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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. Variety reports that the October 24 and 25th 1961 episodes of TBD will feature 4 blind actors,employed as part of a storyline dealing with a woman who shied away from marriage due to her need to devote herself to her blind mother.

    The idea to use real life blind actors came from a fan letter in which the writer stated she had seen a blind performer on a local show.and wondered if the show could use them.

    Does anyone know what character that was?

  2. Was that the end of John and Ashley? I'm blanking out on how many of the characters were written out-Brad,Jack,Darcy,Viveca.I think some of these had potential and it was damaging for them all to be dropped when the audience may have been getting interested.

    Variety over the years would note cast comings and goings (not everything unfortunately)Some of them were unknown to me.Maybe Carl or others might know more.


    March Sindee Richards (Penny Davis)

    March Ann Williams out (Maggie)

    June Jacqueline Bertell ?


    May Harry Packwood (Mike)

    August Morgen Stone (Keith)



    Conrad Roberts (Dr Simon Harris)

    September Peter Burnell (Mike)


    June Jim Shannon

    August Mel Winkler (?)

    October Virginia Vestoff (Althea)

    Ginger Gerlach (Julie)



    Frances Sternhagen (?)

    Robert Silvio (?)


    Elizabeth Hubbard returns (Althea)


    May Palmer Deane (Hank)

    July Nancy Barrett (Kathy)


    July Holly Peters (Kathy)



    Julia Duffy (Penny)

    Marie Thomas (


    Michael Landrum (Mike)



    Chuck Weiss becomes exec producer



    Peggy Cass (Sweeny)


    Carla Dragoni (MJ)



    James Storm (Mike)


    Doris Quinlan becomes exec producer


    Ben Thomas (Jack)



    Ashby Adams (Mike)

    Amy Ingersoll (MJ)

  3. Will try and find out about Stadd's departure.

    In May 1960,NBC announced that FTR would be cancelled in October to make way for repeats of the Danny Thomas show.They shelled out $7,000,000.Variety said that FTR was close to cancellation before ,but the acquiring of Thomas reruns sounded it's death knell.NBC had been experiencing success with Loretta Young reruns,so was willing to take the chance with Thomas.

    Anyway,that didn't happen and FTR was granted a reprieve.Thomas was put up against ATWT at 1.30

  4. That drop by AW from 8.6 in 77/78 to 7.5 in 78/79 saw the show drop from equal 1st to 8th place which is pretty drastic. Meanwhile GH went from a 7.0 to an 8.7 and from 8th to 2nd.

    That first drop was merely a taste of things to come.I think it was the 90 min format,which posters in the AW thread are all agreeing was a lot of filler,the cast changes,Lemay's departure and the resurgence of GH all combining to damage AW.

  5. The Variety article said that GH was planning a 4 week story arc based around a black couple.She would be a schoolteacher who is assaulted by a student she flunked. They stated that theater actor Bobby Dean Hooks was in the running for the male role.I guess he was later known as Robert Hooks.

  6. That 73 article solved a mystery for me re the Benjamin family.I have seen those names in cast lists but never was sure who they were. I wonder if they were contract players and how much airtime they got as I have never seen them mentioned in summaries.

    I have a feeling that Jay was a policeman and Terry a nurse so they could easily blend into the canvas without leading stories.Maybe there was more planned for them but writer changes got in the way.

    Seems under John Edwards SFT was really trying to be contemporary and relevant and it was working.

  7. In August 68,entering her second year as headwriter Rita Lakin worked out a deal with Colgate,NBC etc to co write the show with Rick Edelstein,citing exhaustion at being solo head writer. They each got 16 weeks off per year and shares the more than $100,000 pay check. Lakin communicated with exec producer Allen Potter by mail and a 10 min phone call each week.

    By 69 Lakin was working in primetime as story editor for Mod Squad.

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