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Episode:016 Someone From The Sanchez Family dies!
SoapAlcoholic posted a blog entry in "The Broken Life"
Episode:016 2/9/07 Written By Alin Its was a flash back of Samantha's session and everyone clebrating. Sophia was out the door when she was stopped dead in her tracks. All of sudden we hear screams and cries for help. We don't know were its from but the person is strugling. Samantha and the others celbrate this victory with dinner. Unotices by them the bomb is counting down near the final numbers. We hear a major boom sound and see fire.OPENING CREDITS Firefighting sirens and amblulance sirens are heard one block away. The Firefighters existish the fire and see for any surviors. They hear a faint sound coming from inside the car. They get those people and rush them to Sandy Town University Hospital. Doctors come and rush them to the Operating Room for emergency surgery. Once they get each of them stablized they start emergency surgery. One of the people die on the table and deliver the sad news. Sophia fights off her attacker and the attacker runsaway. Sophia picks up her things and when she near the exit; a doctor calls Sophia to let her know what happened. She runs to her car and leaves for the hospital. Sophia arrives and the doctors tell her to sit down. They tell her that her mom surived and is in critically condition, her sister is the same as her mom, her brother is in a coma, her uncle slipped into a coma and Roy is in critically condition. She screams and cries the doctors comfrot her. Sophia decides to call Ann Marie, Mr. Brooks, Mary Beth to come over. She calls each of them and they all say they will come immendently. She also calls Diane and Tony to come too. Ann Marie arrives and so does Mr.Brooks; Mrs. Brooks Harrison. Ann Marie comforts her neice and the doctor come again with shocking news! SHE TELLS SOPHIA HER HALF BROTHER NICK SANCHEZ'S INJURIES WERE SO HORRIBLE HE PASSED AWAY. SOPHIA SCREAMS AND YELLS ARE HEARD ALL OVER THE HOSPITAL!! ON THE NEXT THE BROKEN LIFE: ON MONDAY FEB 12: THE AFTERMATH OF THE EXPLOSION AND PEOPLES REACTIONS!! -
awesome awesome episode
awesome eppy
Episode:015 2/8/07 Written By Alin It middle of the afternoon and Samantha was bracing herself for the hypnois. Everyone from the family ralled behind her for this theraby. Lauren, Sophia, Nick, Joey, Ricky and Roy came to lend support. Lauren starts by blaming herself for this whole mess. Sophia agrees and says that if Lauren and her father didn't fake their deaths none of this would have happened. Samantha slaps Sophia in face for mention that. She tells Sophia to either shut up or leave if she can't. Sophia is shocked by Samantha's behavior. She tells her sister screw you I'm leaving this party.OPENING CREDITS Samantha gets shocked by that and starts to cry. Lauren,Joey,Nick,Ricky and Roy tell her to forget about it. Everyone gets into Ricky's car to go to her Aunt Dr. Ann Marie Sanchez. Lauren and Roy comfort Samantha on the backseat. Samantha asks Roy if she really has had a relapse? Roy tells her to calm down and wait to see Ann Marie. Ricky goes into Sandy Town University Hospital's Parking lot. While all this is going on the person dressed in black is following them. Neither of them know but there is a bomb attached to Ricky's car. Ricky parks his car and everyone leaves for the hospital. The person dressed in black is talking to someone on the phone saying that the plans are working great. Samantha goes to the nurse's station and tells them about the appointment. They page Ann Marie. Ann Marie comes and tells Samantha to follow her to her office. Samantha says goodbye to the family and kisses Roy. The family decide to wait in the waiting room. Joey decides to call Sophia and see how she's doing? Ricky stops him by saying she needs time on her own. Little do they know that Sophia is packing her things to leave Sandy Town. Samantha lays down at the couch for her session. Ann Marie begins the session with calming music and hypnois techinques. She tells Samantha to sleep on the count of 5. Ann Marie begins counting and the session begins. Ann Marie askes Samantha common questions about herself. She answers with flying colors. Ann Marie begins the tough questions. She askes her if she real saw someone out the window. Samantha flashes back to the day she saw the person dressed in black. She starts telling Ann Marie everything she saw. Ann Marie then wakes up Samantha on a count of five. ANN MARIE EVALUETES HER NOTES AND WHAT SAMANTHA SAID; BELIEVES SHE HASN'T LOST HER MIND!! SHE TELLS THE FAMILY THE GOOD NEWS. THE PERSON DRESSED IN BLACK CIRCLES WITH A RED MARKER ANN MARIE'S PICTURE. ON THE NEXT THE BROKEN LIFE: ON FRIDAY FEB 9: SOMEONE FROM THE SANCHEZ FAMILY WILL BE MURRED IN A SHOCKING AND WILL HAVE A MAJOR IMPACT ON EVERYONE!!!
Episode:014 2/7/07 Written By Alin It was in the middle of the night when Sophia called Max to come over. Max told her never to call him again. She says that Max Jr isn't feeling well. Max asks how sick is he? She says their son is throwing up and has an ear infection. Max tells her he will be right there. Sophia then says goodbye and hangs up the phone. She goes over to her son and sprays water in his face and takes him to a hot shower. Lauren comes into the bathroom and is shocked what she sees? She sees Sophia in sexy clothing and with barely nothing on.OPENING CREDITS Lauren yells at her and says why are u dressed like a slut. Sophia tries to slap her mom but her mom slaps her instead. Sophia closes the door on Lauren. Lauren hits and yells for Sophia to open the door now. Sophia tells Lauren to shut up and leave her alone or else. Lauren says Or else what? Sophia answers by saying she knows about the little meltdown she had. Lauren flashes back to when she woke up and was choking Sophia. She tells her ok then. Now with no more interprutions she starts her plan to get Max in bed with her and taking pictures; videos to show her lawyer what a bad parent he is. She plans on showing the images and tape tomorrow morning with her Uncle Ricky who is a lawyer. Sophia talks to herself that no one will ever take away or threaten her or her son ever again. Max shows up with medication and soup for Max Jr. Sophia shows Max how ''illness'' their son is and needs them. Max askes if Sophia has taken their son to the doctors. She says the doctors office was closed by the time she got there. Max gives Max Jr some medication to help him get rid of his "illness". Sophia askes Max if he wants a drink he answers yes. Sophia has the orange juice mixed with Samantha's sleeping pills and a forgetful pill. She hands him the drink. Max begins drinking the orange juice and becomes dizzy. Max then hits his son in the stomach by accident. While all of this is going on Sophia takes pictures of Max hitting their son and fliming at a hidden location. Sophia pours pills all over Max and alcohol and takes even more pictures and films. One of Sophia's ex stripper friends begins making love to him and takes pictures of him. Sophia is still fliming the whole entire thing. Sophia then sleeps with Max. She throws him out of the street. She starts laughing and is proud her plan was a sucess. ON THE NEXT THE BROKEN LIFE: ON THURSDAY FEB 8: SAMANTHA'S STATE OF MIND IS TESTED IN A BIG WAY!
Sweeps Previews -Secrets & Lies: The Final Chapter
SoapAlcoholic commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
awesome -
wow that was awesome
Episode:013 2/5/07 Written By Alin Ricky tells everyone to sit down for the shocking news. THE SHOCKING NEWS IS THAT THEIR COUSIN CARLOS RAMIERZ HAS ESCAPED PRISON. HE WANTS REVENGE AND TELLS THE FAMILY TO BE ON A LOOK OU! Everyone screams with echos across the house. Sophia faints and collaspes on the floor. Everyone tends to Sophia's side and Ann Marie checks Sophia's blood presure.OPENING CREDITS Ann Marie gives Sophia medication to decrease her blood presure. Ricky and Nick carry Sophia to the couch. Sophia wakes up and wonders what happened. Ricky explains quietly and gently to Sophia. Sophia understands the sitatution. Everyone asks Ricky a lot of questions involving Carlos. Ricky tells everyone to calm and take a breather. Lauren asks Ricky how on earth did Carlos escape a high security prison? He says that someone from the inside helped him escape. They ask who that is? Ricky says a person who was paid off by Carlos. The person dressed in black decides not to kill Joey but to kill Ricky. Ricky tells them they will be protected from now on by guards. Sophia is against it because it will scare the kids. This will make things worse if Max decides to have a custody battle. Ricky tells Sophia to shut it and we will deal with that later. Sophia attempts to slap Ricky but is stopped by Nick. She turns around and slaps Nick in the face. Ann Marie tells to stop fighting and come up with an idea. Sophia apoligizes to Nick for slapping him. Everyone comes up with ideas for this threat from the family. ON THE NEXT THE BROKEN LIFE: ON WEDENSDAY FEB 7: SOPHIA WILL TRY TO RECONNECT WITH MAX SO THERE WON'T BE A CUSTODY BATTLE!
thats awesome
ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK ON THE BROKEN LIFE ANNOUNCER: SHOCKING NEWS WILL LEAVE A MAJOR IMPACT ON THE SANCHEZ FAMILY. (Scene the Sanchez Family screams and are terrified from the news) ANNOUNCER: A BIG PLAN WILL IT FAIL OR WILL IT WORK (Scene Sophia drugs Max’s drink so he sleeps with her) Announcer: A Person's State of Mind IS TESTED (Scene shows Samantha having a session with Ann Marie Sanchez) ANNOUNCER: SOMEONE WILL BE KILLED A PERSON YOU LEAST EXPECTED (Scene someone with blood all over themselves) ANNOUNCER: DON’T MISS THIS WEEK ON THE BROKEN LIFE ON SONBC!
Episode:012 2/2/07 Written By Alin In the next following morning we see two men coming out of Sandy Town Airport. The family prepares for breakfast and going to work. They are stop dead in their tracks when they see Samantha awake and alert. Samantha tells everyone to stop staring at her like a crazy person. The two men are going into a cab headed towards the Sanchez House. They tell Samantha their not staring at her like a crazy person. They are just worried about her state of mind.OPENING CREDITS The person dressed in black crosses out samantha's picture with a red pen. The next target is Joey and the man or woman circles the picture with a red marker. Sophia tells everyone about what happened last night with Max. They are shocked that Max would stoop so low. Joey tells everyone that his new job is going to start today. They keep asking him what kind of job it is? Joey doesn't answer and leaves for his suspious job. The two men get out of the cab and head for the front door. They knock at the front door and wait for an answer. Ann Marie answers the door and is shocked to see who is at the door. THE TWO MEN ARE REVEALED TO BE RICKY AND NICK! Ricky and Nick come into the house. They hug each of the family members. Ricky asks where Joey is? They say his at work. Ricky tells them to call Joey right away to come home. They ask why? Ricky says he has shocking news to tell everyone. They ask him what the shocking news is? Ricky can't say until everyone is home for the annoucement. Lauren calls Joey and tells him to come home. Joey says Why? Lauren answers by saying its a family emegrency. Joey says ok he will be coming back home. Joey arrives and is shocked to see Ricky and Nick there. Ricky tells everyone to sit down for this news. HE TELLS THEM THAT THEIR COUSIN CARLOS RAMIREZ HAS ESCAPED PRISON!! HE WANTS REVENGE AND TO BE ON THE LOOK OUT!! THE MAN OR WOMAN DRESSED IN BLACK GETS PISSED OFF WITH THE NEWS AND TALKS TO SOMEONE ON THE PHONE!! ON THE NEXT THE BROKEN LIFE: ON MONDAY FEB 5: THE AFTERMATH OF THE SHOCKING NEWS DELIVERED BY RICKY!!
i loved it
Episode:011 2/1/07 Written By: Alin Roy and Samantha have a night out at Smith's Diner for dinner. Samantha still shaken from the today events tells Roy to take her home. Roy tells her Why she wants to go home early? She tells him about the events. Roy becomes incresengly woried about her state of mind. While all this is happening The person dressed in black is laughing and drinking to him or her.NEW OPENING He watches them through the window. Samantha sees him/her and tells Roy to look out the window. Roy doesn't see anything there and decides to take her home. Roy takes her home and asks Lauren to take care of Samantha. Lauren asks What happened? He tells her everything and is shocked yet again. Lauren decides to sleep with Samantha for the night. Samantha has awful nightmares regarding the person dressed in black. She cries in her sleep and scream out loud. Lauren hugs her and calms her down. Samantha hits Lauren in the stomach. Lauren turns on the lights and Samantha wakes up from her trance. Samantha becomes shocked when Lauren is holding her stomach. She sees her hands red from fighting. She apoligies to her mother for hitting her. Lauren gives Samantha a sleep pill to help her sleep. The person dressed in black is happy with the sucess he or she has had so far. ON THE NEXT THE BROKEN LIFE: ON FRIDAY FEB 2: NICK AND RICKY STOP BY FOR A VISIT TO THE FAMILY WITH SOME SHOCKING NEWS!!
Episode:010 1/31/07 Written By: Alin It was night in Sandy Town,Hi. Sophia was still reeled from Samantha's scream. She had a flashback of when she screamed at Jared and Max to stop fighting. She goes out to the beach for air; refresh her mind of things. She runs into Max and asks how he is doing? He says not to well and tells her to stay away from him. He tells her he talked to a lawyer this morning about custody.NEW OPENING Sophia slaps Max right across the face. He tells her that she will soon regret what she did just now. She asks him if thats a threat and he answers yes. Sophia runs away with tears in her eyes. She bumps into Jared and cries in his arms. Jared asks her Whats wrong? She tells him that Max threated her with a sacre tactic. Jared tells Sophia he wants to kick his ass for threathing her. Sophia tells him No!! She doesn't want another fight like last time. He tells her he will hire a lawyer for her. She tells him that she doesn't need a lawyer. She has an Uncle who is a laywer. That will be fine for her. She tells him to leave so she can have some alone time. She thinks to herself what to do with the max and jared sitation. SHE HAS GOT AN IDEA IT IS TO RENUITE WITH MAX!! SO HE CAN'T SUE FOR CUSTODY OF THEIR SON, MAX THE SECOND. ON THE NEXT THE BROKEN LIFE: ON THURSDAY FEB 1: THE ENEMY FROM THE PAST IS STALKING SAMANTHA AND ROY!
awesome eppy
Episodes 80 & 81/January Episode Counts
SoapAlcoholic commented on psychofan's blog entry in "Moments of Existence"
damm that bastard chris i want him dead -
loving the scenes
awesome eppy
awesome eppy
another great eppy
awesome eppy