming with me Shaynes. We'll be over there later on, got it? Rocky: (still watching TV) Yeah. What you said, Daisy. Daisy: OK, bye. Daisy hangs up the phone. Rocky: Bye. (coming to realization) The Shaynes?! And on Rocky, hurt BACK TO THE GIRL'S DORM ROOM Trista: So how did he take it? Daisy: Fine. See I told you! Now get dressed. Trista: Alright, alright. CUT TO EXT. PATIO - DAY Vanessa and Nola set the table while in the foreground, Quinton and Matt share a cigar. Matt: Nice day, Quint, huh? Quint: It is. Nice breeze. Something you can't expect to get on an archeological dig in Afghanistan, and something I missed greatly about being in Springfield. Matt: Glad to have you back. Matt raised up his wine glass. Quint: Glad to be back. Quint and Matt toast, but this happy moment is ruined by: Nola: (O.C.) I like it there, Vanessa! Vanessa: (O.C.) Whose house is this? Matt & Quint: Dear God. They turn to see Nola and Vanessa facing off. Nola: This house belongs to the family. Nowhere in the will did Henry state, "This house belongs to Vanessa and Vanessa only." Vanessa: But who has been living in it? Taking care of it? Nola: That was then. This is now. Vanessa: And now I am going to rearrange this silverware to the way I like it! Vanessa rearranges one of the utensil settings. ON MATT AND QUINT Matt: I see its about to get nasty. Should we go and break them up? Quint: No, NO... Just let them fight it out with its still fresh. BACK TO VANESSA AND NOLA Nola: What are you doing?! Vanessa: Everyone knows that this spoon and this fork are not positioned next to each other, Nola. Nola: Like I could give a damn. If it was up to me, we'd all be using one fork and spoon. Vanessa: (gasps) How barbaric! Nola: How normal. How frugal. How-- Maureen joins them on the patio, upset and bothered. Maureen: Mom, I cannot believe that you won't let me go and eat with Clarissa. It's so not fair! Vanessa: Maureen, don't start with me. You still know that you're grounded for piercing those ears. Maureen: Mom, I'm almost a teenager! Vanessa: So what. You know the rules. Nola: Frankly, I don't see the issue with her having her ears pierced. Anastasia had hers did when she was two. Vanessa shoots a piercing look at Nola. Maureen: See! Cousin Stacey had them done when she was two! Emma had her done when she was four -- Clarissa when she was six! Vanessa: Don't start with me, Maureen. (to Nola) And no one asked for your opinion. Nola: I know. But I just love to interject. (hugging Maureen) Plus, my niece is right. She should have her ears pierced. And my God, its not like she went and out got a boob job... Vanessa gasps. Nola: ...or did drug. Or drank alcohol. Vanessa clutches her chest in utter shock. Nola: She just got her ears pierced. Maureen: (hugging Nola tighter) I love you, Aunt Nola. Sometimes I wish I was your daughter. Nola: Aww, kiddo. The doorbell rings. Vanessa: Maureen, go and answer the door! Nola, shut up! Matt and Quint, get over here! ITS TIME TO EAT. Maureen scurries off into the STUDY and then crosses into the FOYER where she opens the door to find two large boxes masking two men faces. Maureen: Umm... can I help you guys? J: I don't know can you, bumblebee? Maureen's face light up. Maureen: Cousin J! J removes his box to show his handsome face. Tom: And don't for get about me, squirt! Maureen: Tom?! Tom removes his box from his face. Maureen joyously screams at the sight of her cousins. Maureen: MOM!!! Vanessa: (O.C.) What are you in here-- Vanessa enters the foyer where she sees Tom and Anthony J. Vanessa: Anthony? Thomas? J: Hey, Aunt Vanessa. Long time, no see. Vanessa runs over to hug both Thomas and J. Vanessa: What are you two doing here? Your mother said that you were-- Nola: (O.C.) (Voice coming closer) Now what is all this ruckus in-- Nola freezes in place at the sight of her son. She speechless... for once. Tears start to stream down her face. Quint and Matt slowly come up behind Nola. Nola: Anthony James... J: Happy Thanksgiving, Mom. Tom Reardon Anthony James Chamberlain FADE OUT COMING UP ON TGL: The Guiding Light: - The Reardon's Thanksgiving continues - Shayne's Thanksgiving - Hawk and Reva grow suspicious of Trista http://www.youtube.c...h?v=0hYQZH3m9co
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