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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. Back to the character of Matt. Jay hired him to work at his construction company and was then persuaded to take on his brother Chip.Matt discovers that Chip is planning a robbery and he and Jay follow them to try and stop it. Chip is injured and it all ends up with a hostage situation at the hospital.John was shot.That seemed to be the end of Matt.

  2. I guess the return of Paul and Amy coincided with the arrival of Belle as that was where the storyline was headed.Were there new writers at that time?

    During her time away from Storm,Jada went to ATWT and played Susan.I wonder what the circumstances were.Jada replaced Diana Walker.Was it a case of ATWT not being happy with Walker or did they drop her when Jada became available?

    Again when Jada left,was it because she was lured back to SS with the promise of a new story or did the role of Susan not work out?

  3. Re Michael Gregory as Rick.

    What were the circumstances of his departure? When was it?

    Did Marland and or Monty decide that he didn't fit their vision of the role?

    Any details?

    I remember he turned up a few years later on Days as the captain of the ship who rescued the supposed dead Anna Brady.it was a one or two day tole.

  4. John Beradino with Mae Clarke as Nurse Marge Brown. Clarke was a movie actress from the 30's most famous for having a grapefruit squashed into her face by James Cagney in 'Public Enemy'.Clarke wanted a contract which cash strapped GH could not offer so Lucille Wall took over in a similar role and created the iconic role of Lucille March.


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