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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. 5 hours ago, TVFAN1144 said:

    It seems like Love of Life is like the middle child.  You don’t hear much about it when thinking about CBS.  It looks like it consistently was in the middle of the ratings

    It was moved to an obscure morning slot. It’s almost like the network forgot it was there during the 70s cancellations.  I know that’s not true.  There was a resurgence with the return Meg and Ben.

    Love of Life got a raw deal being shunted to 11.30 to make way for Where The Heart Is.

    Soaps had never worked before noon. NBC had tried a few years before with Paradise Bay/Morningstar and CBS with Brighter Day/Clear Horizon. Maybe CBS thought a familiar, stronger show would make a difference.

    A few years earlier when CBS showed an interest in All My Children, American Home Products, owner of LOL  were not pleased that CBS wanted the noon slot for AMC and kicked up a fuss. Things must have changed a few years later.

     With a full schedule I wonder why CBS were so enthused about Where The Heart Is. I guess they realized their established soaps were growing older in audience appeal and hoped new soaps would get younger viewers.

  2. Wasn't Althea a mess due to the death of daughter Penny?

    That was another idiotic move by the show. Althea had already lost one child and there was no long term reason to kill her daughter. In fact, bringing back Penny would have made more sense. Althea was now a middle age woman , which at the time was not the best age to be in soaps. Giving Althea a daughter to play against opened more story possibilities and would have placed a younger legacy character on the canvas.

    And we saw from Lucinda how Elizabeth could play the mother of  a troubled daughter.

    Then the casting of Jerry with a good actor but not someone who's going to make the cover of the mags.

    While other shows were pushing older characters to the backburner, TD is giving Matt and Maggie an impotence story. 

    They really needed to read the room at that point.

  3. As The World Turns

    Gloria ______ Carson....??????   wife Oliver    1976 vists Carol to thank her for Jay agreeing to extend her husbands loan, thus restoring Carol's faith in Jay

    Dr Larry Granger ???  Jan 76 Colleague of Dan Stewart, unable to attend conference in Bolivia so Dan took his place.

    Tina Richards    Toni Bull Bua   Feb/March-76  came to Oakdale to get money owing to her by Norman Garrison, argued with him in hospital inadvertently causing his death,which Bob Hughes was blamed for. Testified at a hearing, exonerating Bob.

    Dr. Daniel "Dan" Stewart 

     John Colenback    1966-73; March 1976- Sept 79
                                      John Reilly   1974- Jan 76
  4. In July 63 CBS moved Edge from 4.30 following Secret Storm to 3.30 now leading in to SS. it swapped places with Millionaire reruns.

    I think this was in preparation for the CBS Evening News to expand to half an hour. That happened in Sept 63 and in return for taking the expanded telecast CBS offered affiliates the 4.30 timeslot for local programming.

    Rather than move both secret Storm and Edge up half an hour they elected to move Edge only to become the lead in for SS. It worked as Edge and SS continued with high ratings for several years.

  5. 6 minutes ago, danfling said:

    I do not believe that at the time of the network switch, Procter and Gamble would have voluntarily allowed the cancellation of its serials (Somerset) to allow the pick-up of another of its serials (The Edge of Night).

    The purpose of the network switch was to keep The Edge of Night and to preserve its continuity.

    I guess you are right.  Although Somerset was on its last legs at that point anyway. NBC could have said we'll take Edge to replace Somerset or just cancel Somerset  .

    Maybe Somerset could have moved to 12.30 to accommodate Edge but that would not have helped Somerset to be up against 2 other soaps.

  6. 25 minutes ago, j swift said:

    SOD is dependent on the networks to buy ads, so that they can advertise something other than creepy dolls, vinyl handbags, and commemorative plates.

    The networks aren't spending any $$$ in SOD-at least the print edition. I think its more a case of access to actors for those 'what was the kookiest thing that ever happened to you on vacation?' items.

  7. If CBS had held on to Edge when ATWT expanded, where could they have placed it?

    4pm would be a good fit but the show would have been isolated from other CBS soaps.

    3.30 would have benefited from the All in the Family lead in but Match Game was doing well in that slot I believe.

  8. CBS owned daytime throughout the 50s and especially the 60's where the mix of reruns in the morning, soaps/game shows/variety in the afternoon dominated every timeslot.

    Meanwhile ABC and NBC were constantly juggling their lineups trying to break through.

    Finally in the late 60's NBC made headway as Days/Doctors and AW began winning their timeslots forcing CBS to make changes. Then GH asserted itself and the 70's saw all 3 networks battling for domination.

    CBS made a lot of changes in the 70's. Introducing Y&R was no doubt their best move.

    Let's discuss CBS Daytime over the years.

  9. 20 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    CASS WINTHROP: FAMILY (anotherworldhomepage.com)

    The existence of Cass's brother was mentioned as early as 1988. When Morgan came to Bay City in 1993, it was the first time Cass had seen him in 15 years. In 1994, Cass and Morgan were at odds due to Cass's paranoid belief that Morgan was having an affair with Cass's wife Frankie Frame. But as this misconception was due to Cass's illness it was shortly cleared up.

    @DRW50 thanks. So for Cass' first five or so years on the show there was no mention of a brother.

    On another note why would NBC want Jake to rape Marley??

  10. I don't think Ken had any involvement in what Albert put in that statement. 

    I can see why Albert expressed those sentiments. His actions and attitude show that he is unaware or uncaring about how his work habits and leadership style affect others. All he sees is 20 years of hard work and success be negated. As his statement shows, he blames a couple of people for stirring up trouble.

    i'm sure many of us have worked for, or alongside 'difficult' people who blame others for being 'thin skinned' or 'unable to take a joke'

    I remember one co-worker prone to tantrums and crying fits stating 'that's just how I am , I can't change'


  11. It seems unfair that Conboy was allowed to run riot with the budget and then others had to face the consequences.

    Wheeler must have been a lot cheaper than Conboy but I wonder if she took a salary cut along the way?

    How many execs who let Conboy do his thing took salary cuts?

    Is it only the actors who paid the price?

    They really needed someone who could restructure the show successfully and Ellen proved she was not the person for the job.

    The whole Ed debacle speaks volumes.

  12. Alarr has worked at days for 20 years and obviously is a talented director/producer who has been able to work around the severe budget cuts Days has endured. No doubt he has an abrasive personality that probably came to the fore more often as his stature grew and the pressure to deliver those 5 eps aweek became more intense.

    Ken Corday just seems to want to put his faith on others to keep Days going as he has no real talent or deep investment apart from trying to keep Days alive as a tribute to his parents and the responsibilty passed on to him. Who knows what his personal and professional relationship is to Albert?

    I would imagine Ken tells Albert things have gone too far and  he has no other choice-he'll pay out his contract and allow Albert the chance to save face by issuing  a statement in his defense.


  13. 37 minutes ago, GLATWT88 said:

    Speaking of 1980, where was the intent behind bringing on Darcy, Alan, and Brad? Do you think they were trying to freshen things up?

    Definitely. The storyline was promoted as a '3's Company' set up. At the time 3's Company was a smash hit so they were looking for some of that impact in having 3 singles sharing an apartment. Don't know if the casting and writing really came together though.

  14. 7 minutes ago, JoeCool said:

    But ABC decided to put Loving against Search for Tomorrow and the strong Young and the Restless. Restless destroyed Loving and seriously damaged Ryan's Hope when it was at 12:30PM.

    Agnes Nixon thought when Loving in 1983 would debut at 1:30 sandwiched between AMC and OLTL

    Loving was slotted at 11.30 am in 1983 up against the second half of The Price Is Right on CBS and Dream House on NBC.

    It followed Too Close for Comfort sitcom reruns and was followed by Family Feud.

    That was terrible scheduling as soaps in the morning had never worked and it was completely isolated from the rest of the ABC soap lineup.

    it might have done better at noon leading into RH?

    It wasn't until Oct 84 that Loving was moved to 12.30pm.

  15. 5 hours ago, FrenchFan said:

    In this article from Dec 31, 1967, it is said that John took over a year and a half ago so probably mid-1966 if this is accurate.

    Toledo Blade - Google News Archive Search

    Thanks for that. So around June/July, David and Ellen were married early June 66. Would they have brought a new older Dan on for the wedding? Or maybe David and Ellen went off on a honeymoon for a couple of weeks and a new Dan (and Susan ) were there upon their return?

    I'm sure we can solve this mystery....

  16. Marcie _____   Vincente...Jeannie Carson...June 1970-71...crippled by polio, wife to Tony, who was indebted to her as her wealthy parents had financed his medical career. Cared for by possessive  Agnes. Desperate to regain Tony's love and jealous of Jo who works with Tony at the Rec Center where he spends most evenings. Revealed to be faking her paralysis, thus paving the way for a divorce from Tony

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