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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. Not sure if I already posted this but with 57 pages to check through i decided to post regardless.

    This is SOD synopsis from Dec 77,still the Soderbergs I think.I wonder if AMC beginning to top ATWT in the ratings regularly caused them to be replaced.

    What Lisa wants most in life right now is to have her husband back – and she’ll do anything and say anything to achieve this end. She can no longer play games. The time has come for complete honesty – the brutal naked truth is her last hope for saving her marriage.

    Lisa calls Grant and asks to see him. She arrives at his office without her customary bravado. Shyly she sits herself down in one of his chairs and begins to relate what really happened between her and Bob. She says the passion was strictly one-sided. Bob didn’t encourage her in any way. He always made it very clear that he felt nothing for her other than a deep and caring friendship – but she blinded herself to this truth. She continued to pursue him until he was forced to tell her to her face that he didn’t love her. Lisa concludes her revelation by saying, “Grant, I now know it was a foolish desire I carried around for Bob, and I am very sorry for turning away from you. Please give me another chance.” Lisa then breaks down in tears. Grant takes her in his arms and comforts her. He says okay, he’ll give her another chance, but before he moves back into the house he wants the two of them to have a serious discussion. To insure the success of their union, he wants each one to tell the other what each expects from the marriage. Lisa agrees to this request. They set up a date to meet later that week.

    For the hundredth time, Jay is going over his books with Mary and Laurie. He’s going to find how Pete Larsen was stealing from him if it takes all night. He tried to beat it out of the guy at the construction site, but all that resulted in was the cops being called in and breaking up the fracas. Suddenly the intense concentration of these three people is broken by Jay shouting, “I found it! I know how Pete was cheating me.” Jay then dons his coat and dashes out of the office, telling Mary and Laurie he’s going over to Pete’s place and make him pay up.

    Jay arrives at his former foreman’s apartment and bangs loudly on the door. He’s unaware that his violent antics are being observed by one of Pete’s neighbors. Jay’s loud shouting frightens the middle-aged woman and she dashes back into her apartment.

    An hour or so after his encounter with Pete, Jay shows up at Melinda’s apartment. Melinda notices Jay is pretty shaken and she asks what’s the matter. Jay tells her about his verbal fight with Pete Larsen. There was a lot of yelling but no hitting. Pete finally saw the light and agreed to pay him back the money.


    On his way home to Carol and his apartment, Jay hears the announcer’s voice on the car radio blare forth some very frightening news. It went as follows: “PETE LARSEN WAS FOUND DEAD IN HIS APARTMENT. THE POLICE SUSPECT HE WAS MURDERED. FIRST INDICATIONS ARE HE WAS SEVERELY BEATEN.” Jay shudders. He needs an alibi. He didn’t kill Pete (when he left the man’s apartment, he was very much alive) but who will believe him after the way he was talking about the guy. Jay calls his friend, Fred McNeil, and asks him to be his alibi. When the police question him, he’ll tell them he was with him (Fred) the whole night. If he tells the police the truth, they’ll never believe he left Pete alive in his apartment. Fred agrees to come through for Jay. He’ll second Jay’s story to the authorities. Jay breathes easier. He arrives home and makes up with Carol. They agree to be more sensitive to the other’s needs. Jay doesn’t tell her the truthful events of that evening. He tells her his alibi story. He still can’t be honest with her.

    Jay has been arrested for suspicion of murder. The woman who saw Jay enter Pete’s apartment, put aside her fears, and went to the police. The police then called Jay and asked him to come down to headquarters. They said they had some more questions to ask him. While Jay is being interrogated, the woman identifies Jay as the man who burst into Pete’s apartment. Jay says she’s crazy, he was with Fred McNeil. The police then bring Fred into the room. Fred tells Jay he told the police the truth. Once he found out Jay lied to him, he could no longer be his alibi. Jay could say nothing further. The police book him, and Jay calls Laurie and asks her to get in touch with Tom.

    Tom arrives at headquarters and bails Jay out. They then return to Jay’s apartment. Carol welcomes him with loving arms. She had been informed of his arrest by Judge Lowell. Carol asks Jay to now tell her the whole truth. Jay does…well, almost. He tells her about his verbal argument with Pete, but he doesn’t tell her nor Tom that he went to Melinda’s afterwards. (She’s his alibi, but it’s an alibi which could destroy his marriage.) He just says that after leaving Pete’s dwelling, he drove around, stopping first at an out-of-the-way coffee shop and then at a bar.

    Tom tells Carol things look very bad for Jay. As it stands now, all the evidence is stacked against him. He had the motive and he’s the only one who has been pinpointed at the scene of the crime. It’s not very likely that the police will look for anyone else.

    Depression is no longer hindering John’s recovery. He now has found a reason for living…and he owes it all to Mary. After all, if it weren’t for her, Dr. Alex Keith would never have seen his manuscript…and the completion of this manuscript is now what’s keeping him going.

    Dr. Keith is very high on the book. He told John it’s going to be an important medical text. It will open many doors for him. It may even get him back into a hospital. Alex’s words made John’s spirits soar. He immediately calls Mary and asks if she’ll help with the typing of the book. Mary wants to free herself of John…but she can’t. She keeps remembering that he saved her life, she agrees to assist.

    Mark was hoping to get out of the hospital in the very near future. He becomes very depressed when he realizes this dream isn’t to become a reality. His body seems to be losing the battle against his disease. Susan tries to cheer him up…but she fails. She’s trying very hard to keep her objectivity…will she be able to keep on doing so? She can’t deny that she’s suffering along with the boy.


    Jane wants to give Beau and Annie a very extravagant gift. She wants to bestow upon them a joint membership in Oakdale’s very exclusive and elite country club. Beau wants to accept the gift; Annie is hesitant. She isn’t the country club type. Beau, so far, is adhering to his wife’s wishes, but knowing Beau, how much longer will he continue to live in poverty?

    Grant has moved back into the house. He has decided to give his marriage a second chance. His talk with Lisa was very satisfactory. She seemed very sincere when she told him that this time she’ll be much more sensitive to his needs. She’ll also be more open and direct about her feelings. There’ll be no more game playing. Lisa’s words caused Grant to feel that their marriage now has a very good chance of turning into a long and fulfilling union.

    Grant goes to see Val and tells her of his decision. Val fights back the tears. She was silently hoping he wouldn’t go back to Lisa. She has come to care for this man very deeply. She would have liked nothing more than to have been his new love. Val prays that Lisa will treat him right.

    Bob has been living a very quiet life these days…but is that soon to change? Is a new love about to enter his life? Could be. He doesn’t yet know her name, but from the first minute he saw her, at a department store, when she gave his daughter a little gift, he knew he’d never forget her. She has left a very strong impression in his mind. He’s very intrigued.

    For a while, Mark’s future looked very hopeful. His test revealed he was showing great progress battling his disease…but now he has once again taken a turn for the worse. He has developed pneumonia.

    David learns the news and prays Susan will be able to handle this critical time in Mark’s life. One would have to be blind not to notice how attached she has become to this young man…and this type of deep attachment could be very damaging to Susan. Will she have the strength to weather the storm?


    Kim and Dan are very worried about Mary’s involvement with John. They have been noticing that she’s been spending more and more time with him at the hospital. She doesn’t have to devote that much time helping him with his book.

    They both can’t help but feel that John isn’t the right man for her. She’s so sweet, innocent, and trusting. John will only hurt her again. He swears he’s changed, but they have their doubts – that much evil could not have been obliterated so quickly.

    Jane throws a big, gala bash honoring Beau and Annie. She tried to keep it simple, but somehow it wound up being the party event of the season. The guest list included many of Beau’s old friends, as well as the rich, the prominent and the powerful.

    It’s an old, familiar world to Beau and he easily slips back into it. He hardly notices that his wife is having a slightly harder time adapting. Annie spends most of the evening on the sidelines. She tries, but she can’t really be comfortable amongst Oakdale’s Beautiful People. She looks over at her husband and silently wishes he shared her uneasiness…but it’s obvious he doesn’t. She has never seen him happier. Annie then makes a decision which she later voices to Beau. She says they can accept his mother’s gift of membership to the country club.

    Susan’s frazzled state propels David to have it out with Alex. He accuses Alex of using Susan…and now abandoning her. She’s driving herself to the breaking point because she’s worried about Mark…and she’s worried about Mark because Alex got her involved with him. Susan needs help and Alex has to be the one to give it. It’s only right.

    Alex is not as insensitive as he comes on, and David’s words quickly hit him where he lives. He immediately lets his real self shine through – and it’s a kind, gentle spirit who approaches Susan and says he’s taking her home. He won’t take no for an answer. He’ll leave word with the hospital to contact them at her apartment if there’s any change in Mark.


    Susan is too wound up to relax. She tells Alex she’s afraid to be alone. She’s afraid of what she might do. Alex says he’ll stay the night with her. He’ll sleep on her couch…and then in the morning they can go to the hospital together. Susan is very thankful for Alex’s kindness – and she’s also very surprised by this compassionate side of his nature. She’s beginning to think that she judged him too harshly; he’s not such a monster after all.

    The next day when they return to the hospital, they receive some very good news. Mark’s fever is down. He’s beginning to fight his pneumonia. He’s on the road to recovery. Susan and Alex have never felt happier or more relieved in their lives.

    With their reconciliation still at the infant stage, Lisa has already displeased her husband. He didn’t like the fact that she made two fairly important decisions without taking a moment to consult him. He thought she agreed that this time a thing like that wouldn’t happen again. She was going to be more considerate of his needs and feelings. Lisa apologizes for her insensitivity, but Grant is still left with a slight twinge of doubt about his decision to give his marriage a second chance. Was he too hasty in assuming that Lisa could really change?

    Mary is a very important person in John’s life and what he wants more than anything is to reestablish a deep, personal relationship with her…and he feels he can do it. He knows just the right buttons to push to draw her closer to him. He can win…as long as he doesn’t get any outside interference. But that’s exactly what he has gotten. Mary tells him, she has been warned against him. She won’t say who did the warning, but John assumes it’s his old nemesis, Dan. John makes plans for revenge.

    He thinks one good way to get at Dan is to widen the breach between him and Alex. Wearing his most sincere countenance, John tells Alex he’d be wise to keep a close eye on Dan. He’s not as forthright and honest as he appears. He’s really a back stabbing bastard of the highest order. Alex tried to make light of John’s warning, but it’s obvious it has left a deep and lasting impression on him.

  2. This SOD synopsis is for the period around Oct 77.Was this Marland's work?I'm pretty sure he signed on before Gloria Monty.If it was pre Marland then it would be Irving and Tex Ellman.

    If so,they laid the groundwork for Marland with Scotty/Laura

    Steve has given Jeff the answer to his dilemma. Going over Lisa’s x-rays with Jeff, he tells Jeff it looks to him like Lisa is suffering from Breechman’s disease – a very rare leukemia-type illness. The prognosis isn’t good. As far as he knows there is no cure. Jeff asks Steve if it would be alright if he went to New York and spoke with Dr. Breechman personally. Steve gives his okay.

    Jeff’s meeting with Dr. Breechman leaves him very depressed. The esteemed doctor confirms Steve’s diagnosis and prognosis. Jeff cries inside. How is going to tell Lisa that she’s going to die?


    Seeing how depressed his good friend is, Rick makes a magnanimous gesture. He tells David that after he’s released from the hospital he can come stay with him and Leslie. It was a very compassionate overture – but not a wise one. Rick failed to consult Leslie before making this offering.

    At first, Leslie is really steamed. She tells Rick she doesn’t want to share their new home and new marriage with a stranger. How could he invite David to stay with them without first consulting her! The man is suffering from psychosomatic paralysis! Who’s going to take care of him?

    Rick doesn’t understand this sudden change in Leslie. She’s usually so sweet, so giving. When Leslie later comes back and apologizes, Rick takes everything at face value. He will not allow himself to see that his soon-to-be wife has not killed her anger, but merely repressed it. Leslie still doesn’t feel right about the whole idea. She’s just doing it to please Rick.

    Laura and Scotty’s relationship is veering away from the platonic. He’s beginning to see her in a more romantic light. She no longer looks like such a kid to him. Scotty expresses his change of heart by kissing Laura long, hard and passionately. Laura responds in kind. It looks like a new romance is beginning to blossom in Port Charles.

    Mark received some very bad news. While escaping from the state mental institution in a stolen car, Mary Ellen ran the automobile into a brick wall and was killed instantly.

    Jeff returns from New York. He goes to see Lisa but can’t bring himself to tell her the truth about her illness. In answer to her question, he just says it’s serious. At the time he thought it was the right thing to say, but now, because of what happens next, he sees it as nothing more than a serious lack of medical judgment.

    What happened? Lisa has left the hospital. When Jeff went to examine her the next morning, he found her room empty and her clothes gone. Peter enters the room and tells Jeff he saw Lisa getting into a cab. He thought Jeff released her. Jeff curses himself. Since Lisa doesn’t know how sick she really is, she probably won’t seek medical attention when she suffers an attack – and this is a course of action which could cost her her life! Jeff immediately calls the police. Lt. Sage later reports to Jeff that a woman bearing Lisa’s description was seen boarding a bus bound for Montreal. It’s bad news and Jeff fears Lisa may be doomed.


    Heather’s New York City landlady, Mrs. Hadley, is heavily involved in the seedy world of pornography and prostitution. She wanted to entrap Heather in this sticky web – but her plans have been foiled. Heather will no longer have to take any job to pay her bills. Her dream may soon become a reality. She may soon be a movie star. She has been discovered by a Hollywood producer. Mr. Sherman tells Heather if she comes to L.A., he’ll introduce her to the right people. It’s glorious news – but what is she to do with Steven Lars? She doesn’t want to give up her baby, but if it hinders her chances…Should she give the child to Jeff? Is that the thing to do?

    Mark has a new patient. It’s wealthy business man, Lamont Corbin. Mark gasps in surprise when he sees Lamont’s wife. It’s his childhood friend, Katie O’Reilly. She did all right for a scrapper from Boston’s poverty strewn North End. Katie tells Mark she wants to keep their relationship strictly professional.

    Laura cajoles Monica into giving her a prescription for birth control pills – just in case. She can’t ask Leslie – her mother still thinks of her as a little girl. Monica didn’t want to get involved in such a sneaky deed (the wounds between her and Leslie are hardly healed), but she had no other choice. Laura tells her if Monica doesn’t do as she asks, she’d make it with Scotty without the benefit of protection. She would just have to take her chances.

    Jeff quickly opens the large manila envelope bearing the Utica, N.Y., return address. He shakes the package and out tumbles a check and a pendant. The check is for Dorrie and the pendant is for him – and both items are from Lisa! She’s returning the money she borrowed from Dorrie…but why is she sending him the Gemini pendant? All Jeff remembers about the pendant is that Lisa told him it stood for “eternal love.” Jeff is confused.

    A few days later this confusion is increased. Jeff is refilling some papers at the nurses’ station when suddenly his concentration is broken by a rather melodic female voice asking, “Do you know where I can find Dr. Jeff Webber?” Jeff turns around, his mouth goes slack, his eyes open wide with shock. The woman is Lisa! Or is it? She says not. She’s Lisa’s twin sister Lana, Lana Holbrook. She’s here to see her sister and she was told Dr. Webber is her physician. Jeff says he’s Dr. Webber but seeing Lisa is not possible. Her sister skipped out of the hospital a week ago – and they don’t’ know where she is. Jeff then tells Lana the sad news. Learning her sister is terminally ill causes Lana to nearly faint – but she quickly recovers. Jeff notices Lana is wearing a Gemini pendant. Lana says she and her sister both have one. Lana quickly points out that while she and Lisa may be identical in appearance, they are in no way alike in personality. Lisa is quiet (a shrinking violet) and very sweet; traits which far from win Lana’s stamp of approval. The disdain is very evident in Lana’s voice as she tells Jeff it’s no wonder she and Lisa never got along.

    Wanting more than anything to become a big Hollywood star – and needing more than anything, a great deal of money to achieve this dream – Heather finds herself forced to take drastic action. She’s going to let the Taylors adopt Steven Lars for the $10,000 they promised her. She doesn’t want to give up her baby, but what other choice does she have? She tells Mrs. Hadly of her desire and her landlady (and friend?) immediately comes to her aid. She tells Heather she knows just the lawyer who can help her. Mrs. Hadly places an urgent call to her friend Mr. Wallace.


    While meeting with Jeff and Lt. Sage (she was to tell the lieutenant about her sister), Lana suffers a strange tingling sensation in her hand and then faints dead away in Jeff’s arms. Jeff brings her to General. He runs the necessary tests and diagnoses Lana as also suffering from Breechman’s disease. The problem gets more perplexing by the day. Breechman’s disease wasn’t known to be genetic. Jeff worries that Lisa may be getting worse.

    In addition to his concern for Lana and Lisa, Jeff is also very worried about his son. He learns from Heather’s mother that Heather is planning to go to Hollywood, and he hits the roof. That’s the last straw. Heather is not going to run around the country with his son. He’s going to track her down and fight for custody of the boy.

    He writes to Heather, in care of her GPO address, and tells her of his intentions. He then places a hurried call to Lt. Sage and asks him to give him the name of a private investigator. He doesn’t care what it costs. He has to find Heather Grant!

    Jeff’s letter puts Heather in a real squeeze. She can no longer dally in her decision to give up her son – but can she find the strength to do it? Does she have any other choice? She wants her son; she wants her dream, but it now seems clear she can’t have them both.

    The adoption won’t be entirely ethical – but it will be much more expedient. The Taylors will adopt – and pay for – her baby – but they won’t know it’s hers. Heather would much rather have handled things more above board, but speed is of the essence. Mr. Wallace said an entirely legal adoption would take months. Seeing that Heather is still a bit hesitant, Mr. Wallace (very anxious to get his grubby hands on part of her money) does something to cement her decision. He tells Heather he has taken the first step and sent Diana and Peter a telegram.

    Mark tells Katie the outlook for her husband isn’t very good. The operation is very risky and there’s a very good possibility that Lamont will die on the operating table. Mark wants Lamont to know the truth about his condition, but Katie disagrees. She says such news would cause her husband to retreat in his work – and that’s what is keeping him alive.

  3. SOD synopsis Oct 77

    Dorian has once again gotten her way. She likes nothing better than to needle Tony and in Paul Kendall she has found the perfect means for this end. She knows Tony would like nothing better than for Paul to leave town, so she makes sure Paul will be around for a long, long time. She offers Paul a job at The Banner. It’s a three-year contract for a job of manager of the Lord Press. Dorian smiles to herself as she hears Paul tell her he’ll accept her offer. Now, maybe, if she’s really lucky, Paul will succeed in winning back Pat’s love. It’s her ultimate revenge. Tony will not get what he most desires. He will not get Pat and their son Brian.

    Jenny tries to talk some sense into Sam. She tells this very confused eighteen-year-old that she doesn’t love her father; they’re just friends. What Sam observed in the restaurant was just an innocent encounter. Will may love her but she doesn’t love him. Sam doesn’t buy any of it. She tells Jenny she plotted to get Will. Her naïve innocence is just an act. She’s as calculating as any hustler on the street. She saw the look on Jenny’s face as she was talking to Will, and if that’s not love she doesn’t know what is! Sam’s conception of Jenny’s feelings is correct, but Jenny still refuses to confront her emotions. She will not yet admit to herself that she’s in love with Will, not his son Brad.


    Karen likes to be at the center of her man’s life, not at the periphery. She can’t adjust to the fact that Larry dedicates more time to his medical practice than he does to her. She’s glad she wasn’t found pregnant, but maybe if she was things would be different – bust as it stand now she’s in desperate need of ego massage – and she knows just the man to quench her thirsting desires. It’s Gus the plumber. She sends out the necessary signals, Gus picks up on them and a day or so later (when Larry is out of town for the day) they wind up in her bed. Afterwards, Karen feels very dirty. She wishes she could control this other person living inside her. She doesn’t want to wreck her marriage.

    Llanview has a new resident. She’s a young woman named Edwina – and she seems to be an old flame of Richard Abbott’s – at least she glows a lot whenever she hears his name. Will she play havoc with Richard and Becky’s blossoming relationship?

    Meanwhile, Richard has gotten Becky a job at The Banner. Becky is ecstatic. It’s her first paying job. She’s thankful to Richard, but she’s still not too hepped up on going out with him. She appears to have a checkered past. One night she tells Richard she’s not as innocent as he thinks she is. Richard will not be put off. He’s very attracted to Becky’s naïve country ways. He likes protecting and sheltering her form the cruel world.

    Once again Brad has told Lana it’s over. She showed up drunk at the health club one night and almost broke things up between him and Jenny.


    Lana is shattered. She tells Brad he’s a cold, unfeeling monster. He told her he loved her. Were all his passionate words lies? Brad doesn’t reply and this non-verbal retort leaves Lana ice-cold. She seeks comfort and advice from her friend Cathy. Cathy consoles Lana and tells her to be strong. Brad is a louse. She’ll meet a better man – one more deserving of her sweet, sensitive nature.

    What about the cold, calculating cad? Well, Mr. Golden boy, (Mr. Wonderful) is very…very…happy. He’s gotten Jenny to agree to marry him. He’s won her away from his father. Lana cries for Jenny. She feels this kind of gentle woman will be getting the short end of the stick very, very soon.

    Learning about the engagement, Will begs Jenny to see him. In his heart he feels she’s making the wrong choice, but he doesn’t say so to her face. He tells Jenny he’s going to try and forget her. He’s not going to both her anymore.

    Lana prays her dizziness and nausea isn’t what she thinks it is…but the doctor confirms her worst fears. He tells her she’s pregnant. She’s into her second month. Lana’s world comes tumbling down around her. Cathy puts the pieces back together (Cathy well remembers being in the same situation) and sets Lana on the right course. Lana decides to keep her baby, but says she’s not going to tell either Brad or Jenny that she’s pregnant. It would be humiliating to tell Brad, and if she told Jenny, Jenny would break up with Brad and Brad would hate her (Lana) for being the cause of the breakup. She’d rather have Brad treat her coldly…than not treat her at all.

    Becky Lee Hunt is on her way to becoming a big country and western star. She auditions and lands a job at a local C&W joint, The Blue Ridge club. Her success is the result of hernew image. It was two little items that made all the difference: A blond Dolly Parton-type wig and a flashy and glittering dress. She looked smashing and wowed the audience…except for one rumpled young reporter. Richard didn’t approve at all and he tells Becky so. Becky’s temper erupts in ferocious flames and she tells Richard what he can do with his comments. It now seems very clear to her that they don’t understand each other at all. It may be best that they don’t see each other any more. Richard doesn’t agree with Becky’s capsule description of their problems and her solution to same, but he can’t get her to change her mind. She’s determined that they’ll never be a twosome.

    Edwina has finagled herself a job with the Lord publishing empire. She’ll be working as Paul’s assistant at The Lord Press. Paul is immediately impressed with Edwina’s good looks and great intelligence. Will a new romance be blossoming in Llanview? Will Paul forsake Pat for Edwina?

    Sam tells Marco she’ll never go to bed with him. When she loses her virginity, she wants it to be with a man she admires – and he’s far from that man. She knows that now. She doesn’t want a cold, calculating hustler; she wants a conservative, kind, gentle, mature man.

    Is there such a man in Llanview? You bet there is! – and Sam has already picked him out. It’s Tony Lord. He’s perfect…but how is she going to get him? How is she going to make him think of her as a woman…not a little girl.


    Trying very hard to forget Jenny, Will asks Nurse Robin Crosley, a very attractive thirtyish divorcee, out to dinner. Robin felt she didn’t have Will’s full attention so she seeks advice and counsel from Jenny Siegel. Is Will in love with someone else, Robin asks? Robin’s probing questions leave Jenny…confused…frightened…and desperately needing an escape hatch, and that night she takes the necessary self-preserving step. Jenny tells Brad she’ll marry him.

    Brad’s joy pops out of him, like air from an exploding balloon. He has never been so deliriously happy. He has won the woman he loves!

    It’s a joyful moment that seems to last only seconds. The next day Brad gets a visit from Lana. She tells him she’s pregnant. It’s a kink in his life he can well do without, and hesitating not a second, Brad tells Lana he’ll take her to New York and she can have an abortion. Lana explodes. She tells Brad she’s keeping the baby and she doesn’t care that by doing so she’ll be destroying his perfect little world. She’s not going to hide the fact he’s the father.

    Lana leaves the health club half-hating Cathy for persuading her to tell Brad. Why didn’t she follow her instincts and remain quiet? She expected Brad to humiliate her and that’s exactly what he did.

    Dorian gives Paul a pretty meaty assignment for his first task as manager of The Lord Press. He is to come up with a new idea for a magazine. She is assigning Pat, Edwina and Richard to help him with this project.

    Paul calls a meeting and Richard goes into shock when he enters the office and sees Edwina sitting in the chair right next to Pat’s. Edwina coolly rises from her seat and sweetly tells all gathered that she and Richard new each other at Princeton. In fact, at one time they were both up for the same journalistic prize, which Richard ultimately won. Edwina’s voice hints that she wasn’t exactly happy that her old friend scored this win. Wonder what secret lurks in their past?

    Each passing day leaves Pat more and more…confused…torn…and troubled. She knows her loyalties lie with Tony, but she can’t deny she still feels something very strong for Paul. Their evenings together at home are so right; so perfect. It’s like he never left. She doesn’t want to hurt either Tony, Paul or Brian…but someone is bound to suffer great anguish. What is she to do?

  4. Neil and Victoria started off as interesting as they were friends who started feeling romantically towards each other.However,I recall it was way too rushed as a few weeks passed and they were deeply in love.

    what was ridiculous was that Neil had broken up with Dru because of her career and the demands it placed on them. However,he didn't have an issue with Victoria even though she was presented as a high powered businesswoman.

    Also,the interracial aspect was not addressed by one single character,even in passing.It was not believable that everyone would be so accepting to not even mention it.

  5. How interesting. I wonder how listeners at the time reacted to being able to put a face to the voices they heard daily.

    Did that story of Connie play out on air or did it happen off-air ? Was Connie written out ,then returned after all this occurred?

    Maybe not,as radio could have stories happening all over the place.TV writers must have felt very limited by having to have their stories play out on a few sets.

  6. Great article,thank you. Did they continue to use location shots? I remmeber Texas and Capitol both promising to use lots of location footage but that hardly happened.

    Do posters think the focus was too narrow? I applaud their attempts but have read that the first few months at least had precious little story but a lot of pseudo-psychiatric dialogue.

  7. In March 1980,Variety reported that Y&R was casting a new Snapper. I recall some contract issues with David Haselhoff around this time.Obviously they were resolved and he continued for a few more years.

    Search is being con ducted for this CBS soaper by Mike Hanks for role of Snapper Foster, 26-28, 6'2-3", all-Ameri can type, Clint Eastwood proto-type, personable, charismatic, continuing role.

  8. The number of deaths,marriages and divorces shows how soap writing changed in the 80's and 90's.With people dying all the time and marrying/divorcing so often,those events,so central to soaps lost their currency. Of course,there were now more characters,but still...

    Compare to these years




    • Jim Lowell


      • Janice Turner to Carl Whipple


        • Jimmy Lowell (later Dan Stewart)


          • Al James, ATWT's first murder victim


            • Penny Hughes to Jeff Baker (annulled)
            • Claire Lowell to Dr. Douglas Cassen.


              • Penny Hughes to Jeff Baker-Christmas.


                • Lisa Miller to Bob Hughes-Week of August 22-26--The two eloped in Gary, Indiana.
                • Edith Hughes to Dr. George Frye
                • Ellen Lowell to Dr. Tim Cole


                  • Louise and Tim Cole


                    • Dr. Tim Cole


                      • Thomas Christopher (Tom) Hughes


                        • Janice Turner Whipple to Donald Hughes.


                          • Carl Whipple
                          • Betty Stewart, leukemia
                          • Mr. Rice. Edna Rice and her grown offspring filed a malpractice suit against Dr. Doug Cassen over Mr. Rice's death.
                          • Jeff Baker, auto accident-Aug. 23.


                            • Penny Hughes Baker to Neil Wade


                              • Lisa and Bob Hughes


                                • Helene Suker, kidney ailment.


                                  • Henry Miller
                                  • Janice Hughes


                                    • Lisa Hughes to John Eldridge
                                    • Judith Wade to Dr. Jerry Stevens


                                      • Jimmy McGuire, who was born in prison.


                                        • Franny Brennan, bludgeoning.


                                          • Ellen Lowell to David Stewart-June 3.
                                          • Sandy Wilson McGuire to Bob Hughes
                                          • Sylvia Hill to Al Suker


                                            • Martha and Al Suker


                                              • Claire Cassen to Michael Shea--Aug.
                                              • Penny Hughes Wade to Roy McGuire (annulled)
                                              • Susan Burke to Dan Stewart


                                                • Carol Ann (Annie) Stewart
                                                • Charles (Chuck) Shea


                                                  • Neil Wade, embolism
                                                  • Doug Cassen, head injury
                                                  • Joan Rogers
                                                  • Sara Fuller, injuries from fall down stairs-circa April
                                                  • Bill Holmes


                                                    • Lisa and John Eldridge
                                                    • 1968


                                                        [*]Mother Steiner


                                                          [*]Sandy and Bob Hughes

                                                          [*]Claire and Michael Shea



                                                            [*]Dawn (Dee) Stewart


                                                              [*]Elizabeth Talbot to Paul Stewart

                                                              [*]Lisa Eldridge to Michael Shea




                                                                [*]Betsy Stewart


                                                                  [*]Dr. Michael Shea, murdered



                                                                    [*]Claire Shea

                                                                    [*]Chuck Ryan

                                                                    [*]Miss Peterson



                                                                      [*]Carol Demming to Tom Hughes-July 26

                                                                      [*]Jennifer Sullivan Ryan to Bob Hughes

                                                                      [*]Susan Stewart to Bruce Baxter


                                                                        [*]Elizabeth and Paul Stewart

                                                                        [*]Dan and Susan Stewart


                                                                          [*]Paul Stewart--November

                                                                          [*]Maria Marino, following gall bladder surgery--November


                                                                            [*]Emily Stewart



                                                                              [*]Frances Jennifer (Frannie) Hughes-Christmas


                                                                                [*]Elizabeth Talbot Stewart, from internal injuries suffered in a fall on the stairs--February


                                                                                  [*]Elizabeth Talbot Stewart to Dan Stewart

                                                                                  [*]Kim Sullivan Reynolds to John Dixon

                                                                                  [*]Marian Graham to Peter Burton


                                                                                    [*]Susan Stewart and Bruce Baxter (annulment)--March



                                                                                      [*]Grant and Joyce Colman


                                                                                        [*]Gil Stallings, hit by truck--March



                                                                                          [*]Natalie Bannon to Tom Hughes.

                                                                                          [*]Will (Grandpa) Hughes to Irma Kopecki

                                                                                          [*]Sandy Wilson to Norman Garrison

                                                                                          [*]Carol Hughes to Jay Stallings

                                                                                          [*]Lisa Shea to Grant Colman


                                                                                            [*]Tom and Carol Hughes--April


                                                                                              [*]Jennifer Hughes, auto accident-October

                                                                                              [*]Norman Garrison, heart attack-Dec. 10



                                                                                                [*]Will (Grandpa) Hughes-June

                                                                                                [*]Brian Ellison, farming accident--April.


                                                                                                  [*]Kim and John Dixon


                                                                                                    [*]Andrew (Andy) Dixon-Week of Oct. 25-29.

  9. Found the quote

    WE LOVE SOAPS TV: Did you keep in touch with anyone from DAYS after you left?

    Wesley Eure: It was an odd time. Patty Weaver, who was on DAYS OF OUR LIVES [as Trish], used to hang out with me and my friends and had a lot of gay friends, then she moved over to her show [THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS] and married an older man who was a writer, Bill Bell's good friend, and suddenly she cut all the gay men out of her life. [she] actually told us she was cutting us out of her life because she was not allowed to have that lifestyle anymore. I lost my friend Patty Weaver. She literally made her bed. Homophobia effects us in a lot of different ways, professionally and personally. Certain things are different but they are nowhere closed to being resolved.

  10. Patty was great on the show,as she said she believed in what the character was doing and that worked onscreen.

    When MAB first came on,I think we saw Gina a couple of times.I think Patty had health problems.

    I remember the Wesley Eure interview where he said his friendship with Patty was curtailed once she hooked up with Jerry Birn.Seems he was very conservative and didn't like Patty hanging out with the gays.

  11. Ted Doniger was one of the directors on PP.He also worked on many primetime shows throughout the 50's,60's and 70's.The above shots illustrate his mastery.

    . Here is an extract from an article dealing with his time on the show.

    Then came Peyton Place, the 1964 megahit prime-time serial. Doniger directed the series’ second pilot, after an initial hour (directed with Irvin Kershner, and with some significant differences in the cast) was rejected by ABC. The series ran twice a week, and Doniger split the directing duties with a far less flashy director named Ted Post. In his episodes, Doniger crafted a consistent aesthetic based around deep-focus compositions and lengthy dolly shots. This technique required the actors and camera crew, accustomed to the bite-sized, shot-reverse shot approach that was common in television, to master longer sections of script at a time and to hit their marks with absolute precision.

    Doniger drove everyone crazy on Peyton Place. Producer Everett Chambers briefly fired him after an on-set blow-up between Doniger and actress Gena Rowlands, and Chambers’s predecessor, Richard DeRoy, sniffed that Doniger “would give me fourteen pages of notes on a half-hour script and I’d . . . put it in my drawer and forget it.” But Doniger knew that he had a protector in executive producer Paul Monash, and he used that impunity to get away with some of the most daring shots ever executed on television. “I could try anything because I knew they wouldn’t fire me,” Doniger told me in a 2004 interview.

    In one episode, for instance, Doniger staged a three-and-a-half-minute party scene, with dialogue divided among almost the entire principal cast, in an unbroken shot that had the camera circling through the Peyton mansion set several times. In another, Doniger placed the camera in a fixed position on a crane overlooking the town square. After the crane had descended, the operator removed the camera from its mount, stepped off the crane, and followed an actor onto a bus that drove off the backlot. (Doniger’s cinematographer on Peyton Place, Robert B. Hauser, was also a genius, who had helped to establish the newsreel-influenced, handheld-camera aesthetic of Combat.)

    In a show that maintained a dangerously disproportionate talk-to-action ratio, Doniger’s imagery created a formal density, a cinematic quality, that distinguished Peyton Place from the corps of superficially similar daytime soap operas. Taken as a whole, Doniger’s episodes of Peyton Place comprise a suite of some of the most elegant compositions and camera movements ever executed on television. Below I have assembled a small gallery of “Doniger shots” – a term that he used proudly in our interview, although I can’t remember whether it was Walter or I who introduced it – but of course they can illustrate only Doniger’s eye for framing and lighting. To see his camera in motion, you’ll have to track down the thing itself.

    (Only the first sixty episodes of Peyton Place, one of the four or five great masterpieces of sixties television, have been released on video; tragically, Shout Factory appears to have abandoned the series due to poor sales.)

  12. June 68 Variety reported that Joe Hardy and Don Ettlinger were now on the show as producer and writer and that CBS was planning a promotional push as big as the launch promo.The new team planned to introduce a dozen new characters, including the Garrison family, in a topical storyline.

    It said that Ettlinger and Hardy had taken Love of Life to #2 in 1963.

  13. Skimming thru Kathleen turner's book.She briefly mentions TD.She says that the character initially made no sense to her as each script seemed to portray a different character.She says the only way to make sense of it was to have Nola be a drunk.She took the suggestion to the producers and they went with it.

    When the producer (Chuck Weiss?) departed Turner saw it as her chance to leave 18 months into a 2 year contract.The producers said no and they would take her to court.Turner responded that it would mean the character would be in limbo while things were resolved and she had made Nola popular.They relented and she got out.

    She states that soap acting could be dangerous as you have to go with your first acting choice rather than dig deeper.However,she said it was good training for TV.

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