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Posts posted by teplin

  1. I would love it if there were actually a Horton family reunion as Julie mentioned in today's show. Perhaps a resurrection of the Horton family barbecue? Of course, we'd probably just have the one or two Hortons already on the canvas.

    I don't mind the new teen crowd, though the new Tate has a completely different spin on the character. (And I much preferred JMM's characterization.) But the dialogue for them is dreadful. Somebody on the writing staff needs to consult an actual young person. 

  2. 22 hours ago, Melroser said:

    Harsh, but I have to say that Texas was very boring at times.

    Yes, I loved Beverlee McKinsey's Iris and really wanted the show to succeed for her sake, but I couldn't make it past the first month. Dull, dull, dull. (Though I liked some of the actors.) I dipped back in occasionally until McKinsey left but it really never got any better for me ... until I happened to catch a few episodes in its waning days, and it suddenly seemed to have heart and purpose. Thanks to Pam Long, I suppose.

    If only Texas had never been and AW convinced McKinsey to stay. Of course, that show was plagued by poor writing at the time, as well.

  3. 15 hours ago, j swift said:

    They've set up Eric to work at The Spectator, and it looks like Nicole will follow, after her wistful memories of being a reporter. 

    Salem seems to exist in a parallel universe where local newspapers are thriving and magazines fail because of incompetence, not because nobody's reading them anymore. 

  4. 4 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I could be wrong, but the way SR plays it makes me feel like Maggie knows what's up.

    That would be nice, but I don't know what Maggie has to gain by marrying Konstantin. Unless she's going to pull a Lani and dump him at the altar, but that seems even more out of character for her. 

  5. 8 hours ago, asafi said:

    Lanna Saunders worked as long as she could until her MS got too bad, so there was no final Marie episode written.

    Maybe they wanted to leave it open for her in hopes that she'd go into remission. I really liked her Marie and the stories she was involved in. I never saw Maree's Marie until she returned for Tom's funeral. I like her but I don't think we need another 80+ year-old woman in the cast ... mostly because I wouldn't want her taking any screen time away from Susan Hayes and Suzanne Rogers. 

  6. 1 hour ago, asafi said:

    I loved the writers for re-visiting bill and Laura's history during 1994. although retconned 

    I appreciated that the writers brought them back, I just wish they had borne some resemblance to their earlier characterizations. Jamie Lyn Bauer's Laura was from a different planet than Susan Flannery's Laura. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Xanthe said:

    My chief memory of Olive is only that I thought her name unusual and striking. I wasn't watching enough to really follow her storyline. Who was Evan Webster and what was their relationship?  

    From We Love Soaps:

    John Randolph had ended his long-term marriage to Pat (Beverly Penberthy) and wed duplicitous Olive Gordon (Jennifer Leak) in March 1977. At Olive's insistence, the couple began building an elaborate new house designed by slithery architect Evan Webster. Soon Evan and Olive were having a torrid, adulterous affair. The Dec.16-19 shooting took place at the newly-finished house. John was in shock after the event; it was only after Olive arrived home and discovered Evan's body that John realized his wife's deception. Her hysterical reaction ("You killed him!" "Evan..") pushing her husband away in rage & disgust) told John the truth. 

    John had a breakdown, became mute and was psychiatrically hospitalized. Eventually, he recovered and was cleared of charges. He and Olive divorced, but she ironically would cause his death in March 1979 (when he became trapped in a fire she set to kill Alice). 

    Jennifer Leak was an outstanding (and since unsung) soap villainess in 1977. Long-term AW viewers will remember her doe-eyed act with John and tormenting Alice (by denying Ray a divorce) and blackmailing Molly Ordway to do her bidding ("Do you want to go back to the cows & pigs in Chadwell?") Olive came to Bay City as Raymond Gordon's (Ted Shackelford) estranged wife. The neglectful mother of two sons, Olive enticed her way in to John Randolph's office and life. She drove the final nail into the Randolph marriage by ingratiating herself with John's daughter, Marianne. All niceties stopped on her wedding day to John.

  8. Jennifer Leak's Wikipedia page has been updated with "March 2024" as her death date. But Wiki is not always reliable.

    I had no idea she was married to Tim Matheson at one point. I can still remember the day John Randolph shot and killed Evan Webster, Olive's lover, and the end-credits rolled over a black screen with audio of Olive wailing over Evan's corpse. Chilling. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    When is Ron Carlivati back? It can’t be soon enough! The show is so boring.

    Conversely, I've enjoyed the respite from constant plot-driven storytelling. There's been more insight into character motivations, greater interaction between previously siloed characters and scenes that last longer than 30 seconds. It's still not a great show by any means but I've found a fair amount to like about it.

    Then again, I was weaned on Bill Bell's DAYS, when plot progression could take years. (Looking at you, Mike Horton.)

  10. 1 hour ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    But, back to my show, Another World, and Mary Matthews, matriarch, she quite honestly was never that kind of a matriarch to me

    Same here. I loved Ada and I loved Lenore's mom, Helen (though I can barely remember her now). And I thought Alice Horton was the perfect grandma. But Mary Matthews did nothing for me. 

  11. On 3/2/2024 at 12:08 PM, Contessa Donatella said:
    On 3/2/2024 at 11:56 AM, Xanthe said:

    I know I've talked before about not understanding Mitch as a character but I don't know if I'ever said that I never bought a sexual attraction to him. 

    The only time I felt some sexual heat between Rachel and Mitch was in St. Croix, but of course Rachel was faking that. And i certainly never detected any intellectual connection, given that Espy played Mitch as if he’d had part of his brain surgically removed.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Don't you think that was because the BTS stuff meant Ari wasn't working for a short period of time? 

    Probably, but it seems odd to me that Tate and EJ would have been sidelined, too. EJ had plenty of DiMera stuff to be involved with and Tate could have been a constant thorn in his parents' side. Maybe it saved them from using up their guarantees so they can be used more now. 

  13. 4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Theresa/Tate/Brady was the best part of today.

    This really is my favorite storyline at the moment. I loved that Theresa confessed to Tate and that it was John who convinced Tate to give Brady another chance. I hope Tate continues to be a bit resentful of his parents, though, that would be realistic. I'm interested to see where this goes with Holly waking up. (And I'm still mystified at the decision to ship Tate and Holly off for a month or so.) 

  14. On 2/17/2024 at 12:37 PM, te. said:

    Promo for Aaron Spelling's little heard of The Round Table

    I never heard of it either, or I surely would have watched it (at least once) to see AW alums David Ackroyd and Alexandra Wilson. 

    Did they actually get David Bowie to license "Young Americans" to them, or is this some fan edit?

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