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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. Cast list from 1970 Daytime TV yearbook


    Marla Adams as Belle Clemens

    Keith Charles as Nick Kane

    Linden Chiles as Paul Britton

    Joel Crothers as Ken Stevens

    Stephanie Braxton as Laurie Hollister

    Troy Donahue as R.B. Keefer

    Jennifer Darling as Irene Sims

    Clarice Blackburn as Mary Lou Northcote

    Judy Lewis as Sarah Carver

    Lori March as Valerie Ames

    Rosemary Murphy as Nola Hollister

    Lovelady Powell as Birdie Clayborne

    Eleanor Phillips as Grace Tyrell

    Gordon Rigsby as Dr. Ian Northcote/Owen Northcote

    Peter MacLean as Hugh Clayborne

    Barbara Rodell as Jill Stevens

    Jada Rowland as Amy Britton

    Haila Stoddard as Pauline Rysdale

  2. Pretty much forgotten part of Jack's past.When it all started Bill Bell was talking it up,but Luan died and Keemo was dropped.

    The problem to me was that Luan was boring and stereotyped and Keemo was wooden and one note.With better actors and more exciting stories,there could have been years of story,which is something a vet character like Jack needed.


  3. Jill Andre is listed as a temp replacement in 68. Dagne stayed until 71. In 75,Sandy was back,played by Ronnie Carol.I imagine that this was short lived and Barbara Rucker took over.

    I'm surprised that her son Jimmy was never brought back as he could have been SORASED to be a new young character,who saw Bob as a father figure.

  4. Ralph Ellis/Eugenie Hunt replaced the Soderbergs in late 78. They brought back Barbara (good move).At first they continued most of the Soderbergs stories.They continued into 79 before marland took over for a short spell before the Dobsons in Jan 80.It was after the Dobsons 1st stint that that writer changes became more frequent.

  5. From what I have read,the whole story didn't amount to much.Eileen Fulton commented along those lines.

    Imagine if he had lived,by the early 80's he probably would have been aged and provided story for Lisa.

    Here is asummary of that month

    John asked Pat to marry him so that he won't be able to testify against him. Kevin found a missing Susan in an out-of-town jail on a drunken and disorderly charge. Natalie made a deal with Jay and Carol for Natalie's unborn child.

    Dan's trial began. Marian failed to convince Pat not to marry John. Chris drew up papers for Jay and Carol to raise Natalie's baby. Natalie offered Ralph a real estate job. Susan rotted in jail, refused to see Kevin, and reluctantly turned to Jim for help.

    Lisa's younger son Chuckie and Tom were involved in a car accident. Chuckie died. Natalie spilled the beans to Nancy that Joyce tricked Don into marrying her. Joyce frantically called Don and urged him to stop Natalie's bad lies.

    Pat cracked in court and confessed John shot himself accidentally. She died after tumbling down a courthouse staircase. In the confusion, no one could find John. Beau proposed to Annie. Susan reconciled with Kevin and convinced him not to attend Alenon meetings. Tom was successfully operated on after the accident that killed Chuckie. Natalie threatened to back out of her baby deal with Jay and Carol unless Jay pays the bills for her real estate operation.

    Bob performed a successful second operation for internal injuries on Tom, while Grant fretted that the crisis brought Lisa closer to Bob. David and Ellen fretted when Annie accepted Beau's proposal. Don returned briefly to warn Natalie to lay off Joyce and that it didn't matter now if Joyce had tricked him into marriage. Dick agreed to close Dan's case after John skipped town. Ralph got chummy with Mary. Beau joined Grant's law firm. Susan realized her finances are in a rut.

    And into August

    Bob rushed to aid Lisa who appeared to have a mild breakdown. Valerie and Grant were annoyed that Lisa is stealing all of Bob's spare time. Natalie signed the baby papers.

    Bob and Valerie decided to rekindle their romance. Lisa admitted to Grant she relies on Bob. Natalie seemed jealous of Ralph's attentions to Mary. A mysterious young girl, Melinda Gray, arrived in town. David worried about Beau and Annie's plans to wed in a few weeks. Susan debated whether she is "bad news" for Kevin.

    After accepting Kevin's marriage proposal Susan wrote him a Dear John letter and left town temporarily. Mary worried that she's not in Ralph's league and cooled their relationship. Jane Spencer decided to come to town after learning of her son Beau's impending marriage to Annie.

    Melinda told Kim and Dan that she is the illegitimate daughter of Kim's deceased sister Jennifer and that her adopted parents had died. Lisa returned to town without Grant on the pretext of worrying about Tom, but instead went straight to Bob. Carol agreed with Jay not to give Natalie more money.

    It seemed that Chuckie's death was used to draw Lisa to Bob and create problems for her and Grant.

  6. Sydney Scott was played by Deborah Steinberg Solomon.She had previously had a 4 yr run on ATWT as Amanda Holmes,who was a major character during that time.However,Sydney was a suporting character who was dropped sometime in 71.

    Linc was played by James Karen,who had previously been on ATWT as Susan's father.He was 47 at the time.Paul Dumont took over in 1970 until 71

    Then Nicholas Pryor in 71,who was 36,so the character was de-aged, Linc was dropped and returned in 74 played by Peter White who at the time was 37.

    Ann had already been played by Diane De Vegh.I read that she only appeared once. Is that true? Joanna Miles took over and then Judith assumed the role in 71.

  7. Anita Keal played Mignon.The first go round,she was involved in the whole voodoo thing which got a little whacky.She was carted off to the asylum.When she returned,she was killed off.

    Was it Lemay who brought her back? The character had potential as the interfering mother who didn't think Liza was good enough,but the writers never explored that.She could have been a thorn in Travis & Liza's side for years.

    Martin and Mignon were siblings-yes?

  8. On paper,at least,HTSAM sounds ahead of its time,actually dealing with the realities of money and illness etc.

    This is fertile ground for storytelling and if it is weaved in with the more traditional and fantasy elements,the shows would be all the better for it.

    Current soaps play fast and loose with these issues and are hollow and lifeless as a result.

    Saynotoursoap,your contributions are so fascinating and invaluable.Thank you!

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