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Posts posted by Cat

  1. So I like both Eric Braeden and Eva Longoria. EB's Twitter feed, with its copious use of YA GOT DAT-style exclamation marks, is always a hoot. I was sort-of prepared to take EB's side because he seems pretty together on his social media.

    Having said that... he overreacted, for real. EL was about maintaining her day job so she kept quiet about her acting. I do think he 'read' her feelings on the subject -- she does seem lowkey embarrassed about the soap clip, and that's what he reacted to. But his 4-5 Tweets went a little far. Jeez, she wasn't Eileen Davidson, but she wasn't that bad as Isabella. Obviously comedy is more her fit.

    Also: Robert Di Nero (sic) was on soaps?? 😅

  2. 18 hours ago, Dylan said:

    No Michelle Stafford

    Amelia Heinle

    Allison lanier

    Michael Mealor

    Kelsey Wang

    Joshua Morrow 


    Extremely surprised about most of the people on the missing list. Stafford, Heinle, Mealor and Morrow are all frontburner actors on this show, three of them for many, many years. I would have thought they would make sure to fit 'repping the show" into their busy schedules.

    As for the people who came, I think Loren Lott looks absolutely movie-star spectacular in lilac. She literally stands out in her photos.

    So wonderful to see Victoria Rowell! I would love if this meant she was back on Y&R! Rowell is also one of the very few in this selection of photos to pull off a non-traditional evening look. I love her cape-coat.

    Heather Tom and Lauralee Bell simply do not age. Tom looks phenomenal in her flowery dress and glows from within.

    Kate Linder looked like she was channelling Joan Collins in some pics.

    Disappointed in Eileen Davidson's boring black, but luckily her elegance just about carries her through. Courtney Hope should have burned that sludge-colored horror when it was offered to her.

  3. 11 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Marysol pronouncing herself as the wittiest person on the cast was absurd. It is painfully obvious that Marysol hires someone to write her "funny" lines (Ana confirmed this). And even those lines aren't funny. I'm sick of Marysol and that damn cup and thinking being a lush is cute. It isn't. Mama Elsa was funny. Marysol wasn't. She was whiny at best. 

    Alexia is horrendous. I've never seen a housewife fall from grace as she did. I wish Lisa would've reached across and popped her when Alexia did that dig against her. But this should be a sign that Alexia is friends with no one. Much like Marysol, Alexia wreaks desperation and wants to be famous. 

    I ignore Larsa as she has no credibility. Never has. Never will. 

    I just hate that Kiki is under the spell of these three witches, who have clearly promised her something. 

    Oh, they promised Kiki something alright -- a potential spot on the show, probably at the expense of someone on the right couch. I cringed when Marysol made Kiki sip that sparkly tumbler and she had to oblige. The irony is that while Marysol has to proclaim herself as the wittiest, it was Kiki's funniest VTs that Bravo chose to show. 

    Alexia going to reconcile with Julia in the dressing room almost seemed like an excuse to drop a lot of raging put-downs, on camera of course, in Adriana's direction. Alexia seems to think this makes her look tough and cool (Erika Girardi does the same thing and we see how well that worked out for her). It also crossed my mind that Alexia doesn't want to be seen insulting Martina Navratilova's wife. If Adriana were dating someone with Martina's stature, would Alexia be nursing this convenient grudge which allows her to constantly rage on her? Or if Adriana held a mojito? I think Alexia and Marysol would be slightly less inclined to treat her like dirt.

  4. RHOM

    This episode solidified why I love Julia. She's a truly kind and grounded person, talking about what Martina's going through, while also trying to mediate Alexia and Adriana's resentment. 

    By contrast, Larsa looked like a clown. That man Julia was kissing turned out to be a fashion designer and close friend. Larsa looked especially dumb telling Nicole, a doctor, to get 'real jobs' like she has. This from the lazy-ass who posts pictures of her toes on OnlyFans? It never ceases to amaze me how dumbasses like Larsa seem to land rich men. She needs to do better with her pot-stirring because I just don't get why some fans think Larsa is accomplishing something on this show. Even Andy is over her. 

    Marysol is annoying trying to make her sparkly tumbler happen.

    Apart from that, it was another very involving reunion. I'll be sad when this season is done after next week. What will fill it's place? RHUGT 3, I guess!

  5. On 3/15/2023 at 6:05 PM, Gray Bunny said:

    Thank you for bringing up the RHONY discussion, my favorite as well, and it is so sad how badly they (Bravo) botched everything. 

    I also liked Eboni (I don't know her Republican-slanted backstory) and I think she could've thrived had she been brought on even just one season prior. And the idea of her joining Potomac is inspired. The fact that Ramona and Eboni were able to come to an understanding on their own and go forth into what would have  been Season 14 together shows growth and maturity on both sides. 

    We can always do the woulda, coulda, shoulda with this cast, but had they gone through with S14 with the entire S13 cast intact (though I'd ditch Leah), I still think it would've been wise to include the return of a vet (Jill, Dorinda, maybe Kelly if we're super desperate) for the vets to work off of again instead of just newbies. 

    Meanwhile over on the LEGACY that may never happen.... I'd be interested in knowing just how steep the differences in pay were between LuAnn vs. Kelly vs. Jill.  On one hand, I totally get Jill's point in that it should be an equal pay playing field, but then I see the side of giving folks like LuAnn and Sonja more because of their continued presence on the series, year after year. Regardless, Bravo should not have shelved this series. 

    Perhaps the future of LEGACY rests on the success or failure of the NEW New York.... 


    We are not the only two missing OG RHONY 😢

    I would take this cast back in a snap, but around 3 of these 7 women likely won't return -- Bethenny, Carole and, I believe Tinsley didn't like the scrutiny over her relationship with that Chicago Tech Guy. She keeps turning down Bravo offers to rejoin. 

    Something I've also wondered, given how many of these women (indeed, how much of the Upper East Side these days) now reside part-time in Florida -- mostly Miami or Palm Beach (or West Palm Beach -- looking at you, Luann). Given that Dale resides in Palm Beach, I would love a Real Housewives of Palm Beach with some amalgamation of this group + Dale. (Yes, I will keep banging that drum for Dale Social-Climbing Mercer. I love her!). And they can fight over what constitutes PB and WPB in 'Palm Beach.' Or indeed where Boca Raton fits into 'Palm Beach.'  

    Also, Carole is close with Dorinda, and recently may have repaired fences with Bethenny via Dorinda mediation. It would be great if she and Tinsley were to make up too.

    Yes, I cannot help but like Eboni and think she was handed a poison chalice AND a mission to educate the OGs of RHONY who were/are possibly uneducable. I still think she had chemistry with a lot of them!

    I feel like pay should be based on what that individual HW brings (and indeed has brought) to the table. I'm sorry, but Jill didn't bring it to RHUGT 2, and she hasn't brought 'it' since S2 RHONY. Her methods are completely outdated. So I don't think she should be paid as much as Luann (who has a very watchable habit of picking the wrong men) or Sonja. But honestly, if Bravo had been minded to give LEGACY a chance, they could have accommodated Jill in some way -- or told her she would be replaced by Alex McCord. Ha! And then I would have needed a camera on Jill just to see her face. Finally, payback for how mean she was to Alex!

    I'm not sure I can answer whether Leah should come back to RHONY LEGACY until I watch RHUGT 3. I am still watching RHONY S12, Tinsley has gone now, and the law of diminishing returns is starting to set in as far as Ramona and Dorinda are concerned. I'm still liking Leah a lot, but S13 definitely changed all that. She was insufferable.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Black Shabbat was disgusting. How Bravo did not denounce Ramona after that was... a choice, and showed how much Andy Cohen wanted to protect her.

    If Eboni were to join, my desire for Wendy to exit would change. Immediately.

    Black Shabbat was horrific, and honestly, I wanted Ramona to face the music at reunion. We at least needed a discussion about this mess, as awful as it was to watch.

    Eboni filed a complaint with HR about Ramona and that should have been discussed too, because even after the complaint was filed, Ramona and Eboni reportedly met up a few times to discuss it. Eboni later said she was prepared to return to RHONY *with* Ramona in S14.

    I actually think such a discussion between Eboni and Ramona would have initiated closure on all sides -- for Ramona, Eboni and the audience. As it stands, Ramona still feels (to me) integral to RHONY, and I wanted Eboni to be given a second chance on the show. But by burying all this, Bravo left everything hanging. I imagine Bravo did so because Ramona was already scheduled to be on RHUGT #1 on Peacock, which had not been filmed yet. The right move would have been to remove Ramona from that and stick in somebody else, AND gone ahead with RHONY reunion.

  7. 1 minute ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah, the draw is kinda lame. They put the “Good Ones” all in one quarter instead of having the @ssholes evenly dispersed to ensure the most competitive final four. Lol I’m taking it way too seriously.

    But I’d love to see Eboni tangle with the Potomac women. It would also take the burden of representation off her shoulders as well as force her to be more open and vulnerable. My only fear would be the balance of the cast. Like if she were adversarial with Wendy, for example: Wendy has enough enemies among those women LOL. I’d love to see them spar a bit, though. 

    Eboni is a natural-born spar-er, and like you, my worry would be that she would choose to pick off Wendy first as the easy target. Thereby allowing lazy-asses Gizelle, Robyn and Ashley sit back, sip mimosas and pretend that Ray Huger looked at them the wrong way. When really, we need to see Eboni's quick mouth go after Gizelle, who (spoiler alert) is simply unable to think up ripostes on the fly unless they have been scripted beforehand by Kal.

    The draw was messed up. Hoppy and Russell should have been on opposite sides of the starting line! You know, like Wimbledon does with Djokevic and Nadal in hopes that they meet in the final. I also expected Jim Bellino and David Beador to get further than they actually did.

  8. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    Totally. Bethenny was born to be part of a reality-TV ensemble. She flails when she’s the main event (like on her flop solo shows) or when she’s given too much power (which is true of all of these women, Nene and LVP included). But when she’s amongst these women, she had an effortless charisma. You can’t replace her with a Cindy Doorstop or a thirsty Leah. (Leah definitely did better than Cindy. But that’s the lowest of bars IMO.) They should have gone in a different direction entirely instead of trying to replace the irreplaceable.

    I think Eboni would have been better placed on another franchise. Too bad she’s NYC-based. I would say Potomac not because she happens to be black but she would have had a better give and take with the other cast members. And the Potomac cast would be empowered to call her on her bullshit (her Fox News background, etc.), and she’d be willing to call people on theirs. (Hopefully not just a rubber stamp under the thumb of Gizelle.) Let’s be real: Potomac is also the smartest cast of any of these franchises, so she would have been better matched.


    1 hour ago, Liberty City said:

    💯 They are. Despite my gripes with [some] of the cast, Potomac has been non-stop giving, cast-wise. They really are proof new franchises can work when done right. Eboni would've been a wonderful fit.

    As someone who cherished the balance of Bethenny-less seasons 5-6, and who was somewhat relieved she was not there for S12 (allowing others, like Tinsley, to get a word in) -- IA that the loss of this Alpha left a huge void. And while Bethenny's solo stuff is peak Flopalooza (even her podcast was a hard, shrill listen), her dynamic in an ensemble really is unmatched. She lights a slowly-percolating fire under everybody.

    Honestly, S12 IMO has the blocks on which RHONY could build -- had Covid Season not happened. Today, I would still want Elyse, Eboni and Leah (and of course Tinsley) back, because I think their respective dynamics would soar in a less claustrophobic environment. Leah would have amends to make after being a real b!tch all through S13. Eboni hit it off with Sonja, Leah and even her frenemy dynamic with Ramona was watchable (prior to --shudder-- Black Shabbat). The fact that she was on Fox should have endeared her to Ramona, lol.

    Potomac is an inspired idea (and please note that Robyn's infamous sit-down with Andy on WWHL had Eboni in the second chair. She obviously keeps up with RHOP, judging by her responses). If I were Wendy, I would be WAY nervous of this other pundit coming on the show. Eboni is super-quick, and she is ruthless.

    29 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Especially in a world where Marc Daly, Russell Armstrong, and Jason Hoppy exist (or in Russell’s case, existed).

    I mean, the psychopaths that were Russell Armstrong and Dead-Eyes Hoppy.... 👀 The problem is that Russell and Hoppy were drawn against each other in Round 2. Hoppy somehow beat out a wifebeater before getting obliterated by Tom Girardi. Tough draws.

    I feel a bit bad for Ralph Pittman-Sidora for getting this far. While obviously a sleaze, he had some easy draws early on before somehow managing to beat creepy control-freak Simon Barney.

    Marc Daly was powerless against the life-force that is Jim Bellino.

    Ken Todd beat: Richie Wakile (how?), Eddie Judge (ok), Todd Tucker (I guess) and is now drawn against Lenny Hochstein. Surely Ken is not going to beat Lenny....?

    Real Housewives Of Miami: Lisa Hochstein and 'boob god' Lenny split during  season five premiere | Daily Mail Online

  9. 3 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Not sure why Ken of all husbands made the Final Four of Worst Househusbands, given how devoted he is to his wife. Did Rinna and her bots rig the voting?


    Ken Todd in the same group as Lenny 'I do tits' Hochstein, Drew Sidora's semi-permanent-hard-on of a husband, and the vile Marchese psycho from NJ's forgotten season? Rinna's bots and Ryle Kichards are no doubt behind this outrage!

    Goodbye, Kyle!" Postcard for Sale by gracesnotes | Redbubble

  10. Been missing RHONY a LOT these days. To the point where I am re-watching S12 RHONY again (aka the season where Tinsley left and Dorinda self-destructed).

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say S12 was better than S11 (aka the Barb season + "Life is not a cabaret!!"). First of all, Tinsley came into her own. Whether Tinsdale was boxing with Martin, ushering Leah into the group, confiding in Dale, or standing up to Dorinda's bullying, Tinsley finally broke free of the rest of the cast's shadow. It was a shame she left for her (now broken) fairy-tale in Chicago halfway through.

    Secondly, Leah came across pretty well her first season, with good chemistry with the OG cast. If only we could pretend S13 never existed!

    Dorinda going after Tinsley for no reason seemed particularly cruel and deluded. That pause was deserved, and I'm not sure she doesn't need another one.

    Elyse -- gone too soon! Elyse could have been a great addition to the cast given her links to the OGs.


    I only mention all this because it seems like the Legacy RHONY series has grounded after wage negotiations fell through. Jill Zarin confirmed that she insisted that she be paid the same as all the other women, which caused Bravo to basically drop Legacy. To which I say: Jill needs to sit down. She was last relevant in 2010. Back them, she went after Bethenny for not bringing Jill on board her GMA segment! It's a similar premise here. I don't believe Jill needs to be paid the same as, say, Luann, who gave us 13 seasons of Pirate affairs, divorces and arrests.

    If I had been Bravo, I would have bid Jill adieu and tried to get Ramona back. I'd even try to get Tinsley (and maybe Leah and Eboni?) back at this point. Kelly Bensimon is a giant meh for me.

  11. On 3/11/2023 at 5:29 AM, Taoboi said:

    But can we talk about that? lol.


    YAAASSSSS, Adriana!!! Look at how breathtaking she looked with the darker locks. I was eating up each and every frame she was in from the clips I've seen. THIS is the feisty (in looks) Adriana I'm used to seeing. And she was GIVING.


    And Guerdy...OMG!!! I was so worried for her look when I first saw it. But like Garcelle's reunion dress this year...it was PERFECT for sitting. And she was DROP...DEAD...GORGEOUS. From the clips I've seen. Just WOOOW. 


    I saw the clip and I was disgusted as Team Right Couch was when Alexia came for Lisa like that. How dare she! And she was rightfully dragged online for that. Ms. Drug Husband 1, Closest Husband 2 Heffa Girl. I hope that judging from the looks, Team Right Couch drag Alexia (and Lisa does the same) in Part 2 for that. 


    I thought the trailer was keeping all the good stuff out because it looks like from clips Guerdy and Nicole are giving it right back so far. I hollered at how swiftly Nicole gathered Marysol in one. Shut her right up. Go on, Ms. AmEx.

    There's a clip in next week's preview for the reunion where Natural Diaper-Butt screams at Adriana "Shut up you and your bird mouth!" with her unrecognisable face and silicon-bursting lips. Adriana, looking impossibly gorgeous, just stares at her like 'You're nuts.' Because Adriana is looking like S3 Adriana-- simply the most stunning she has ever looked. Bringing back her darker hair and curling it 1940s style? LOVE.

    And Guerdy is probably not the richest in the cast, but her fashion sense is probably the most refined. At reunion she was channelling 1930s Paris Josephine Baker -- a style Beyoncé herself has channelled, not least in her mv Deja Vu. It also reminded me of Whitney Houston in The Bodyguard.

    Alexia and Larsa seriously are so hypocritical going after Nicole and Lisa's significant others/marriages -- when both of them are engulfed in relationship scandal (Alexia's ex husband, the budget Pablo Escobar, and of course Larsa quite literally robbing the cradle).

  12. On 3/9/2023 at 3:32 PM, Cheap21 said:


    I want someone to slap the dogsht out of Alexia. I cant stand her. What she said to Lisa was so cruel. The way she talked to Guerdy was also disgusting. Saying the black woman is difficult to work with was so low and inflammatory to her business. Guerdy who is featured in Vogue and recognized as one of the best in her field and always booked is difficult? Alexia is such a hater and doesnt realize she is the dififcult one here


    Marysol gets a question about her drinking and she plays it off as her branding for her line. Um okay drunk Jan


    I wish Larsa would just admit she got her butt done so they can shut up about it. Its not that big of a deal


    LMAO at Adriana said that Larsa was guilty of cultural appropriation by getting a Brazilian butt lift when she's not even Brazilian. Get a Lebanese butt lift! LOL


    Guerdy looked gorgeous


    I wish Larsa would have shut up during Nicole's segment about her father. She only was saying that stuff bc she hates Nicole. When it comes to personal issues like parents and siblings, the other cast member need to STFU if all they are going to do is throw salt on it There is history there that no one can begin to understand. I felt bad for Nicole when she started tearing up mentioning that she got hit by a car bc her dad was too preoccupied with others. She is still traumatized by that


    Alexia is so insufferable that her downfall will be glorious and I hope the Bravo cameras are there to record it like her past tragedies except this time dont pay her as the victim. I hope Todd is cheating on her with a side baby on the way. Everything bad that happens to her is bc of her bad karma

    What a difference a year makes. Alexia was so great last season, and in seasons prior, but the adulation went to her head. She had great personal story, but this year she acted all tough and confrontational. Either that was to deflect from Peter beating up his girlfriend (and honestly she needs to stop coddling that manchild, because he spoke horribly about her to his cartel dad), or she thinks she has to play this bro role for fans. The right couch were letting Bobblehead run her mouth without landing any meaningful blows. She looked ridiculous. 

    Larsa also looked a fool saying her butt was natural (ha!) and trying to make Nicole look mean regarding her dad. I don't know what she thought she was achieving by going after Nicole for no reason, but she was heading nowhere fast.

    Nicole, Julia, Adriana and Guerdy have an unspoken unity and kindness with each other which radiated off the screen without words. On a superficial note, Adriana and Guerdy in particular looked spectacular. 

    Lisa is the queen of revealing her life, painful subject and all. She has supplanted Alexia in that department. 

  13. 1 hour ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Contessa was boring this last season with her body building storyline. I agree that she probably didn't want to deal with further scrutiny with Scott. 

    I'd not heard any allegations that the break-in was fake. That is so awful if true given how traumatizing that can be for people. 

    The allegations started cropping up after Anila implied that Toya might have had a link to the break-in (in itself a shocking allegation). So it could be Toya stans spreading tit-for-tat rumors. I don't think the break-in was necessarily staged, but I do think Anila staged a few things on-camera -- like her housekeeper 'leaving' and then returning to the family later.

  14. 12 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I fully support this!!

    Saw a post as well thar Dr. Greg’s fiancé is joining the cast as well.

    I saw that, too, and that's why Quad is staying and Porsha (who apparently used to date Dr. Greg -- that man gets around) is on the show.

    Conetessa said that she quit rather than was fired. She indicated that M2M focused on her personal drama a lot (and not her doctoring) and that she was tired of "crying and cussing," hence her decision to leave. She probably didn't want scrutiny on her and Scott anymore.

    Anila was apparently fired. No surprise given the thirst she and her husband displayed, and the whispers of fakery surrounding the break-in.

  15. 47 minutes ago, Cat said:


    I'm going to promote this RHOM trailer again because it looks pretty good! :lol:

    Alexia is doing WAY too much to everybody. Pipe down, Cocaine Bear, and worry about your precious bebe Peter trashing you on camera to his convict dad.

    Larsa hides her nasty behind this glossy-smooth, botoxed, Kardashian exterior, but when it seeps out -- "No-one's talking to you, you weirdo!" -- you can see the high school mean girl.

    Julia talking about Martina. 😥

    Marysol coming on with a megaphone again. :rolleyes: Kenya needs to put a copyright on that and sue!

    Adriana pulling out a letter from godknowswhere and godknowswho. 👀

    All the cast to Lisa: "Oh, yeah, girl, Lenny's been cheating on you for YEARS." 💀

    39 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    I know Las Cabanas are not turning on Lisa? No, ma'am!!!!!!!


    And @kalbir will be happy to know that Larsa's new boy man was mentioned. ;)


    But a 3 part reunion. I love the girls, but I liked last year's reunion being 2 parts. They hit everything they needed to.


    Team Adriana. 


    I hope Guerdy and Nicole take Alexia to the cleaners in words.

    Las Cubanas are literally raging at everybody, especially Alexia who is coming across very heightened. (Like, why would you pick on Lisa this year??) You know what makes people rage sometimes? Coke. :ph34r:

    SO who is that letter from accusing Marysol of abuse? Please tell me it's not Mama Elsa. 👀

    The trailer kept Guerdy and Nicole surprisingly mute, which is so weird!

  16. 26 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Omg, I can’t even imagine what that would look like after their dust-up at the reunion.

    Your comment took me straight to when Candiace told Gizelle at reunion that she was a garbage individual and had no soul. 👀 Gizelle: "Thanks, Candiace." :ph34r: The ICINESS with which Giz said that actually made my hair stand on end. All I could think was Candiace baby

    You In Danger Girl GIFs | Tenor

    Gizelle is NEVER in a million years going to forgive that. 

    In the RHUGT trailer, it is implied that somebody slipped drugs in another HW's suitcase which, given that they were in Thailand, was very serious. IF they had filmed that trip AFTER RHOP reunion? You know that would have been Grizzly. Revenge is a dish best served icy cold!

  17. 27 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah, it was the ChaCha claims about Karen being in rehab a while ago. No one in the cast seemed to dispute that when she said it, yet it seemed to fall off the radar and it’s the elephant in the room no one speaks about.

    I figured it was either one of the things Charrisse lied about this season, or was linked to her DUI car accident some years ago when her license was revoked and she might have had to do rehab in return for judicial leniency. However, apparently Karen has not driven since, hence why she used to be chauffeured around (a chauffeur with blue eyes, said Ashley -- see S3). Make of that what you will. It is interesting that nobody remarked on it at reunion, because Charrisse was plenty mad at Karen and was probably dying to.

  18. 35 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    This show is really at a weird inflection point. It’s still more watchable than the other RW franchises on Bravo, yet we definitely saw those cracks this season, as you mentioned, where the phoniness was so blatant that it took viewers out of the show.

    Karen Huger is amazing, but I fear she’s going down the Nene path where she’s over these ladies and has become more bitter, withdrawn, and insular when she’s around them. In addition to the cheating stuff, it appears she has some serious drinking/substance abuse issues that the show kinda glosses over.

    It’s peaked, and there’s really nowhere to go without making some changes. Seven seasons is a really long run for any TV show to go without much reinvention. But does the Potomac area really have a pipeline of potential cast members that the bigger metro areas like ATL or NYC have (not that those two haven’t had their own casting troubles)? The friends they’ve brought in to mix things up have been flops (if that was Jacqueline’s audition at the reunion, she failed miserably IMO—not quite as bad as Askale, but close).

    I think Ashley would be up there on my chopping block. This was her laziest season yet. I fear they’ll try to keep her due to the Michael Darby lawsuit against Candiace (and because she’s young and pretty—let’s be real), but her story has come to a conclusion IMO. We thought this was going to be a great season for her, and it just… wasn’t. She can skedaddle.

    I feel like some of the women took the audience for fools TBH. 

    Karen Huger is my fave across the RH franchises, and without her, I wouldn't enjoy RHOP nearly as much. Your words about Karen made me sad, especially the part about substance abuse issues, which I did not see coming! (I thought you were going to talk about her marriage to Ray-Ray). I have never gotten a Katie Rost-like vibe off Karen, but I also don't think you would mention it unless it was apparent to you.

    What *is* apparent to both of us, clearly, is the way Karen has become islanded from the rest of the cast. It's not so much bitterness as indifference. She is over these shenanigans. She got burned once and while she wants/needs to stay on the show, she is less willing to participate directly. After S5, she no longer has strong off-screen friendships with the cast, and they seem ready to move on without her -- reminiscent of LVP's final seasons on BH. And that also makes me sad because, as I said, on WWHL she reminded me of just how great Karen Huger can be.

    I'd be down for both Jacqueline and Askale to return, but probably as FOHs. They haven't wowed with their presence. What made Potomac special from the get was the fact that most of the original cast had friendships with each other prior to the show. This gave us a cohesive group where the chemistry was natural. That group tightness and history is almost impossible to penetrate as an outsider (see Wendy, and Candiace to an extent) and will be difficult to rebuild. And yet... rebuild it must. 


  19. On 3/6/2023 at 5:35 AM, DaytimeFan said:

    The Losers

    Giz, Juan's Roommate, The Dumbest Golddigger, The Stripper for Lobster, and The Defensive Lineman should be very afraid. At least half of them should be fired immediately after that last episode of the reunion.

    Giz: She is an arsehole. She should be ashamed of herself and the disregard with which she made totally baseless accusations against Chris. She really deserves some major karma for that kind of slander. 

    Juan's Roommate: Despicable, dishonest, hypocrite. No comprehension for just how ridiculous she is. She should be fired. 

    The Dumbest Golddigger: It will be interesting to see her living under Demon Darby's thumb next season. She is the only one who still has story left in her.

    The Stripper for Lobster: I don't see how she can stay on this show when she lies like a rug and has no credibility whatsoever. She just says anything and everything for attention and none of it is based in fact. How can anyone take a word she says seriously? 

    The Defensive Lineman: Epic flop. Bravo needs to stop trying to make her happen. She's never gonna happen. 

    The Winners

    One thing all three of these ladies have in common is that they have rock solid marriages where their spouses back them up. Funny enough, the Losers above cannot say the same. 

    Wendy: She and Eddie are fun together and real partners. Their laughter dismissing the 'Smiling Eddie' crap was great. I like them. I need her to focus on something and really succeed at it. 

    Candiace: Certainly, she finally lost her cool with Giz's bullsh*t, but she's not wrong. Women like Giz, who used an allegation of sexual harassment for storyline purposes, like it was some game, are why some people discount allegations made by legitimate victims. That said, she had a great season. This Demon Darby lawsuit is not going to hurt her. She should press ahead with Demon Darby - let's get this in open Court and subpoena everyone in production who dealt with Demon Darby's behaviour to tell the truth, under oath. Let's get document disclosure. Let's get Demon Darby's mobile phone, credit card, passports, and email records out in the open. He'll fold like a cheap tent. 

    Karen: Each of Juan's Roommate, Giz, and The Defensive Lineman tried to have a moment with The Grand Dame, but she gave them nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. It was a good lesson in paying people dust. Karen hardly spoke at this reunion and for good reason: she is secure with Ray. They have nothing to answer for, so they have nothing to fear. Whipping out that nail file was a thing of beauty. Karen knows who she is and is grateful. 

    Next season they're going to have to fire at least half of the Losers and give the show a refresh.

    In the past, I would have treated Gizelle as a 'necessary evil' on the show (a bit like Tamra on OC, only the difference is I grew to like Tamra). Not anymore. Frankly, Gizelle can GO.

    Candiace said it: "You are a garbage individual. You have no soul and you are the reason women can’t come forward because you make fake reports and sit there with your colorist privilege."

    I cannot speak on colorism, but IMO the rest of what Candiace said here is as close to a factual assessment as this season gets. Gizelle may be wonderful to her kids, her closest friends, the production team at Truly Original... but she gave a garbage performance Sunday night. How dare she be so high-handed and disdainful of Chris (who deserved answers as to why he was inexplicably dragged through the mud)?

    The answer is that she had no choice after painting herself in a corner. To admit that she made this up would = TV death. So she had to remain publicly committed to this story by gaslighting/misconstruing/parsing her words/deliberately acting dumb. In the season finale, she waved that DM from Chris 'apologizing' like it was some kind of proof! Yes, she is garbage. She made up this SL "and everybody knows it." [/Kathy Hilton voice].

    The problem is, now we cannot unsee it. Most of the cast are heavily implicated in operating this way -- Juan's Roommate, Golddigger Fail, Stripper for Lobster, even the Dream Team to an extent. Nothing is truly personal, because nothing is real. The 'wedding,' Ashley's 'house-buying,' Mia lying like she breathes. 

    And I can understand that RHOP faces a LOT of pressure to deliver after amazing seasons. To the point where now we got regular pre-production meetings between Giz, Rob, Ash, Cha, à la RHOBH, to hash out increasingly threadbare plotlines. It is their livelihoods on the line.

    Candiace gave a passionate riposte to Gizelle's mal-doing, but let's not forget that they went on RHUGT #3 together right after filming the season. And according to that trailer, they seem fine! So really, it seems, nothing is truly personal.

    The only thing that seemed somewhat personal was Robyn and Charrisse seething with inexplicable hatred every time Karen opened her mouth (which was rare). Karen kept very quiet during reunion like she was DONE. It was quite a contrast with her WWHL performance Sunday night where she was relaxed, dazzling and shading up a storm, reminding Andy, and us, of what he'd missed. I've heard it said that Karen was mad about Charrisse coming on the reunion to 'bring her down' and that's why she acted like she was on partial strike. But this story of Karen possibly having affairs is by no means over.

    What to do now? Well, RHOP needs a little rest for a few months to rethink the whole approach to being on a RH franchise. The Faker Contingent posting their dance-a-thon as a FU better not be a sign that Bravo is cool with Patreon-gate etc. At least 3, if not 4, of those women needs to not return IMO. The Faker Contingent, like the Coven on BH, are just too powerful. They are the mean-girl clique everyone wants to be part of. Witness Mia brown-nosing Gizelle, to the point where she threw her foster sister under the bus. And Wendy piping up to gently admonish Candiace about the colorism remark -- after Gizelle pointed at her twice and said "BUT I DON'T LIKE HER" ! Wendy is desperate to be accepted by that crowd and relive the glory days of her first season.

    Sorry for the long post.

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